The necessary evil of dating leftists

Hello pol.

Some of us have no choice but to live in liberal strongholds due job constraints, family, etc. There not many conservative women in these places, even fewer who are eligible, and those that are eligible are alpha females / YouTube celebrities. Unless you're a 99.99 percentile alpha, or unless you're willing to take the volcel mgtow route, you will probably be dating leftists.

Inb4 r9k. This is not a reee women thread.

Inb4 "women align politically with the strongest male in their life". This holds true in smaller circles, but not where liberals outnumber conservatives 50 to 1. Females side with the current winners, and pol, we are not winning in the cities.

So pol, how many of you are dating leftists? How do you handle it? I see two main routes.

1. Lie / pretend / conceal your power level

2. Be honest / keep rolling the dice until you find someone that tolerates your political views

Any other options?

Come off as libertarian at first. Once you've got her worshiping your dick on a daily basis drop red pills here and there.

Eventually she'll start siding with the right. if not well fuck it, at least you got some pussy.

FYI there are actually people that pose as Trump supporters on dating apps and then dox you on buzzfeed.


Lift. Stop being a faggot. Date alpha females and YouTube celebrities. I was like you, worried about the same things. But then I got jacked and it boosted my self esteem and confidence. Now I'm dating Lauren Southern.

I don't and wouldn't.

I date STEM Asians, I date Indians, I date nerdy white girls, I date nerds in general, I date bogans. I don't date lefties or feminazis. This isn't volcel, this is "I need someone reliable and feminists are deliberately unreliable."

Also tinder is really, really bad for some people. If you're a woman and actually buy it, you can do some obscenely creepy shit to guys you're not even matched with. I noticed half the stalkers when I changed phones and didn't reinstall tinder.

Most decent women know decent guys are out there and hidden under layers of career and sausage fest friendship groups. Also, women prefer their friends of friends, this means a woman in a conservative group will date conservative.

>Come off as libertarian at first.
Not many women don't laugh at libertarian shit, they don't know what to say, know it disagrees with their current ideology so they just laugh obnoxiously like it's the most persuasive argument they can come up with.

Do not try red pilling your girlfriend, just ignore the lefties. They're low IQ and it's not healthy for the human race if they're still selected just because they're pretty.

Now, a chick that will wrestle a statue symbolising the feminist impediment of the capitalist bull market.. yeah, she doesn't need to be red pilled and you won't need to have that awkward conversation where you wake her up to the fact she's indulged in a truly hateful, one sided, evil ideology.

Or follow you on public transport and dick with you if you're not into fat tumblrinas.


Rate my profile

>Or follow you on public transport and dick with you if you're not into fat tumblrinas.
Jesus christ.

I was also stalked on the subway by someone that later threatened to inform my employer of my political views.

I was scared shitless because it would have meant termination. The Damore case confirms it.

hello fellow coder now stuck in seattle/sfc/nyc

just pretend you dgaf about politics, on the big issues 95% of lefites care about

>gay marriage

If you have a job, friends, and are able to go on dates you're probably not a full 1488 autist who wants to gas anyone they think is degenerate or non-white.

The trick in liberal strongholds is to come off as somebody who dgaf about politics and doesn't bother with it but formed the opinions on your own. Most lefties haven't thought their positions through to the end and if you can drop small bits here and there you can actually see in their face that they have a "oh fugg...." moment but if you come off as a rightwinger they'll just ignore everything you say.

>not many conservative women in these places,
literally just outside of the city there are conservative women, i can't imagine a place where there wuoldn't be.
if you are on tinder you can meet a country girl or wealthy family suburban conservative stacey

so much edge my eyes and oh, you look like a sex offender

well i have notices mostly bi sexual leftist girls are on dating sites, republican girls are hanging with republican chads

I know it seems absurd, but the women in my area are very entitled feminist types, they don't realise sexual harassment isn't a pick up line and have a hazy knowledge of what guys do to create opening opportunities but don't really get it. Instead, as women I'd never approach, they simply spam approach invitations, basically signals to say "please talk to me," expecting it to work. Yeah sure this works for obscenely pretty girls in a bar, but not in public transport.

And yeah, I'm sorry you've lost opportunities because of politics and other shit. It'll work out, I have complete confidence in you and your abilities!

Yeah, you just described philosophical suicide.

>I know I'm a dumb nihilist who hasn't formed my opinion, but listen to me go on about it anyway
Don't have political conversations with your girlfriend unless she's into that, you must control the vibes into good vibes and good feelings. Making your girlfriend talk about shit she doesn't want to, usually history, politics, philosophy (sorry ladies actually into this, let me generalise please) will just make bad vibes and she'll associate those feelings with you.

