Are jews the superior race?

Considering that you guys blame (((them))) for everything, are they truly our superiors. Doesn't it take skills to supposedly take over the world

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Question marks are evil


Depends. The avg jew iq is 113, which is pretty good. Non jewish germans avg about 108-110.
Im not jewish, but i am german, and i have a 140 iq. So most jewish adults are only as smart as i was when i was 13 years old. Iq is a measure of mental age. So i would say jews and nazis are both superior, but true nazis are more superior.

The Ahkenazi Jews are more intelligent, but they weren't even good enough to have their own country until after WWII when they whined about being gassed for so long the allies made a country up for them. Their survival strategy is to live in other peoples' countries and try not to get expelled or killed, which they've also failed at time and time again, and are currently failing at again in America. I really hope we kill em all this time.

'I hope we kill em all this time', very telling comment.

In terms of morality and intelligence we're clearly superior.


That was a shameful incident, but it is nothing relative to oppressive and savage legacy of whiteness as the European people.

>but also rule the world and control the goyim
pick one you retards

Obviously yes.

When the gods tired of Loki's treachery, they turned his son into a wolf and had him murder his other son in front of his eyes. They then bound him to a rock with a magical chain and placed a snake to drip venom onto him for eternity. He still broke free in the end and destroyed the universe. Every Jew in a white country is a "Loki", aiding the giants from within "Asgard". Merely binding them to Israel via deportation and law (the magic chain) will not do much to assuage the problem. Thankfully, it is easier to kill a Jew than a god. Animeposters will be resented for our leading role in this.

Exactly and maybe a member of the "Aryan master race" can learn how to spell Ashkenazi next time.

No race is superior to any other. Go home.


I've decided not to read this antisemitic garbage which unquestionably contains antisemitic wild rumors and other idiocy.

Thank you for saying this. When people compare ashkenazi IQ to white IQ, they are comparing a small group to a very large one. there are white groups similar in size, or larger than the jews that have higher IQ, such as the north sea people.

They rule banking and media, mainly, although definitely not worldwide. Zero-nuanced "were fucked" conspiracy nuts are just kidding themselves into thinking they're powerless so they don't feel responsible to fight their enemies.
Actually it's Aryan religion. You'd do well to discern between it and the "Judaeo-Christian" spell we've been under for the past thousand years.
Lol why are you replying to yourself? Use your Ashkenazi genius to learn2post.

It is always the dumber races blaming the smarter ones for their problems.

Are the mafia superior people?

It's funny how the IQ disparity between Ashkenazi Jews and whites (which is nearly the same as the difference between you and Negroes). Creates a relationship that is so similar between us (Example: Whitey is putting us down replace white with Jew.)

27% of Nobel prize winners.

Tomas Edison was white
Alexander graham bell was white
Issac newton was white
end of story

No, just the race with a covenant with God.

Who's "Tomas" Edison?

You can have Leonardo da Vinci. We won't argue about Isaac Newton. Thomas Edison can take a hike. Archimedes, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates are all too ancient to be considered. Copernicus? Galileo? Descartes? No thanks. We have Albert Einstein... the smartest man who ever lived.

name one think edison created that isn't an outdated theory

Whites civilized blacks far beyond their natural capacity, and the uncolonized parts of Africa are now the worst off. Jews leech off of us because they never had it in them to create a great civilization on their own. You live at our mercy just like the blacks do.

They're certainly superior at subverting societies and manipulating people. The greed they tend to have and the disregard for us goyim also gives them quite a bit of an advantage in our current money-worshiping society. Don't expect them to do anything that is good for their host-nation though.

Outdated theory?! Your drunk go home

Shouldn't you be fucking your cousin or whatever you 'productive' thing your people do with your time?

How can we not feel powerless when we are surrounded by family and people who can't even begin to accept it let alone realize what must be done?

I spent years trying to get through to my family and now I just ignore them. My own mother said I sounded like a paranoid schizophrenic at one time talking about 911. Without divine intervention I see no hope.

I have no thing to lose and i'm willing to be part of it, but it isn't going to come. People in this country are truly pathetic. My own family is truly pathetic, they make me sick. They can't accept the truth.

it has no practical application
>inb4 atom bomb

are you talking about yourself? this is the consistent theme i see with antisemites here and elsewhere online. it's perfectly reasonable to point out that jews are disproportionately leftist or pro-multiculti or were very active in spreading communism etc. but where does one go from there? generally either nowhere (immediate hail hortlers and GTK) or towards bizarre manichaeistic eschatology ("Loki").

there is a total rejection of the holistic in this, which means its fundamentally unsound. where does the "JQ" come from and where does it fit within a larger historical context? antisemites don't seem to be interested in answers. they only want the memetic assurances of infographic jpgs and droning e-celebs.

