America hate thread

Why do all americans look like mongrels.

Like they have weird shapes of noses, eyes, you cant name the race.

Looks up like someone pilled the shit out of every household and decide it to make a new shit man.

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyone realises how average american is manlet.

175 cm is average height, like WHAT THE FUCK


Can someone explain me why are all americans obese?

>huge mexican population
Yeah it will impact them.


You can't consider them in the list, if they're not here legally

K, you also include North Africans and other Arabs as white btw

True dat. So its set.

United States of Manlets.

I have never seen or heard people talking about height here yet americans obsses over it, are they insecure?

>US will be less white than Brazil in our lifetime
Not very delicia huh?

>this croat who sperged out in multiple threads got so triggered that he had to make his own
how sad

All Americans aren't Obese, lots of people are, and lots of blacks are, mexicans too.
But there are loads of fit and healthy whites.

>just got home from gym stop larpin le 56 face


>be arab
>live in arab
>not counted as white
>come to us
>u are now white

Dafuq is this shit

L-l-loads of f-f-fit and h-healthy huwhites, I-I s-swear!

Americans are disgusting race

>pic related half of them counted as white

Look at their faces, looks like they were made in some children "make a le 56 face" app.

How to make American

>take a medium size bowl
>shit in it
>find a new person
>tell him to shit in
>repeat 3xF
>you are now 1/5 cherooke 1/5 irish 1/5 niger 2/5 white but 100%shit

...There are though, they're all over college campuses and in the downtown areas.
Still degenerate leftists for the most part, but they aren't fat.

It's okay Croatia, maybe you'll be relevant in 10,000 years

RIP merica

you were a good neighbour, for a while. But now that you're only 49% white I'm afraid we're going to have to quarantine you


because nazis lost the war

the real numbers are 40% of whites or less

Mexico more white than US in next decade

>10,000 years after

le 0.1% face kek

>56% of the country is white
>this somehow means 100% of the country is 56% white

sad but true, take back your mongrels plox
aren't we punished enough?!


Depressing really, Commie supermajority by 2050.

lol eat my asswhole i like mu protan draks and lyftin and thunkin im a chad and tiny musscal shurts

Who could be behind this post?


They are fucking mongrels. 20 million uncucked purebred should be selected and the rest killed with bio weapons and nukes

I used to respect them ALOT before coming on Sup Forums, now i just dislike them because they suck jewish cock and cause inestabilty all over the world ever since 1945.... (they did before as well!)

now here are some facts:
they aren't white, only a mix of European, they have so much variety that they dont belong anywhere, none of them looks like a Nord/Germanic/Italian feature-wise.

also they all have african/native/jewish blood
they are so stupid they continue supporting trump and the alt right, both of whom are coontrolled op (but they ar too retarded to figure out). In the end they dont care about white genocide, theyve been sedated for so long that they only care about E3 and games....

they spread degeneracy all over the world with their shitty products and sites, i always considered German products to be of higher quality than those of americans

that being said I wish theyd kick all the jews and start a "white" ethnostate, eliminating all those ho have more then 10% non white blood. but they just keep jewing so hard its difficult to hate them at times.

I'm sorry but its a failed country, imagine what it could have been without jews and niggers, probably like Sweden... yet look at it now, their country has no future.

>Assblasted non-country losing his shit

Lmaoing at your life.

You described yourself minus the Jewish dicksucking part. Instead you suck Boliva's Amerindian cock.

Amurica is absolute trash

>Croatia talking shit
*breathes in*

Brit/b/ro checking in. I'm here for you Son. Lets stand side by side and push these Freedom haters back.

They're jealous at the fact that Anglo nations are becoming less cucked.

I've noticed too.

It seems that by mixing anglos with germans, they created a new race.

The americunt race

jesus christ

trump is not a fascist, but i really hope he would become one and forbid the elections, otherwise usa is fucked

Don't worry leaf, trump wants to increase European/Anglo immigration via the Raise act. Plus if we make sure a tax plan that benefits white families happens not to mention ending birthright citizenship and deport all illegals using a 1 million man ICE team as well as Importing White South Africans and Zimbabweans. America could become around 80% white at the most in a couple generations. Spics are only growing because of immigration along with Asians. If arrivals from the third world were to be cut they would shrink drastically. States above 75% white would also have their white percentages increase because of it. The Mestizo/Hispanic Birth Rate is already declining the only reason it's still growing is because of immigration/birthright citizenship. Cutting third world migration, ending birthright citizenship along with other key things listed here will make their population in this country collapse.

