Kekistan cringe thread.
Kekistan cringe thread
Stop projecting.
Piss off. Kekistan is funny you divide and conquer shill. Anything that triggers leftists is good on my book
based thread pedes!
Kekiststan was tight when we were btfo of shi's plans and doing unbelievable stuff after the election. Now it is completely the opposite with them being really retarded and pointless tbqh.
It's not funny
Reminds me of those russian bots during the election.
What are they on to?
this kek shit is retarded
just like
goddamn man what a bunch of faggots
my sides
>Sup Forums irl
(((Cringe Thread)))
profits 100 to Sup Forums.
Good shit
One of my classmates from law school has his Facebook banner image set to some kekistani shit. If I knew him in person I'd slap his shit for revealing his powerlevel publicly.
>Khaki's signal other Chads to prepare for battle
>6000000 upboats
Every fucking time
no its not. Fuck off kikestain
is this what fight for?
is this what Sup Forums is in the eyes of normies?
Yea but the followers sure are
This is The Ebin Shitposter !Ebin7zjCDw from the Syria General (/sg/) threads. A literal 40 year old Kekistani.
>kekistan is funny
It really isn't.
fuck rtd
>profits going to charity after they pay there 500k a year salary and factor in the bonuses for sale made.
when did Sup Forums re-add the dumb larping flag options? they didnt even include JIDF
All fat, all ugly, all unfuckable, how come there are hardly any good looking women on the left?
>the virgin hairline
me on the lawn carrying my shoes
i want her to sit on my face and never leave
I would unironically buy one of those simplistic green kek hoodies.
Also, lol at the fact it's a bunch of pessimistic minorities advertising kekistan shit completely oblivious to its implications
give it a rest, dude
not everyone who thinks youre retarded is a commie, chill
I'm drunk
>he doesn't know how to activate the JIDF flag
Top kek, gtfo newfag.
the absolute state of america
Yea this kek shit is well past its sell by date at this stage, you sound like one of them degenerate fags over at r9k with there Chad bollox, sitting on there moms basement with there fingers up there hole wondering why everyone hates them,
Girl with glasses 4th from the left looks like my ex girlfriend...
I miss her pussy the most...
wettest girl I ever met..
you realize that the chad are what you're suppose to laugh at right?
>there are still people who would defend these people
Heil kek
i can literally go on till the thread limit is reached
I feel sorry for Pepe's creator. Spawning so many shitty memes.
This actually made me chortle
Good Lord, what a fucking degenerate
>blindly follow everything Trump does or we ban you
These are the same people who will tell you that they're for free speech.
As cringe worthy as the kekistan fags are, they can serve a purpose. They can serve as the first wave of meatshields when the time comes.
It bothers me that they still use the centipede meme. That stopped being funny during the primaries. Spamming it everywhere doesn't make it good.
>they can serve a purpose
they're basically a more cringe-worthy more exacerbated neckbeard version of the chanology fags. They serve no purpose other than associating this place with a bunch of faggot neckbeards and larpers who do dumb shit in public. /r/the_donald has also no purpose in regards to Sup Forums
>nofx bumper
nofx fucking suck