Sup Forums will never recover

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Stefan Molyneux already blew him the fuck out in the first 5 seconds of the video. Try again.


Holy shit this guy's boring.

so its time for me to unleash the autism on this guy after a month break. bring it on you twat

ive never made a video before but it could be in that format i guess, if you've seen the start of the vid you can alreaady imagine the points to make

holy fuck this guy is cancer
>le rational skeptic
>2009 glasses meme
>fake ass accent
>gets btfo first minute through the video

imagine if molymeme responded

>i will now debunk race realism
>so about the k/r type theory and how some people argue it is appropriate to how some groups of humans behave

Seems like Kraut got some points..

watch the whole thing its , almost amazingly retarded

Kraut and Tea, the strawman annihilator.


Kraut and Low T

Have you guys ever thought of researching this stuff and utter BTFOing the guy. Maybe you can set up a group of anons and to find research about this and destroying him infront of his audience through civil means, and not just throwing empty insults at him. An Intellectual btfoing would be great to see.

Kraut and Tea is like the Jizz Rag of the Skeptic community.

You didn't even watch the whole video.

Kraut "i still think nation building is a viable idea" and Tea

Aydin Paladin BTFO him in the comments.

>hurr durr I'm assuming the alt-right interprets a human psychological theory on a biological level which would make them all retards even though they clearly don't argument over stormfags BTFO

Kraut is an idiot.


what form would that btfo-ing take? many of the comments are already btfoing the strawman he made of alt-right/race realists/ non centrists.
i did thank you, but point out what i missed during my viewing just to help us understand yeah?

Then why don't you guys put your money where your mouth are and utter destroy him simple as that.

Op is a fag here is the link


>tfw to intelligent to have an opinion

so now we got to figure out if negroids are human beings

assad is stupid and evil , putin is stupid and just as bad as hitler. also donate to my patreon

Yeah but you need to do it directly at him, people need to here his voice wavering his body language, like Sargoy did to destiny.

also people should archive his posts just incase he loses it again


Listen to his podcast with Naked Ape, he believes that it's the west's duty to spread """"""""""liberal values"""""" across the entire globe.

literal trotskyism


I think he mistakes libertine with liberal sometimes myself.

whites have transcended the psychology of the k type because we are alien, and willing to sacrifice for our future in civilization. we prefer the family AND the tribe, because we see us as us, i think we have to.

what if the world wants to live to their own values and standards? oh whatever its the same neo-lib/con shit i always hear

Internationalism is as equal to as not letting people decide there own destiny, which is high paradoxical and Ironic.

Isn't that fucked determining other people way of life, not very "liberal"


We're all equal, but you need to adopt my values for your own good :^)

i want whites to be able to live in their own countries and choose their own (even non liberal) values!
>fucking nazi let me make you more libberrrrallll

Haven't seen one argument debating Kraut

you all really are triggered snowflakes

Have people ever looked into Thomas Sowell's views on race realism? What's Sup Forums's thoughts on his views?

tbqh I'm shocked he's still around after that shamefur dispray he pulled by acting like an antifa faggot and trying to dox and go after the livelihood of that girl just because she did a race realism video. Especially after he's argued against doxing and going after employers in the past. But I guess it's okay when he does it, right goy?


Obvious shill is obvious

I would be more interested in what he has to say if he wasn't a hysterical doxing faggot.

There have been plenty of people who have offered to debate Cuck and Tea, and he's refused every single one. Because he can't actually offer a debate outside a carefully crafted narrative of gish-gallop and half truths.

Sorry Kraut but race realism is not bullshit.

when a skeptic has bad arguments and faulty opinions and no real core fundamentals (see him trying to get others fired and all race realists are nazis stuff)
we btfo him fair and square the first time , now as he releases a whole series debunking the alt right we need to keep up the good work

not an argument

white bois btfo
how will they ever recover???!!!?!?!?!
say goodbye to your ancestry and say hello to your new black children

So did he actually refute the race differences in intelligence or just attack the alt right's argument methods?

false dichotomy

ok, please explain how disagreement and argumentiveness is triggered and a non argument. thanks

>kraut doesn't understand the concept of using an analogy for r and k type reproduction
>no body is actually suggesting that people are actually biologically r type

Kraut went absolutely hunic.

His thoughts are probably the most accurate and people have yet to demonstratively refute it. It's unfortunate he's so old, because he'd have an easy time BTFO of most the Alt-Right faggots.

Kraut beggin for views again. kek

that is promised in the upcoming parts of this series according to the vid this video

so are you actually going to watch the video for yourself or just take some user's word for it?

lel, is that seriously what he's trying to argue? Not even the densest idiot is saying that r/K is some binary trait. It merely describes two ends of a spectrum of reproduction strategies. Nobody is r or K.

>muh metaphor
>claims he's using science

mamals like hamsters are much more r type than elephants or humans who are more k type

>Not even the densest idiot is saying that r/K is some binary trait.
Except actual biologists

His argument is that species all fit rigidly in whatever hole their peg is shaped for, humans being k and thistle being R. He gives his audience a false definition of R/k selection. It's a spectrum. It can be applied within subspecies.

