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Chickens coming home to roost
Hopefully they will be declared a terrorist organization soon
This is definitive proof the Left are trying to detach BLM et all from their core message to ready for 2018. However, next year Sessions will level multiple gangs and force the Left to side with gangs or to side with Trump. The public will side with Trump.
The social democrats throw the communists under the bus, just like last time.
wtf I love nancy pelosi now
Most definitely.
>washington post, pelosi and others suddenly turning on antifa
It smells rotten, keep your eyes open.
Pretending the left hand didn't know what the right hand was up to. Doesn't wash.
What changed? Why are they all calling out antifa now?
>only refers to this previous event
>none of the others where these fags have been equally if not more violent
Its a cucked condemnation. They had some kikes write it up to condemn them with the bare minimum possible.
This is so perfect.
The Democratic establishment has decided to separate itself from Antifa, while many factions of the progressive left will continue identifying with Antifas cause of fighting "fascism".
The left just keeps splintering.
We truly are winning. The left is finally starting to be held to the same standards the right has for 50 years. It's only going to get worse for them.
yeah something is up, seems like a trap or something to try and "expose" right wingers.
because no one boogeymen showed up to the last rally so they started beating up anyone they could get their hands on
Because the (((Democrats))) just realized Antifa is going to cause them to lose even more elections. This is part of a rapid narrative shift that began two days ago starting with WaPo and radiating out from there. Prior to the narrative shift, CNN was calling them peaceful protesters who ensure peace through violence.
That and they might be labeled actual terrorists.
they might be labeled as terrorists by the white house soon.
And literally none of them will connect this with what Trump after Charlottesville and will go on saying he supports nazis
She's senile and will die in our lifetime.
Won't matter.
another classic:
>antifa attack journalists
>washington post (yes, washington post) puts out article condemning them
>leeches like pelosi follow in the msm's footsteps
Hey it's better than nothing, I guess
nice trips but no shit.
>BOTH SIDES?!?!?!?!
>mfw trump didn't cuck on the alt right but the dems cuck first chance they get
Hahaha, now Antifa will start railing against Pelosi as well. Jesus the left is so bad at this.
(((vox))) says:
"But it wasn’t far-right white supremacists leading the violence this time, as was the case in Charlottesville, Virginia, a few weeks ago. It was left-wing “antifa” (short for “anti-fascist”) counterprotesters who assaulted people." vox.com
when the fuck did the right "lead the violence" two weeks ago?
Rats do anything to save themselves. Stay on alert.
We won't stand for this. Antifa is fighting the Nazis and this is how our liberal "allies" repay us?!?!. I think we'll start taking care of the traitors first.
Is anyone else a little disturbed by the almost fair reporting on antifa and statements from the establishment that has been going on lately? It means that they are up to something tricky, it's like when they stopped shitting on Trump after the Syria strike
gtfo faggot
Wtf is even going on anymore? Something big coming?
not as bad as the neocons and cuckservative kikes are. they never stop stabbing us in the back.
Nancy Pelosi is the radical centrist we deserve
too bad about her stance on guns, she's almost reasonable on all other things
Bannon and Gorka resigned after Charlottesville so Antifa serves Dems no purpose currently.
hahaa nancy pelosi lowkey hates the ANTIFA
Nancy Pelosi confirmed for white supremacist
They didn't but that's the new reality. Fuck actually looking for yourself, that's for fucking NAZIS! Fuck the left.
You're assuming they aren't an arm of the DNC to begin with. Leftists have no independent thought, look how quickly the berniebros cucked for hillary.
I'm shocked the Onion would put something like this out. Seemed they just wanted to cry about Trump forever.
Next thing you know Cracked will start being good again
That's great and all, but the left is only doing this to divert attention away from literally all social media platforms are implementing strict censorship policies. It keeps us less focused on informing the masses to migrate off of sites like Youtube. So when this happens in the future the general public will have no idea its happening.
