>Watches Jared Taylor video on IQ and race
>Admits it is well researched, has good citation and meets relative academic standards
>Still stays "I don't agree with this"
>Claims to be Rational Skeptics (TM)
What am I missing here?
>Watches Jared Taylor video on IQ and race
>Admits it is well researched, has good citation and meets relative academic standards
>Still stays "I don't agree with this"
>Claims to be Rational Skeptics (TM)
What am I missing here?
Other urls found in this thread:
You're missing individual, social and economic factors that should also be accounted for, for one. (Or more like 3...)
You're also missing the non consensus when it comes to how much genetics play into IQ and on also IQ is not a measure for success on it's own.
But sure... Keep telling yourself that only race matters.
He is commited to truth until he doesn't like the truth. He doesn't care about facts, he only uses them when they happen to support his views. He is not a principled person, he only likes to bash people who disagree with him.
Sargon fears the conclusions the data will force him to face, and hes afraid to rethink his worldview.
Honestly after so long, I can no longer just forgive him for that fear, he has been close to these conclusions again and again and he keeps shying away. At a point it just becomes dishonest.
Sargon is a classic liberal ™
He believes in the truth of character first.
What people are is more than surface levels.
He gets flustered when he doesn't agree with something. Kind of why he started posting cuck porn on his own twitter just to "prove a point" to Sup Forums.
He doesn't want his channel shoah'd. He probably knows it's true, but going out of the Youtube overton window the ADL recently set up would get his channel terminated. Even before that happened, he would be shunned by the skeptic™ community for saying something like that, like what happened to JonTron after the Destiny debate.
Spotted the shills. Try not to be so obvious.
I should have had the link prepped; but here it is: youtube.com
Around 4:40
He's saying "I don't agree with this" in relation to Nazis and the alt-right, he acknowledges that there are IQ differences between different races you two-digit IQ faggot .
Medi-evil Europe was incredibly poor; lacked technological advances of today and had no aspect of hindsight to any real degree; yet here we are, advanced white lead society. Blacks at least have a headstart to our medi-evil ancestors and yet still no advances from them.
You're right though; there is more to success than IQ; creativity for example - whites created wonderful works of art and music - niggers created this - youtube.com
Also, motivation can be a massive contributor to success; which niggers don't have. KYS
A well-sourced video on The Daily Stormer censorship: youtube.com
I don't think he watched it, he just said he looked and the sources and they seem academic.
No he didn't; he literally said "I lookede at the sources, they are academically sourced; I'm not saying I agree with it...blah, blah...I suck cock"
>You're missing individual, social and economic factors that should also be accounted for, for one
They are. You think Jared Taylor ignores this? Stop being retarded.
He didn't say that he disagreed with it. He said that even if he did disagree with it, it wouldn't be grounds to remove it since it was well-cited and factually based.
"Is someone stating facts you don't like on Sup Forums?"
"Are you triggered by his comments?"
"You don't want to engage their arguments because you lack the knowledge?"
"Fear not young Right Wing SJW! We have the final solution for you! Acuse them of shilling! It's an IGN 10/10!"
>You're missing individual, social and economic factors that should also be accounted for, for one. (Or more like 3...)
You didn't watch the whole video, did you?
His shekel gibs.
>implying anyone on jewtube will ever be ourguy
Why do you even need your opinions re-affirmed, niggers? The proof is in the numbers. You can see it around you every single day. When are you going to stop doubting yourselves?
>What am I missing here?
nothing. Sargon is a cuk.
They also created jazz when they were being systematically segregated but hey... What ever good came out of jazz also, amirite??
Sargon is a physically repulsive fatfuck. It will never matter what validity his rhetoric contains because his lack of discipline and self-control renders his every opinion flawed and open to criticism on those grounds. "we've got to save the white race" nigger you can't even save leftover meals how you gonna save a whole race?
>What ever good came out of jazz
Not Jazz, that's for sure.
Jazz was created by a white-ish Italian.
He skimmed over them, like most do, because he simply won't look at the success that people from different races have under the same social environment and mind you; only blacks come behind whites and whites are behind Jewish, Asians and even Nigerian blacks if you factor in the per capita values.
