Based Japanese have finally bested the stupid environmentalists run by that fatass Paul Watson. FUCK YOU WHALE
>Since 2005, the U.S.-based environmental activist group Sea Shepherd has used its ships to disrupt Japan's annual whaling expedition in Antarctic waters.

>But this year, Sea Shepherd says it won't send ships because Japanese whalers are using improved technology that helps them avoid the vessels. And the group's founder, Paul Watson, accuses the Australian, New Zealand and U.S. governments of appeasing Japan by not doing more to stop the killing of whales.

>Japan is "using military technology. They have real-time satellite coverage of where we are. We cannot close in on them," Watson said in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corp.

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So the whalers are fast enough to evade the fat fuck?

I don't understand

So is the killing illegal?

My understanding is that there are strict limits on killing whales for food, but they are relaxed for scientific purposes.

So the japs send out "science" vessels to conduct many studies, and harvest the bodies to avoid waste.

That, and Japan introduced new anti-terrorism laws that would make acts like Sea Shepherd's criminal.



Fuck those chink bastards
Fucking majestic animal being fucked for some flat face called ho le fuk

Those are Nips, not Chinks. Ya dumb fucking beaner!

According to the IWC (International Whaling Commission), whaling is only permitted for scientific or aboriginal purposes.

Japan's whaling is done as scientific research, primarily on minke whales (which are not endangered or even threatened).

They are all the fucking same Hong king Kong

Why are japs so obsessed with whales?

Appreciating nature and being willing to sacrifice to preserve it is utterly noble and quintessentially white. Not caring if it's obliterated is nigger tier, caring only about muh consumption and dollars is Jew tier. Kys you fucking judeo-nigger.

pure cringe jesus christ

"Guitar drum solo"

whale meat is fucking delicious

Alright, I let my emotions get away from me, but seriously. It's sickening how much the oceans are being over-fished by East Asians, and how much garbage and waste the Third World is pouring into it.

>whale meat is fucking delicious
It's like beef but so much richer and softer

How has no one lured the Sea Faggots out to the middle of no where, sank their ass and left them for dead?

Fuck off you nigger and fuck the whales. Let the japs pursue their science.

Just wait for the next whaling boat comes into the harbor and set the fucker on fire. If that's legal to do in Japan.

Japan is fucking the world with Fuckashima & whales.

>Japan's whaling is done as scientific research
How much is the Japanese government paying you per post?


>5 yen has been deposited into your account

>Setting boats on fire
>Legal anywhere
Unless you're conducting a terrorist act for the French government that's not going to be legal.

your heart is in the right place. east indians eat ddogs and whales, they have no empathy for anything outside of their in-groups

they have Asian qts but the men are either psycho blow hards or cucks

Whales have a very big brain.

What if they are just as intelligent as we are.

Good, fuck that fat faggot spending hundreds of thousands to earn millions.

Why don't they just kill him?

Muh whales

>Appreciating nature
Appreciating natural means appreciating it in its whole, which includes killing. Hedonistic utilitarianism is anti-nature.

"""""""" science """""""""

it's not even his money, also i can't find it but there used to be a list of items they desperately needed people to donate.

it was shit like organic quinoa, super luxury freetrade deluxe coffee and whatever other memetaciular overpriced food is popular with the bourgeoisie right now.

Damn u just made me realize shit for real

>Appreciating natural means appreciating it in its whole, which includes killing.

So then will you put a hose through your window to flood your house because nature sometimes gives us hurricanes?

There's a difference between "this happens in nature" and the unnecessary "Japanese continues to kill a specific animal and someone in their science department keeps dropping the ball because for some reason they always need MORE science on it"

Hard challenges are the more profitable ones in the long term, they bring innovation instead of doing things "the old, proved, easy way"
Finding a way to best them without causing them harm in any way is basically proving to be much more debilitating than just using water hydrants to push them away, instead of being an adversary in a leveled playing field, you're denying them the game in the first place, they're not allowed to sit at the table to challenge you, they're powerless to do anything, they stop being an adversary and they start to be a natural obstacle, one to be bested easily.

