Is she right, Sup Forums?
>water is 3 feet deep
Fucking walk for yourself you stupid cunt
no because they are used for national myth-making regardless
t. Literally Soros paid Slate heeb writer
She's a Jew, so she inherently wants to destroy any cultural unity, cohesion, or national pride/mythos. Anything that can be construed as culture is antithetical to the international Jew.
is that in case he falls and hits his head on the water?
My take is this Yankee jew bitch has never been to Texas. I lived there for 8 years and most people there would gladly give you the shirt off of their back. They are an incredibly kind people.
This bitch has been in her NY/DC bubble her whole life and has no clue that normal Americans are far better people than anyone she runs around with.
why are there so many jews everywhere aaaah
to be fair i've been wondering this myself. i've seen people that look totally normal that need help crossing some mud. maybe the rescuers are over zealous or the people are dehydrated?
That and because flooded structures and whatnot are inherently risky. A helmet really isn't a bad idea.
yikes no wonder
She's right. It showcases strong white men rescuing the weak while niggers loot stores, and a kike complains about it not changing how terrible America is. That's not our best, it's normal.
>current swipes your feet out from under you
>hit your head on something underwater
>walk into structurally unsound building
>can't tell from the outside
>something falls
>hits you in the head
>loot throws a rocket at you
>hits you in the head
>something not covered by above list, hits you in the head
Many reasons to wear a helmet during a natural disaster
maybe, or maybe it's just a soulless jew.
Anyway, I just posted this to help rile up the internet hate machine.
A little of column A, a little of column B
>white people saving others
Uh-oh, that doesn't fit (((their))) narrative.
>Jewish woman
>ever being right
most cities worldwide filled with niggers and kikes don't show areas "at their best" desu senpai
oh yeah, and the author is a kike.
i bet that spic pumped n dumped htat ol' whore afterwards
>Zachary West
My god I've never seen a young jewess as stereotypically jew as her. No doubt she takes nigger cock.
She is like 60.
have some respect for the elderly
What a shock, another fucking Jew.
What kind of asshole writes about what's going on in Texas just to shit on it? They're not living through it and they have the audacity to talk shit about the people and state. It's really fucked up, just angers me so much. Fuck.
half spics are still spics
Fuck that cunt!
texas women are real foreign cock!
Sweet Jesus.
I don't think you can find a more jewish-looking female specimen.
Actually I think Zachary West is the photographer's name. This looks like the same guy though... doesn't really look like a spic to me, but he might be.
Hi everyone, please disregard this despicable Jew and her Jewish thievery of American Patriotism.
Thank you.
kek, Slate deleted the tweet that linked to the article.
Article is still up though, for now.
Now do you non-believers see why the Nazis tried to kill all of these parasites? Now do you see why Islamic (((extremists))) hate America? These Jews are pure evil, and they must be systematically wiped out.
Hopefully the Stark Fist of Removal does its magic and ends her career as a larval online harridan harpy with a keyboard shoved up her nasty.
neighbors and citizens helping out others during a natural disaster is not America at its best?
Every kike must die. Bury them all in the remains of slaughtered pigs.
>ungentlemanly yankee detected
Her argument is that Americans are terrible people who are only good when desperate situations trigger some kind of charity instinct. Then we go back to being horrible, selfish capitalists, because as we know capitalism is only good if you're a jew and voluntary exchange doesn't leave both sides better off.
If she doesnt think this is america at its best she needs to get a real job and stop hiding behind a computer. Whats happening in Texas is horrific but it is showing unity. Unity of people reguardless of race, beliefs or status helping people they do not know. Its showing people whose jobs do not require them to save lives jumping in and volunteering to help others. Please instead of writing and sharing your distasteful opinion why dont you go out and help out if you really dont think this classifies as america at its best. People are taking a bad situation and making the best of it.
That face
That article
Make it stop reeeeeeeee
Every time I see some abhorrent, diabolical shit online, there's always a Jew behind it. Yeah, no pattern there at all.
I think it's because she honestly can't understand that there are people that aren't soulless shrews like her.
Not only Jews, however. I literally saw an An-Comm Anti-Fa homo complaining about this very thing this morning (praising how we've helped eachother and organized, rather than blaming Trumphgh and looting white homes) The bastard even called it "bourgeoisie" to broadcast good news about how well we've dealt with the hurricane, while politicizing it in the same sentence.
These people are cancerous scumbags, and I look forward to joining whatever inevitably turns into the SA, as the "Alt-right" militarizes a wing of itself to protect their rallies from Anti-Fa, just like the NSDAP formed the SA, to protect itself from attacks by the Roter Frontkämpferbund
It's just a coincidence, goy.
Slightly off topic but why is that woman being carried? Paralyzed or just lazy?
Your guess is as good as mine, Piotr.
My guess would be because she's going to be stuck in those clothes for a long time so they try to keep people dry if possible.
I just re-read her rant for the fourth time. It's classic "If Trump is saying something is good then whatever it is is clearly morally and philosophically wrong.... Also, I have sand in my pussy and it makes me angry."
Sand in the vagina is the cause of many combat related casualties.
It is a true shame the army doesn't supply Douchebags to Shit Pumps :(