>the globalist operate on 50 year plans
>what the US and Europe is seeing is not one plan that's gone back 100s of years but a second attempt
>marx and the formation of the USSR was attempt #1
>Trotsky was pulling the strings and was supposed to become supreme Soviet, he influenced Lenin more then the other way around and was the mastermind, Lenin was very idealistic
>he believed communism would work best if it was the entire world.
>a wrench was thrown in the works when Stalin took power instead
>many globalist were swept up in the red terror and the council was forced to try and influence the USSR from the outside
>this did not work, they tried for decades but the golem was out of their control.
>Hitler's cabinet was infiltrated and he was fed the information of the pending Soviet betrayal so that the USSR could expand all the way to Germany.
>the globalist crashed the USSR , but the kgb did not disband untill 1997
>they worked in cells out of India to begin the subversion process in the US
The globalist operate on 50 year plans
Other urls found in this thread:
huh really? some of what you're saying makes sense, some of it i've never heard before. how do i know you aren't just LARPing? and even if you are LARPing... please, do go on.
>>they worked in cells out of India to begin the subversion process in the US
Explain and show bob
He watched Yuri Bezmenov and now he is triggered about Russian KGB agents in India.
Also subversion started way earlier.
There are many ways you can tell if your nation is being subverted.
>your nations principles are questioned in a short amount of time.
>news outlets becoming propaganda
> the formation of internal NGO groups from nowhere and for no apparent or necessary reason, such as the ADL and clinton/McCain foundations
Yuri was not invloved. The way he describes is correct, but with the rise of the internet and social media the process was speed up. Which is the this current attempt is in danger of failing, the pawns were radicalized too fast.
I thought/learned that Globalists operate on 100 year plans, do they not?
1917-2017...rise of communism/proto-globalism
You're correct but I think you're talking about low-level globalists - the ones who plan in 100 year stages are the occultists/Luciferians/Freemasons/Illuminati who have planned the take over of all nations since the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati and the letter written to George Washington warning him of any "double agents" within his local Freemason lodge. Washington infiltrated the Illuminati in his years so he knew the plan.
Its much eaiser in India to fly under radar and the USSR did many operations there. The man who killed Ghandi was kgb.
50-100 plan years
The USSR was 100 years, this in 2017 is a 50 years and even further sped up. Many of the leads are getting old. No plan survives contact with the enemy.
On that. Europe is lost. However the United States is in danger of losing grip.
They have abandoned the dnc and are tightening their grip using the media and their NGOs. Any actors in the house are operating on their own and the leads are waking a thin line. If the plot is uncovered, then they are defeated everywhere,not just the US.
There a reason in Europe things are getting worse so quickly, to solidify control in the event the trump admin exposes the plot.
You're absolutely right. Rule No.1 of warfare is no plan survives contact with the enemy and Rule No.2 is read Rule No.1.
Even supernatural beings as powerful as Lucifer/Fallen Ones/Watchers are not God, so their century old plans can get derailed.
I knew that KGB worked in India since Bezmenov hinted at it - people missed it, though.
Wait a minute...wait a minute...my father was KGB/Soviet agent (as far as I can tell) and he worked heavily in Nepal/Tibet. He lived there, always showed me pics of him meeting British intelligence agents, did Elephant Polo (you should know what that is if you're an intel agent/in the know of the India/Nepal region). He showed me pics of him training Steven Segal (famous martial arts actor whose citizenship is Russian now) in elephant polo and him winning elephant polo competitions. He was also a mountain climber and so did many Everest expeditions. I just don't know if he was subverting the USA during that time but he said many American politicians travel to Nepal.
He told me that the war in Ukraine, of which I was in, wasn't caused by Russia but by American CIA and the East asked Russia to participate and train them. He helped train them in Donbass as well. I didn't believe him at the time, but now I know Soros/CIA/NATO/Nuland set up Ukraine to fall and did the Maidan Revolution to make Ukraine anti-Russia. They wanted Russia to invade all of Ukraine (as Tom Clancy revealed in "Command Authority" before he was killed) so that it would trigger a NATO response to destroy Russia. However, the CIA's plan hasn't worked.
I have to ask you...was Hurricane Harvey - a result of a Russian HAARP weather weapon called the ENMOD? Was it a response to Podesta Group, who burned down 100 buildings in Russia recently, and Russia activated their weather weapon first in Cuba and then it got out of control and spun into Texas?