I can already see Facebook banning any videos related to rallies under the guise of "inspiring violence" unless its violence coming from the right and not like what happened at Berkley a couple days ago.
its a trap dont fall for it. just sit back and watch
That cunt helped incite it. She was calling the rallies neo-Nazi white supremacist rallies.
Fuck her, she's part of the problem
Amazon just bought Whole Foods. When trust fund kids are out protesting, they aren't buying Triple Organic Fair Trade Tibetan Kale at $9.99/oz. Therefore it's time for the WaPo to suddenly turn on the left's attack dogs.
Saw a similar thing last week when (((they))) realized they had killed their own movie sales for the same reason. Millennials need to be inside consuming, not outside screaming for free.
Everyone finally realized they were lionizing violent thugs whose aim was suppress free speech. But what really turned the tide was when they realized how much these groups were pushing people to the right. So now when they "bash the fash" the given a minimum sentence of 5 years, $50,000, or both. Maybe I can wear my Make America Great Again hat in Philadelphia once they start getting raided and locked up.
Kek, cancerous antifa faggots
This, but I'm not sure what the end goal of this would be. Maybe to further radicalize leftists against the current government while leaving 'centrists' feeling even more abandoned by both sides? I dunno seems counter-intuitive but something's off.
Hmm. Hedging bets, seems like.
The media will keep endorsing them until they kill somebody on camera, so expect more shit like this just so it seems like the support was always 'hesitant'.
>we thought we could fight monsters with monsters, goy
>how wrong we were
Attacking people there for a PRAYER service was not attacking HATE Nancy. Haters like Antifa and your lefty radicals attacked people preaching LOVE.
>What changed?
Party politics. Dems realize they are losing the middle over this and will become irrelevant if they continue to support open violent communists. They must have sent out an all hands msg to disavow ANTIFA and throw them under the bus. Even the fucking Berkeley mayor designated them a criminal gang earlier today, not to mention every lib rag in the country shitting on them since Monday morning. I knew something was up yesterday when all the papers stopped calling them by name and political affiliation and referring to them as "black clad anarchists".
I feel like they know we need to unify before NK happening. Now that we're cutting their oil supply they WILL retaliate or die off.
Lol, wew. That didn't take long.
I guess they figure if they space out their condemnation far enough from the actual event, it will appear like there's no link to Trump's "alt-left" comment.
>be News Jew
>rage incoherently because Trump condemned communists and white supremacists at the same time instead of just white supremacists
>claim violent communists are actually peaceful protesters
>...then quietly disavow them a week later because it became politically expedient
>Trump claims they're just as responsible as the Alt-right
>media throws hissy fit condemning Trump for calling Antifa the bad guys
>the public response to those articles is negative, because the general public hates Antifa far more than the news outlets realized
>media changes its tune
Our next move should be to immediately con all the antifags into going after Pelosi
fuck off
Communists have no allies.
i hope the folks are paying enough attention to realize that this confirms everything president trump said was absolutely right and that the presstittutes and romneyryanrubio rats are marxist cockroaches.
Is this definitive proof that the media controls the dems and not the other way around?
The centrists want this, the dems used to be a centrist party (even as recently as Obama's first term)
>they might be labeled as terrorists by the white house soon.
they have been
Holy shit Pelosi actually did something a half decent human being would be expected to do? It truly is the end times.
>beating up unarmed prayer goes
>b-b-but we fite nahzees
Go away, nobody likes you.
That's the fucked up thing, you can't wear a goddamn hat unless you want to get into a knife fight. Fucking retarded.
I laughed from a deep, healthy place
This is a very managed climbdown.
House Leaders do NOT join in the media bashing on this short a notice.
They WANT Antifa gone NOW for some reason.
Not like the fuckers don't deserve it (really they deserve jailtime), but the media does not unleash shillstorms like this spontaneously. Story's normally take WEEKS to mature. Sudden commandeering of Congressmen is classic sign of a planned media operation(could probably find out by who if you dug it). This story is being managed right now, probably by the usual suspects.