Again, don't red pill your girlfriend, you're not going to benefit. Just don't date lefties, do not reward them if they're that dumb.

Here's what you do. It's pretty simple.

Go to a dating website. Act like a normal person. It's actually really easy. "Eh, I'm not that in to politics." "Yeah, I see what you're saying." "I know but those are people too."

Just do stuff like that.

And then, when they say something about punching a nazi say "Yeah, I see what you're saying, but those are people too, you know."

Just keep on doing small things like that. Use a bit of logic on them. After a bit, you can start talking about ideals. Eventually, ideology. Takes about 6 months. By that time, they're so far on your dick that you're golden.

A handsome sex offender

If I did that to a leftie I'd just make her feel worse and worse about herself, again, women associate feelings and she'll fuck off when I'm done making her realise how evil Marxist feminism makes her.

Popular Sup Forums is weird, lots of female feeling posters.

>If you're a woman and actually buy it, you can do some obscenely creepy shit to guys you're not even matched with.

It's time to conquer some liberal pussy

My girlfriend was a brain dead leftist when we first got together. She's mostly red-pilled now.

The key is doing it in small doses. Always remain polite and reasonable. She'll no doubt become defensive, but just keep pushing until you break her programming.

Give them a fake name and never talk to them again after the first night?

Not quite sure what you're looking for here. What advice you have thus far received, you've criticized and treated as nonviable. It's not the advice that's bad, though.

Be patient and wait for the correct girl -- do not lower standards because many women in the general vicinity are vapid leftist whores. You will only cause yourself misery in dealing with even watered-down versions of these types, as certain aspects of their character that allowed them to become leftists in the first place will frequently manifest in everyday life. You know this -- the selfishness, the closed-mindedness, the hedonistic behavior, etc.

Do not go fishing in that lake, user. Time is on the side of every man, and with time you have the great luxury of choice.

I don't know exactly what, but the highlight was this woman who had sexually harassed me in the past, like sticking her face close to mine, sat across from me with her friend looked me straight in the eye, waved her phone around and said "I'm expecting a message tonight."

Some back story, I'm insecure about my career and have a pretty face, so I'm dressed to the 9s and attract every weeb into skinny guys. I don't know what exactly they can do, because I'm not a woman, but for the regular cases
>force match and/or hide their match with you
>find your fine gps location allowing them to stalk you
>make their account appear continuously

I suspect there's an even greater tier where you can "claim" guys and basically make sure they get zero matches, or only the matches you want. For a time I was only matching a certain type of woman, sometimes I'd go months without a single match (fairly suss).

Yeah, you are meat on tinder. You're not even good meat, you're three star mince she'll begrudgingly mould into hamburgers when she feels like it, but probably won't because this guy totally said he's a mercenary, despite such people usually being not people you want to know or have too much contact with. My profile was an obvious "looking for a girlfriend" thing and young hot women are very turned off by that, they want "careers."

Don't use tinder or dating apps, the best options you have are friends of friends, if you can't for whatever reason, yeah, celibacy might not be that bad. BTW no one helps their attractive friends find people. They're either selfish or envious. Don't be shocked when 8/10 incels exist.

You can convert them pretty quickly. I've noticed a strong lack of male figure in left leaning women. They project their lack of a father figure on to everybody else, expect everyone else had a shit childhood, etc.

If they have kids it is especially effective to be a good "dad", even if you are with them for a short time.It not only makes women wet as hell but it makes them realize that liberal men are awful fathers, which is true most of the time.

>You can convert them pretty quickly. I've noticed a strong lack of male figure in left leaning women. They project their lack of a father figure on to everybody else, expect everyone else had a shit childhood, etc.

This is true for the most part.

>If they have kids it is especially effective to be a good "dad", even if you are with them for a short time.It not only makes women wet as hell but it makes them realize that liberal men are awful fathers, which is true most of the time.

While this is also true, never ever date a single mom. EVER.

You can make them pretend, that'll work until it's boring and she's done with the charade, but the charade was her entire story with you so she's actually done with you.

Do not preach at your girlfriend. If she is looking for advice, she'll let you know, and on that note telling you her troubles is not looking for advice.

You're very feminine or an outright woman, so you probably aren't used to seeing this side of women. Women always look for reasons to break it up, they'll even manufacture reasons if there are none, especially if they can't see any and he's given an unfortunate image of perfection. That's when they really attack, you can't actually be who you seem to be!

