Single Moms Rock

Hi. Single mom here. I recently found out that some people on line don't like single moms because GASP, we sometimes need welfare. Well no fucking shit, we have to raise kids. By ourselves. Did things work out perfectly the way I wanted them to? No but neither did your life, so don't judge. I bust my ass for my kids, I work too and pay taxes so don't give me that B.S. Oh, yeah, and how many kids do you have to raise? Yeah that's what I thought so keep your B.S. to yourself! O.K.?

Single moms fucking rock. Period.


>obvious b8

While on the subject though, single moms are utter shit. The worst of people, never met a single one that I could tolerate.

tyrone bail on you?

>pay my own bills
>neetbucks & gibs


fuck off, you're a piece of shit. go die.

to /trash/ with you

>and how many kids do you have to raise?

None, because financially I'm not able to start a family and raise kids. Why do something I'm not able to do, it seems like it would only be unfair on the kid?

Kill yourself, woman. Make sure you drown your half-nigger hellspawn in the tub first.

>I fucked a nigger, regret my decisions, and their consequenses. cater to me.
Burn the coal. Pay the Toll



Keep it here

>because GASP, we sometimes need welfare.
No its because you raise shit kids who either become criminals or single moms / absent fathers themselves

and you're usually a nigger.

Actually just send it to my fucking house, I'll lay on it

>I rock a job

minimum wage or just low enough to qualify for maximum gibs

>we dont produce more criminals
Rollin for /lgbt/

Send it to Trump General

Sup Forums



Lol, wow. So this is what I get to read when I go to get a water after a few minutes. Where do you live to be so racist? My kids not even black, my baby daddy is WHITE.

Since you're stupid enough to use the N-word, you're probably too stupid to get this so let me spell it out for you:

When a WHITE girl and a WHITE man have a baby, the baby is WHITE. Did you graduate high school? Probably not.

With the exception of the Jews who broke your head and turned you into the money-grubbing parasite that you are, Single motherhood may be the single biggest threat to western civilization.

Your kids deserve better than you.

My apologies and most sincere thoughts go out to your poor ex husband.

>baby daddy

Nice try Shaniqua

The leach is still raised by a single whore, just like a nigger

some single moms are but you r not one of them OP


my mom was a single mom. guess what, she was a stripper and did whatever she wanted while collecting child support for being a "single mom". she was a bipolar alcoholic. FUCK SINGLE MOMS AND FUCK STATES THAT GIVE PREFERENCE TO THE MOM.

Why aren't you raising children with their biological father?

Hi. Raised by a single mom here. I recently found out that some people on line have a positive view on single moms because GASP, we are vapid cunts. Well no fucking shit, you had no man in the house. By yourself, with the more financially stable mans payments but no custody. Did things work out perfectly the way I wanted them to? No, but they would have been much better and I would have been more mentally and physically prepared for the future had you not been a fucking child about raising a child even though you were not able to meet the task financially but chose to force a judge to take said child away from the more stable adult in the relationship who was more than willing to take said child in, so I will judge you. I'm busting my ass for my degree in law to stop harlots like you from ruining the lives of potentially useful members of society, I work too and pay taxes while I'm doing it so don't give me that B.S. Oh, yeah, how hard is it to simply be a sexually responsible adult? Yeah that's what I thought so keep your B.S. to yourself! O.K.?

Single moms fucking suck. Period.

>No but neither did your life, so don't judge
..........fuk u

Sorry, excuse you? See my last comment about the racism. That's bad enough, but now you think you know me enough to judge how I'm raising my kids? I'm an awesome mom. What makes you think you know the smallest thing about me, asshole? Oh yeah, that's right, you don't know anything. Again try raising kids sometimes and then come back to me with that B.S.

BTW I know a lot of single moms and they usually have WHITE kids. And they are really fun and amazing to be around. Being a single mom makes you really intuned with your children in ways that people don't get unless they've done it.

