Should women get involved in more gender roles...

should women get involved in more gender roles? Should they have a career in STEM and be part of the working class like men?

if they want to. most of them don't seem to want to.

No. Only sexless faggot virgins want this


>it's only ever women complaining and only to make themselves and their gender studies careers relevant
Here's a good test.

Are they complaining about something enjoyed by people that they don't like? Then they're complaining to maliciously attack them. Are they complaining about something they do like? They're complaining for the sake of complaining.

There already are women in STEM, almost none of them are white. White women don't like STEM because they don't want to be associated to the stereotype associated with STEM, this is the real evil of feminism, they actually just don't like white men and know what they're doing helps no one and hurts white men. Marxist feminism is a literal hate ideology with hate being the main motivation, specifically for nerdy guys.

No, not even sexless virgins want to sacrifice their careers so women with otherwise nothing to do with feminism can be appeased. These are cucks who will agree to whatever the fuck you imply that they should agree with.

every time the system tries to enforce an "equal opportunity" playing field, men and women success becomes more divergent.
There are less women completing STEM degrees than ever before with the push for diversity.
The simple truth is that hormones and genetics influences a person's interest.
That isn't wrong. That's just the human species.

This of course is completely hostile to the liberal. Their entire existence depends on the concept that factual reality can be negotiated socially.
>gender roles are a social construct!!!

We need to put them to work in the coal mines and then make them take us out to dinner after because I'm too much of an entitled millennial bitch to cook for my family which I don't want and hate, and then when she complains about it I can go and sleep with her best friend on the grounds that "she wasn't there enough" or "she's not a real woman" and then I can get half her shit and my own house where I can bone whoever I want coz, you know, its 2017 and I'm entitled to feel empowered.

Pretty sweet fucking deal if you ask me.

I like that the comic admits that women's ability to lead is fiction by comparing it to Dragons and Zombies


isn't the whole idea of equality abolishing gender roles altogether?
I mean fuck, you don't need to know if that knight is a man or a women if they're in full plate, murdering you
you can't even fucking tell
its armor
its designed to protect, not point out "HEY I'M A WOMAN IN ARMOR PAY ATTENTION TO ME REEEE"
I'm fine with women in positions of power, but for fucks sake at least put some fucking effort into making it look real and not some shitty power fap fantasy
that is what people hate, poorly written characters there clearly for a quote, its why mass effect andromea failed so badly, because every god damn thing about it had quotes
you want people to like a women in a male role in a fantasy? then write a good fucking character, learn to write a good fucking book, not make it about the person's fucking gender, but about the person themselves. don't fucking make their whole god damn character "HURR DURR ME WO-MAN", because that's just fucking retarded.

Does a large normie portion actually buy this "i am wooooman" bullshit? Its so cringy

In my experience as a STEM student, about half the women dropped out of the classes in the first few weeks. The ones I had talked to almost always said "it was too stressful". By the end of every class the girls left were almost all asians.

I don't think it's as much a hatred of white nerdy men, I think they just don't have the drive to actually get through the difficult material.

This is why I actually don't dislike Steven Universe as much as some people - while it's obviously written by SJW's and tumblr types, they actually focused more on making a good show with an interesting story and set of characters instead of going "LOOK HOW PROGRESSIVE WE ARE THE GEMS ARE FEMALE WITH MASCULINE TRAITS LOOK PROGRESSIVE!!"



Na. Women as leaders is definitely something I would expect in fantasy land.

>By the end of every class the girls left were almost all asians.
And those gorgeous Indians who can still string words together even when they're nervous.

>I don't think it's as much a hatred of white nerdy men
But I'm not talking about STEM failures, I'm talking about the kind of women who wouldn't befriend those STEM failing women because they're not irrevocably associated to nerdiness.

I'm talking about when a gamer gate journalist unironically asks some game dev manager, whose dick she probably sucked, to never hire white men. She's not in STEM, she's a journalist. She has nothing to do with STEM. To her, STEM is smart white man welfare and must go, because smart white men must go because otherwise people will think all smart people are white, that's literally their current justification; we need to kick the men out to show women can work.

It's pure hate, they hate nerdy white guys.

what would this person think of 1000-year old dragon lolis?

I don't understand the picture.

You can't have something so far out there and unbelievable and still expect the show to be accepted

yfw this pathetic excuse for a woman appears on screen and opens her filthy mouth to talk about "muh nordz"

>time to go to sleep
>only 4:15am

Nice joke.

There are probably more people complaining about this in the books themselves than the real world


Well, adding women to STEM would certainly make working class STEM men work more because the women would fuck shit up all the time

>be woman in stem
>commit to master


If they want to. The fact that unis are literally lowering the entry requirements for engineering in australia and still can't maintain female enrolment beyond sem 1 indicates that they don't want to for the most part.