>dating leftists
enjoy your STD riddle fat girls

I have that I'm a republican on my tender profile and I always right swipe on leftist women. All of them enjoy being dominated by me. A few nights ago I got a girls snapchat and proceeded to completely decimate all of her liberal logic and telling her everything she believed in was wrong for a little over 3 hours. At the peak of our debate I told her to come over and suck my dick. She sucked my dick for over an hour and swallowed every drop of my cum. These women crave republican cock, domination and being told that they're completely wrong, you're just too beta to do it.

Pic related.

I live in a liberal af place too. Got me a women red pilled af(Good chance she might even read this thread). Even agrees with the google memo. Had two kids with her! They are out there. When you find them, BREED.

Read some Alpha pick up tips, if done right you'll be able to smash some leftist pussy easily whilst revealing some of your power level. Lefty women after all don't date beta cucks they go for alpha chads who pump and dump (and then they wonder why men are evil)

i hope this is fake

I'd sooner date a single mother than a lefty, I can imagine victims of rape or actual widows or whatever don't actually deserve the ostracism. A lefty at one stage chose to be a lefty and chose to become a personality that's completely unrelatable to.

A single mother only loves her children, a feminist doesn't love anything. She's even ideologically geared to hate men, I don't know how anyone can believe this isn't worse.

Can I let you in on a secret? There are no voluntary cuckolds, just very evil women happy to lie to strangers and pretend their boyfriends are okay with it. Cuckold porn doesn't exist outside of nations with rampant feminism, no one actually wants to waste their resources raising someone else's child.

Cuckold is a feminist conspiracy to cheat on men, if he's never in the room you know how right I am.

It's really not that bad unless you're at some horribly leftist place like a public California university.

I'm at a very liberal university in the northwest US, but I lift and look clean cut and generally have no issues with women. I never conceal my power level, most women just accept it because the sex is great and there's more to personality than politics.

well that was a real catch, chad. knock her up, stat

I'm dating a leftist and we argue over politics all the time but we keep politics separate from our love life so it works out. We don't hold any grudges.

Fuck off with the rape victim/widower excuse. We both know those are so rare compared to women who simply made poor choices that they aren't worth bringing up

Dated a leftist for a while. She knew about my views and knew i had voted UKIP. We hardly spoke about politics, she knew if that topic was brought up it would end in her getting angry and crying. Don't date leftists, they're highly immoral people. We broke up after an argument began about shooting animals (I'm a shotgun owner and had gone out shooting rabbits the day before with a mate).

Still sooner date a single mother of the worst kind than anyone who could seriously call themselves a radical feminist. Being a single mother isn't evil.

>dog meat lover
ever wander why people never match with you?

>Dating a Lefty
>She grew up in chicago
>Loves Obama
>Cried when trump was elected
>Triggered by anything Trump
>Start planting seeds of doubt by saying "Hey waifu ever notice nigs do x"
>My friend X just got robbed by a nig
>Tell her about some interesting point of history I read about and explain it in a global context
>Demonstrate that I have superior knowledge of history and am far better well read than she is in politics, philosophy, history
>Never go full 1488 in front of her
>Idealize the nuclear family and get her to agree with that ideal
>When she comes home and complains about all the paperwork and sensitivity trainings she has to do agree with her and say how that stuff isn't even proven to help reduce discrimination and how much more time we could spend together if she didn't have to do stupid sensitivity training.

It's a very slow process. Been at it for 6 months.

It's not about forcing them to believe. It's about laying the foundation required for them dismantle the indoctrination that they've undergone their entire lives.

Yep.. similar story here, they can't handle truth

>Alpha a pick up tips

You need to pretend to be a leftist and tell her you cant date her cause she is white after you made her mad crazy for you.

+points, treating her like a friend makes her fall for you

3. MGTOW if you're willing

Women will follow a great man to the edge of the universe. If not, a great man will get another.

Become great men.

well since I deleted my Facebook years ago now I am doomed to die alone because I can't use Tinder. At least I caught the Bitcoin meme

Dated 2 leftist recently. Both failed and I think my toned down political views played a part in both. I find that i'm way more open minded which is kind of ironic. The 2nd said conservatives were better dates and lays. I was happy to prove that right. ;) If you figure out some secret let me know.

Been dating a girl for the better part of 2 years now, she was full on feminist when we started, now she is not fully anti-sjw/anti-feminist but certainly doesn't want to be associated with these people. Now, I dated her for the reason you stated OP.