No. We just can never accept how dishonest they are innated. It's the tortoise and the scorpion.

The Jew cannot help Jewing. The white man keeps assuming they are human, with human like feelings.

That has always been our mistake.

Exactly correct

>Shouldn't you be fucking your cousin
lol I'm not a muslim

Jews were responsible for the largest mass genocide in modern history. 75 percent of russias top officers during the holdomor were jewish, 25 percent had taken russian names to subvert the truth.

This man lived it and lived to tell it. I guess he's a filthy anti semite.

Enough projection for today ok?


All it takes is one generation of liberal jackasses to hand over all power to corrupt kikes

As the saying goes

Hard times create strong men

Strong men create good times

Good times create weak men

Weak men create hard times


>Animeposters will be resented for our leading role in this.

Just as Solzhenitsyn stated, "the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators".

Jews have not played a atypical role in "White GENOcide" as you morons think (You just divide your movement when you do that by the way). Not to say we shouldn't

>says he's the master race
>can't use the term "projection" correctly

kikes everyone!


It's sadly the truth. Every time the Jew has been allowed free reign they've inevitably sewn the seeds of their own distruction.

This time, foolishly, they've congregated themselves in new york, Israel, and La. It will be much easier.

>Jews have not played a atypical role in "White GENOcide" as you morons think
These people have played a leading role and they are jews.
>Not to say we shouldn't
And the jew reveals itself.


"Tyrone Cohen"? Israel has hundreds of nukes if you choose to nuke cities with millions of your own people.

no. they think they are, so they change the historical record to fit this narrative. I know of no Jew that is smarter in any way to the smarter whites and Hindu Brahmins (the true master race)... they control the media and a surprising amount of effort goes into promoting the idea that they are the rightful theocratic supremacist dictators... of course if this were true, it'd be self evident, not promoted nonstop yet readily falsified. I even went to the trouble myself of proving Einstein 100% wrong. I didn't start out as an opponent to the Jews, but their actions coupled to their complete lack of self-reflection & egotism has made them my opponent, much to their chagrin.

Sorry, Americans (true Germanic ones, not you wogs and mongrel subhumans), we should have killed all our jews we inherited from Poland. Our mistake

You have no right to call him that Cletus.

Jews discriminate against goyim much more than whites discriminate against blacks.

>"Tyrone Cohen"? Israel has hundreds of nukes if you choose to nuke cities with millions of your own people.

We aren't Arabs throwing rock, Schlomberg.
We'll just starve you out, cut of your supplies, and come to an agreement with the Arabs.

Your family is less important than the youth in this regard. Gen Z will be more receptive to our ideas than millenials, and growing diversification will ensure this. It has to get worse before it gets better though.
Cool big words my dude. I sure feel dumb for not knowing what Manichaeism is. You showed me.

The Jews live, not in their own land, but in the land of others. They specialize into certain fields and through ethnic nepotism begin to control those fields. The fields of importance are media and finance. The first allows Jews to dissipate information that will weaken antisemitism, such as egalitarian suppositions in television shows. The second allows them to generate wealth that will stay within the Jewish community and strengthen it. It is a case of two peoples with separate interests sharing a territory and one trying to weaken the other's ability to function as a group. Not all regular Jews are actively involved in this, but they know that their people come first, are victims of antisemitism, and they are very unlikely to, say, donate to a charity for dispossessed Boers in South Africa. They would much rather cycle their money into their own group.

I bring up Loki because he's a good example of the Archetype that the Jews follow, except Loki is an individual in the old poetry about the gods and the Jews are a collective. The force of subversion from within is, partially, what Loki represents though. The fact that our native faiths were replaced by something largely Jewish (Christianity) is just another example of the subversive nature of the Jewish collective unconscious drive, or "Folksoul" as a certain gentleman and scholar would put it.
I'm glad somebody's appreciated the irony of how tough my arguments were and how I've been posting sfw but lewd Asian cartoon lady's.

As if the Arabs would ever come to agreement with you 'infidels'


>gets called out for having a weltanschauung formed wholly by jps
>posts jpg accompanied by NONE of his own thought in response

as for the quote itself, as i've already stated jews were overrepresented in communist endeavors but hardly to the degree that Solzhenitsyn portrays. jews remained a minority in the central committee and security apparatus (which ol' solzy gets wrong factually or just ignores respectively). frankly the vast majority of those [inflated] deaths were the fault of stalin.
>inb4 jpg "proving" stalin was jewish

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The people have had a very long time to wake up and do something and it hasn't happened. Why would the next generation be any different?

I spent a lot of my youth red pilling close friends and it was an amazing feeling. In the fifteen years since I graduated high school, i've seen changes I never could've dreamed of or thought possible. Where is the breaking point?

