Gays are a leech on the western world. Post all your hate here.
Gay hate thread
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Anyone who openly flaunts that behavior should face the death penalty
Omar did nothing wrong.
You seem frustrated. Anything you want to get off your chest user?
Agreed, that's why we're killing nazis. People this hateful should go live in a forever home. In the ground
Science on gays as parents:
Farr, R. H. (2017). Does parental sexual orientation matter? A longitudinal follow-up of adoptive families with school-age children. Developmental Psychology, 53(2), 252-264.
How Does the Gender of Parents Matter?
Statistics on gays and marriage:
7% of millennials are gay:
Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:
Straight males carry gay genes:
Fecundity increases in female relatives of male homosexuals:
Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers:
Female relatives of gay men have 1.3x as many children:
Androgen receptor gene linked to XQ28
Yes, anal sex is disgusting, gay and straight alike
Filthy piders need to be shot in the back of the head
Go fuck yourself leafboi...
>Live on neetbux
>Fap exclusively to loli's
>Thinks he's a chink
>"Gays are a leach"
If you care that much about gays, then perhaps you are gay?
tfw no qt Sup Forums bf
Fake News. The Gay identity has been manufactured by cultural Marxists in an effort to Divide and rule.
Forgot pic.
I'm sure all that research was just fools being fools!
I'm guessing the source for all these historical claims can also be found up another man's ass?
Social science research is not research. There are far to many variables to control, and it's impossible to arrive at statistically significant conclusions. Seriously check some fucking p-values on the papers you cited.
82% of humanities papers are not cited by other sources. If that doesn't scream ecochamber to you, then you are beyond arguing with.
The same people telling you one loci of a gene is responsible for sexual preference also claim that an entire fucking chromosome doesn't determine gender.
Why not find something to love, faggot
>The benefits of gay marriage
"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God."
basically, gays won't make it to heaven
I'd really recommend reading all of Corinthians 6. Its very uplifting and helps remind one not to desecrate their spirit.
So then you will agree the work of Paul McHugh, Mark Regnerus, and Paul Sullins is bullshit too/
I've seen you a lot and you are always trying to damage control for your group of degenerates. Well I guess it is true gays are female men who need validation when they don't deserve any.
Because I'm lazy.
Fags can suck my dick
literally who?
All social science is bullshit. Even the ones that you faggots don't agree with
K just making sure.
Also this is not for validation, gays literally get more rights globally every year, meanwhile the brand of evangelical Christianity that most hates gay people loses power and followers every year.
I don't think people give any more of a shit about boys being abused by women. They just don't care about men in general and boys are easier targets than girls.
>being this butthurt about christfags
Where did Father Mike touch you?
>hating gays makes you gay
I hate people who fuck corpses does that make me a closet necrophiliac or a rational person?
Evangelical Christians are the main source of opposition to gay rights, not Muslims.
Hey faggot, you forgot to include this study proving that you were not "born this way".
Homosexuality is 100% nurture, and 0% nature.
Who the fuck mentioned muslims? 3/10 bait
>Amazing health
What study did they cite?
I lost
Generally when you claim evangelical Christians are the ones who present the most political opposition to gay rights, people here claim Muslims are worse, which is patently untrue. They may do some nasty shit in the Middle East, but here, the main source of anti-gay activism is evangelical Christians and to a much lesser extent, Catholics.
>T. closetfags
Also, actual data.
That's pretty bluepilled. The best current research suggests that homosexuality is caused by a contagious brain parasite spread by the homosexual molestation of boys.
1 Study. Results were never replicated. Compared gay people sampled at a pride parade (hence non-clinical) with straight university students.
This is a non-representative sample. Are you claiming this represents all gay people?
>washington post
The first citation, “Tomeo, Templer, Anderson and Kotler”5 indicates a study that is presented as concluding there is a correlation between being abused as a child and being gay; the citation fails to note several highly relevant factors: it was a non-clinical study and the data concerning homosexuals was gathered by setting up an interview booth at a “Gay Pride” parade6 while the data for heterosexuals was gathered at a college. Did the signage attracting participants at the Gay Pride parade booth ask specifically for victims of abuse who were willing to tell their story? The study does not say anything on this point – we do not know how participants were attracted.
At every Pride Parade I’ve attended there are numerous non-gay persons, and in fact it is possible if not probable that heterosexuals would outnumber homosexuals at such an event – how come some heterosexuals did not wander over to the booth and participate – or were they refused with some undocumented screening or, even worse as far as the data is concerned, counted as homosexuals? How reliable is this kind of self-reported data from this self-selected, or worse, deliberately skewed sample?
Also note that the data on 39 persons was ignored entirely because their sexual orientation was not known – bi-sexuality was not an optional choice, and this may have led some to leave this section blank. One must also wonder, did many bisexuals describe themselves as homosexuals because of the lack of other options? Would this affect the data? Why on earth wouldn’t you allow for such an option?
