I have a fantasy football draft in 20 minutes.
Help me think of a really funny but racist and politically-relevant team name QUICK!
I have a fantasy football draft in 20 minutes.
Help me think of a really funny but racist and politically-relevant team name QUICK!
Dindu Nuffins
Only draft niggers
The Charlottesville Chargers
Leave doggo alone you unwanted pos.
Dude - so good
The ISIS Nigger Nazis
BLM Tards
The Houston Wetbacks
>fantasy football
yeah nah m8 fuck right off
The whites. Just draft white players and tank the season for laffs.
It's funny, because Houston is full of Mexicans and they are all wet right now. Wetback is also a racial slur for Mexicans so it works on two different levels. This is the one true choice OP.
God Hates Faggots
ok non-American. you're unwanted here
Michael Vick did nothing wrong
Jaydolf Cutler did nothing wrong
Gas the Vikes
Hernandez still did better than most Mexicans
Colin kaepernigger
Surprised Oakland hasnt stolen a team yet
Pacman jones is a nigger
Kys faggit
What is fantasy football?
try again faggot
Jew York Jews