EU is getting tired of Poland's shit

EU is getting tired of Poland's shit

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Is this a recent headline, Rodrigo?

And if they don't?

nope :^)

The EU is now bringing in straight up OOGA BOOGA tier nignogs.
Leaving the EU would be far preferable than taking in these vibrant shitskins.

Wasn't it one month left a month ago?

Are we going to have to jump ship soon? There is no point in preserving a ship that is being fully engulfed by the ocean surrounding it. We need to create a new world. We need to build something new.

Careful now kids, World Wars tend to start in Eastern Europe. Will the Bongs come to Poland's aid? Which side will the US fight for?

shit i remember reading about their ultimatum back in may

When your union is run by a bunch of spineless cucks controlled by international banker Jews it's kind of hard to take their threats seriously.

Is Poland and Hungary going to let the E.U. fuck them in the ass?


>EU gives Hungary, Poland one month to back down...
Or what? Is the EU going to an hero even faster?

Then they build camps to concentrate the troublemakers in.

10/10 smiles

>Migrant quotas
So they acknowledge that migrats are a burden

I ran the numbers earlier and found that, if my information is correct, out of the 45 million black people in America, over 14.2 million are incapable of performing simple jobs competently and are cognitively unfit to join the military, 10.8 million are below the threshold for what is considered "mentally challenged," only 168,000 are of a college-level intellect, and the number of whom can competently perform any task or even loosely be considered a "genius" can be counted on one hand.

The native Africans are less intelligent than this. Better open up!

>EU is getting tired of Poland's shit
Maybe Poland and Hungary are getting tired of EU's shit.
Good on Poland and Hungary.
Fuck EU
Eat shit shitty Philiphinas

why would you want niggers in your lands?

we have them. And we all wish we didn't.

Better stand tall Poland and keep the monkeys out.

They will receive a stern talking to...

until end of S-E-P-T-E-M-B-E-R, maybe?

this, at least our negroes have white admixture and like 85 IQ on average. full-blown nogs have an average IQ of like 70, barely better than a downy.

This is extortion. No one should be obligated to house "refugees," especially those with a shady or even nonexistent background. There's enough ficki ficki in Western Europe to prove that they're more trouble than their worth.

>EU is getting tired of Poland's shit
Pretty sure the EU is the oppressor here bud

>visegrad countries agree to house rapefugees
>give them a train ticket to Germany instead of a benefits package

>How to break up the Union 101

Keep going EU, have fun trying tot stay globally relevant after #V4exit

Never back down! /polack!

Very nice meme.

>EU places sanctions against Poland
>we veto it
>EU places sanctions against us
>Poland vetoes it
Nothing will happen

>Nothing will happen
I think the EU pigs from Brussels will impose financial penalties on Poland, Hungary and CzechRepublic.

Again if they try it on us Poland will veto it, if they try it on Poland we will veto it. Nothing will ever happen

>"Poland will accept refugees any month now" says increasingly nervous Merkel for the 7th time this year.jpg

But how many countries need to veto for veto to be valid.
Do you know?


Just one, we have done this so many times

Poland, Hungary and CzechRepublic should just invade that swineland Germany and level it.


good luck boys

There is nothing wrong with scamming a subhuman G*rman
They deserve it if I could I would steal every single penny from every single G*rman man, woman and child
I think Canada should charge G*rmany one hundred million dollars for every single Canadian that died in the two world wars we will use this to pay off our debt and become the richest nation in the world

I give my energy to Poland. Keep fighting those who want you replaced

Why are they still members of the EU?

t. Increasingly nervous Brussels for seventh month in a row

>gets by far the most money from the EU
>sends their people to all other countries to steal jobs, because they cant take care of their own people
>annoy countries you take money and jobs from

Macron already successfully broke up the unity of V4 without any trouble. At this rate Three Seas has no chance.

Because they give us money once the money stops we leave they're just really stupid
>follow the rules
>no give me money
>okay here now follow the rules
>no give me money
And they just keep doing it for some reason

That's a good news.
Would be fun watching what EU fuckers come up with this time. Lol
Who ever thought that Poland,Hungary and CzechR would fuck with the mighty EU so much.
Good on you guys.

"Migrant quotas"
Imagine hearing that being said 20 years ago. You'll call the person uttering it a tinfoiling slippery sloper. What a time to be alive.

No scamming. People who post either this migrant propaganda or other pics that show how much money Poland receives from EU compared to Germany and others don't know how the system works and probably think that it's Polish government forcing EU or outright stealing the moneyz which they totally get for free.

