Hourly reminder that Capitalism only benefits Jews.
Hourly reminder that Capitalism only benefits Jews
Other urls found in this thread:
>leave water normal price
>hurricane happens
>some prick buys up every single bottle in the store because it's only like $5 for 24
What is supply and demand
I don't know about Texas, but Arabs own most of the gas stations I've been to.
This. Some by poos aswell.
There should be a cap just like payday loans interest cap and how taxes don't continue up to 95%
We're done here.
>what is supply and demand
my man
You could limit them to one pack per customer and not need to price gouge.
Why wold it benefit us more or less than it benefits anyone else?
It looks capitalism benefits Texans with water bottles more than anyone.
Holy shit when did prices get so damn high in Texas?
I live in SC and we're setting at like under 2 dollars right now (hell we WERE sitting even lower than that, like 1.50.) What tf happened Texas?
What if you are picking up water for a nursing home? What if you have a family of 12?
price is literally 1 bottle of water x number of bottles in pack
the store usually sells them singularly, high demand from natural disaster means the store will sell the pack whole and ring it up at it's proper price
That sound is the OP's balls you're crushing with a stomp, fucking sav
You can thank hoarder retards for this
>Mildly inconvenienced by weather
>Some retards get triggered and buy all the water
>People die from dehydration because of no water.
The price hike is so fuckers who overreact can't buy all the supplies like retards.
Per customer so have someone else in your family also buy a pack etc. Plus in cases like nursing homes etc they could show an ID etc and get an exception.
Definitely not a hurricane or anything
>Bad thing happens so people should give their stuff away at less than it's value.
Grow up.
You really have no idea what a disaster situation is like, do you?
Price hikes discourage hoarding while allowing special circumstances. Why can't Old Missis Johnson give you a $50 bill and have you get her water for her? It's her money.
>You really have no idea what a disaster situation
Not really as it's one of the few benefits of the UK where we don't have earthquakes and hurricanes and other wank.
Actually price gouging in disasters helps. Lets say water is 3$ for a 24 pack then the first person there will buy it all if its 50$ a 24 pack they will not then more water gets supplied to more people.
The tradeoff is you have 120 sunshine days
Capitalism benefits literally everyone.
You need to go back, Achmed.
Capitalism is the only system that fights jews.
just looked up the price of smart water 12 pack just like on the pic...
lel this
in fact wasn't some commie bitching about exactly that very scenario - ie some guy selling water bottles for 100$?
I would not go that far. It's just that 48% of the 1% are unethical turds like Corrine.
>benefits pajeet
count em
someone look up the prices, i cant access most of the US retailer online stores with my IP, i dont think most of them are actually higher/ not that high than normal
Except price gouging after a natural disaster is illegal and people are reporting these crooked businesses left and right. They wont be there any more soon.
Dumb ass leaf.
You're making a simple situation very complex with all these needless regulations
Also, your entire fucking nation is a disaster
>because it's a law that means it's sensible
Not an argument.
You don't deserve your flag, cuck.
capitalism benefits everyone. our current system is welfare socialism with a side order of corporatism.
>Get your government supplied equity before it's gone!
wew truly evil
>government can't even save people form their flooded homes days after the fact
>thinks they're going to process "price gougers"
Its the law and they will be fined 20,000 dollars per occurrence or over 250,000 dollars if the citizen is over 65.
They are done for idiot. Now blow away in the wind.
Nobody is arguing if it's legal you fuckwit, wow you really rekt me.
Enjoy your shortages you retarded fucking cuck.
>Idiot is so dumb he doesnt think the government will fine these companies for money in their own pocket.
Stick to your countries politics dumb ass.
>meanwhile they're supplying free water at shelters
I get it, you're a product of your education system, but really try harder.
OP, you are the reason the world's economies are fucked beyond repair.
I get it Canadians have no education so its pointless talking to you.
You shouldnt try anymore just give up. Its pointless for someone with your iq.
How the fuck then they kept living for another day or week?
hourly reminder that "price gouging" doesn't exist, the rise in price occurs because supply is relatively small and demand is large. High prices prevent shortages and wasteful hoarding while supply stabilizes.
> getting btfo hourly
>It's another lefty/pol/ shill thread
>if you prepare well for a disaster you're a retard
Dumb ass fucking German
>buying water in a flood
>whew wee i wonder who is rly in charge it makes me think
fucking idiots lmao never change Sup Forums
the original prices were $4 per 24 bottles.
>opportunistic monopolies are part of a healthy capitalist system fallacy.
>implying the top picture couldn't be swapped for a picture of America's breadlines in the 1900s and have essentially the same picture
Since I have ownership in oil in Texas, I'm loving this shit!
Water comes straight out of the taps here, no need to go to the petrol station at all.
