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So... other cities don't matter?

Piss off thats a illogical and moronic comparison

All cities do matter aside from the ones that need to be eradicated.

Houston doesn't sell drugs at my apartment complex and shoot other cities for not being Houston enough. Fuck off nigger.

Maybe if they said "pray for blacks being murdered by the police", it would be more clear.


I seen a clip of your prime minister last night... I seriously do not understand how the fuck that cunt is allowed to represent you fuckers.. He is sooooooo fucking fake its not funny. I thought of all the leaf posters here while watching and it kind of gave me an insight into why you cunts are so fucked in the head. If that absolutely clear fake is taken serious by you people then something is clearly fucking wrong.

>niggas poor situations is not they fault

All cities do matter. Just because Houston got flooded doesn't mean other cities don't need water, electricity, sanitation, etc.

>Houston matters
>What about the other counties/states that are flooded and had people die?

>I know this natural disaster is bad and is putting a state in danger but remember us black people ok???
Niggers need attention too.

>it's stupid to consider all cities matter
This is what Americans actually believe.

>Huston was the only city to get hit by the hurricane
Is everyone on twitter retarded?

I didn't vote for this fucking faggot. It's because of torontofags that we have that piece of shit as pm. Everyone in Canada hates Toronto. They hate everyone in Canada too but fuck them.

is houston the only city affected by the hurricane?

Houston not the only city in Texas getting fucked

I understand they say "black lives matter" because they think black people are under attack. It's just that black people aren't actually under attack, they just don't understand how to not commit crime.

>I'm praying for my child but all children matter ... See how stupid that sounds? lol

wtf? fucking retards.

>Is everyone on twitter retarded?
Well the most active and vocal group on Twitter is leftists, many of whom are black. This is why it's ridiculous that the media treats Twitter like it's the epicentre of social media, to the extent that they write entire articles about Twitter's reactions to something, when it isn't even one of the most popular social media platforms and it's bleeding money.

im praying for ketchup but all dressings matter

we like to troll our niggers by responding with "all lives matter." what's your point?

so when are they going to capture him and release him into a cage with abdul? Abdul will hold him in position and rape him to death.

this is why we need electoral college