I know fema camps exist I spoke with a man face to face that works for fema and when I asked him of the camps he said just run, he then repeated it and looked at the floor. I believe there is a possibility that they will round people up, throw them in camps and kill us if we don't accept satan in our lives. People laughed at the idea that the government purchased guillotines years back, I believe it's entirely possible. As another user said they'd probably have high level masons running the camps and trying to get people to convert to satanism or lose your head. He went into detail about how beheading is a huge part of their religion/certain rituals.

What the fuck are you talking about and why are you even typing? Nobody is going to believe a word you say. We know the truth and you are a shill or brainwashed to a degree which you can not recover.

Here you can see the subversive jew in it's natural state:


Proof of what?
Do you not understand how IDs work on this website?
We'll have to see where the breaking point is. It might not be within our lifetimes, but we can take actions, however small, to make it more likely.
I don't care about any of that secret society conspiracy bullshit. Whether it's true or not, self improvement and improvement of those you can influence is the best shield from that or anything like it.

Another depiction of Simon of trent

This post implies that whites are unironically superior to blacks. Do you disavow?

>Cool big words my dude. I sure feel dumb for not knowing what Manichaeism is. You showed me.
you will be a more productive and powerful person if you drop the resentful churlishness. and that will only benefit anything you undertake.

>The Jews live, not in their own land, but in the land of others.
Because Europeans (Romans) invaded the Levant, dissolved the Jewish state, and dispersed its population through its empire. This is what i mean by the lack of holisticism. You very rightly point out that Jews live as foreigners in others' countries but have zero interest in understanding why that might be the case.

>They specialize into certain fields and through ethnic nepotism begin to control those fields.
They specialize in certain fields because they were banned from most other fields. Referring to finance, if you resent the socio-economic niche that Jews occupy you have only European laws to blame for making that the primary one they have access to. And once you've specialized in a field for centuries its quite natural for that to continue even when the laws change. As for the media, that's a much more recent phenomenon and lacks that historical inertia that characterizes Jewish finance.

>they are very unlikely to, say, donate to a charity for dispossessed Boers in South Africa
So? this is natural in-group preference, which is the very foundation of nationalism. in belgium, the flemish favor the flemish and the walloons favor the walloons. now if you think that means belgium should be divided between them, fine, but if you think that that means that the flemish/walloons are evil subverters of belgium you're just being ridiculous.

More antisemitic rumors/nonsense with absolutely no credibility and the rumor in question has been easily disproved numerous times. Interesting.

I figured when you were posting cartoon pictures you were hopeless. Thank you for proving my suspicions. You are a degenerate faggot keep jerking off to cartoon pictures and watching cartoons.

Most people from your generation don't know how to do proper research on the level required to come to the sane conclusion.

If you spent ten years reading about how satanic judeo masonic blood sacrificing jew kikes and shabbos goyim kill torture and eat children you'd care. It's not something you can read about over night and understand fully it takes years of research to get a real grasp on it. To call it conspiracy bullshit is pathetic you are a fucking retard. Satan is real and their whole existence is to serve him.

These baseless rumors are strangely persistent though, aren't they? How did so many nations have so many similar "rumors" about jews?

Can't think of any

>I don't care what the Romans did to Jews, or whether it would be right within a Jewish moral framework to be sympathetic to Jews. The idea that victims should be respected for being victims is "what's wrong with modern culture?" 101. They have a state now, courtesy of the white man and they can all go there.

>I don't care why they've come to dominate and promote their interests nor will I give them any sympathy for subverting my people. It is the aggression on their part on a cultural and political level that will lead to them being eternally kicked out.

>In-group preference is the foundation of nationalism, but there can not be a nation within a nation. Groups are all interested in the same resources, and my group through it's strength should have them all. This is the essence of struggle between groups since tribal times.
>satanic judeo masonic blood sacrificing jew kikes and shabbos goyim kill torture and eat children
You really have no sense of self-awareness if this is the language you use when you try to "redpill" people. Maybe you'e unsuccessful because you sound insane.

For anyone interested this image is from a book that speaks the truth about the jews. It was written by the son of the chief rabbi of rome. A jew.

If there was nothing to it then why when I started a thread a year ago with that as the main image did the shills flood. They made it easy as hell to see them as they usually do. If anyone is interested in a major red pill read this book.

We know who you are. Now I understand why people on other forums say glow in the dark cianigger. You fuckers literally glow in the dark that's how obvious you are.


>Do you not understand how IDs work on this website?
my response applies regardless, as i was addressing a general type.

