Was Jonathan Bowden the white man's last best hope?
Why did he leave us?
Where did he go?
Take the Bowdenpill
Was Jonathan Bowden the white man's last best hope?
Why did he leave us?
Where did he go?
Take the Bowdenpill
Other urls found in this thread:
Great find, we have few minds as great as Bowden
Indeed, this one is actually my favorite, and a video I credit with my deliverance to the Alt-Right
>muh bowden
>muh hitler
>muh any cunt in history
Go fucking kill yourself.
Does it disturb you to know that you're the most autistic faggot on this board?
Does it disturb you to know that they would agree with me and that our Race is dying while you bitch about dead people?
Fucjing pussy. Ypu wanted a cozy thread and I rekinded you on how much you are hiding from the truth: they are all dead and you have work to do.
Does it disturb you to know that by spreading Bowden's material around I'm doing more than a weak, mentally ill, british, pencil necked, half-caste, like you is by shitting up a thread about one of our greatest advocates?
Did you know that killing you would be fun and easy for somebody like me?
If America is lost that's one thing. You faggots gave up the homeland for nothing. How does that feel? I mean seriously, my ancient ancestral home is ruined forever thanks to actual, literal cowards like you. You faggots couldn't even pull off a single right wing act. You faggots got chased off of Cable Street by a bunch of kikes. Do you really expect me to take shit from some limp-dick, yellow-bellied, chipped tooth, nigger lover?
Great material, thanks. Gonna sit through this back-to-back. The unapologetic way in which he communicates his not-incidental views is refreshing.
Listening to Bowden is like crack cocaine. When I first discovered him I consumed nothing else for an entire fortnight. I have all his lectures on CD, sometimes I purposefully forget them on the table at my local hipster coffee house.
Here, the audio quality is lacking but this is another one of my favorites.
Also if you prefer print, try picking up some of his collections of speeches. I grabbed Pulp Fascism not too long ago and reading Bowden is almost as good as listening to him. And sometimes, it's better, on account of you don't have to rewind.
>died at 50 with ZERO (0) children
he wasn't anyone's hope.
>if i spread videos of a desdman I am better than you
And what do you know about me, pal?
>i-i could kill you
>being this triggered
>more triggered bitching
America isn't lost, but I never said that. Instead of sperging like a newfag, try read my posts. They are dead, you are a faggot who does nothing useful doing this. You're on 4cuck for fucks sake, get some perspective.
I know communists with white kids. What good are kids if you let them get indoctrinated. Bowden is undoing that. Did Hitler have kids? Fucking tard.
Dude, you sound scared.
>sperging like a newfag
It's like you type without even thinking...Your posts contain nothing but autistic shilling and faggotry. I could kill you easily with my bare hands, I have no doubt, and if I had to I would; and I might. I know myself, I know my passion...I can't say the same for you; but my instincts (and what I know about the historical British disposition) tell me you're a massive metro-posh faggot. For chrissakes, it took the fucking WELSH vote to win Brexit. You sound like a dumb cuck, a dumb cuck who can't defend his own fucking homeland. I assure you, when the time comes I will.
Until then I'll share Bowden.
>hurr triggered
I'm dead serious m8. I would wring your neck with pride for letting my ancestors graves get shat on by some schwarma cutting camel jockeys. Go pump the towel monkey cum out of your stomach and get back to me.
>good for whites
Fuckin tard.
and yes those commies did more than bowden. they did the bare minimum, unlike bowden -and yourself in all likelihood.
Thanks. Did not know about this guy. Watched the whole video.
Hey nimrod, did you even watch 5 minutes into the first video I posted? Genius is not appreciated in it's time. To say "oh I had white kids, they may be total cucks but hey there's a .000000001% they'll save our people" is fucking ridiculous and deep down you know that. You're just afraid to do it yourself, so you want to pass the buck. You're no better than your cuck boomer parents, did you know that? No seriously, did you know that your attitude is the thing destroying our race? We don't have time to let our fucking kids run the show. I'm 24, I'm ready to fight, I'm ready for hell. I'm ready for anything. What kind of coward are you to pass that responsibility onto your children? You are a proponent of dysgenics, brother.
Here's a good one
Bowden is incredible, his intensity is impressive as well. My only wish is that he got more of a "traditional" background in education and wrote more, so that his legacy would be easier to defend.
how do you mean? I'm genuinely unfamiliar with his educational background. That seems largely irrelevant, especially in today's political climate.
Essentially, he has none. He was accepted to good colleges on more than one occasion, but never went for very long at a time, and never even finished a degree if I remember correctly.
I agree with you that it doesn't mean much, and I respect the hell out of him even more for learning so well on his own, but it is also a weak spot for his critics to attack.
>he completed one year of a Bachelor of Arts history degree course at Birkbeck College, London University, as a mature student, but left without graduating. He subsequently enrolled at Wolfson College, Cambridge University, in autumn 1988, but left after a few months.
i thought it was really expensive to get into uni in england? did jb come from a rich family?
I disagree; but not vehemently!
I think that specific circumstance would be a great opportunity to turn the tables on the accuser.