Antifa will crack like powered eggs since none of them even know what a shillstorm is, but everyone else should be getting very, VERY suspicious right about now.
Maybe the goal of progressing internet censorship has been fulfilled.
Maybe another false flag is in the works (No "other side" this time).
Maybe Antifa just cost too much money.
Maybe they're "rewarding" Trump for Afganistan, etc.
Either way, never trust the Media. They are liars to the bitter end.
>We won't stand for this.
You don't have to stand for it, you can take it lying down, upside down, whatever. Pic related.
>Berkeley mayor: We should classify Antifa as 'a gang'
Trump never cucked on the alt-right because he was never a white nationalist to begin with.
Maybe they're just all realizing their support of literal terrorist thugs is going to bite them in the ass.
This. Never forget these democrap politicians and media shills supported (probably still do but won't admit it) these faggots. Even if CNN suddenly became Stormfront 2.0, never forget.
It was a very David Brockian-tier narrative shift that happened immediately. The previous week, the (((media))) was tripping over itself to suck Antifa's dick. Now they're being unanimously condemned and the previous praise is being memory-holed.
So who is jewing whom here?
They probably laid off cause of lower visits to their site. During the election they pretty much looked like BuzzFeed a couple years ago
Civil war! Civil war!
We all know AntiFa is easy to bait.
We need a free speech rally in San Fan STAT!
they have (((one)))
You're speculating too much. It's far simpler:
Democrats want an attack dog while they themselves try to pretend to be "moderate". They want Antifa to function exactly the way they do in Germany—on the payroll. SPD basically pays Antifa to riot in Germany and to target their enemies. All Democrats are doing right now is trying to put up a barrier for plausible deniability. If you recall, multiple Democrats were sucking Antifa's dick very recently. That's not good for optics.
So why again was Trump literally Hitler when he condemned violence on both sides?
>Trump does it again
>4D Check Mated
LOL MSM getting rekted by an orange with clown hair
Antifa are the street enforcers for the establishment. That isn't going to change. Police will continue to stand down allowing Antifa to operate freely. What's changed is that Pelosi got back internal results from polls and focus groups that shows people don't like the alt-left and their bad reputation is rubbing off on the Democrats. So now Democrats will disavow the alt-left publicly, but still privately support them through city governments.
they are doing what the (((they))) want their end is soon but will be repllaced
You know you've fucked up when top Dems are denouncing you.
Goodnight, Antifa.
If that's the case they're folding a lot easier than I expected. They must know it's going to take a decade or more to dig out of this hole. I'm just really surprised to see them doing even one rational move.
That just means the democrats got poll numbers back and realized this shit is not helping them.
And that the media turned on them since they are beating the shit out of journalists
Highly skeptical. Maybe their ratings collapsed so far that they realised they had to play ball to win people back over.
There was madness in any direction, at any hour. If not across the Bay, then up the Golden Gate or down 101 to Los Altos or La Honda. . . . Antifa could strike anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever Antifa was doing was right, that they were winning. . . .
And that, I think, was the handle—that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Nazi's and Facism. Not in any mean or military sense; Antifa didn’t need that. Or they thought the energy would simply prevail. There was a point in fighting— not any side but theirs. Antifa believed they had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. . . .
So now, less than five days later, you can go up on a steep peak in the Oakland Hills and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the Antifa wave finally broke and rolled back.
Archive of one of CNN's first glamorizing pieces on ANTIFA, with the original "peace-through-violence" headline
>redpolitics us
Can you please do better than that? Huge if true.
The naked Orwellian shamelessness of these media trash disgusts me more than the sly management of the political apparatchiks. At least the latter are doing the job their paid to. The journalists shit on their own profession and sell us the results. Fucking propagandists.
It's funny cuz the establishment keeps calling Trump dumb, when he had pointed out there were two sides weeks ago.
Now they're like "Oh wait, maybe there are two sides."
AntiFa is here and I say we smack the beeshive again and again until these Commie connections get outed (like the Mayor of Berkeley!)