Meanwhile, the data on heterosexuals was obtained at colleges; is this a group that one could then compare to persons attracted by unknown means to a booth at a gay pride parade? Can one then ethically extrapolate the findings to the general public?
can't wait until we get finished with the beaner/mudslime menance, then we can start dealing with the gay disease
Another interesting aspect of this study is the use of the word “molestation.” In the questionnaire given to participants, the word “molestation” is never used; “sexual contact” is used. What does this phrase mean to the various participants? Does it mean one thing to those participating in a festive Gay Pride Parade and something quite different to a student at a perhaps more subdued or introspective University setting?
Since 84% of gay men and 95% of women considered themselves gay before the “sexual contact” according to the study, could it be something less nefarious than, for example, forcible rape they were recounting? Could it be that the college students were only counting more disturbing experiences, such as forcible rape? Of course it is possible the two groups were defining “sexual contact” in precisely the same manner, but we really should not have to assume such a thing; our doubts are due to the absence of pertinent info from the researchers – this should have been made clear.
The study does not even attempt to quantify these probably relevant differences in these two groups. And, instead of continuing to use the phrase “sexual contact” in their closing discussions, the authors of the study switch to “molestation” in their analysis of the data, which might have surprised some of those who participated in the survey.
Not like the authors of the study had any bias, nope.
So click on the link if you care and read the actual scientific articles they cite in original format.
Got some Christian Post in there too. Don't see you complaining about that one.
Gays took something that could be fun--sucking dick, taking it up the ass--and turned it into a disgusting, flamboyant culture. If not for gays, there would be a lot more homosexual sex and many more happy men.
Homosexuality is caused by a parasitic brain infection, and homophobia is an evolutionary response to this pathogen. Until a cure can be developed, homosexuals must be quarantined from society.
It linked to this Christian site,
I'll admit that it's probably not 0% nature, but it's definitely more nurture than nature.
So what about people who get toxoplasmosis and aren't gay? What about gays who don't test positive for toxoplasmosis? Feels bad to even have to respond to such fringe bullshit.
I mean what was the actual study?
How can a gene for homosexuality be passed on if it eliminates the desire for heterosexual sex? A genetic mutation causing pure homosexual behavior wipes itself out in a single generation. A gene that leaves someone predisposed to homosexual behavior is either recessive or leads to extinction within a small number of generations.
The only way it can be genetic is if there's a gene for bisexuality...but that would make homosexuality a choice, wouldn't it?
fuck I miss when America was smart like this
Because lots of gay people still have heterosexual sex, and then raise the kids from that relationship, either with their heterosexual partner, with a same sex partner, or alone.
It reduces the reproductive rate, but not to zero.
Also, surrogacy and adoption.
Also this:
Straight males carry gay genes:
Lake of fire!
Hell is for ever!
>what is a recessive gene
>implying gay people are physically hindered from reproducing
Here's where they got the 11% figure from:
Bailey & Pillard, 1991
In the most recent twin study of homosexuality, Bailey and Pillard report on a sample of 161 male homosexual probands, all over the age of 18 with a twin or adoptive brother. Recruitment was through advertisements placed in homophile publications in several cities in the Midwest and Southwest of the United States. For probands with adoptive brothers, it was stipulated that they must have entered a common rearing environment when both were no more than 2 years old.
Most of the probands were interviewed in person with informed consent. Questionnaires were sent to the cotwins and adoptive brothers, with a cover letter explaining that they were being asked to participate in a general study of personality, attitudes and behaviour. Five questions regarding sexual orientation were imbedded in over 100 other items about social attitudes, personality, and childhood behaviour.
Bailey and Pillard determined the zygosity of the subjects using a questionnaire containing items relating to physical similarity, past and present likelihood of twins being mistaken for each other, etc. They claim that "such questionnaires generally range in accuracy from 90% to 95%."
The distribution of sexual orientation among cotwins of the monozygotic probands appeared to be bimodal. In other words, most subjects classified themselves as heterosexual or homosexual, with very few giving evidence of significant bisexuality. This finding is in agreement with other recent studies (e.g. Buhrich et al. 1991).
According to their data, 52% (29/56) of monozygotic cotwins, 22% (12/54) of dizygotic cotwins, and 11% (6/57) of adoptive brothers were homosexual. Heritabilities of homosexuality were calculated using these results under a wide range of assumptions of the population base rate and ascertainment bias. Under all conditions considered, heritabilities were substantial (h2 was between .31 and .74 in all cases). However, "the rate of homosexuality among nontwin biological siblings, as reported by probands, 9.2% (13/142), was significantly lower than would be predicted by a simple genetic hypothesis and other published reports."
> lots of gay people still have heterosexual sex
That's called bisexuality, which is exactly his point
Toxoplasmosis is just one of the countless co-morbid pathogens of homosexuality, the causative pathogen has not yet been publicly identified.
So basically the actual concordance rate for monozygotic twins was 52% but they reported the rate for adoptive brothers, which is 11% in the study.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
Plenty of gay people still have heterosexual sex and identify as fully gay and they do so due to societal stigma, need to conform, or desire for biological kids. Doesn't mean its their preference, just means it happens.
All of which you have 0 quality evidence for.
there is just way less Muslims here. If that changes you are getting tossed off a skyscraper by Abdul. Instead of Peter making you feel bad
t. buttblasted Christian