The key to doing this is to redpill gradually and conceal your power level at all times. You basically have to act like you are a normie that is getting slowly disillusioned with the left wing and to be sure to do it at a pace where she will keep up with you. This isn't too difficult for me because I used to be left wing until I "took the redpill", so I'm just acting it out again.

It absolutely must be gradual, so if you don't have the patience for it then don't fucking do it. If you do have the patience for it, here are some tips:

>maintain an outward appearance of sympathy to the aims of antifa, blm and their ilk, but be critical of their means ("I understand the system is shitty to them, but how can they expect people to side with them when they destroy the property and lives of those uninvolved?")
>Never directly attack a movement, attack individuals (eg: If feminism starts doing something really batshit, attack the "women who hijacked feminism back it was a good thing" but don't attack feminism)
>Always be sure to gauge where she is at with the redpilling before you attempt to argue with her. If its clear she isn't ready, just agree with her and fight the battle later on once you've slipped in some other ones. If she looks like she might swallow it, proceed with caution.
>Since you don't want her to be completely repelled by you, slip in a few conservative things you're "opposed to". The gay marriage debate has been a god send for me, its ideal for me because I know she is nowhere near ready to except its a bad thing and if I'm for it, then clearly Im not actually right wing.

If conservative women aren't an option, I strongly recommend redpilling a liberal one, it can be done.

ITT virgins


Basically this, softly softly catchee monkey.

>so Sup Forums, presupposing that you indulge in degeneracy and use the botnet to invite strangers into your household so they can steal things, accuse you of stuff, and make trouble, what's the best way?

>force match and/or hide their match with you
>find your fine gps location allowing them to stalk you
>make their account appear continuously
>I suspect there's an even greater tier where you can "claim" guys and basically make sure they get zero matches, or only the matches you want.
Wtf? I've seen my female friends' Tinder accounts and they couldn't do any of that shit I don't think... Unless you can pay for those abilities?

My wife was a libshit. If you can't repill your spouse then how do you hope to redpill normies. After a year she's full 14 btw. Slow and steady saves the race. We're both 100% euro if you Believe 23&me

>treating her like a friend makes her fall for you

German's birth rate problems in a nut shell.

I always try to redpill them. They usually want to try and "fix" me which leads to sex. They end up wanting the BWC. Made the world a better place.

I have fucked and dated commies and leftists none of it was worth doing. I always was openly a white identitarian believe it or not. Idgaf. I am a proud white man. I used to live in the South, and now i live in Boston. Humans are corralled around like cattle on subways here. Leftists march through the streets, and all the white men I meet are lefty fucks. I miss dixie, and i really god damn disdain what is happening to our historical relics down there. I have two utterly insane leftist women texting me right now. Not from here, but back home. One of whom thinks she is gender confused, commie, and is extremely autistic. The other is some dumb as fuck red headed trailer trash whore who thinks trump is the devil and has fucked over 20 men. Oh, and on top of that you can bet they are sexting me pictures of their bodies. GEE AREN'T I FUCKING LUCKY? I don't want to Blackpill anyone here, I guess i have just ran into the female equivalent to sperglords. At best all I can do for now is focus on my life. I'm a pretty driven person and I get satisfaction from art, literature, etc. Just as I do from pussy. Lads, i would honestly rather simply start a family then deal with all these leftist zombie whores. It gets tiresome trying to do your part to help revive the white race when your fellow whites hate you for defending their honor. I have many times said to myself "why keep fighting to protect these faggots?they want to see you dead for merely advocating for preservation of our racial heritage"

Yet, no matter what I cannot stop feeling like white identity is worth fighting for.

I do # 1. Lie / pretend / conceal your power level

Having white children means you win.

> Any other options?
Yes. Realize none of the women available to you are worth your time and efforts and spend them somewhere else.

NYCfag here. everyone is a liberal psychopath in the city and i stay well away from them. i just go to hookers when i have the money/need companionship and fap the rest of the time. fuck these life sucking soulless whores.

Nope. I’m real

In the past year, I've dated 2 of them. One was more centrist, the other was very far left.

Guess what? Neither worked out. Although the far left one "fell in love" with me after only 3 weeks of dating her, she didn't want kids and flat out told me once "I would have an abortion if you got me pregnant."

Leftist women are scum. Fuck them, let them blow you, whatever. But don't commit to them.

Actually I’ve had 15 matches in 2 weeks

M8. Our based Korwin even talked about the theory which says women literally soak with her man's worldview trough sperm so i wouldnt worry about that. Even he himself says leftists make best girlfriends due to their caring natures. Now as long as shes not a militant feminist you are gonna be fine!