Creating free speech platforms:

Do you think that trying to create free speech alternatives to stuff like twitter, youtube, ect. is viable? Advertising is basically impossible, so there goes your primary source of revenue, and you cant run a social media site on patreon funds, let alone something like a streaming service. What's left?

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Isn't social media only up and running because it's being propped up by VC?

Didn't the real internet think social media was retarded before it attracted all the normie newfags and ruined the internet?

The problem isn't the ideology of people who create closed platforms, it's the closed platforms themselves.

Can you imagine if e-mail were invented in 2008? You'd have to sign up for Facemail, you could only e-mail someone else if they had a Facemail account too, and all the while Zuckerberg would be leafing through your e-mails looking for advertising leads.

Closed platforms are the problem. Standards and open protocols are the solution. No one can censor your Tweets when they are being broadcast from a server in your closet.

costs keep dropping
bitchute has a good idea of using P2P to help with bandwidth
the poor prospects for ad revenue is definitely a downside, but a lot of content creators already are being forced to move away from pure ad revenue due to all the ad blockers, fraud, and Google/Facebook taking such a big cut
plenty of "big" youtubers have patreons now
a Patreon clone is relatively easy and Hatreon seems to be capitalizing off of the recent censorship
I don't think that it's necessary to become a direct competitor to these tech giants, just have any sustainable network that normies can access

Well bitchute uses torrenting so the data isn't stored by the site so the overhead is nearly zero.

You bastards have no idea how deep this runs. Racist websites are being removed. Sup Forums is next. You will not be allowed this sanctuary of hate.

I didn't know in-browser torrenting was possible. If this works reliably that sounds fucking awesome.

There was once a project called GNU Social, which seems to be failing now, but the idea was interesting: basically an open-source platform anyone could install on their own hosting account. I believe installations networked with each other (not sure if centralized or decentralized).

One solution could be to make the software openly available so that everyone can easily go from one platform to another. Turns censorship into a game of whack-a-mole.

Every time one of these threads comes up I always suggest BitChute, the more people that use it the better it will perform.

As far as I can tell, it uses a mix of centralized data and P2P. If you stumble across some obscure video that no one else is watching, it gets pulled and delivered from a centralized location - but on videos with multiple viewers it "slides" more and more over to P2P until their servers don't even have to deliver it anymore and it's completely peer based sharing. This saves a LOT of money for BitChute and will let them expand quickly. I would suggest everyone makes an account there to show support. As an alternative, people can continue to say how much they hate Youtube and then not doing anything about it.

Its viable but it has to be user friendly, gab is just difficult to use and doesn't really make it easy for normie's to quickly jump on

That's crazy. I didn't know my browser could share P2P like that. Sort of weird that it can just do that (sharing downloaded data) without the user's permission.

I think it's a part of some browsers called "WebRTC".

Firefox and Chrome has it, and I think they're working on getting it compatible with other browsers too.

Basically, clicking on the video link is the same as opening a torrent file. The website/browser handles the torrent automatically. Still early days so some people have privacy concerns, but I wouldn't be surprised if half of them were Youtube shills.

I think the only legitimate concern right now is that if you click on something that may be Copyrighted or otherwise illegal, and then you start uploading it to other peers - you may become liable for file sharing illegal material. But I haven't even seen anything like that on there. The site reminds me a lot of Youtubes early days in terms of content right now.

Look into pawoo, twitter kept taking down our loli images so pixiv setup a mastodon instance. It's a distributed twitter like network which networks can see other networks.
But then western sites are blocking their users from seeing our posts.

Direct contribution, crypto (i.e. content creators get paid), donation and ads are all possible. Sagetta for ignoramus thread.

twitter and fb have ads.

New media company idea.

or take my idea and do it your self.

whatta fuck it has frog logo instead of swastika?!
fucking cucked site don't use!

those are some puny looking trichomes

Really good point. Bandwidth has gotten vastly greater and memory cheaper and processing get power greater at the same scale. Distributed network tools might work a lot better now than 10 years ago.

replacing shit is easy and a mong could write better code/script to do anything the enemy can do but yea funding to pay for bandwidth n shit is pain. ask notch i guess. ask trumps family or some other jackboot billionare who hates the system. get a team and a plan together and show them your moves. remember that all these sites started as barebones ideas and then investors kept them afloat. shit even m00t and the credit card is a good example of how a cripplebrain homotextual child nigger rigged this place and kept it limping until it could "succeed"

Not only is it possible, it's already happening.

Be honest. You don't want to create a free speech platform. You want to create a speech you agree with platform. You want to be in charge of Twitter, because the big meanie who runs it now keeps banning your frog accounts.

This user answers your question if you actually cared about free speech. Usenet was the grand daddy of free speech. Unfortunately, the US govt basically shut it down. Too much piracy. They claimed it was full of child porn, like they always do when they want to shut something down. Usenet used to be THE internet. Old school protocols were all open.

I want gab to succeed but it looks like a mess right now so its not very fun to use.
BitChute is the only alternative thing that has made me excited.

Also Voat is alright. A bit dead compared to Reddit of course but alright.

How about you fucking just make an all in one with diff setions

Twitter, Youtube, Youtube live. Patreon and then let people tip each other and take a cut.

Bitchute is the only viable disruptor for mass exiting YouTube. Noon else will keep up. Also in browser torrenting is sweet.

check out BitChute

BitChute is definitely the best alternative.

More on "Youtube jail" and censorship: