Hey goys. I'm a Jewess

Hey goys. I'm a Jewess.
How does it make you feel that I will identify as white, probably marry a hot goy boy and have beautiful blonde children?
And possibly raise them to be Jewish?

Gonna go REEEE about it?

Other urls found in this thread:


No I hope more jews intermarry with goyim because that means they get wiped out.

Sage goes in all fields


jews..heh..it's about that time again
>for a bath or hot shower

>breaking global rule 3 announcing sage like newfags
why do you spergs even bother replying at all, just don't fucking reply

Stop LARPing as a jew, khazar turk

Really gets my oven going

Past the jokes you must understand the nature of your avatar to troll well

>possibly raise them to be jewish
Is a big red flag in your story. Jewishness is inherited through the mother. Now an hero please

oh my god. you're retarded KEKKKK

Jewish women just want your seed for sex magic

I masturbate to this fantasy on an almost daily basis.

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.


Jews are fine. It's ZIONISTS that are the problem.

Suffice it to say, given they've been selling (You) out since WW2...

>Haavara Agreement
>Zionist collaboration with Nazis
>Rudolf Hess offering to Churchill, rejected, despite disclosing "Holocaust" plans

Did you really think you were going to piss people off?

Guys i got this

You have been for 150 years, goy


Jesus. This picture circa 1992? Youre kinda fat tbhjfam

Those who try to destroy us, become us.

Post a time stamp proving that you're the person in that picture and I'll happily fill your Jewess womb with my goyim seed. We can raise the kids to be full on Soros, I don't give a fuck.

is this you or your girlfriend

Absolutely not. We love our Jews, don't we folks

>not a /kosher trap/

Juden schwuler

>And possibly raise them to be Jewish?

Having a Jewish mother is its own punishment

Well, I can't speak for Zioland, but in my future you will all wear an orange star and live in a ghetto where you are forbidden from doing anything except breathing.

Poland might be the dump we chose for you. You know it by now.

That is all.

Those jewbies are delicious.


What the fuck man
Who is this

You again. You definitelu have the merchant eyes, do you have an instagram or some shit, I mean obviously you do because you're an attention whore so, shill it before the mods shut you down.

You have the lick of the downs, that's what incest gets you. And nice jowls bitch

Well...the Death Camp guards are going to need some sexual relief. The seductive jewess can always fuck her way out of the shower room.

I've seen you post this chick before with an Israeli flag. Crazy.

>t. speaking from experience

Don't worry, I'll have some fun with you before throwing you into the gas chambers.

This. He should be black tho, multiculti is the future right?

those are nice.


holy shit

Aren't Jews the most secular religious group in the country though? More than half of them eat bacon.

Why not get BLACKED? That's heaps more progressive.

K virgin.
I'm not inbred cuz my mom is a ukrainian jew and my dad's a russian jew.. but ok

>white men make a show of force in Charlottesville
>Some Jews go and cry in fear at the town hall meeting
>Younger Jewish girls start spamming their nudes to Nazis

It's weird watching them treat white racist men like liberal white women treat niggers. They hate us but want to have sex with us. Jews are pretty perverse. Remember that Holocaust porn is a real thing.
As the white man flexes more in real life expect more soaked panties. It's just the evolutionary biology of women.


The "slav-ized" seductive Jewess. One of the most fearsome weapons of racial war of The Tribe.

She's not fucking around when she presents herself as some sort of dangerous infiltrator.

moar plz.

Do you fantasizeabout having sex with dead bodies?

That's what my great grandmother did only she couldn't raise grandma and sisters as Jewish because they'd have been gassed.
Now our white visages are marred by Jewy features and we struggle with mental illness but don't benefit from nepotism.
When the next shoah comes, we won't be able to hide because DNA ID tech will be widespread and people checked often to keep the ethnostate pure.

Thanks a million, you sneaky kikes.