Lol wut?
How high are you? The man who killed Gandhi was a patriot and did a huge favor on us
Oh yea that is right, Bezmenov does talk about how he was working in India. I thought it was a bit odd at the time, since I saw Soviet-India relations being fairly good.
I couldn't tell you what your father did. There are Intel agencies working inside every country. Macron in France is CIA
Ukraine was Clinton, cia and soros.
They have a revolution system set up. The media will twist the story so each revolution doesn't look strangely alike.
It's different from the subversion but they can be used in tandem
Yes, relations were good but communist party never got much traction in India, the most cancerous we got was having a socialist government in early decades
This is my last text for today.
You need to get members of the site to orgizine like you did to the he will not divide us events. Push a pro US message as much as possible. The subversion is in danger of failing in the transition from destabilization to crisis.
I am very old now, but I am still alive. Don't trust what you see, save your country.
You Jews seem to do a lot of that
What my father did was in the past, so it's not that important but it adds history/background to the Soviet plan of subverting Russia for sure.
Macron is CIA? That's new. Does that mean him working for the Rothschilds mean that the CIA = Rothschilds? Because I knew that CIA was founded through the Council of Foreign Relations, a globalist group representing the bankers and the Rothchilds.
Then why is Macron's popularity failing now? If the CIA/Rothschilds propped him up, and made Le Pen fail, what's their plan for France? The end goal?
If I'm correct, isn't the EU going to become a 10 member Superstate soon when Nationalist countries leave? And isn't it where the CIA plans to elect a sort of- Antichrist leader into the EU? Sort of like...........Obama?
We will expose their plans.
Take America back.
If you have any links/depositories online for me to go and distribute, I can send you a times 10minute email and you can email me - no name, no personal info?
Can you do that?
If not, then hope we can meet up again.
Sup Forums will fight and support Trump to take back America.
>I'm still alive
Oh fuck
>more then
My god...
My father might have known him.
GOnna need to do some recon now.
What the hell is he doing on Sup Forums and for how old he is, he knows about it? That means that every intel agency in the world is here. Holy shit...
Whether it was Yuri or wasn't, the guy is right. Even the new info that Macron is CIA makes a lot of sense. It's the same game - masked under different tactics.
We need to organize Sup Forums to save America, guys.
We need to do HWNDU on a GRAND scale. NOW!
Of all things, the Gamergate drama showed us the way. Fighting for free speech and against tyrannical institutions are the cornerstone of being an American. Call the institutions for what they are. Media= Corporate Fascist. Universities= Maoist reeducation camps. FBI= Corrupt and unjust. CIA= domestic terrorist.
All the information is out in the open. These assholes want to topple the US government and create a EU style one world government.
Virtues are freedom and Liberty. Stay close to them.
We die standing up rather than live on our knees.
He warned us.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson
Wikipedia says he died in 93 , but he would of been 54. ((Wikipedia))
If it's him then he is in his 70s now
Let's start a daily thread NOW.
Them being DNC, Media, Universities, FBI, CIA
We need to start planning.
FUCK the CIA - that's not America. IT's the Stasi.
We have few weeks left until all relations with Russia get sour bad - and things begin activating for a final showdown. We need to stop the Media, Universities, and Maoist reeducation camps.
Hurricane Harvey was a harbinger - whether a HAARP weapon created by the CIA or Russia - doesn't matter - it's a harbinger of the end of America.
Unless we physically fight and shed blood - preferrably the fucking traitors within the CIA/FBI/ and the Soros NGOs actively sabotaging America.
Special Ops bros - we need all of us to start training American citizens in guerrilla warfare. NOW
If yiur doing serious origination, do it in person away from any and all technology.
Vault 7 showed that every single peice of electronics can be used to monitor, they can hack ridiculous shit like microwaves
1st step - start TWNDU thread - you, me, or whoever else reading it can do it today. We just gotta get the snowball rolling.
Stay frosty.
It's all about narratives.
The thing Americans hate collectively are Communist. It's why the faggots in the DNC went for the muh Russians spin.
Anti-American is not as strong as we are Anti-communist.
or Socialism=tyranny. The left went hard left too fast and doesn't have the momentum it needs. This is why they hire KKK and white nationalist to LARP and go on this board.
The Hitler stuff started here as a joke and to be offensive. It was never to be done IRL or you will lose the power of irony.
