What is Sup Forums's opinion of this book?

I read it just today, and for being such a short read I found it surprisingly powerful.

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>asking conservashits if they can read anything but Ayn Rand or bible

It's pretty good

the way is within, and extra

I dare to dream.

Quite good little book. Next, go to Guenon and Evola.

How many shekels on Amazon?

I read this and Beneath the Wheel when I was like 12.

PDF for niggers?

I got it for less than $6 a little while ago.

Fucking retarded

Yup, it's bringing back freshman English class vibes. Other than that a /comfy/ read it. It can make you think if you let it

Read it recently myself; very compelling. Not very Sup Forums-lite at all. Not that it should be.

it's best read in nature over 3 to 4 sittings

Pretty much the story of Buddhism but it's not Buddha regardless of the name.
If anything, point of the book that everything you have to find your nirvana is already in yourself.

Only spoonfeeding you b/c it's a good book.


Buddhism.. Give up all your possesions, don't have feelings, stop caring, sit and daydream. I wonder why KGB wanted to spread this shit to America.

I don't read lol

>Give up all your possesions, don't have feelings, stop caring, sit and daydream.

The Bible puts out many similar ideas it seems. Solomon, the richest guy in the world (at the time, evidently), said everything is vanity. Jesus had no possessions to speak of (except for the sleeveless coat) and had no fixed home. It seems to be a common theme.

The revelations of Buddhism all come to you naturally if you just wait for old age. It's only compelling when you learn it in your youth, before cynicism takes over.

How is this related to Sup Forums? I'm genuinely curious, not criticizing.

Well, of course he could say everything is vanity, it was for him. Jesus says that god is inside everybody. Is this some kind of appeal to authority?

I just struggle with the question of "Why?" Why is it a never-ending series of lives all doing the same things over? If anything, it almost induces a sort of cynicism in me. What the fuck is the point of learning anything if nothing is retained?

Read it back in like 12th grade
Didn't see the big deal about it
He should've stayed with the hot bitch lol

Go read Christian books senpai

I felt it appropriate since Sup Forums has a very distinct philosophy, and this book falls into the realm of spirituality and philosophy. But that's me.

Politics follow values, and this is a philosophy book.

I love you user.

Listen to these idiots. There's atleast three russian shills in this thread. Be who you want to be, don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

>Go read Christian books senpai

Did that. Moved on. I like this book's emphasis on ditching teachers and doctrine. If anything, I believe they are a stepping stone, not an end to themselves.

Values are based on philosophy/spirituality.

Sorry, misunderstood your statement. Apologies.

Great read, finished it waiting for laundry to dry one afternoon.

It's light / short, but it's well written, and encourages original thought.

Siddhartha is a good Christian book, with the same values from the gospels before Jews corrupted it

The teachings of Jesus are sound. Problem is that "Christians" don't actually follow them (like what happens in most religions). I grew up a Jehovah's Witness until I was 20 and left.

Paid russian shills. You are too obvious guys, calm down.

Someone has the mine Bitcoin

What does it offer?

You should check out Joseph Campbell's work in mythology. His power of myth book is great if you're into this.


Can I have my paycheck then because I is just normal nigger.

Wisdom. Clarity.

Wisdom, clarity.

Yeah, all Buddhism is degenerate. The Samurai warriors, and Julius Evola, were clearly Bolshevik shills.

agreed i liked it too. read zarathustra

I've owned this for years but have yet to read it. Should I prioritize it?

Read Schopenhauer mate

The only Atheist worth reading

Incredible book, on par with Meditations desu. Pic always related.


Yes, get it over with.


Hermann Hesse came as close as a western writer gets to understanding what indian spirituality is about

>I like this book's emphasis on ditching teachers and doctrine

The problem I have when people usually say this, they mean a shallow subjectivity where you ditch values, traditions and a consistent philosophical pov.

wtf you can read it in one sitting easily... it's just a little over 100 pages if i recall. I think i read it in a couple of hours the first time

heh nothin personnel kid

I was in the same boat until today. It took less than a day...its not long.

I agree that it is easy to throw the baby out with the bath water. I was like that for a while after I left the cult I was in....fuck all religions, they are worthless, etc. There is good in many of them though....you just have to be selective.

You read any Dostoevsky or Tolstoy Mate

Yeah trips. I grew less fond of it over time when I realized that he and Muhammad really have a similar life of privilege that grows into massive hedonism eventually becoming spiritual.

Everyone calls Jesus a cuck but at least he tried to live a unique life at worst with one woman and absolute self-denial.

I can't respect that "I am going to try every sexual position with every woman and try every drug, be a prince and lead wars that kill people and THEN find enlightenment through knowing how hollow the material world is and now I am going to be a Monk, listen to me because I have done it all and know its bad" its such a freakin copout. Yet people follow it because they want to emulate it, then expect God to forgive them after.

The book was pretty decent though, it was inspiring in the same way that Lord of the Rings is but less time consuming. Deserves a movie.

He worked in that patent office to steal secrets for the Jews?
His physics are bunch of stolen, unprovable Jewish physics trash and he's elevated to a genius for Jewish supremacy?
How of our science is 100% theoretical or total bullshit Jew science?

Not yet, but on my list though.

I liked the Way of Zen by Watts

>the way
the way isn't for you and me

..Isn't this mandatory reading in middle schools all across america? lol. rule 2 you lil faggot