Why can't Ameripigs into café culture?
less gays than europe
>drives truck down the street
Overrated garbage.
Honestly, Americans are too busy earning a living to sit down and drink coffee.
(((american))) """culture"""
Because we have jobs and shit to do you spatzlenigger
Degenerate French faggot lifestyle is typical for cafe culture !
Euro trash envies olive garden and red lobster.
Because fuck your Yuropoor culture
Cafe culture arose in Europe because you were too broke to heat your homes after the first world war or afford radios, so people would go to cafes that had sources of heat and watch kikes argue with each other for entertainment. Then mindless European leftist sheep kept doing it because the kikes liked having an audience for their kike arguments and the sheep always mindlessly do whatever kikes tell them. Americans have always had heat and better things to do. Also you never saw that shit in Hitler's Reich.
Because cars. No such thing as comfy strolls around town in burger and.
i hate these so fucking much
source me, brah
café culture is for gayboys
Why would I eat shitty food and drink shitty coffee while sitting completely exposed on a shitty, nigger-infested street, on a hot, shitty day when I can either
a) Have my fiance make me a delicious home-cooked meal in the comfort of my own home or
b) Eat indoors at a comfortable restaurant that serves well-prepared meals?
Patio culture > café culture
t. Texan
>implying only America has these
>implying America doesn't have cafes as well
Too bad you fags don't have these. Even though they aren't as great as they were decades ago diners are still awesome.
more like faggot culture
a) you don't have a fiancé
b) american restaraunts don't serve well-prepared meal or anything that could be even remotely considered edible
Eating on the street, how fancy!
>paying $5 to drink water
>being surrounded by Eurosmokes and Eurodrinks when my house is so much more comfy
damn you sure showed me
You're an idiot... There are outdoor cafes everywhere in America in climates that warrant it, fuck off pretentious bastard.
I read about it in a book on Sartre. The phrase "coffeehouse jew" comes from that history. The "coffeehouse jew" being the scrawny, weak sniveling and squabbling jew intellectual in European urban areas. If you Google that phrase you'll find a few reputable histories of cafe culture.
We do barbecues instead of that fag shit.
It depends, I live in a small town and our grocery store is like this along with a few resturants, a gym, and a laundromat.
Its pretty comfy driiving into other small towns and even if the names are different everything is the same. That said, when you have like 20 of them on every street like they do up north, its fucking hideous.
what is starbucks you stupid euronigger ?
stop it
>starcucks took over
>coffee is more for fueling a morning commute than a relaxing midday treat
>private cafes are full of hipster garbage
Yeah that's basically it
I can't stand it when people have giant pickup trucks for no reason. Unless you need it for your jobs, or to two heavy shit, you shouldn't have it. It's clear they just have them for their ago when their immaculate
>tea and biscuts for dinner
No thanks eurofag I'll take steak and whisky.
You ever notice that the majority of people with those old Toyota pick-ups are assholes?
when do we have time to sit around and fuck off?
I would love to go have a nice cup of coffee at the shop every now and then, but it's full of retarded communists who smell bad.
Because diner culture is superior.
>diner culture
>I'll have a coffee
>pours you a normal black cup of coffee immediately
>it costs like 30 cents
>"cafe" culture
>I'll have a coffee
>You know, coffee. I will have coffee. This is a cafe
>oh sorry I meant a tall long upside down black
>wait 20 minutes
>shot of espresso and a cup of hot water
>that will be 14 dollars sir
you are a fagget
>You ever notice that the majority of people are assholes?
Fixed if for you
How long till van driven by terrorists start plowing through your cafes?
>proudly being too much of a slave to do both!
It's hilarious how the rest of this thread is full of menstruating numale Ameripoors literally shrieking with rage at being mocked for being a nation of easily triggered, uncultured subhumans.
You're too stupid to understand why you should immediately commit suicide for this post.
>tfw no comfy american Christmas markets next to the grand Cathedral at the center of the city, whose chorus of beautiful germanic children singing carols within wafts out into the cold yet cozy snowy winter night.
Wow, good job having one of those per 500 soul crushing generic strip malls
Meanwhile, other countries have places worth visiting on nearly every block.
feels bad man
commie faggot get out
No sense in waiting around like ducks in a pond waiting for Muslims to blow you up.
Or like corporate drones in towers eh, Ameripoor?