So it wasnt just a meme?

So it wasnt just a meme?

Other urls found in this thread:

Jesus Christ, her pussy must have its own battered women's shelter.

lol, are things really that bad in colleges?

Yes. I have been to two colleges and dropped out of both due to marxist extremism on campuses

Spending money on cigarettes and blue hair is a privileged thing to do
Why isn't she donating her leftover money to niggers?
fucking bitch

They pay a shit ton of bucks to get their degrees. Where do all those marxists go to work after that?


Is that Grimeth?

public schools

Most work as College Proffesors to be honest or become criminals and end up behind bars or die of Overdose.

I know this because I have seen it with my own eyes around here in MA.

Stefan Molymeme also had a recent interview with a ex antifa that explains this more and the future of these faggots. But yeah, that prof in college might just of been an antifa member

>he didn't go to a purely engineering/STEM school
laughing at you to be quite honest

Brits can always make me laugh my ass off

not in florida we make fun of these people out loud in public lol

The schools I went to had Stem but numerous other shit majors. It isnt easy to find a community college around here with only stem or non marxist studies. I dropped out and now I make 100k a year without a degree so fuck em

>Out snowflaking the snowflakes
Jesus user, this isn't a race to see who can be the most pathetic

thats a boy

As someone who did a STEM subject the culture itself still gets to you. I once got asked to leave the Students Union after I made a joke about girls arses. Not to mention there were a few girls who were clearly their as diversity selections who were into that shit.

Anglo humor really is the best humor

Reddit sure got me. Now im making more than you ever could while you are left to die with student debt and marxist brainwashing. Ha!

jolly good ol chap

same. wwu is a shithole. full of gassables.

I've noticed tinder is flooded with these feminist cunts. You'd think they'd learn no one wants to settle down with a mentally unstable slut bag

I mean a PURE STEM school where funding and endowments for STEM dwarfs liberal arts/humanities by an order of magnitude so that the Marxists are largely outnumbered by centrists/conservatives/moderate liberals.

isn't that the guy that plays gta?
that guy is funny af

She might just be wearing the shirt ironically, seems more plausible these days anyways

That doesnt exist in new england leaf faggot. Nor does it in Justin-land

I went to Manchester, one of the most well-regarded British Unis for Chemistry and they still dominate. Just the way it is

Go to a Southern school. These filth are a fringe minority. Plenty of qt Christian girls at my school.

Someone hit the reset button

link to video?

>That doesnt exist in new england leaf faggot

>It was all a meme, I used to read Sup Forums on my screen

>That doesnt exist in new england leaf faggot

>Nor does it in Justin-land
Yes it does, I go to one of those schools



Dude I fucking spit my drink all over my monitor.



its working

is that a man?

>on fucking tinder

someone needs to take pictures of these people and find out who they are, and call CPS

being on fucking tinder while pregnant is the only thing more degenerate than the photo which is easily in the top 10 most degenerate things i have seen in my life

Fucking hell that's some brilliant banter

Good job. Cant handle opposing view points. Literal faggot tier. Good luck with your weak will beta nigger

Don't you love these times we live in?

>I want to settle down
>On tinder


If you want to see some shit make an OkCupid account, ten times more of these fuckers on there.

Looks exactly like my ex. I remember when she got that hairstyle, that's when i stopped looking her.

Fp is always bp

Tinder sluts thread?

I fucked a girl off tinder who was 4 months pregnant. Best sex of my life. She was horny af, clean (with papers to prove it) and I got to cum deep inside her raw. Call me degenerate but don't knock it til you've tried it mane.


> clean (with papers to prove it)
Did you fags actually exchange STI test papers before having casual sex? Peak degeneracy

i'm not sure i get it


yeah plenty of girls wanna look like this. my gf used to look like this. shes a liberal no doubt, i take pleasure in offending her

>go in to journalism and write clickbait articles and work for CBC
>go in to education and teach future generations about feminine penises and white privilege
>get a made up job at HR and make sure straight white cis males don't get hired there

Everywhere else in this country we make fun of people from Florida in public.

