I'm whole heatedly convinced the left cannot meme.
Prove me wrong pinkos.
I'm whole heatedly convinced the left cannot meme
Do NatSoc memes count as leftist memes
that depends on whether or not you believe they were lefists.
i'm not sure what my stance is on that.
>You're not wrong.
It's difficult to be PC and meme at the same time.
The left cannot meme.
Mango Mussolini is pretty funny guys.
>all good memes can be considered offensive
>PC does not allow anything considered offensive
Therefore the left can't meme.
Dang this is hard!
I feel bad for fat shaming this person...
(insert picture of sailor moon or other colorful cartoon character with an attempt at a clever joke about killing nazis)
there you go fascist now kys
I'm aware that you're trying, but it's hard to believe that you're not self aware of how unfunny you are.
>proving my point
you call that a meme, you fucking autist?
Watch this go viral!
Checkmate, bigots!
attempt a clever joke about killing nazis captioned over in colorful bubble writing ****
kek holy shit
Um, try again sweetie :^)
That was the most awful thing I've seen all year just what the fuck...
I wanna fucking die
Lack of memes cost the left the future of all elections. Pseudo intellectuals will never meme.
thats a canadian
>failing again
>proving the point op made
haha you are a stupid faggot failure
Move over you kulak scum
If you can't take a joke, you probably can't make one.
That's why they can't do it.
Nigga what?
They genuinely can't.
They can only regurgitate Trump memes, which are already stale from the glory days of the primaries.
Remember: liberals n' anarchists get the bullet too
They made both? That's why they hate the third position and brainwash you mongs.
Ok, the left can occasionally make a good meme.
aren't you supposed to be proving me wrong?
what are you doing? why are you helping my argument?
Right Wing memes
>simple explanatory dumb shit
Left Wing memes
>overtly trivial longer retarded shit in response to Right Wing memes and ripping them off because you're late as fuck
looks like it was made in makeameme.org
You should at least feel bad about posting a false image
Someone was able to figure out that hes a canadian
>implying the Jews didn't invent both to create economic and ideological conflict through which they could enrich themselves
Why not?
Everything bill wants for the future can be provided only by white and asians, cant he see that hes on the wrong side of history?
national socialism and fascism are not left-wing. This idea of hurr durr socialism = left wing comes from a confusion with marxist socialism (or, the common use of just "socialism") People have this idea that left-wing = planned economy and right-wing = free market economy, but this is not actually what left/right mean. It's a misnomer.
Left-wing = focus on equality
>(ex: democracy, communism, socialism, syndicalism)
Right-wing = focus on hierarchy
>(ex: traditionalism, monarchism, capitalism, fascism)
Fascism, national socialism, and other ideologies like this are indeed right wing, even though they had mixed economies. Why? Because the sort of "socialism" they push is not about everyone being made equal, but about embracing the natural hierarchy and how certain people are good leaders and others are good followers. Embrace social stratification, rather than trying to destroy it.
Anyway, heres an EBIN DANK LEFTY MEME
That's because our ideas are self-evident, and don't require explanation. Lefty idea are always obtuse and self-contradictory, and require WORDS WORDS WORDS to explain, because otherwise you'd end up drawing the "wrong" conclusion
Stalin > Hitler > Churchill > > > any burger-slurping fuckwit
unlike the left, the right isn't a hivemind and we're actually capable of having differing opinions.
i know this may seem like an insane concept to you, a commie, but it's true.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
I like this one.
Haha, see? Makes you THINK!
it's seems your movement is not only incapable of producing food and resources, but humour as well.
try again another time, autist.
Gulag for you
>Still see the red where it was probably an anti anarcho communist meme
>Meaning whoever edited it didn't even bother changing the original or doing a good job covering up the last edit
OP said prove him wrong, not right
eghh this is hard to look at because it's obvious someone made this thinking they were funny.
If I weren't just larping as a commie, here is what I WOULD post.
they made both you mong even your memes are weak as fuck
They cant. Have you been to TV lately? its filled with tumblr/reddit lefties. Im guessing because school/college is currently out.
They remind me of 10 year olds with their "memes"
Psychopaths have no creativity.
They have defect brains.
Thats why.
did you just cap this?
or is this old?
Your presuppositions have proven to be correct, user.
damn you took your time.
take a while to search reddit for a meme relevant to my political leanings?
This is quite old. I found it one day browsing leftypol
Just browsing /tg/ on the side and drinking
All shitposting aside, how does one establish a capitalist society without a hierarchical structure?
Meme or not, I've been btfo and triggering the shit out of right wing retards for a few years now
Nat soc is a meme
If you want a joke go to leftypol.
whatever helps you sleep at night
Man this is the most retarded thing I've ever seen. Both are obviously true, thats why NatSoc is the only way.
we at least laugh AT them when they try to meme
Yeah it's not because your views of things are simplistic and based on stereotypes
Life of Brian will never not be relevant.
This guy can't even pronounce Pepe right.
You are talking about people derive their political beliefs from whatever Beyonce and Katy Perry say is cool.
People who care more about themselves voting for a black guy or woman than they do actual issues. Who cares if veterans don't get their benefits? We gotta get that gay marriage through!
better video
It's so laughably bad.
Too many words to be effective and it's no different from any other "funny" world stereotypes map. Overall I rate it 2/10.
Moot is left faggots
Same, if u get them to type in caps then you've won
Good example of a bad lefty meme. It just says "you guys are dumb looking and you look ugly dumb. The way you look. Dumb."
That's always good to have out there, and we have those too, but the meme needs more of a real message. Your problem is you don't have one except for people who want to chop their dick off and not hear anyone snicker about it.
This reads as more of an anti-left meme. 0/10 apply yourself.
First of all it's a Canadian so any autist worth his sonichu necklace could discredit it. Secondly it isn't any different from the same tired old "fat American" jokes that we are ovetsaturated with. 0/10.
You can see the red outline from when they pasted yellow over red, please keep ripping off right wing memes
like this?
do nazbol maymays count as left wing
Too many words and you are using the old "conservatives are stupid and don't believe in evolution" when your current opponents are strict racial Darwinists. Don't point your guns at the wrong opponent. Additionally the whole picture is rather condescending to the reader. 0/10.
Not sure if a leftist made it or if it was just a Sup Forumsack making a self deprecating joke, but that meme with the neckbeard looking at a bunch of goose stepping nazis saying something like "now here's a group of free thinkers who understand my offbeat sense of humor" was fucking hilarious.
>not recognising irony