Black lives matter.
Black lives matter
Other urls found in this thread:
>New York City doesn't matter
>San Francisco doesn't matter
>Washington D.C doesn't matter
>lefties in charge of logic
just listen to the nigger and shut the hell up
what about the cities on cities crime though
Is he saying that the victims of the floods in cities India, Bangladesh and Nepal happening right now don't matter? That's pretty offensive.
>All Cities matter, so we must prepare every city for disaster damage
I don't see anything wrong with that statement? Just because Houston is currently flooded doesn't mean the government should stop maintaining levee's in Florida or Earthquake monitoring in California.
Just like 'All Lives Matter' makes sense because police officers shouldn't let themselves get stabbed just because shooting 'unarmed' black people is racist.
>all cities on the east coast of Texas don't matter except for Houston
(((Tim Wise)))
Thing is, black people aren't at risk of shit unless they beat up a cop or resist arrest
Tiny (((Tim Wise))) with all his drivel and his lies.
It is stupid.
Detroit is shit. Baltimore is shit. Those cities also need help.
cheeky bantz
this post has everything
>smug pepe
>fair reframing of the analogous situation as a form of argument
>aussie flag
Quite the tune, burger!
He's right, you know. Rockport got blown off the map. Victoria is suffering. Corpus Christi got pretty rekt. jefferson county isn't doing too good. All cities DO matter, not just the ones they're focusing on.
this post has
great post, really adds to the discussion
>Tim Wise
JFC. He's the one who got BTFO by Jared Taylor.
Black lives didnt matter when the black mayor told the black residents not to evacuate so he could grandstand politically.
no more or less than mine did, really.
your post reaffirms how quality that post was
his post just says leaf
Jews are fucking retarded.
That guy looks at least 45. How can you reach that age and still make undignified childish comments like that? Elbowing your virtue signalling ideology into a completely unrelated natural disaster involving your own people? When did having a lack of dignity become acceptable? Fucking unbelievable.
which just reaffirms the quality of my post which, when taken alone, is rather low
Literally "say that to my face, see what happens" tier. What a tiny, tiny little man!
Oooh, Tim Wise with his drivel and his lies...
black lives don't matter fucking apes, evolve motherfucking chimps
gr8 b8, but seriously when people use this argument, it's implying that black people are in kind of state of emergency where their existence as a people is in imminent danger, which isn't true in the least bit.
According to nigger logic your life doesn't matter if you don't live in Houston.
Ps. Black lives do not matter
>B-but Dylan Roof
>Excuse all the interracial violence cast towards whites annually by blacks, goy
I guess it's good to know that Tim Wise supports a cop-murdering, domestic-terrorist organization. I'm guessing we can expect a coordinated, MSM-wide outrage any second now. Brace yourselves. No? This is condoned and even encouraged? Oh, okay. My bad. I guess it's my own fault for assuming that the left's own standards for everybody else also applied to themselves.
It's called being a filthy kike. And his (((people))) weren't involved in the catastrophy.
Is he impling that the vast majority of hurricanes are justified?
>when taken alone, is rather low
But the post isn't alone, it's a direct response to the Aussie's tweet.
That analogy literally doesn't work though.
This is a natural disaster affecting a wide range of different people. They have no control over the situation.
the words:
the actions:
Painfully obvious false analogy fallacy.
Do all cities matter? How does the left manage to take every issue and boil it down to two sides?
Frankly the fags that proclaim "all lives matter" are almost as bad as those who cry "black lives matter".
No, not all lives matter, how anyone can live in the real world and unironically believe this is beyond me.
is this tim wise fella trying to say that he has the power and that they are the majority
wouldn't that mean that he's oppressing the minority?
to who?
No American life matters to us.
I'm willing to let San Fransisco go to shit for Texan Justice. In fact we can strip LA while we're at it, and New York City, also Newark is shit, and Atlanta.
Houston NEEDS our help guys!
>Natural disaster is killing people
>Millions of families fucked and home ruined
>BLM tries to grab attention to themselves
So I guess by his logic, we should have massive flooding in all cities so we have equality.
Otherwise Houston has flood privileged.
"You're [White people] on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won't be any more white people around."
Tim Wise, "anti-racist" activist
>(((Tim "the anti-racist" Wise)))
Then blow up California already.
The only thing missing is your mouth around his dick
>implying leftist logic is consistent
Maybe black people just need to learn to swim then :^)
The underlying cause of Houston's destruction is because of an easily verifiable event - weather systems. There's no denying or debating it.
When it comes to BLM's obsession with police officers they refuse to recognize the simple fact that blacks commit 28+ percent of crime (according to FBI tables), and near 50 or greater percentage of all murders.
It's true most murders are intra-racial but it still puts the police response rate in context.
If your demographic is overrepresented in crime, it's going to be policed more than the 13 percent rate as well. The fact that no leftists sites will ever cite such easily found stats is astounding.
Perhaps it's just better to quit talking about it.
Perhaps you shouldn't have responded to my comment.
Sorry lefties, a city isn't capable of bringing about a natural disaster upon itself.
A group of people are absolutely able to bring heavy police presence upon themselves. Especially if they won't stop killing each other and anyone stupid enough to get close to them.