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose,
Nothing don't mean nothing honey if it ain't free, now now.- Janis Joplin
Roger that
And if there are academics here, drop literature bombs.
Name the Jew but carefully
Its obvious Macron is a friend to the US and Trump. His poll numbers are failing because the media/establishment in France don't approve of what he's doing, just like Trump in the US.
Polls represent not the people, but the elite/establishment views and opinions on the leaders of the country.
Macron seems to be a double agent for the good guys.
reminder that canada is the staging ground for the globalists and their plants.
look at every jewish comedian who became popular with seth rogan/james franco wave in the 0's and all those other shits that moved to america to influence media, they're from canada
fuck canada
Good points all around.
We need to start with this image in the 1st TWNDU thread:
Anti-communist message connected with Antifa operators/Soros NGOs.
They also were smart and pre-emptively started the White Nationalist meme
Replace it with civic nationalism
Daily reminder that Israel was the only middle East country with a communist party and the KGB had such overlap with MOSSAD membership they were practically the same thing.
Ya we should absolutely have a daily thread that exposes all the media/cia lies and encourages patriotism of the US.
I didn't give a fuck about this country until Trump ran in the primaries, and my patriotism grew when he was elected.
We need to get more people to be proud of their country.
Showing pictures/events that are pro US like the heroes saving lives in TX is a start. Whether people are patriotic or not, images like that are powerful, and it DOES drive it home.
No such thing as civic nationalism.
Macron is fine
CIA will be executed for their treason.
Probably bullshit, but I really want to believe.
I hope you come back. Was the guru movements of the 60s and 70s part of the subversion process?
>the man who killed gandhi was kgb
Go fuck your self , he was a patriot and did a huge favour on us by kiling gandhi.
If that old fuck would br alive for 3 more days , my country would be split apart.
I know but if you say you are a nationalist, they will say you are a white nationalist.
They co-opted the meaning. The emotivists (muh feels) use co-opting as their primary weapon to create narratives.
They co-opted the term liberal because we Americans hate leftist.
Congratulation , now you are on every alphabet agency watchlist in America.
Horrah ! For your new freedom.
This is why you see the co-opting of identity politics from equality to equity
Equity= socialism and redistribution
Equality= liberalism and a fair playing field.
We pretty much have equality, so the leftist have drained their liberal hosts and are moving on to find a new host. This time they are going for the whole enchilada. They are going for a world government collective. And we are in the way.
run over the cia niggers with your car
Who gives a shit? The CIA's been "tracking" Americans since the 1950's. The FBI and CIA were created to spy/clamp down upon Americans and grassroot movements against the deep state/shadow government.
CIA will be executed. FBI traitors will be executed.
They're traitors, seditious, and unconstitutional. They will all die unless they surrender.
We will take America back.
(((Their))) plan is the same as it has been for thousands of years: divide and rule. So I'm in wholehearted agreement with the idea of working to unify people.
>Unless we physically fight and shed blood
No, we must be *willing* to fight and shed blood - because it's the willingness to do so that will as much possible *limit* fighting and bloodshed.
This distinction is crucial. Hoping for - or conversely, recoiling from - fighting and bloodshed is the very thing we are fighting. Our act of controlling that desire in ourselves is what will allow us to succeed in controlling it in others.
This is the lesson Krishna taught to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita (in the Mahabharata).
We act as we must act.
no. there's nothing controversial about stating that the penalty for high treason is death. they know the penalty. they will be exposed and they will be lawfully executed.
no. they will be exposed, tried, and lawfully executed. running over people is cia-tier niggerness. i'm no nigger.
The big difference between us and (((Them))) is we are willing to die for freedom. People who seek power are not willing to die for it.
It's why the Antifa faggots hit and run.
Im confident historians are going to have to decipher the holy memetic powers this board possesses
They are slaves to their fear. And while we must not be slaves to ours, we must also not be the opposite.
The difference must be the difference between masculine and feminine: we must rule our emotions, rather than our emotions ruling us.
Somebody create a
TWNDU thread!!!!
We get that from Liberty. You are your own master. I own my successes and failures.
Personal responsibility.
I think going back to the Declaration of Independence and Constitution to get our values. It sounds cliche but it absolutely about values and virtues. Life Liberty and Happiness...Truths that are self evident.
Counter (((their))) arguments by refusing to be grouped. The first thing (((they))) ask is "what are you?" Only identify as "me" or by your name.