>using a word like baby daddy
You sound like a nigger even if you are white. I dread to think of the kind of environment your bastard child will grow up in

Single mothers are nation wreckers. Tie those tubes you incompetent whore.

To be fair i was raised by a single mom (white dad not in the picture) and probably make more money than you.

To be fair to him, I dont think he knew I existed until later.

Anyways, shit was hard for me, way too hard, and having a good income now doesnt really make up for what I lost.

Swallow your fucking pride and raise your kid with a good man in the home.

t.Single Mother Internet Defense Force

quality larp

Remember to report troll threads.

>Swallow your fucking pride and raise your kid with a good man in the home.

Like it or not, this is your burden.

.Being a single mom makes you really intuned with your children in ways that people don't get

You mean like leaving them with someone else while you go to your job like the "strong independent womyn" you are. You are either unemployed and spend time with your kid, or you work and leave them with someone else for most of the waking hours of the day. KYS

>Being a single mom makes you really intuned with your children in ways that people don't get

ment to put that in quotes

This thread wasn't supposed to get actual replies...

>single moms have it better they're intuned!
I like that whirlwind spin you roosterless nester.

lmao fuck off you roasthole mutt

>90% of criminals come from single mother households

wew, saved

You cannot "rock a job" and "raise an awesome kid" simultaneously if you are single. Statistics prove this.

My kids will grow up to be pretty kickass, more than you.

Well okay it's pretty weird to start making accusations and comments like "I make more money than you" without knowing anything about me but I am sorry to hear that your family life growing up wasn't great. That's why I'm trying to give my kids the best to raise them up to be happy. I don't need a man to do that, in fact, the last time I was involved with a man he didn't want to do anything for the most part, so I said to myself "O.K." and now I don't really see men, I just focus on my kids. As far as men go, I have enough to do already, so who really has the time for that?

And you came to tell /Pol why?

Is your son a tranny now

Raised by a single mom. Would have ended up like a transpolymorphous bimonochromatic elephant tiger if I hadn't joined the army and seen the light.


Why do you morons keep feeding these trolls?

Lol why are single moms obsessed with the word "judge"? Don't think I've ever heard a single mom or coal burner (ton of overlap between those two demographics to be sure) utter more than 3 sentences without bitching about how only God can judge them or something.

>Mommy Daddy
>The N-word

that's the man getting all the money from their ex husbands

I mean its obviously b8. I just wish I could get to these kinds of threads faster so I can tell people its b8

tits or gtfo

single mothers are garbage. they secretly abuse their children when they get stressed out and then insure lasting developmental and personality problems by denying them any form of stable masculine relationships which both boys and girls greatly benefit from.

>roast that became a pregger, and now she has acquired morals
You are beneath even handholdless neets, literal trash. I would say kys but then you poor children would have to further pay for your shit life choices, whore.

come for the b8
stay for the lolcows m8

I'm 26 right now and in the prime of my life. Are single moms really a bad choice? Surely they can't be all bad

keep it here

No, they're not that bad...

They're worse.

roll to trigger before you get b&

Hmmmmmmmmmmm gee I wonder why I have to defend myself against being judged unfairly. HMMM. I don't know. It couldn't be because people have awful ideas of what single moms are really like when in reality they don't know the first fucking thing, and then like to stand on their high horses and talk about "You shouldn't use food stamps, your kids should starve" or start using the N word to refer to my kids when they aren't even black not that there's anything wrong with that. HMMM yeah I don't know why.

You are a really good example of what I'm talking about when people judge unfairly, like I was saying to the other person. What do jews and sex parties have to do with anything? You aren't even insulting me you're just nuts.

>Takes care of kids
>Needs welfare
Not judging people who need welfare but you shouldn't act all high and mighty... Just saying.

>makes you really intuned with your children
You do not know it yet, but you're damaging them, compared to be raised with a female and a male role model.
If you care for your children, do some research

Sorry but you're not going to find a step daddy in here. Back to craigslist for you.

