so what s new Sup Forums im not sayin red pill me but just say whats in ur head may it be red pill or not
So what s new Sup Forums im not sayin red pill me but just say whats in ur head may it be red pill or not
Are you decomposing yet?
tryin its a slow process
I keep having this same fucking dream every night.
It always starts in a car, arriving to a familiar place. Where that is changes every old school, an old house, an old stomping ground from my youth. Wherever I am, invariably, I feel lost. Not in a panic, but like there's somewhere I need to be, but I don't know how to to get there. It's always a place I've been, and I'm always lost.
Every time, I encounter someone from an old life. Maybe a classmate insist know very well, maybe a former crush, sometimes even my parents, whom I'm not even close to. We go somewhere, again constantly a changing specific locale, and I'm looking for something that I know will get me to where I need to go, but I can't puzzle out what it is.
Anyway, I always end up losing my car. Usually the police take it, and I escape them, ending up in a brand new part of the same familiar place. It's then I keep running into this woman. Sometimes she's got the face of a woman I'm into in real life but can't have, but she's always perfect. Gentle, sweet, so beautiful, and she's been waiting for me. Last night, we were out in an old abandoned park between empty row homes, and she kept teasing me about how I never find my way. Eventually, she took her clothes off, giving me that teasing "don't look!" women often do in real life...but she was smiling, and doing it for me. That's always the longest part of the dream.
The ending is the same in every iteration. I lose her for a moment, but I can't seem to find her again. I get back on my way to searching for the original destination, knowing she'll be there, and knowing I need to find an item first that is a mystery to me.
Then I end up in water, and I drown.
I never wake up in a panic either...but I have this dream every night I remember them. The places I end up after losing the car are often fantastic...sprawling towers with state of the art architecture, bullet trains, eerie yet fantastic landscapes... but I'm still always looking for somewhere else. It's been bugging me
ery interesting maby this woman you admire in your dream brings you memories from your past hens the old school ,house, or stomping ground maby this woman is what you desire back then but dont have now im not saying its exactly a women or maby so idk you but maby the woman represents the goals you wanted to achieve in your past but cant now thus why she always vanishes maby its a sign to start achieving some goals my dude.....but thats how im looking at it. but great experience though
Nazis are just racist lefties and fascism is just as cucked as anything Bernie Sanders proposed
>Hurr but at least it's all white!
gotta be prepared for anything
Im just busy eating my egg, tofu scramble...
Believe it or not George isn't at home
Hitler senpai and Nazi party were centrists.
Oh, and I may have gotten a Japanese girl pregnant... her period is late... But in the meantime - this breakfast is fucking delicious.
well atleast theres a bright side to your day
Mohammed didn't exist, it's a moon cult, started as an arab sect of Christianity with hindu influence.
(((juden)))-Bolshevik-libtards connection, uprolly kno that. By extension u understand hitler-senpai.
Every MidEast sociopolitical disaster = Israel
There are at least 15 nations with nuclear weapons.
If you're Christian, prophecy of the two popes. Ratzinger is the only pope, the other is anti, explains Francis faggotry.
Soon Psalms 83 war.
The mind influence the matter. But u can't do it alone. Henceforth organized religion and Kek's glory
expensive foul weather gear
.......oh....ok good to know
September 23rd
be prepared no matter the cost
so iv something to do now atleast
the revolutionary war was hijacked by british mason agents like george washington.
america never really won.
they use masonry as a proxy of control.
...huh learn something new everyday i guess
tell that to (((Joel Olstein)))
cya peeps off to another demention (sorry for the spelling error)
Race is real. Anyone that's every raised any sort of animal has seen clear hereditary behaviors between breeds of the same species. But if that's just a bunch of anecdotal faggotry for you, and that's a fair criticism, then check out the human genome project and human haplogroups.
>just say whats in ur head
Look, I'm tired, but if use anymore Greek letters, i'm gonna have to start using Cyrillic to keep up with the variables. Oh, duh; context. I'm working on unified field theory right now; I think I'm onto something.