That's the gist of it anyway

libs dont even care about animals anymore now that they have PoC

attempts have been made


Gooks lives don't matter.


>letting corporations rape the planet you live on for profit

The epitome of cuckholdry

They rammed one vessel last few years, and sank it.

probably 'cause it's delicious.

any nips here? why can't you farm whales?

they are neutered nips, you can literally buy .50BMG guns in the US and shoot their boats from half a mile away and there isn't shit they could do about it. Just aim it at the windows and watch em cry!

Killing whales for "science" is the biggest bullshit ever. Fuck all Peta-like organizations but we in 2017 should not have gooks or any other nation hunting sea mammals just because they are crazy for their meat/fat/bones.
There is absolutely no reason for world to allow this savagery.

Military tech? I hope the Japs use Martian tech and leprechaun magic against them.
Japan might just be full of shit with that "research" garbage, but that asshole Watson has straight up lied about the Japanese trying to shoot him, and the crew of the Sea Shepard endanger human live with the stunts they pull.

There is a history of the japs hunting cetaceans, but the post ww2 increase was apparently a response to massive protein deficiency in the population. Minkes and obviously dolphins were slaughtered for meat in what was, afaik, a mainly red meat free diet fro the Tokugawa shogunate to roughly the Meiji restoration.

T. Not a weeabo

>any nips here?
you must be new

I ate whale in japan, delicious but kinda musky tasting.

Incorrect, the Japanese are sub-human mongoloids and therefore have no value as individuals. Your argument is completely invalid.

Worst part is no one even likes whale meat. I would like to go whaling on a wooden sail boat with harpoon and Indians for the experience.

I think you must have a really big head to be able to fit all that whale dick in you're mouth.

>Japan might just be full of shit with that "research" garbage, but that asshole Watson has straight up lied about the Japanese trying to shoot him, and the crew of the Sea Shepard endanger human live with the stunts they pull.


Fuck, it's Charlottesville all over again.

What episode is this?

Technically, you can. Smaller whale/dolphin species have been raised and bred in captivity. But I'd imagine the resources to feed them would be very costly, and it would take a lot of space to scale up commercially.

Clearly you are also sub-human. May as well use "YUR"

They don't have a cattle industry.

>no one even likes whale meat
How the fuck would you know, you never ate it yourself. I have, and it's excellent.

I wouldn't describe it as musky, but who knows what different animal and different cut we may have had. It was more like the best and most tender beef in the world

That's not true. I've had Minke whale in Iceland and it was fucking delicious.

>muh save the whales

Why? Why is every environmentalist so up in arms about whales? 99.9% of people haven't even ever seen a whale and the ones who have have gone out on a boat specifically to find whales. They don't do anything. They float around in the ocean making stupid noises. Who cares?

Greenpeace goes out and chucks shit at nip whalers as if they somehow have the moral high ground? Why is whale considered a less legitimate food source than all of our animal food sources? It isn't. In fact, whale is a thousand times more legitimate as a food source because there exist no whale farms where whale is bred, born, and raised in captivity for the express purpose of human consumption. The same cannot be said about pigs, chickens, cows, etc. Chickens are born and live their entire lives in the dark in metal cages -- they go blind and lose their feathers and after a long torturous life they are slaughtered. But a whale who lives for 30 years in the ocean?? Off limits.

Indians don't eat cows -- they are considered a sacred animal. And yet I don't see a bunch of fucking autistic Indians going around to Western nations and chucking shit at all the cattle farmers. Why? Because they understand that different people and different cultures do different things. If nips love the taste of whale then who the fuck cares? Eat up Tojo mm mm very good whayuru!!

