Be elected President while losing popular vote

>be elected President while losing popular vote
>be most unpopular president in American history
>have almost no political experience
>be called radical, funny-looking buffoonish moron
>fail major debates (according to the press)
>Democrats threaten secession nationwide
>riots kick off in major cities across country
>see approval rating fall below 35-40% almost immediately
>get called fascist nutjob and tyrant by all the press
>watch as nation erupts into frenzied political violence and chaos between fringe factions
>be President Abraham Lincoln
>pic unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:

Abe Lincoln was a fag though. Definitely shit-tier.

>Wins reelection in 2020


I didn;'t think that was a real book, I thought it was photoshoppef.

He is gonna win if he keeps doing what he is doing

>Trump is Lincoln

So, he's actually an anti-freedom, anti-states' rights faggot? Really makes you think.

Didn't dfp post this

Hearty kek but one of the major reasons I like him and voted for him is the fact that the entire establishment, media, republican, democrats and ultra liberals all hate his guts and will stop at nothing to get him out. That shows me he really is an outsider and how bad all of Washington really is.

Yeah lefties gunna left, no point trying to argue or defend yourself since their attacks are so transparent and Freudian

Literally your first point I fact-checked was fake news. Lincoln won the popular vote.

The next 2 are bullshit also.

>>be most unpopular president in American history

No he wasn't.

>have almost no political experience

Lincoln was a US Congressman and before that an Illinois state rep. He was also involved in party politics with the Whigs and then the Republican Party.

Most of your other points are bullshit too.

>see approval rating fall below 35-40% almost immediately

They didn't have gallup approval ratings in the 1860s

If I was BTFO'd by a leaf this hard I would kill myself desu

wew nice compli this is being added to my collection

OP is hiding his flag, so he is probably a leaf too.

>Anti states rights
Lives in a province

Leaf Post Best Post

The War of Northern Aggression ruined this great country and caused many needless deaths.

The 1860 election was a 4 way race. Breckinridge wasn't even #2

>here comes another shitty leaf pos......
>reads post
This is one for the record books boys

Actually OP has the stench of an American right wing retard.

Who did Lincoln lose the popular vote to?

Obama leaf does a fine job of sucking his own cock without any help from you

ivanka does it for me

>obama leaf
>Defends trump
pick one

nobody won the popular vote you politically illiterate chink

I never defended Trump

>being this retarded

Are you saying Hillary didn't win the popular vote?

inb4 muh illegals

I was going to reply re. Trump, "I know, Isn't it great?"

Are you unfamiliar with obamaleaf and his daily masturbatory ranting?

I guess so

> masturbatory ranting

damn she is ugly
not even i would hit that


It goes like this; retard, retard, retard, retard, hey check out this screenshot of me calling someone a retard three days ago, retard, retard, retard, hey check out this screenshot of me complimenting myself using a proxy, retard, retard, retard. Obamaleaf, he's here all week, matinee on Sunday.

even though you are right, you are still a fucking leaf

actually it's "right wing retard" at least get it right. holy shit you're triggered by me

No, I'm bored by you, your schtick is getting old and no longer entertains. I'mma go find the chink hate threads and watch some webm's of horrific moped explosions.

ok go be triggered somewhere else

>Still spreading misleading pictures

If you define popular vote as winning over 50% of the votes, yes

now show this angle

lol u just made up a new definition

nobody denies hillary won the popular vote

retards just make excuses by claiming that she got millions of illegal votes

nobody denied al gore won the popular vote in 2000

u retards are so dumb man

>losing popular vote
But he won the popular vote. 62% of white men and 53% of white women voted Trump. The rest are subhumans and shouldn't be allowed to vote.
book reading starts past 3m