More like don't "knock it up" until you try it

>leaf logic

Peak degeneracy would be not exchanging that kind of info beforehand. But you wouldn't know cause women don't fuck Canadian guys


Pucci gets abused regularly

can we trick the left into supporting north korea?

Well done

No, if you're having casual, unattached sex often enough that you need to keep more paperwork than a DMV, you are degenerate

this one is always a sad reminder where civilization is at currently


Well that explains it

fuckin a

>more paperwork than the DMV
>has never experienced dealing with an American DMV

ah, good show


Tinder and pregnant is like the new trailer park and pregnant

The Jewish ones go to Washington and get a comfy job in a think tank promoting free global markets and diversity. The other nonwhites get an affirmative action hire in a fortune 500 company and the whites are stuck as baristas at Walgreens or whatever.

Nah, extremely anglo.

The asians here are more conservative than whites though

>there are women who will literally fuck a visibly filthy homeless dudes an hour after meeting him
>there are women with hundreds of different partners
>there are women who suck dicks for 20 bucks a pop
>there are dyed hair coeds who let black guys fuck them to make up for slavery

>i still cant get a single woman to fuck me

looks like the media was right about the altright being angry virgins

Fake as fuck. The original bio said that he stole a candy bar.

SO TRUE. I dated one of those dykes once. That school breeds foaming-mouth hysterical fembots

4 stars

My sides have just been obliterated.



She needs to check her privilege. Sick of these smug arrogant white women telling everyone what they can and can't do and say.


maybe they just smelled the edgy bullshit?

Yep. None

>Paying for marxist braimwashing. No thanks


my high school (in Dallas in the late 90s) had maybe 3 hot white girls, only available to the football chads and were untouchable. the rest were ugly and desperate, fat and desperate, niggers, or spics. there was 1 hot asian, but she was fucking one of the nigs. went through highschool without dating 1 girl there. went to prom with a fat white girl i wasn't the least bit interested in. robbed of a nice high school girl experience because of "Diversity"

i'm from massachusetts you idiot, what you're saying is blatantly wrong

kill yourself you degenerate nigger


OP you don't know the half of it yet

NO, dumbass, you're a just a dumb ugly white cuck and you couldn't get any girls


"down blouse" shot and really short shorts
yeah ok bitch

god damn right you're not a sex doll, those are cleaner

you in western mass?


Terrible thread. Nothing funny or interesting.

I didn't go to college because my family has always been pretty strongly opposed to the idea. Shit went well, but I don't want to breath mill dust so I decided to go. I'm 23, so towards the older end of the spectrum of kids here, but still young enough to fit in with everyone just fine.

I'm only a week in, so my opinion might change over time, but so far it has been so much worse than you can even imagine. I'm going for a geology degree to try and get an oil job, and one of the (((required))) courses is introduction to environmental policy. Today we learned about clay soils in alabama preventing the proper drainage of septic fields due to recent grown in a community. The professor split us all into groups and told us to find a solution, but didn't give us any actual details on the problem past it affected a majority black neighborhood. When we came back to her and said that without more information on it we can't really propose a solution (like 20 freshmen know fuck all about how to properly install a septic field in the first place) and she told us to just come up with something, so we suggested that they bury lots of course stone to facilitate drainage through the clay. She asked us what that would cost (cause a bunch of freshmen who have never worked in their life and were given the task 10 minuets ago know the ins and outs of laying stone and the costs associated) and we told her we didn't know.

She then told us and quote "now you all are seeing the problems with environmental racism, its hard to fix the problems"

the soil is racist. Its not their fault for putting in shit tier septic systems, its not the local governments fault for allowing it, its the soils fault. For being there, thats it. Black people living on anything less than perfect soil is enough to make the fucking soil racist...