If you ask any environmentalist if they are against whale hunting and consumption and they will say yes, 100%. Ask them why and I guarantee you they will not have any answer -- "uhh whales are um you know smart and stuff and uhhh ummm basically I'm a huge faggot"

>They don't have a cattle industry.
Not true. It's just teeny tiny relative to the needs of the population, just like every kind of agriculture and stockraising in Japan.

>in Iceland
>other guy ate it in Japan
>tfw I'm probably the only American on Sup Forums that ever bought and ate whale in USA

>that spray to top it off


Then they should be smart enough to avoid the japs.

>whaling is only permitted for scientific or aboriginal purposes.
>aboriginal purposes

I love this, we have these laws in Australia, it's ok for boongs to get massive dragnets and trawl the entire beach, load the whole lot onto trucks and sell it at the local markets because:
>My land

But aren't nips the "aboriginal" people of nipland?

No, that's the Ainu

They love whale meat in Japland. It was their emergency ration during WW2.

I do believe that naval traffic laws dictate that smaller vessels must yield to larger vessels (unless the smaller vessel is wind powered) making that shunt perfectly legal.

"whale whores" I think is the name.

the whales fear the samurai

>Ainu aboriginal
Phone call for you, the 1970's want their theory back

Ainu are recent immigrants to the North from mainland Siberia and Sakhalin.

Aren't the whales they hunt not endangered anyway?

>But aren't nips the "aboriginal" people of nipland?
As far as i know aboriginal hunting/fishing could not be done using large vessels and fancy electronics. Also, japs don't hunt whales in their waters.

R.I.P planet earth.
Fucking chinks & niggers ruining everything, who'dathunkit?
Shocking I know.

It's called the Collision Regulations.

Humans are not endangered either...

This thread disgusts me
Typical beta male Sup Forumsacks worshipping gooks because the only female they can get is a disgusting gookett
I value the life of one whale over the lives of billions of disgusting asians
They are an important keystone animal for the ecosystems of the oceans, while gooks are destroying the oceans

Well here in boongland they have a spotter plane, use a great big modern net and AFAIK haul it in with a Land Rover.

you're attempting to destroy Japanese culture, which is an act of genocide

I see what you mean user. Thanks for the pointer.

Cry about it to the tree you married, you skinny vegan faggot

Sure they do, and like whale meat, Kobe Beef is delicious.

Fuck you weiru!, anda fuck you dohfiiin!

Killing sea mammals to feed people of war exhausted country is not "culture".

now throw the stinky butter at them

It's hilariously shortsighted of the fat fuck and his eco-pirates to fight sustainable whaling of a not endangered species when a ton of crucial species of fish are functionally going extinct in the coming decade, including tuna. But nah, fuck the cold, slimy shits we must put all our efforts to save cuddly mammals in the sea when we slaughter mammals by the billions each year.

Developing world depends massively on fish for their protein so once the seas are empty they'd have to raise livestock further deepening the food crisis and raising food prices.

Whale meat has a shitload of mercury since whales are at the top of the food chain. I don't give a shit about animal rights but there is literally no good reason for Japs to hunt the amount of whales they do. They only do it out of pure autism since they're stubborn ant people.

Nice black and white world you are leaving in.

This is now a tasty animal meat thread.
Dump all your images of raw flesh and fresh kills.
Bonus points if the meat came from an animal that is also a cute.

>waaah the big bad Jappos are killing all da whales waaaaah!

Does russia even have color tv yet

japanese seafaring culture is much older than recent century

ur a piece of shit dud
you want a world with 0 animals in it

thats not even 80 iq to think that you can kill something to extinction

You type like a nigger and I'd like to see you animals killed to extinction.

We are talking about whales here.
No, but we do have color radio.


sorry but see its not white to not be able to think ahead at the consequences

Why couldn't they just file an aboriginal fishing claim? Whaling is part of their culture after all. They have as much right to fish them as Inuits, provided they stay within reasonable quotas.

cuz japan is 150 million people
innuits wont eat something to extinction in 2 days

You know what isn't white? Neglecting proper capitalization and punctuation.