Why is protestantism the right choice?
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Also, who was right... Luther or Calvin?
Christianity was the wrong choice.
Because Heaven is lonely and Hell is a party.
Because protestants actually read the bible?
Catholicism is a cult that resembles hinduism more than Christianity
To hold on to protestantism you have to be willing to do a few things:
Be in complete ignorance of history.
Throw out logic.
And ultimately believe that Jesus Christ lied, and thus cannot be God, because the Church had erred for 1,500 years until a new religion founded by a Catholic priest "restored" Christianity. This would also mean that the Scriptures are false, as according to Scripture, the Church is the pillar and foundation of truth; and that Christ would be with His Church always, even unto the consummation of the world, and that the gates of Hell would not prevail.
Holding onto protestantism posits that the Church erred for 1,500 years, and seeing that there is no historical record of protestant doctrine among any group of Christians, cannot be a hidden sect.
>ex protestant who read history
Hinduism is Aryan
Hitler will be seen as the next prophet of our people. Stories of him fighting our enemy and pushing them off will be whispered in a time when we are at the brink of death and there are no reliable information sources left... A whisper of a man who showed us the way out, and died for his people. His philosophy and words will be preached as the ultimate truths and guide our people for ages to come.
Screencap this
You do realize that Protestant theology produced cucks like John Brown and the American abolitionist movement.
Don't forget the Know Nothing Party. I like them. At least they were honest.
To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant.
> Also ex Protestant
Also, what are your thoughts on ?
Slavery is wrong in all forms.
>Comprehensive history of the Reformation & Documentation of Catholic heresy using Vatican's own source material.
>relying on someone else's labor
Repent you filthy prots! Stop your heresy and accept Papal authority!
The first Catholics were Hebrews. One ceased to be a Jew when one became Catholic.
Yet, to hold on to the Hebraic traditions is, as St. John Chrysostom said, like a dog returning to its vomit.
Orthodox is the way to go
John Calvin. Luther only wanted to "clean up" a few things about roman catholicism. John Calvin wanted to completely demolish it and start over with completely Biblical roots. John Calvin is literally the Chief Engineer of the Reformation. Luther was just the grenade that sparked it.
While bringing negro slaves to the United States was a mistake, setting them free on American soil was an even worse mistake. The abolitionist cucks put the rights and wellbeing of negros over their fellow white men in the South.
Yes. I would go so far to say that roman catholicism should belong under Unorthodox religion as is mormons and jehovahs witness. It is very very pagan and also trying to usurp the authority of Jesus Christ with ridiculous popery.
Both of them, but Archbishop Cranmer was the best of his generation.
Because the choice is the Almighty's!
>"Biblical roots"
>Rejects the Catholic Church
>Catholic Church put Scripture into canon in 382AD at Council of Rome, reaffirmed 393 Synod of Hippo, reaffirmed again 419 Council of Carthage
>73 books
>To accept the veracity of the New Testament is to accept the authority of the decision of the Catholic Church on placing them into canon
Sigh. What protestants are actually saying is that Christ and His Church failed for 1,500 years.
We, followers of Jesus Christ, are the church. Jesus is the rock, or the foundation.
Constantine founded Catholicism, because the Christians and pagans in Rome were constantly feuding as the gospel spread.
Constantine also moved the sabbath day to Sunday. Catholics worship Helios and they don't even realize it.
Eastern Orthodox = heresy
Emperor Julian was right.
Also, Catholics have more innocent blood on their hands than Muslims.
That's precisely the ignorance of history I am talking about that is so prevalent in backwater Baptist chapels.
>basically CNN posting
best lies are more than 50% true.
Or Protestantism is the evolution of Gods relevations of himself to man.
You have to admit, Catholicism is a mess. How could it be allowed to persist?
"Luther was an antisemite" is just a meme parroted by anti-Luther polemecists. His attitudes toward the Jews were typical of others of his time. You could find similar written statements about the Jews from Catholics and other Reformers.
Pretty cringe and retarded arguement bud.
Lutheran is the way to go,
You don't have to defend it.
Better a redneck than a child molester I guess. Why are Catholics such perverts?
Anyway, I'm not a southern Baptist. Nice try though.
Protestants actually worship the Islamic moon god Allah and they don't even realize it!
The tree of orthodoxy must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of heretics and infidels.