Read this, I think we might be able to solve the spic problem. Also White Hispanics aren't a thing, they're mongrels.

fuck off cunt

I blame Spain for creating ant like mixed race mongrel spics.Fuck Spain.

U boj krenite junaci svi!

You don't even have the balls to use your own flag you fucking LARPing sack of subhuman shit.

Britain would've done a better job at colonizing Latin America. The Amerindians would've almost been entirely killed off.


90 iq Croatians dumber than a country with only 56% white. Neck. Your. Self.

Guaranteed your a turk blood

Wanna hear a joke?
An American who identifies as a natsoc or white nationalist

>posting a larping mongrel
You have to go back pablo

Unlike the rest of Europe in the Balkans only the strong ones survived

We let too many mongrels immigrate 100 years ago.

This. America is an Anglo country or else it is nothing.

The AMERICAN man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is freedom loving, as a result of his high levels of testosterone and supplemented diet. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his thick layers of fat. These beautiful curves remind us of his wealth and high status, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the abundance of nutrition available at Walmart and McDonalds, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The thick layers of flesh reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past, by his physical girth alone the AMERICAN man displays his high status and we therefor feel the need to submit to him .

The AMERICAN man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behavior strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(europoor dogs)

In total, the AMERICAN man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint, as his partner enjoys his oversized and superior body.

All this is the reason why the AMERICAN man is the epitome of masculinity.

Is that Elle Reeve in blackface?

hopefully that will happen

Body made of genetically modified food best thing i ever see

im american but too ashamed to use my real flag because of trump

>talks shit about americans
>hides flag
every fucking time

We didn't even have GMOs until recently, why do we need them again? Food and Snacks tasted alright before.

>meme flag

Every single fucking time

>not hiding the flag
>still thinks you are the most retarded people on earth

Leaf confirmed

It's always the Swedes doing that shite

Mongrel here, I consider myself lucky that I didn't turn out hideous.

Please don't play dice with your children's genetics, breed responsibly.

cool story faggot

>Be the worst country in the world
>lack self-awareness
>doesn't hide flag

Watch out burger, you might run into a woman with a dick

>The US is culturally and racially diverse.



Foreigners are so dumb

i was serious, contain your shit.
i don't care what you do in your house but for god's sake ban them of leaving the country!

non of those faces look white/european


Yep it's a shitskin shitposter from Sweden using the meme flag. Every single time

Americans aren't white.
No amount of LARPing as a white nationalist or natsoc will change that.

Even a White American looks more European then them. Unbanning Interracial Marriages was a mistake.

it's so cute whenever an eastern europiss country discovers electricity. hey guys, where's the beef? lol!

And you aren't a fascist.
What is your point?

They are

this is an organized DnC shill thread


Remember THIS is how americans look like when you talk to them on Sup Forums

>Americans calling anyone dumb
You can't even point out where your country is located on a map.

Please wake up hans

Most of those people aren't even fucking American you dipshit

The people who left Europe for America weren't the bottom (could not afford passage, scared of the challenge) and weren't the top who were already doing well. We were the grubby overachievers.

Whether the achievement level has continued or not, the grubbiness is a dominant trait. And we interbred a lot, hence mongrels.

Simple answer to the thread.

Because the anglos killed them all.

Trump supporters are again the middle. Not our bottom snowflakes and welfare recipients. Not our top masters of the universe who like the exisitng system.

So grubbier and yet more overachieving than average Americans. Sort of like the same subset among Europeans who got on the boat to come over here 100 y ears ago.

>russia trying to determine who's white
cool story slavnigger

midwest isn't like that. almost everyone is white and germanic.

Explain this you faggot

When is this Midwest Reich shit habbening BTW? I'm getting fucking impatient.


pick one subhuman

Mediterranean face, with a big dick.... what's the problem with mutt again Mr. No Nukes?

>midwest native
>Anglo-Celtic heritage
>deep Dixie roots
>mfw y'all are bamboozled

Obama has been busy relocating section 8 niggers to cozy Midwest small cities so don't get your hopes up.

The little city I live in went from 95% white in my childhood to 30% black and probably 20% south east Asian.

[citation needed]

Never. There's no real Midwestern nationalist movement outside of three people on Sup Forums sharing the same meme.

Because America is like heaven except we have to deal with the limitations of the human body.

Damn, that's what I thought. Too good to be true of course in Ameritardistan. Fuck this place.

Should we just start moving back to Europe then? Seriously, this CUNTry is fucking depressing to depressing as fuck to think about when you're full-on far-right.

>When is this Midwest Reich shit habbening Never pablo.

I'm actually second generation American (from Germany) sooo.....