What would you do if this was your girlfriend Sup Forums?
Leftist bitch won't help out Harvey victims
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Sean Connery her across the face
>because some of them voted for Trump
lies. She wouldn't donate under any circumstances because leftists are stingy as fuck with their own money and generous with everyone else's.
Expose them!
So she'll let the marginalized and oppressed be deprived because some of the Houston-ers are Trump voters?
>The battle of virtue signaling.
We need to find a way to weaponize this.
I don't give a fuck. Have you donated yet? I sure as fuck haven't.
>using being a selfish cunt to virtue signal
Welp, that's a new one.
nothings wrong with that l0l
tell her shes the scum of the Earth, and kick her ass out.
It's her money. She can spend it how she likes. That's exactly why I scrutinize who owns the places where I shop and eat and how I choose where to donate.
The only "people" who actually need money in Houston are not Trump voters, so I love this shit.
Trump voters are the ones doing rescues, the ones who were prepared, the ones who left in time not to burden others.
Now that's progressive!...
Unprepared urban weaklings who listened to their idiot black mayor instead of evacuating are far more likely to be Hillary voters.
That's fine - most asians/spics end up working for me in the office anyway.
I'll pay "them" back :)
But its leftover katrinaniggers drowing in Houston?
She looks like a spic nigger
If women only ruled the world the world would be a better place and everyone would be peaceful and happy.
As long as you agreed with everything they said.
They are more concerned with appearing to be charitable by forcing others to be while they *sips coffee* behind their keyboard. Meanwhile real americans are boots on the ground pulling people out of the water.
>read article then read comments to it
>Everyone agrees and says fuck Texas
>mfw they dont realize Harris county is a blue county and they are advocating for the deaths of Mexican and Black families.
I am saving the article and comments and spreading it as far as I can here in Texas. Show it to every minority you can. I'm TexMex and voted Trump but I never thought I would read some shit like this.
This is truer than people realize. A bunch came with the cajun navy doing rescues too
didn't Houston voted for Hillary?
Yes and it is majority minorities that live there too. It's funny. I am emailing the article and emphasizing people to read the comments. I have lots of family there. Dems probably lost Harris county after this spreads.
I'd donate and take it out of her allowance.
What girlfriend? oh, you mean the corpse I just made into lovely meatloaf that i'm sending to the hurricane Harvey survivors? yeah, i'd just dump her, honestly..