The catholic church is a serpent,it changes gods commandments which were issued by God,it follows a false gospel and is anathema
Get out of the pagan whore
You could also say that about the Arian heresy. 90+% of the hierarchy embraced the Arian heresy.
St. Jerome, the man who translated the Latin Vulgate, wrote that the world woke and groaned to find itself Arian.
St. Athanasius and the laity fought the Arian heresy and cleansed the Church of it--and this was even after it was condemned at Nicaea.
Even the Pope (Liberius) was sympathetic to the Arians; the first pope to not be a canonized saint.
Getting into the numbers of abuse by American insurance payouts, Protestant and Catholic sects are neck and neck in abuse.
Not only this, the three major insurance companies that insure for child abuse report that Protestant abuse is just as bad as Catholic, and that secular abuse is 8 times worse than Catholic and Protestant combined.
Not only this, only an estimated 25% of Protestant churches have or can afford this insurance. Because of their autonomous, individual nature, there is no reporting apparatus. Also, 65% of the data is unavailable to the public because those insurance claims are considered proprietary to the individual protestant churches. So we have a crisis much larger within Protestant communities for the sheer fact that around 10% of all of them actually report their numbers, and to those that do, is almost identical to abuse in Catholic setting.
Billy Graham's grandson even knows.
It's no coincidence that "bible fundamentalists" take the #1 spot on the terrorist watch list. The government, globalists, Jesuits, whatever you want to call them, know the truth.
Keep reading the Bible, brothers. God is on our side.
I worship Jesus Christ, and only Jesus Christ. You perverted Catholics are grasping at straws now. Repent!
Pope Liberius is considered a saint. He is still on the Eastern Orthodox litirgical calendar. The allegations of his supposed capitulation to Arians is exaggerated.
You list citations as if I belong to a particular denomination. In reality, I just believe the Bible is the Word of God, and Jesus is the Son of God.
That is something you Catholics feared for a long time; individual thought.
it was also illegal to read the bible unless you were a priest.
I've never understood how Protestants could look past this. Great post.
There is just as much basis for saying that Catholics worship the pagan god Helios as saying that Protestants worship the Islamic moon god Allah.
It depends on how much logic you wish to apply.
Calvin is more systematic and takes things to their logical conclusion. For example both Luther and Calvin agree on sola fide. But Luther never draws the logical conclusions that completely dismantle the sacramental system that had developed in Catholicism.
t. Lutheran of the Missouri Synod variety
No, private interpretation of the Scriptures that especially do not belong to your faith tradition.
>2 Peter 3:16
>As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are certain things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, to their own destruction.
>2 Peter 1:20
>Understanding this first, that no prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation
You see the fruits of it.
Thousands upon thousands of individual sects, all believing differently, yet claiming to somehow be a part of the same Body.
>Ephesians 4:5
>one Lord, one faith, one baptism
Now Protestantism has even infected the hierarchy of the Church.
Catholics do not fear individual thought. Rather Catholics recognize that there is absolute truth. Accordingly, Catholic societies recognized the duty of the secular government to stamp out poisonous ideologies, including Christian heresies, just as communism should have been ruthlessly stamped out in the previous century. Freedom of speech is a liberal heresy.
No it wasn't.
Look where letting the masses read the bible has led. The universalism and pacifism in the New Testament was set loose, and instead of St. Aquinas, Gothic cathedrals, and Carthusian monks, we have Joel Osteen, stadium churches, and self satisfied disgusting proles.
(1) Luther doesn't hold onto sacramental practices because he didn't go far enough. He held onto them because thwy are expressly taught in scripture. (2) The Lutheran "sacramental system" is not fundamentally different than the Calvinist one, nor less of a departure from Catholic orthodoxy. It might only appear so because Lutherans dress up more. (3) Luther was a more radical thinker than Calvin.
Luther was a pawn used by the powerful elites as a means to break the stranglehold of the Catholic Church.
They sheltered him, they marketed him, they printed his books.
The church is Christ's church. No man can determine what is the truth and what is not. God's word is the truth.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins. One needs to admit they're a sinner, repent and ask for the Lord Jesus to forgive them. Ask the Lord to come into your life. He will do what He says. It is all about your personal relationship with Jesus. Not a religion.
Look into the background of the leader of the Know-Nothings, Lewis Charles Levin.
Indeed. Christianity, like Islam and Communism is a Jewish creation.