Literally nothing wrong with this. Use a system until it stops benefiting your people.

20 years ago my class had immigrants from Englano and France, we had some other people from immigrant families one was Portuguese, two were Yugoslav.
I never even thought I would see the day where non whites would outnumber us, I remember I thought it was illegal for a nigger and white to even mix when I was a kid but nobody ever thought about mixing


>implying Poland agreed to contribute to the well-being of Middle Easteners because they suddenly enjoy migrating

16 years ago the most exotic person in our 6th grade class was a white girl from Sarasota, Florida.

save us

Why the fuck is Switzerland brown

omg u guys just cant wait for merkel to try some sneaky ass shit can you
before anyone knows what happened there are only going to be two stars left on that flag, france and germany lmfao

EU ultimatum happens everyday. They can't do shit


Not France, Semi God Emperor Marcon will cleanse the shit of France. Sure he is taking in migrants, but unlike Germistan and Swedistan he is getting his border patrol to check them. He is handling immigration the right way by taking in the actual immigrants not pussy arabs running from their country.

What does this mean, polan?

They'll be given another month... and then another, and another, and another.

More like three months ago if I'm not mistaken.

I've seen this picture for the last 10 years.

>6 gorillion months later...

They gave them one month 3 months ago

Macron is an enemy of Poland who gives us the choice of either bending the knee or making us the least relevant country in the region because he just proved there's no unity among us.

Intermarium when?
EU collapse when?

Why not just accept them? What's the big deal? I mean it's 2k17, the world is getting globalized, there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Holding back to your backward redneck beliefs isn't going to do any good to you, you'll just be left out.

>And if they don't?
Then consequences will never be the same again.

>EU is getting tired of Poland's shit

It's the other way around


isn't this like the 10th one month now

Nothing burger

Then the EU will give Hungary and Poland ONE MONTH to back down and accept migrant quotas

the ogham jew


Yeah Poland just listen to Germany everything will be fine with the invaders just like last time

I have an idea for Poland. Just tell the non-tanned refugees from the north east hot zones to change their names (just officially, doesn't matter what the use on a casual day to day basis). If Igor, Olka, Lyubov, rostyslav, Kateryna and Ivan change it to Abdi, Karim, Fatima, Mohammad-times-9000 etc. etc. And let that show up on the paperwork. Then Poland is already WAY above their quota for accepting multikultis.

Lol but this time they're seriously

Die Schweiz steht trotzig


I hope Trump offers "aid" or something to based Poland.

>y-you better accept these migrants poland. I mean it this time you have till the end of the month.
Just like they said last month and the month before that.

>Poland's shit

Poland is the Alpha country in Europistan. Stand down cuckistani countries.

Germany died after WW2, its just a Social territory for Jewish tricks and American military.

Why can't the land just be given out to neighboring countries?

Why is a foreign conglomerate bullying a SOVEREIGN nation to do what it wants?

Ill never understand the EU.

No gibs!! It destroys people. But if by ''aid'' you mean favorable trade agreements, to keep their economy going, if Mad-Cow-Merkel actually starts sanctioning them. Then by all means, give him a hint if it comes to that.

Reminds me of something we did with Runescape once upon a time.

stay strong Poland! we got your back!

I think Europeans are naturally predisposed to being cucks, it's their serf ancestry. They no longer have kings and queens with real power to worship as gods, so they worship the State instead. They need someone constantly telling them what to do and what to think and why. That's why so many Europeans' brains go haywire when they visit America and they either become the happiest they've been in their lives or they short circuit and go back to Europe telling horror stories about how Americans are all a bunch of cowboys shooting each other. They can't process freedom correctly

Keep up the good work lads, and obviously I don't mean the plumbing.

Or what? They're young to try to find another way to ruin their country at a rate faster than the EU can do to themselves?

What's there to understand? Jews gonna jew

Yes by giving 10 million dollars to ISIS terrorist who threw a grenade at two American soldiers.
Fuck you cunts.

That is Trudeau and Canadians are mad as fuck about that, he signed his death warrant politically.

Even diehard libs are mad.

10 million canadian is like 90 cents in USD though

>and Canadians are mad as fuck about that,
Sure you are.
Not a single protest in the streets.
No riots over the fact that your neighbor to the south the USA got slapped in the face by your own government.
Fucking cowards.

a strongly worded letter...

The libs are finished

you'll see in 2018/2019.

The left can't meme. Smug EU asshole.
Refugee crisis? Look like economic migrants to me. Why not create a safe space in Syria?
How many terrorist attacks in Poland?

What is the value in spamming this same fucking thread every single day?