But hey... Hold on to your rhetoric please... It helps to undermine your objective and beliefs.
The perfection of Jazz was by a Germanic who died before he was 30.
Motherfucker are you even like real? Are you just some kind of complex bot? Divulge unto me your shill secrets
What you've put together is essentially an incoherant buzzwordbuzzwall and I can still smell the manufacturing on it.
He's afraid of the first domino
Jazz is a combination of several different genres; all of which were invented long before jazz, the music theory behind it was already there; it was a matter of putting the peices of the puzzle together. It's like the theory of relativity - Einstein merely put the peices of the puzzle together, the theory behind it was already there before he 'created' the theory of relativity
You mean they managed to ad lib notes in an interesting yet low time preference way on instruments that Europeans had fine tuned for centuries?
Sargon's a liberal who just hates feminists and SJWs (Who doesn't?). He's never going to swallow the red pill on race because, like all liberals, he's governed by his feelings.
You should tell that to majority of of jazz players (that are white) and all the white musicians that name jazz has their main influence. You, my dear brit friend, have the biggest musicians who's influences come directly from Jazz, like Amy "I'm a walking wreck and I love red" Winehouse to Adele, just to two of the top of my head.
He agrees. But if he admitted it (((they))) would dispose of his remaining accounts, Anglin-style.
He has a wife's son to feed you know.
Sargon also says he avoids Sup Forums like the plague. He pribably discovered the red pill after he got famous and is smart enough to realize that if he goes full on WN/JQ he'll lose his r/The_Donald and loudmouth uncle fanbase, so he purposely avoids swallowing the red pill like the plague.
I refuse to believe he's enough of a hack to actually pull a "muh feels" with a straight face, and I've never seen a single person refute Jared Taylor with an actual argument.
>Anecdotes disprove demographics.
Here the originator of modern Jazz and has never been bettered but imitated by all. Died at the piano.
Those Septic fucks killed the shit out of RageAfterStorm. Sad. I finally paid attention to her once she started speaking German.
>Right Wing SJW
Explain user.
Riiight... Because Lew Rockwell or Buddy Bolden never existed.
Nick LaRocca managed to get himself first on record, which is NOT a big feat for a white italian in the US in the early 1900's and not a definitive proof that he created jazz.
Oh... Wait... Because no musician ever "stole" from anyone, my argument is invalid right?
Tell me now how also blacks DID NOT came up with the blues... xD
Right Wingers that fight for social justice for whites. Simple.
>this fucking cancer flag
>all your fucking posts
sargon knows niggers are stupid; this is just white taqiyya
Funny thing is, that's how all of Jared Taylor's vids & articles come off. Sargoy of Blackdad just doesn't want to accept it. I generally hate most of the White speratist figures because they're all goofy larpy fucks. Taylor is the one I respect because he can be taken seriously, but idiots like Sargoon still try to group him up with the likes of Davy Duke & Richy Spencer.
fuck off baby boomer
You're not even a shill, you're an autist.
Have a citation for something else, you bloody faggot
>Lew Rockwell
Boy did you fuck up milquetoast pretender. Fuck off.
What does Sup Forums think about this faggot?
His videos are usually great, yet he's so blue pilled it hurts.
I wish I had a low 110 IQ like Sargon. Every day would be an adventure, every day you'd learn something new.
>matt forney
Bix Beiderbecke. The prolific self-taught savant.
He's a clown.
Alex Jones BTFO him.
And you're doubling down with insults? Wow... How's life on the low end of the Bell Curve these days? Not so good I see...
Try refuting my arguments for once double digits... All you have is the same argument on repeat "You're a shill" and you don't even have the mental fortitude to say it without 6th grade insults. It's sad man. If you're white you're really letting your race down.
You need to go back. Redditors really are akin to the pigeon playing chess.
Rock is also a combination of different genres, same with Metal, Punk, etc... That's a non argument. Everything stems from something and is that something until it grows and becomes it's own thing.
That's how sargon handles every fact that doesn't fit into his preconceived worldview.
