Hispanics want to go full DEUS VULT on niggers in response to Houston looting

Someone uploaded a video of niggers in Houston looting and the comments are full of Hispanics hating on niggers and saying they plan on "loading up" to shoot at looters in their area.

My Spanish is rusty but the first comment in the pic is something like "damn Blacks garbage race, I wish all the Blacks in the world would die!"

Then some liberal cunt complains about all the racist Hispanics and gets BTFO.

Check out the Facebook video linked in this article to see all the comments:


I'll post some more funny comments in the thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


Some talk about loading up to shoot at niggers.

Texan Hispanics are very racist too just like so cal Hispanics

No one likes niggers, not whites, hispanics, asians, arabs, the only one that likes niggers is that fucking turk that says wh*Te in every post.

Some red pills about nigger crime being dropped.

good goyim
fight amongst yourselves

Don't forget that chink Australian who post BBC threads.

>"probably not from Texas"
the delusion that this is anything other than typical behavior is comical

Another libtard gets BTFO.

What video are they talking about?



What type we talkin about here

White Criollo, brown mestizo, what?


Hispanics don't like nigs? I wouldn't have known that from living in the Bronx, they always seem to be best buds and absorb nig culture

>I wouldn't have known that from living in the Bronx,

Pretty sure NYC has lots of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans who are mostly Black themselves.

Probably right though in this case. They never made the Katriniggers go back.

Andy James.

It's a Facebook linked on this article:


I can't link it directly without it getting marked as spam.

>le based brown man xD

Just as with everyone, once the nigs become too numerous you soon tire of their bullshit. Even spics. I like that one woman in the first pic trying to remind the spics to be good little spics and go back to hating whitey.

Whitey isn't gonna loot their neighborhood, and they know that whitey knows the spics are unlikely to loot theirs. Both are united in hating nignog criminals.

>to all the racist Hispanics (hating on blacks)
>this is what white people think of you.

how racist and prejudice of her to assume all whites hate on spics.

In a racist cracker but I can at least see brown Hispanics as fellow human beings. Same for the Asians and various other assorted mom whites.

Niggers are subhuman animals. Literal beasts.

this should not be a surprise to most on Sup Forums.
spics hate nogs.
really everyone hates nogs.
it's satisfying to see it true in action tho.

they already called them out of it. I remember one of the posts saying
"this has nothing to do with white people"
"stop race baiting"
or something like it.

Hispanics are based as fuck when it comes to shit like this. They have no problem ignoring your ass all year and even poking fun at your gringo ass but the second shit gets real..get ready for pancho and his lifted 350 to go and get you a 24 of corona and bring you to high ground. They are racist as fuck though

Latinos and Blacks are like Oil and Water.

Even black Dominicans Hate niggers and (((rap))) culture has permiated the world. Bloods and Trinitarios are at constant war in the doc

>that joke flying right over her head
My fucking sides

but beans are still just a shade of above blacks crime wise
and no, you're not a "white" hispanic
and no, you don't pass as white even at 80% euro genetics
and you still vote democrat

>Then (((they))) wonder why )))they((( don't like em... FUCKEN smfh.. dude

Andy is /ourguy/

As a Hispanic, I can confirm. Everyone hates the nogs.


Mexicans can be racist towards whites too, but they never view us as an actual societal issue that needs to be dealt with. They call us things like we call them beaners, I also enjoy how they self segregate. Blacks/Muslims follow us everywhere and specifically will target us with crimes, Mexicans don't

Earlier this year, there were a series of really vicious robbery-murders by blacks against Mexicans in Houston. Look up "Jeffrey Archangel" for one such case. There is already a lot of tension building up among Houston-area Mexicans against a black population which feels no hesitation in shooting Mexican kids in front of their own moms for a few dollars.

I side with the niggers. They have more of a right to be in this country than the beaners do.

vanessa jo anna garza is redpilled

If I were them I'd torture those fucking niggers

Excellent thread. I always enjoy watching beans hate on moon crickets.

It must be the kind of amusement the jews get out of watching America go to war with muslim countries.

Happenings are the secret ingredient to civic nationalism.

In Texas we work together every day. The nogs are seperate from everyone else.

I went to war with all types. The beaners fight hard. nogs are iffy.

good goy

South texas white latino here nobody here likes niggers always call the them "changos" monkeys and much even my dad and mom hate niggers

I like how "Jose Ramos" says he doesn't want them in San Antonio, now he knows how he feels about his beandip family.

Sorry Paco, everyone knows spics only come in Euro and Goblin flavors.


Spics: been here 1-3 generations
Blacks: been here for hundreds of years and longer than most white people

I'm not saying I like either, but I will always side with a nog over a spic.

I married a white Hispanic.
Everyone thinks she is from Spain.

B-but I thought my proud PoCs all loved each other and worked together?

Ive never understood any of the hate spics get on here, they are angels compared to niggers. it seems far more common for an ordinary middle-class hispanic to at least try to assimilate compared to dindus.
Whites have their fair share of trash people/culture the same as asians and hispanics but with blacks its almost depressing how much the bad outweighs the good.

let them fight

>Spics: been here 1-3 generations
>Blacks: been here for hundreds of years and longer than most white people
>Blacks: still less civilized than spics

And blacks are a lot less of a threat to whites. White/hispanic rate of mixing is many times higher than white/black rate. And whites segregate more from blacks than from beans, so overall blacks are less of a threat to white racial integrity than latrinos are.

American blacks don't even side with each other. Their cities are open gang-warzones. Good luck "siding" with an ongoing civil war.