>pay my own bills
>waits for the food stamps to come in and pays the food bill

I do what I need to for my kids. You would too, if you had that sort of connection. I'm the only one who can provide for them and I can't put myself in the position where I'm not putting food on the table for them. If I apply for government programs, well, that's just part of the job. Is how I see it.

How am I damaging them? By doing everything for them? Maybe I should bring back their dad into the household because some dick on the internet says I should. Even though I keep him away BY CHOICE because he is a terrible person and would be an even worse father. So, yeah, but no. Fug dat.

Dated the daughter of a single mom once, worst decision of my life, looked like she was mauled by a hyena on her thighs. It was my first real redpill and scared me into here, so there's that. Either way, you're dealing with the scum of the earth, just don't.

You and the presents Jamal left for you need to go in the dumpster ASAP.

> Even though I keep him away BY CHOICE because he is a terrible person and would be an even worse father
You truly are made of the crap people scrape off their shoes, just like every single mom you deflect your bad decisions onto other people instead of being an adult. It was your choice to fuck him, what does that say about you?

It's called:


Like I said, did everything work out the way I wanted it to? No. Do I give my everything everyday to make the best out of a shitty situation? Yes. That's all that matters. I only look forward, for myself and for my kids. unlike some people.

>What do jews and sex parties have to do with anything????

Your child will end up a criminal.
Way. To. Go.

so why are you opening your legs and not use any kind of protection? why I should help to pay for your shit? why should I feel sorry for your mistakes that can be easily fix by using a condom, which it cost 1USD?

I like this post.

As a married white woman of three white children, you are a cancer to mankind.

If you were any kind of self-respecting individual, you would have led your life in ways, that would have avoided your predicament.

Not only are you a waste and a drain on resources, you have bred yet another lost soul to keep the cycle of dysfunction, ongoing!


You must be a millennial . Trying is not all that fucking matters. I can try as hard as I want to jump to the moon and I never fucking will. Just like you can try and raise that child alone but without the authoritative presence of a father he will end up a dirt bag piece of shit just like you.

>I only look forward
Obviously you didn't when you spread your legs for a jackass. Just the thought of people as dumb as you multiplying makes me want to hit the nuclear reset button. Hopefully a god fearing, responsible adult with a CCP shoots your shit kids in their tracks before they bring harm to anyone.


it'll take at least 3 weeks just to get moved out from that board

Enjoy watching your fucked up children continuing your fuck ups.
T. Child of single mother

Fucking finally... can't believe it took this long

what about widows?

Single mothers are an abomination, and a material corruption that should be ended.

Widows deserve compassion, like a man who loses his wife. But the moment he starts demanding it fuck him. Same with her.

This guy. I like this guy

Tits time stamp state your business or gtfo single mom

>Mauled by a hyena on her thighs.

My imagination's running wild here, user. Can you help me narrow down what ya mean? Was tyrone beating her? Her mom? Was she cutting herself?

>the lord this the lord that

? she's required by god to marry her husband's brother, and if he is not available his cousin, and so on and so forth

this isn't a single woman how can she claim to be with god and be dating with children? she goes to hell for this behavior

cutting herself

You can not raise that child without a father.

>Ephesians 5:22-33
"For wives, this means submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the Savior of his body, the church. As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything.

For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word. He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault. In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself. No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ cares for the church. And we are members of his body.

As the Scriptures say, “A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.” This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one. So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."

all this fucking larping jfc.
how many retard larp threads 100 posts in with no proof posted do you have to go thru to realize you're a bunch of idiots being had?

holy shit this is gold. Fuck feminists. We've got God on our side boys.

>spoiling the fun
if you don't like it go lurk another thread

How old is the kid(s)
How old were you?
If there is more than one kid are there multiple fathers?
Also single mothers are a cancer, it doesn't matter how hard you 'try' to be a good mother, you'll be stretched thin and forever reliant on the government just to survive, all in all you're a parasite doing what you have to survive and you will be your children's model for this kind of lifestyle.

you're just realizing now that feminists are godless whores?