>so you agree that the unit "2" represents two things, e.g. I I
>and you agree that "3" represents three things, e.g. I I I
>>that sounds correct
>and the multiplication operator * multiplies things such that e.g. 2*2=4
>then we can agree that 2*3 does, in fact, equal 6?
>>I don't agree with that
Tell me all about Lew Rockwell innovator of Jazz google abortion-posting faggot?
How the fuck is whites from families making less than 160k on the SATs "ignoring the social and economic data", please explain
Run along faggot
Lew Rockwell invented those as well and he invented Rockwell too:
He is dusting off his Lew Rockwell shellac 78s.
It's most likely sarcoon himself
You want to actually debate the data, lets go. I promise you you are not half as familiar with the literature as you think you are if youre still mouthing this bullshit on socioeconomics
Still no such thing as "right wing SJW." SJW has negative connotations that, by definition, can't apply to right-wingers. The right lacks the institutional power to enforce censorship or racist laws, and is therefore an inherently pro-freedom movement.
Are you even for real?
Bix Beiderbecke was alongside Louis Armstrong one of the most influential musicians of the 1920's. Yes, he's not has recognised has he should but neither of them invented Jazz... Hell! Even Nick LaRocca has some "creation credits" but neither Armstrong of Bix do.
Come on man. He was a genius and a master, but not the creator.
Are you feeling a bit triggered right now?
I know and he humiliated himself. He's a fraud & a headline skimming fake and it burned him so completely. Guess what he did?
Sargon just gott a job at (((Mtv)))
What do you expect?
>blacks created jazz
>created the instruments jazz is played on
>learned how to melt metal that the instruments are made of
>had freedom to play instruments while not being enslaved by arabs
>freedom in america made by whites
Not a baby boomer... Just someone who's educated. You should try it sometime.
(Although I doubt you'll be able to get one...)
>stating facts
fuck back to wherever you came from with that faggot ass shit. just because one person says it's fact doesn't mean it.
You're categorization is off. Jews have high IQ but are from Eastern europe. Should they be lumped into the white category? If not, why are you not comparing the IQ of different European ethnicity besides Jewish? If you lumped together all Asians they would have lower than 100 average. Only Koreans and Japs have higher than 100 average IQ.
You are done fatboi. 100% total hoisting. I'll buy all your Lew Rockwell Jazz recordings at 10x MV.
someone didn't watch the video
classic sarcuck.
Truth will always be on our side and the iq curve is immutable fact. Observation the very basic tenet of science will always be on our side because fuckin reality doesn't care about "opinion"
It cuts into his custard and biscuits time.
Sargon is hoping to eventually profit beyond ytbucks. Can't do that by being on the wrong side of history. Ignore the opportunist faggot and don't watch his content.
Get one what? An educated? You mean you're someone with an education, to which he should try to get one. You still haven't replied to anyone that pointed out that jazz was created before the examples you use.
>Youtube """""""Intellectual"""""""
>What ever good came out of jazz also, amirite??
Indeed, what good ever DID come out of jazz?
I'll wait.
sargon of bacon? yeah fuck that guy, if it weren't for his hot girlfriend nobody would give him the time of day.
Right now he is punching himself with his soft chubby hands whingeing..."stupid stupid stupid!"
you realize a little political disagreement is a good thing right goys?
This is the fact sargon cannot escape forever. I was so dissappointed when he started to sell his credibility. used to like the guy :) :C
"When you lack the intelligence to debate, bring your opponents to the cesspool that's your intellect. You'll be harder to beat in your own turf."
From the intro of the study you linked:
"social class differences in
IQ probably have an appreciable genetic component; and tentatively, but most
controversially, (e) the mean Black–White group difference in IQ probably has
some genetic component."
To you, this is the same has definite proof? "Probably"?
he's part nigger.
say what you want about the guy but his videos are what began to red pill me 2 years ago
He can't come to terms with the truth because he gets too much gibs from magapedes and kekistaners you can't upset your payer base.
He is not coming back he misread a search results synopsis and humiliated himself. Aside from that Bix Beiderbecke is a god and I despise 99% of Jazz.
Last time I checked, whites didn't invent powder nor paper either and yet they were the ones that brought them into the mainstream.
Your point is?...