I will be goy for . show u dick baby

i'd fash bash your gash

Slavs are betty but jews are so dumb they treat Slavic jews as the lowest form of the Jew. Kek.

>mix Jewish intellect with Aryan aesthetics

Is this the final redpill?

implying I don't break into their homes and run DNA tests on their bloody tampons beforehand

They're already practically wiped out: how many Jews are actual Semites anymore? 3%? 5? I know that 10's being generous. The vast majority of Jews, even in Israel, do not have the genetic birthright to Israel they claim to have.

We get it, your blown out pussy looks like a plate of spaghetti

vagooter spagooter

I'd like to put a jew in your oven.

They're almost wiped out in the West, ironically.

1 percent Semite is literally Neanderthal-tier.

How much BBC do you take on a weekly basis

mein negger

I just found out the founder of the KKK is a fucking KIKE.


Is your name Daniella? I think I used to power sodomise your fuck puppet mum over one celebrated cannabis summer.

........does this qualify as tits? Just to be safe
>tits or gtfo.

do you disavow the judeo-lucifarian jews who are wrecking the western world in your name?

Only Mizrahim are actual desert local Jews.

>dem soft jewey tits

See: and They're amazing.

I'm the opposite of you. I'm just american but every Russian Jewish man I've gotten to know is both intelligent and a total pervert in the best way. I will always be grateful to Reagan for letting them come here.

Dat Jewess IBS....shit or miss.

>Hey goys. I'm a Jewess.
>How does it make you feel that I will identify as white, probably marry a hot goy boy and have beautiful blonde children?
>And possibly raise them to be Jewish?
>Gonna go REEEE about it?

If true, this is all chillul h'

>probably marry a hot goy boy
Don't intermarry unless you want your children to intermarry as well and you want your family's Jewishness to end with your children.

Can I be your hot goy boy?

Why don't you just go fuck a nigger instead? Jewish women love big back cocks.

Semites claim to own Israel. But that might explain why the Mizrahi Jews are crying "racism" in a nation they make up half the population of. By your claim, there's less "true" Jews in Israel than there are whites in the US.

can i interest you in some of that good lickaroo?

Literally anyone in history that has been a threat to the jews was first their very best tool to cull and control the goy originally. Many such cases to expound.

>Pink nips
No way she's a heeb

doesn't turn you on, by getting aryaned

every jew ive banged had great tits.

Khazar milkers

why the hell does everyone replying think this thot is a jew? Provide the source or get the fuck out newfags.

This. I'm a quarter kike and i'm probably more anti-Semitic than the average Sup Forumsack. For the European race to survive, biological Ashkenazim must be globally eradicated by any means necessary.

Do you really consider yourself white? Or just believe you're tricking people.

Jewish pussy was made for Aryan cock

rape and gas chamber after that

oh, and ugly as fuck.

Kikelings = ugly fucks, confirmed.

Enjoy fucking the whole gulag.

>find a nice goyboy

lol, you're genociding your race just as effectively as an ss guard in dachau. Thanks!

Your pedo rabbis aren't going to like that.

Like you're hot

She isn't actually. Jew Mother = Jew son no matter the parent. And this isn't religion, this is genetics. The Jew mother carries the Jew gene.

This is one of the reasons why they became successful parasites, the absorbed White-goy blood to better mingle among us.


There was a time there was no Jews but then the khazar empire..

yah....that's not how genetics work you literal fatherless 90 iq skinhead.

There is no "Jew gene". Most Ashkenazi are descended from medieval Italian converts on their maternal side.

Anyone ever notice that girls who wear that type of make up like being in abusive relationships. I'm just starting to recognize what make up patterns mean, but that's definitely one.

is this the old-Sup Forums jewess worship thread


It's the purple eye shadow drawn to look like a black eye that gives it away. I really wonder what other clues you can get from shit like this.

You're just jelly shitposter



Show us your jew tits.

It'll be me, a crypto-fascist and I will teach our Jew kids to hate themselves.