But he was gifted a knowledge tome?

Yea, I just read "Intellectuals and Race" from Sowell and it disputed The Bell Curve. The same trends that exist from black IQ had also been seen in white Southerners earlier in the 20th century and the poor British, and it held all of those groups down because of the culture and mindset they were in.

This is going to shape up to be like Mouthy Buddha's "debunking" of white nationalism, where he has to go all the way to esoteric pseudo-buddhist shit about "yourself" not being a real thing and how we need to "evolve beyond ourselves" and all this dumbfuckery.

I rememeber watching his first video against us and thinking "eh, these arguments are dogshit, but let's see where this goes". Then the second comes out and it became clear, "oh, I see, you don't have any arguments left so you go straight to the most abstract philosophical bullshit"

You're one dense motherfucker, you know that?

so it's like the left's argument for a gender spectrum then

in the fucking video kraut says its a spectrum


Because they know the undeniable truth about racial differences in IQ but they can't acknowledge the facts

>26 minutes long


The only person so far I've seen give legitimately valid criticisms of the alt-right is The Distributist, and his arguments come from a purely objective and practical level. People really need to stop trying to use their feelings as objective arguments.

What exactly is your argument for me to argue against?


I really wish liberal city-dwelling retards would learn the definitions of the words they use before they say them, it's just fucking embarrassing when you talk shit and don't have a clue what your words even mean.


its rather funny he commented on this video in his support of it . rather telling huh. also im waiting for the distributists video series to finish on the topic and see if he is any good either.

wrong, he says a species is either r or K type, like how someone is either a man or a woman. it isn't a spectrum.

>mamals like hamsters are much more r type than elephants or humans who are more k type
did you just assume their reproduction strategy? you better check your k privilege.

Exactly. Which is why Kraut is far more accurate on many of this issues than the very people who disagree with him. This topic draws very emotional and immature responses, from both the left and the right, unfortunately.

Millennial Woes will have a better video put together in a week than any tapestry of various shit from half a dozen Sup Forums threads.

Member when he go Rageafterthestorm fired.

Never heard of him before. Basic gestalt on his views? If it's just about methods to achieve white nationalism (or some compromise), then I'd at least understand that. But these people trying to attack the basis of white nationalism with science denial, muh individualism, muh right-wing SJWs, and muh horseshoe theory can all go fuck themselves.

I'll have to check it out later.


Don't give these faggots clicks. Cancer lives on clicks.

link when you're done you british fuck

Sage bunk
-sages your thread-

This Cuck and Prep is prehaps the biggest pile of shit within le Skeptic Community.
Wait for Molymeme or Woes to come at him.
They are going to Destroy him.

who are these people flaggot?

well for the first you claim your argument is scientific, but you misappropriate scientific terms to suit your agenda, and then when kraut calls you out on it you say "it's just a metaphor." so you weren't arguing from a scientific ground after all.

second, biologists use r and K type to differentiate between different species. Your reproductive organs are tied to your type, it's not some kind of spectrum you can change at will. It's funny how similar your argument is to the left's gender spectrum.

Isn't his view "muh culture" and "democrats are the real racists?"

the series starts with the admission of race realism pretty much so it cant be that bad right?
sure but it might ask you lot for advice and stuff. plus id rather avoid speaking too much so it might just be text or something

What a fucking moron.

Centrists and the alt-lite are getting more insufferable by the day.

im pretty sure the alt light has mostly gone back to being Le responsible center right (not) neo-cons

The gender spectrum has no real evidence supporting it besides muh feels. Race differences are expressed in various quantifiable ways. Stop being retarded.

It's about the methods. He gets the basic idea of white nationalism but he's pessimistic about it actually being able to achieve its prospective goals, and he's doing a series on why he thinks that right now.

MW commented in this video basically stating that everything he said was correct and that there's going to be a civil war in the future because of it.

look at how pathetic you are you've just signed up for a group mentality, you need other people to form your own opinions for you, all you know about this video is that you are upset, but you have no mental capacities to fight against it. Most pathetic sheeple behavior.

the very same people who make the blank slate hypothesis that human behaviour is entirely dependent on environmental effects like culture will at the same time make the claim that reproductive strategy is entirely dependent on biology and that it is literally incapable for humans to make decisions to change how many and how they decide to raise their children.

In reality both biology and envrionment influence our behaviour. Humans are capable of changing to suit their environment, which is precisely why we see dramatic changes in birth rates when child mortality fell with health advances.

One do these people get so autistic that they think proposing that biological differences influence human behvior that they imediately begin thinking what we are implying is environment has no effect.

The reality is that both environment and genetics influence behavior.

>The same trends that exist from black IQ had also been seen in white Southerners earlier in the 20th century and the poor British, and it held all of those groups down because of the culture and mindset they were in.
I'm sorry, I don't believe you.

You're going to need some proof that southerners were IQ tested and were found lacking. On the other hand we have ample evidence that Africa is dumber than a brick.