Women do not belong in politics. They are naturally low test and therefore cannot handle the stress the Chad naturally basks in.

BTW. The Night King is the most realistic character in this show. I'm rooting for him.

There's literally nothing but themselves stopping them.


>change the nature of reality in a fictional world, which is accepted
>don't change the nature of gender, yet change the societal results
If the women had the same strength and cultural role except for having vaginas, sure. But they don't. They're small, skinny, weaker, shorter, and can be assumed, have female brains. And as such would not be in roles of power.

You can't force them to join engineering, just like you can't' force them to play anything other than Mercy or DVa.

Dude is so edgy, being all Indian with his Cleveland Indians hat and Chicago Blackhawks shirt on.

Women shouldn't be encouraged to go into stem anymore then men are. They shouldn't be discouraged either. There are some top tier women through computer science history, and then the number of women in the field dropped in the 80's I heard. That's when the geeks took over and made the culture unbearable. Either way I don't really give a shit. STEM jobs are mostly miserable unless you're in the top 1% of it and the only reason I stay is for the pay and benefits. If a woman wants my job she can have it.

The mountain is holy to Native Americans, they aren't against the founding fathers. They are against the destruction of their holy site.



>It's harder for us to believe in women's equality than in dragons and ice zombies.


Yeah? Are you a nerdy white guy? Faggot.



Good one.

I am, you Danish thot.

>women in positions of power
>fucked up world with incest, faggotry, war, poverty, and literal abomonations.
>more war when slavery ends
>shit goes to hell when a great border wall is destroyed.
>people think GoT is bluepilled. Not just showing you what horrors await in the bluepilled world.

As far as careers are concerned, women are significantly less productive than men. For example the average female doctor is 25 percent less productive than the average male doctor, and the average female scientist is 30 percent less productive than the average male scientist (publishes less papers per capita and gets less citations, less likely to invent something new or to start new business).

So career wise women are a failure, as they are a drag on the economy.

Most importantly, having a career is negatively correlated with the number of children in women (but not in men). Women in managerial positions are most likely to be childless.

In other words, career women with children are wiping themselves out of existence (and contributing to the lowering of intelligence in women), and are replaced by latina or muslim stay at home moms with lots of children.

If white women want to survive, they will have to have more children.

I thought feminists liked to argue that only men are to blame for all the wars of history, women aren't capable of causing senseless killing and rape.

Libs are hypocrites. They also cant meme for shit

why are white women the worst?

No, they have billions less brain cells. Let the men do the heavy lifting and inventing. Women should be home raising the children

I'm AnCap. Women should be allowed to do whatever they want, as long as any fund they spend has been earned through voluntary trade / donations.

And seeing how many women there is in my "Industrial Electronics Technology" course even tho they're given a leg-up and are auto-accepted, they'd naturally choose not to.

Is Charlie just going to stand by and watch in the background there?




oh look this thread again


It's funny how women ignore all the wars fought by all the queens in history. The queens waged more war than the kings, even though there were more kings.

>I need to show the world that I am not bothered by trolls
>Now let me take the time and effort to make a comic to show that trolls receive no response from me

Yeah, make it 4:15 PM and we will talk. Fucking scrubs.

>being stupid


does she know where she is?

you can almost feel the straw from this strawman

>dat cuck sized drink

what kind of billionaire doesnt get himself a goddamn Big Gulp

>strong womyn

capitalism produces feminism.

not really sure whether to laugh or cry here..

You're forgetting that he still bangs the blonde secretary at work every day. Its just a political marriage, that AFAIK failed to get him special access to China.

The despair never ends

why is he so fucking hot in those

It's unrealistic because all of the women in power in Game of Thrones are absolutely TERRIBLE fucking leaders.

Makes you wonder why niggers act like niggers...

the picture has a point about GoT... It's all fantasy

The thing is they don't want to and aren't inclined to. In a free and open society like ours, women will always choose less technically advanced fields. There have been studies on this and there is a documentary called "brainwashed" that have proven this.

I guess I misinterpreted your post. But my only point was the actual thing keeping (white) women out of STEM is that they don't want to actually learn the required material. It's almost as if Engineering is complicated.

>commit to master
i understand this pain

youd be able to convince me that the average woman in a truly unbiased society would favor less technical fields more often than men (although i have not yet been convinced of this) however trying to say that that fact holds for all women is just about the most retarded thing possible

More like the comic is implying that it is viewed as more illogical than dragons and zombies in a fantasy story.

A billionaire who doesn't want diabetes?