If no man can determine what is truth, than how can you believe in Protestantism, where every man must indvidually determine what is truth for himself. Obviously, that's not what you mean. What you mean is that men can't change divine revelation. That is true. However, man can recognize the truth and content of divine revelation, and this revelation constitutes the Catholic faith. When the Church recognizes that individuals or sects have strayed from God-given truth and obstinately cling to and spread their errors despite correction, then the Church rightly labels them heretics.
If you read the Bible instead of your history books you'd know that the catlick church is indeed wrong for as long as it existed you stupid hellbound pagan.
Where do you think the Bible came from, genius.
>Jesus died on the cross for our sins. One needs to admit they're a sinner, repent and ask for the Lord Jesus to forgive them. Ask the Lord to come into your life. He will do what He says. It is all about your personal relationship with Jesus. Not a religion.
The term "personal relationship" is a meaningless platitude and you will not find that term taught anywhere in the entire body of scripture. It means only what you say it means.
From the hands of men who were divinely inspired. Reminder that the catlick church BANNED the common people from owning and reading a Bible on their own.
It is obvious the catholic church has strayed from scripture, so your entire argument fails.
How can we know that the Catholic Church is wrong from reading only the Bible if, for the sake of argument, the Catholic Church is not in the Bible? If the Catholic Church were not in the Bible, we could only learn of the Catholic Church from knowledge of post-biblical history. On the other hand, if the Catholic Church were in the Bible, then that would mean that the Catholic Church is the one, true Church, since the New Testament teaches a single, unified Church.
The common people couldn't read, genius. The only universities were Catholic, which educated people *for free*. Monasteries were centers of education.
The price of a Bible was the price of a 3 year wage in medieval Europe.
You really ought to pick up a history book. Even if a commoner could read it, they couldn't afford it.
Well, it's obvious to everyone who disagrees with you that you're wrong. Checkmate.
So sorry you feel that way.Please read the bible. If you truly seek the truth, God will reveal it to you. You have nothing to lose
The Catholic Church did not ban common people from reading or owning a Bible. They banned specific translation/commentaries.
I recommend everyone read the Book of Luke and the Book of Mark.
Really understand what Christ was like, straight from the source. Don't let any media depiction of Him persuade you on what he was like.
He wasn't really cucked at all. He didn't even want to die on the cross. He asked God if there was another way to accomplish their goals (proving He really didn't want to die that way), and when the answer was no, He basically accepted his mission like a man.
He wasn't a pushover at all. He debated people in public and chewed them out. He told corrupt people to BTFO. He showed forgiveness to sinful people that were weak and helpless and had their lives destroyed by sin. He went after the JEWISH ELITES. He was calling out the Jewish oligarchy of the time for being purveyors of corruption.
Jesus really is /ourLord/
What the fuck are you talking about? We know the catlick church is wrong because:
>They worship idols
>they practice repetitive prayers
>they hate Jesus
>they call their leader p*pe which is latin for father
>they believe in purgatory
>you can pay the church money to go to heaven
>they extend Christian graces to non-Christians
>their pastors aren't allowed to get married
>they believe that even blasphemers can get into heaven via good works
>they confess their sin to men
and MANY, MANY more. Too much to list.
Because popery is inherently and obviously corrupt.
Is that why when Luther came and translated the Bible into the common language the catlicks shat themselves and tried to put a stop to it? You fucking satan worshipping idiot, don't blab your unclean mouth at someone who is saved by the Grace of God.
They banned translations that people could actually read and understand.
If Catholics only have not become Protestanr due to not reading the Bible, where did all the Catholic commentaries on sacred scripture come from and why did Protestantism fail to appear for 1500 years after Christ?
Because we actually follow the Bible.
Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
"saved through faith" well it looks like you don't have to do any works. "gift of God" you don't work for gifts you just accept them otherwise it isn't a gift. "not of works" well that's pretty clear you don't need to do works. "lest anyman should boast" just like the guys in
Matthew 7:21-23
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.(see John 6:38-40 for the Father's will)
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
It looks like those people were boastimg and relying on their works "done many wonderful works" AND they had faith "in thy name". But Jesus still told them to fuck off.
Looks like relying on your works like orthodox and catholics do has you NOT enter Heaven
Jesus said they work iniquity because thy rely on their works. Let's see what happens to people that work iniquity.
Matthew 13
41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
God's Outlaw, William Tyndale
So when it was commanded by God in the OT it was wrong?
Because the "church" suppressed the widespread distribution and teachings of the Bible. You were only allowed to read it in latin and have a "priest" by your side to interpret it to you.