I wonder what could have happened to cause an increase in demand and decrease in supply, its not like there's a hurricane fucking shit up preventing fresh supply from arriving
> being this fucking thick
>Nazi flag
>can't into socialist economics
>what is supply and demand
Would you rather that they stay that price the entire time? Because that's what the alternative is, whether you admit it or not.
>Forsaking the safety of your American brothers for extra shekels.
Americans need to die. Although tbchwyf since it's texas it's probably full of mexishits and niggers so w.e.
> can't into meme flags
so you are retarded then
Youre retarded
Nobody is saying you can't buy $200 worth of water and give it to your fellow Americans, user. But if there was a limit of 1 per customer, someone WOULD be. Don't you see?
nice flag change
home depot ALWAYS sells their packs going with the per bottle price x 24
according to a home depot employe. they arent allowed to just causally change prices, it comes from high up
no it's because some jew sees profit in other people's plight
They had stuff but not for very long as it was quickly bought out.
>Were 1990s Russians dumbfounded when they first visited capitalist grocery stores?
>I talked to a Captain Reynolds who was involved with a US-Russian exchange during the '90s when a group of Boeing B-52 Stratofortresses flew to Moscow for a visit and then a group of Soviet TU-95s came to visit Barksdale AFB in northern Louisiana.
>He told a couple of illustrative stories.
>First: While in Russia, Reynolds and his group were sitting around the table chatting after a meal when a heavy set woman in a smock grabbed the attention of the translator. She was from the kitchen and wanted to know what was wrong with the food. "Nothing," she was told, "the food was fine. We have had enough." She looked dumbstruck and explained that in Russia, no one leaves good food on the table.
>Second: During the return visit to Louisiana, the Soviet contingent asked if they could visit an American grocery store. They were taken by bus to the Kroger near the base in Bossier City, and the manager was kind enough to give everyone in the party a voucher for $50 worth of goods. They entered the store and stopped short. At first they insisted this was staged for their benefit. Finally, they went off madly shopping.
>Through the translator, the ranking officer asked the store manager if anyone was free to shop in the store. "Yes, of course," he was told.
>"And," he asked, "how many people live in this city that you have such a store?"
>"About a quarter million," he was told.
>He was incredulous, and went away shaking his head. The store manager told Captain Reynolds he didn't have the heart to tell him there were three more Kroger stores, two Albertsons, five Brookshire's, and a variety of other stores, all of roughly the same size and stock.
>what is economic abuse of your fellow countrymen when a natural disaster hits
>what is price gouging laws
you are so fucking jewish you dont even know it yourself. this is why you yanks never will understand nationalism or support for your people; you have no people, only mixed mutts living as slave for the jewish coin.
Only you and the other kikes argue about how much better it is.
nice thread
hourly reminder that
Fuck old people. Fuck big familys
>no water
52 inches of rain.
if the government wants to provide at a discount stuff be my guest, what the rise in price does is incentivize private citizens as well as businesses to invest in getting a supply of water/gas down to where it is most needed as there is profit
>awwww my family has no food and water pls sell 4 cheap :(
Companies aren't responsible for your well-being you spoiled brat.
Seems like typical petrol station prices.
glad to see I made someone smarter
>government literally supplying free water at shelters as part of relief
>what is supply and demand
Everyone keeps saying "supply and demand", but shouldn't that mean the price of water plummeting?
this story brought a tear to my eye
I realize that, what norbro is implying is that private businesses seeking to provide additional supplies at a price is "muh evil capitalism"; what I am pointing out is that the government is free to do whatever they wish, however the free market will always look for the most efficient solution, and if the market demand exceeds supply obviously the price will rise as will profit thus incentivizing private firms/citizens to help solve the problem of limited supply
Zionist American Crony Capitalism.
Nigga what. Home Depot sells cases of water for the same price every other big box stores does. ~$4/24 bottles.
That's crazy, thanks
who gives a shit? don't but it then. some faggot posted a pic of a $72 case of water here last night and he still got BTFO'd.
just read this, idiot:
>what is potable water
The point of sale system went down that's an error code notice all products say it
It will avg $4-5 for a bit locally
>Americas breadlines in the 1900s
You mean the fucking depression?
I got 15 Trillion gallons of fresh water!
Well played
Commies btfo'd
This, if you don't know how to filter and boil water, then you weren't meant to live through it.
This. Price gouging during disasters can be countered by giving away food charitably. How the fuck do you fix the grocery store never having food?
Thazs the result of statism ( = leftism )
You're forgetting these are niggers and spics we're talking about. Neither do any sort of backpacking or outdoor related stuff outside looting. I doubt they've every even heard of Sawyer or Katadyn.
Unless they can get it from the white man they simply can't get it at all.
why? only jews stock up before disasters?