They VOTE together, which is the important thing. Blacks and Latinos both overwhelmingly voted for Obama without any complaints. Latinos elected Houston's black mayor, because he ran as a Democrat. When it comes to political stuff, they are on the same side.


Load up esses, let's shot these KANGZ who the real KINGS are.

you're not white

That isn't true on a state by state basis.

Fucking gross man. Spics can be all right, most are Catholic. Nogs are mostly Baptists or some other stupid Protestant meme. Oh, and, come on man, Nogs are way more violent and stupid than spics.

Syphilis has been around America longer than white people too.

Hispanics really don't like blacks.
No one likes blacks.
Source: dating a half mexican whose dad's family is full mexican, some don't speak much english, all hate black people and talk about it openly, also live in CA and know plenty of Mexicans outside of my relationship.
I think beans hate blacks for making them look stupid in the lump of "minorities." The same way I would imagine that gays hate trannies for latching on to their "LGB" movement and poisoning the well. Gays are at least TOLERABLE to most people, but batshit insane trannies are universally despised, and now so is the LGBTQIAAPUI+ movement

No shit jamal

spics in the usa flip our burgers, clean our toilets, mow our lawns and ethnically cleanse the niggers in our neighborhoods, they do all the jobs whites need doing but wont do themselves


>based spics!
you wish beaner. whether it's you or niggers you're both parasites who need to get kicked out. increasing the spic population is no different from increasing the nigger population

Black Baptists are completely different from White Baptists, also, Hispanic Catholics are more left wing than Protestant ones.

You're a cuck faggot.

Lots of Mexicans are ranch hands, or oil rig types. Super redneck and overall, pretty well liked and wholesome. Texas doesn't carry the Californian low life types because the ones that want free shit know to head to California for the gibs.

I bet they are looting spic's homes and businesses niggas never change

Fuck off negro

spot the nigger

Are we Cubans ok guys? We hate blacks and commies.

Real question user I'm a spic that legitimately thinks white people create better societies and i fully embrace white culture I speak properly and don't dress like degenerate don't like non white music have never been unemployed and have never used government handouts how can I help white people stay in control

spics keep their shit clean. they've never fucked with me. i cannot say the same for our american blacks.

Don't want my bloodline polluted by savage Aztec mongoloid genetics. To you, that somehow makes me a cuck

Seriously, they're right. When Katrina hit, they ALL moved to houston. Houston used to be a nice city, a true metropolis. But now the downtown area is just blacks slothing around the streets


Give me a Beaner Catholic any day.

this is prof that civic nationalism just leads to chaos

lots of NYC Hispanics are Puerto Ricans and Dominicans who have a large % of Black ancestry. Lots of Dominicans barely look different Basketball Americans.

Here's the data for all Hispanics:


>Catholics being left-wing than Protestant
In Europe it is the opposite. Protestant Nation are the most cucked one.

Yeah, niggers are by far the most useless race on the fucking planet.

most spics I know work hard, value family, they ok

>siding with a foreign invader that arrived within 100 years
you dumb fucking spics don't even have history of being in america longer than 100 years you stupid piece of shit. american history doesn't have spics and beaners in it.

as shit as niggers are at least white men brought those things here while you're just a foreign born subhuman here to loot as much as they are.

nigger and spics are no different.

half spic half white here

even legal mexicans hate illegals, we hate them with a passion

nobody likes niggers, not even other niggers, shit -even niggers hate themselves for fuck's sake. that's the dirty little secret of the black community, self hate.

Dominican in NYC here. Can confirm but it's a bit of both. A lot of the parents of the younger generation still very much hate blacks and would want their kids to have nothing to do with them. It's wearing thin but some of the kids still held those values.

Every Cuban I've ever met despises black people. Is this a thing I wasn't aware of? I'm new to Florida and it's a trend I wasn't expecting.

both of those countries are better and more successful than mexico and south america you fucking retard piece of shit.

your data is lies. you spics are violent trash equal to niggers. kys spic shill

Most Spics seem to come together with disasters, which is good.

Nogs truly suck. As soon as the facade of authority over them drops, they revert to their primal selves, which is incompatible with civilization.

Some are good, of course, and it's a shame heaps of bad ones ruin it for them.

>nigger and spics are no different.
You've clearly never been in a city with both Nogs and Spics.


Latinos and Blacks have always hated each other.

Because everything they run turns into a shithole. Lest you pursue face peeling, limbless torture as a hobby.

Latinos and whites will always side with each other over blacks when shit gets real.

mexico is the 2nd most dangerous country in the world you fucking subhuman spic shill. you are cannibal dog eaters.

1/3rd of hispanics voted for trump in 2016 despite him saying hispanics in the USA were rapists and no good

If anyone is surprised that spics don't like niggers, you've been living under a rock. Lots of mexicans are sick of muh po' blacks and their leech lifestyle. Say what you will about mexicans, they work hard and don't like paying gibs in tax form any more than any of you.

Oh yes very much my grandpa kept some nigger from dating my mom. Bless that fuck he was cool.

fake news, he did not say all Hispanics, go away CNN

There's not much you can do besides maybe vote R or convince others to as well. As cucked as as the mainstream GOP is, it at least delays the final cucking. enjoy the ride to hell I guess

I don't actually have a problem with hispanics personally, just stating the facts.
It's just hilarious when hispanics here identify as white. The actual European hispanics don't come here in any relevant numbers.

Can confirm, in Florida the Cubans are far right because they've seen what communism is like
(I would know, I'm Cuban)

I swear to god I'd vote for trump again no matter what if he just droned that fucking turk

could mexicans be /ourguys/?