Well pol? Does reddit have a point?

Well pol? Does reddit have a point?

I don't care if black people die.

Yeah that does sound incredibly stupid.

Why isn't anyone sending their prayers to other cities in Texas? Clearly more than Houston was hit by the storm.

What the hell is that? A tweet of a facebook post?

Not the same thing.

Not all cities are experiencing a hurricane, whereas all people can suffer from police brutality just as easily as dindus.

Argument destroyed. Wrecked and decked.

the difference is that the hurricane happened a day ago, not 200 years ago

Are other cities facing any calamity?


Are niggers facing discrimination?


Are white people facing discrimination?


That guy is definitely a faggot.

When were black people hit by a hurricane like disaster?

>liberals have to rely on red herrings and strawmen to get people to support looters and rioters

No. No American city matters. They will all burn.

the difference is that most blacks aren't in everyday peril like they'd want you to believe, and the ones who are (criminals) usually bring it upon themselves. In short, black lives matter is bullshit.


black people are the most grossly self-centered race ever

>sitting on your fat ass and talking to an imaginary old man in the sky
sounds stupid.

No. Because Reddit by definition does not have points.

Also, that's twitter. So you should be asking if the twit has a point.

KIM! How are you doing? You sure know how to keep poking a wasps nest

>I'm praying for Houston'
What did the nigger mean by this?

It's a flawed comparison, because it is implying that only black people are killed by cops, which is blatantly untrue. In fact through both raw numbers and deaths in relation to crime committed, black people are under represented in death by cop.

It was a fine day with you posting along with us, Based Korea. Hope to see you more often!


so if all cities don't matter but only some cities matter, doesn't that mean I get to choose which cities matter?

Every time one of these niggers try to get some sympathy, I point out the statistics that they kill us WAY more than we kill them and that it is whites who should be protesting violent nigger behavior.
Then they ook and eek and I just say why the fuck should we feel sorry for you when you retarded nignags kill us so much more than we kill you?


Looks like Brian Cucker is about to get some friendly exchanges!

false equivalence. Huston is actually worth something niggers aren't

That's right you stupid nigger, more than one city was hit by the storm. Including my town.

Except Houston is suffering at the hands of a natural disaster that cannot be stopped.

Black violence is largely a thing caused by other black people. That can be stopped, but they are too focused on the big bad cops.



Yeah but thats where most of the nignogs are.

New orleans used to matter.
Now Houston matters.
Next time, somewhere else will matter.

If he knew exactly what we were praying for in regards to Houston he might not post such moronic things.

Happenings. Happenings for all the cities!!!

Say that again fat man. Say it again with quads.

What did he mean by this?

Yeah, because black people are constantly being taken out by hurricanes right? The main problem facing the black community is natural disasters... right?


"Black lives matter - imma riot cuz a white cop killed some criminal but idgaf about 500 blacks murdered in Chicago" See how stupid that sounds?


I'd rather be in Houston than Chicongo