>The fact that our native faiths were replaced by something largely Jewish (Christianity) is just another example of the subversive nature of the Jewish collective unconscious drive, or "Folksoul" as a certain gentleman and scholar would put it.
This is just nonsense. Jews did not spread Christianity, they opposed it and that's actually what makes Jews Jews in the eyes of a lot of antisemitic Christians (like E Michael Jones for example). If you have such affection for Europe, you should really learn its history. It's quite funny, you talk to a pagan antisemite and they cite Christianity as a Jewish crime and you talk to Christian antisemites and they cite opposing Christianity as a Jewish crime.

lmao he says he has a 140 iq. get a load of this guy!

Can't think of any what?

I don't care about red pilling faggots online it's meaningless, completely and utterly meaningless. Let alone some faggot who can't help himself that jerks off to cartoons and watches cartoons and posts cartoons daily. You are hopeless, I highly doubt you'd be of any help in any way/shape/form if and when the time came to fight. You are a faggot.

That's the first time I typed that exact line or anything even close to it. It speaks volumes and you will never know whether or not it's true because you would rather watch cartoons.

I don't try and red pill people in the real world either anymore. Not it makes sense why you still think there's an amazing chance we have at winning this war, it's solely because you haven't got a single fucking clue.

Nations that Jews were kicked out of; I have a lot of research on this topic actually but I don't have it on me.

I'm not saying Jews spread Christianity. I'm saying Christianity has Jewish origins. I agree with the Christians that Jews are Anti-Christian. That's utterly obvious. The reason that they're called "kikes" is because they used a circle when immigrating to America to sign their documents, because the customary "x" looked too much like a cross. And kike is something like the Yid word for circle. Jews are by default oriented against the hosts they are parasites of, and most of them have been Christians.
More proving my point about blackpilled conspiratards not wanting to do anything because it's hopeless.

The Ashkenazi jews are Aryan. Hitler believed that they were a subrace of evil Aryans.

I didn't say anything about nations you were kicked out of, but since you brought it up, here's a list.

Name one successful society built by Jews. Pro-tip you can't

do you not see the incoherence of your position? you started off essentially opposing the jewish state.
>Merely binding them to Israel via deportation and law (the magic chain) will not do much to assuage the problem.
but now suddenly you support it?

>my group through it's strength should have them all
if it's all a zero sum game, then why shouldn't jews "subvert" for their own interests? and if strength is that which gets you what you want, then "subversion" (whatever that means) is merely another form of strength. by your logic europeans should do the same without error. really all you're doing is excusing the supposed misdeeds of the Jews. you might not like them, but in your own worldview they are justified.

Wow nice sources. Go please go


Are you saying that those sources are incorrect about jews being expelled?


>Doesn't it take skills to supposedly take over the world

Why do Jews always sound like super villains when they try to justify their bullshit?

Why is america giving so much foreign aid to Israel if Israel is successful?

but you brought up Christianity as somehow demonstrating a "subversive nature." how is the fact that Christianity replaced paganism evidence of that? That just seems to suggest that Christianity was more powerful or more compelling than the opposition, or at least that its followers were. Is White America "subversive" for conquering the Plains Indians? It seems a little absurd.

As you said ,might makes right. Christianity (with its terrible Jewish origins) proved mightier and rightier than Paganism.

I don't think the philosophical underpinning of your general worldview is very sound desu.

You don't know a fucking thing about me faggot. I've been ready to fight and die for over ten years. I would fight tomorrow if we were organized and we had the numbers. I can guarantee that's more than you can say for yourself. You probably don't even have the means to take part in such a war if it came time for you to be part of it.

It will never happen that way, and that's the only way we'd win, through war. I was a stupid kid and I wasted a lot of money thinking we stand a chance. People in this country are so brainwashed and asleep there's no chance.

It will never happen without a miracle or divine intervention. You don't even know the real enemy we are fighting against you are as clueless and brainwashed as most of the people in this country. You automatically dismiss it as conspiracy without doing a single shred of research.

Keep watching cartoons and posting cartoon pictures, you are making a difference. I'd sure love to fight by your side, i'm sure you wouldn't back down for anything.

A:Israel is the United states greatest ally B: Israel is being attacked by violent terrorists.

no. in fact they are purposely weak and ineffectual so that when the LORD intervenes for them that it can never be claimed they did it by their own strength.

Just type what rather than refute the facts presented in that book or throughout history. It is the truth and there's no denying the reality of the world we live in.

The way the author presents the information is as unbiased as you can possibly be and it's impossible to not draw the proper conclusion after reading it.

Many people know the truth. I should start threads every other day just to get people to read that book.

Surely a successful society could deal with that on it's own, could it not? After all, America isn't giving foreign aid to the european countries that are being attacked by violent terrorists.

>A country dependent on a superior country successful
>Being a 35 year old NEET living in parents basement is success
>Being a parasite is success

This is what Jews actually believe

Jews are the race with the least amount of empathy for their fellow man.