>why did Protestantism fail to appear for 1500 years after Christ?
True christians have always existed since the start of christs church,they were forced to hide because of the inquisition/crusades
You act like the Catholic Church was the same exact way since its inception. When Catholics started charging people for confessions, that was the log that broke the camels back. It didn't take 1500 years for Protestantism to appear. It took 1500 years for the Catholic Church to become so corrupt that real Christians finally had enough.
>Faith without works is dead.
James 2:14. James 2:18. James 2:24.
Matthew 25:
[41] Then he shall say to them also that shall be on his left hand: Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels. [42] For I was hungry, and you gave me not to eat: I was thirsty, and you gave me not to drink. [43] I was a stranger, and you took me not in: naked, and you covered me not: sick and in prison, and you did not visit me. [44] Then they also shall answer him, saying: Lord, when did we see thee hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister to thee? [45] Then he shall answer them, saying: Amen I say to you, as long as you did it not to one of these least, neither did you do it to me.
[46] And these shall go into everlasting punishment: but the just, into life everlasting.
Those who did not put their faith into action went into everlasting punishment.
Not works for the sake of boasting, but works for the sake of faith.
>Look where letting the masses read the bible has led.
People realizing the cuckolick church is heretical.
>That's a good goy don't read the Bible trust us on what it says.
This is ridiculous nonsense. Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide did not exist until the sixteenth century.
It actually existed in the first century
Really? It's when that you have to pay for confessions and not the fact that confessions even EXISTS in the first place that is evidence that the catlick church is corrupt and possibly a bastion for satanists?
Pay for confession? What in the hell are you talking about.
1. You didn't refute it you just posted a different verse
2. Yeah its dead because its non-productive, but not non-existent. Faith is for Jesus, works are for mankind. Men can't see our faith so they understand us by our works. Dead faith is still faith.
3. I doubt the theif in the cross had good works and he went to Heaven.
Luther and the Protestants rejected what the church *had become*--an arrogant, power-hungry, and corrupt organization that embraced idolatry and arrogated to themselves power that rightly lay with Jesus.
Anti-Semitism is never the right choice.
>What is the camel's back analogy
When your church is a little corrupt, some people will let it slide.
When your church is listing prices for different sins as if it was a menu at a store, your church is absolutely heretical, and it comes the time to speak out.
Kind of like race issues in America. We've all been quiet until now as more of us are going full blown 14/88.
Romans 4
1 What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found?
>2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.
3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.
>4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
>5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,
>7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
>8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
9 Cometh this blessedness then upon the circumcision only, or upon the uncircumcision also? for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness.
>to him that worketh not
That's a tall tale. Luther didn't get into trouble with the Church because he translated the Bible into vernacular German. (1) He was already in trouble with the Church for teaching heresy and denying the authority of the Church long before he published his New Testament translation. The reason his translation was condemned was for its association with the man more than anything, not the fact that it was a vernacular translation.
(2) There were already many vernacular German Bibles before Luther. The Catholic Church never forbade vernacular translations out of principle. The Catholic Church does claim authority over publication of version/translations of scripture as I already statedx but that is far different from what you're trying to argue.
Catholic Church.
Thought up a plan to ask for payments for specific confessions. The bigger the sin, the bigger the cost $$$. You could not be an actual Christian and ignore that level of heresy anymore. Hence Protestantism was born.
Forget muh biblical roots. The curtain was torn so one wouldn't need another human (priest or what have you) communicate to god for you Jesus' sacrifice was the new covenant that invalidated those ways.
Additionally, I'm sure there's a good chance that the Catholic Church was a very different animal in fucking 300-400AD vs le current year.
Can someone redpill me on why it matters what sect of Christianity you are?
Don't they all go to heaven according ot your religion? So who gives a fuck if someone is Mormon or Orthodox? Why does literally any Christian care if they get a ticket punched to paradise either way?
You mean indulgences right?
Since when do Catholics charge people for confessions? Do you even know what confession is?
Well that makes sense. When are we gonna wake up and tear down the satanic church in the vatican?
Ironic considering (((Christicuckiny))) is a Jewish, semitic, middle eastern religion no matter what mental gymnastics you try to pull.
Aren't those called indulgences? Raised Protestant, current agnostic - private school. They called Catholics out on their shit. No offense to them can't say I have a dog in the fight - but studied the stuff fairly thoroughly when I was young.