Cersei is literally the only character I could believe could establish that position. They should have made her the only prominent woman and she would've been a legitimately strong female character. The other women in the show are retards. Fucking yara
>plz stop raping and pillaging as you have done for hundreds of years cos I say so. Ughh men
>yass queen slay

Even GRRM is probably sticking to 1-2 stronk wimmin despite being a massive feminist himself

bruh. nothing is stopping them. tech fields make mega bucks. companies will insta-hire you if you're a woman, and don't expect you to contribute much. Scholarships and internships come instantly.
and they still don't do it....
even for every 10 girls in tech only a few of them are as competent as your average guy.

i don't understand the reasons why, i have guesses but there will never be equality in the field.

see, im not sure i buy the last part of your speech. what evidence do you have to suggest that 9/10 girls in stem are worse than 5/10 guys in stem. that seems like a part where you jumped the gun a little. the rest is, if not the simplest answer that fits the data, at least an answer that fits the data. but the last piece seems to have no scienitific evidence

This. Its literally charity being a woman in stem. My gf herself is pretty unsure she can actually contribute to the work, but she has a bachelor's degree and companies are lining up to hire her

Being a black woman in stem must be the biggest cake walk ever, but there still have only been 60 EVER black female physics PhDs. The funny thing is I wouldn't mind being hispanic or something to get affirmative action gibs, but I'd never want to be a black woman no matter how many gibs they get

>4:15 am
gym opens in 45 min
>just hit 4pl8 dl
>tfw 1/2/1.5/4

>implying I didn't specifically mod my skyrim jarls to all be women so I could fucking them on their throne

The evidence is literally everywhere. Just look at the test scores, GPA, patent applications, the people at the top of the field are unanimously male. It's not a bias thing, why would corporate jews care if their top code monkey is male or female? In fact the actively seek women for good goy points, and the top positions still go to men. Do you work in STEM? Ever worked or studied in a technical field? The overwhelming first-hand experience alone will convince you, if you're not already convinced by the numbers

had a black woman in my office.
her job was to sit there and move some shit into folders occasionally.... she failed at that and got moved to a corner office
anecdotal from 5 years experience as an engineer. i've seen their work, it's usually okay but below average. you can code review the womyn engineers at google on github if you really wanted to get a feel for it.

first hand evidence is anecdotal unless acquired in a controlled setting. a good scientist knows this. i can think of several reasons why you might observe less women in stem fields. currently i assign the highest probability to the theory that most women dont like you, and so you see less of them

If they want to sure. Just don't expect them tp be food at it.

>Should they have a career in STEM and be part of the working class like men?
If they want. The real issue however is that society is pressuring women into high income career paths while trying to force men out of them the most obvious case being comp sci although STEM in general has this issue. This leads to two issues. One it drives out men who actually want to study and work in these fields, and two if pushes women into these fields who either aren't fit to work in these fields or only work in these fields because society is telling them that they have to. Its almost like a reverse sexism thing nowadays where people expect parents to push their daughters into being engineers and programmers instead of helping their daughters actually get the career they actually want.

It leads to the point where people will chimp out that you bought your daughter a doll instead of buying her legos for Christmas when she specifically asked for a doll.

Because white me have made the world too easy for them.

white men*

>sansa is borderline retarded
>daenerys would go apeshit if she wasn't kept in check by her male advisors
>cersei is a fucking psychopath
Amazing leaders, really inspiring

thats an interesting point ill grant you, and one that i cant find a hole in without actually dipping into a properly done study, so thats something. but theres still the issue of whether their supposed shortcomings are a result of not having been pointed towards stem at a young age or some intrinsic failure mode of their being. its also possible that you believe what you believe because you start out biased against a female in stem and make them work towards an accepted opinion by you whereas you start out more or less accepting of males and do the opposite, but i cant prove that right and you cant prove that wrong, at least not in an imageboard, so consider that something to think about as opposed to actual evidence

>When it turns out Jon was the true heir the whole time


listen to stories of parents trying to get their kids to code. the boys will jump on it and the girls don't like it.
my working theory is women tend toward empathetic support positions because that's their natural role. their natural skills are understanding relationships between people and doing aesthetic and emotional work rather than intense analytics.

read a paper in high stress situations women panic and blood brain density decreases in decision making area of the brain, while the opposite happens in men. it's why they don't make good leaders.

what do you mean by brain density? are you referring to brain activity? because depending on the statistical analysis used, you could make either case there (a good indicator that everyones angry about a fake difference) alternatively if you think the actual neuron density changes then god help you

in stressful situations women panic, and draw attention so males can take care of the problem.
it's how blood flows in the brain i only got the jist from the paper.
but have you never seen a woman freak out over a spider? and notice how men just don't do that?