"Oh, you bourgeois pig! You think that great minds only derive from higher education? Not everybody can afford higher education! How dare you!"
That's a very cliche and sort of conceivable response to that kind of criticism which doesn't clash with our own ideas
Still bitching. You must be a newfag. Also, being a year older than you, I am much more advanced in this than you it seems. Bowden was something I knew about back when I was with National Action back in 2014.
Keep. The. Fuck. Up.
this was a nice laff, thanks. JSYK I was only joking about strangling you with my bare hands. Post a thread when you;re ready for me to fly across the pond and fix things. Oh, and start lifting. Big surprise, British people are better known to brits than americans, wow you must be a great intellectual.
Is it any more expensive than college in other European countries? American here, so obviously I truly do not know
You are welcome. Please explore further and continue to spread;
I was already enamoured with his thinking, though I think both you and Brit poster have somewhat missed some of his thinking in this lecture concerning his 'revolutionary conservatism', the modern thinking of the west in a post 'god is dead in the mind's of men' Nietzschean way and the necessity for the energy of a new rightist movement to manifest as being morally justifiable as it has not been due to conditioning for many generations in the West. Brit poster because he somewhat illustrates John's very point of the need to act in a climate of the 'here and now', which perhaps he would have absorbed had he watched this video again, and you in the lamenting his loss as a deprivation of the movement, which it is to some extent, but not appreciating the sagacity of his foresight. That being said I do wish he was still about for the powerhouse of his mind to be turned on immediately contemporary events. Can you as an American tell me does he tend to be well known amongst expected circles in the states, his you came across him and does his thinking appeal to the American rightist mind? I am but a visitor here. And did you ever listen to the Plebian Podcast?
Dawg we be trolling, but I appreciate your criticisms and surely will take them to heart. No he isn't well known at all in the states but I think (through my experience of introducing him to other thinkers) he appeals to our sensibilities. What is the plebian podcast? I might;ve but honestly I might not remember. I've been doing this for only a year and a half. Please link.
Interesting. I like the way you write, your disposition, penchant for lifting and of course your love of Bowden which I find really quite amazing given your nation and location. I really think we would get along were we to meet. Anyway, the Plebian Podcast was a twice weekly youtube production by a young lad and great thinker self styled 'rad-trad' called Adam Wallace. Who spoke in some of the same circles as Bowden did and was an ardent admirer:
Until about six months ago he had a Youtube channel under his name but withdrew from creating content and became somewhat of a web hermit in the wake of appearing in what was basically a Channel 4 commissioned hit piece on the 'alt-right' in which he described the hours he spent talking with the interviewer about Evola and Bowden and the like and felt he got his ideas across coherently but the cut they took of him devolved to this: youtu.be
The podcast was extremely comfy and Adam always seemed rather Bowden-esue in his demeanor and aristocratic manifestation of Englishness to me. I couldn't pick out any particularly good episodes on that channel but they are all pretty good listening, some of his articles are still available on West Coast Reactionaries also. Anyhoo as I said he renamed the channel and took down many of his personal videos on philosophy and the like but left the podcasts and gave up the shabang. I miss him in all honesty despite having never met the lad and hope he is doing well and returns to what he was so good at doing one day.
I quite like this one as I always find Survive the Jive very enjoyable to listen to and it is definitely made in consideration of Bowden's views on paganism and christianity as outlined in your original video: youtu.be
Unarmed noguns slaves and subjects.
Plebeians, begging the state for protection under their monopoly on force so the sharia fighting age muzzies do not culturally enrich and diversify them
There are no men left in Britannia, there are only unarmed slaves and subjects prostrating before the royal bloodline, the crown, the throne.
He is a god immortalised in our memes. He was also assassinated proving no one is too small to do away with (small in terms of world fame)
What have you done? And don't be coy just tell us all what exactly you have done?
What how please gib!
How very nice! Good to find another watcher (or what have you) of Survive the Jive! Yes! I have no doubt we'd get along quite well and find our disagreements quite petty and rather entertaining regardless.
I'm unfamiliar with Adam Wallace but he's now on my list, as are the videos you've linked. Thank you for the content, this is my life now.
You discount those who are young have been born into the system, realise the gravity of the situation and are formulating concepts for what must be done. Our situation is distinct from yours but in many ways we find ourselves paralleled in our shared necessity to clean up the mess left to us by boomer generations and early, as do you. Do not discount us so easily.
I had always theorised that this might have happened to him, he was too much of a force of nature to be allowed to exist in our current climate, but perhaps his gargantuan spirit simply wore out his body. Do you have any evidence of his assassination being the case?
or just use a service to download from youtube. Everything is relatively easy to find. Good luck.
You're very welcome. I am quite taken by your idea of putting Bowden's lectures on CDs and leaving them about in coffee shops, he certainly has enough artistic and cultural grounding to qualify him as immediately enthralling to a bohemian sort of crowd. Do you have any particular favourites? I personally hold his analysis of 1984 in very high esteem: youtu.be
The world needs Muslim suicide attack victims too. That is the purpose that the British now serve. Remind the world how your children will be enslaved and raped by Muslims, groomed to be sex toys for muzzies, blown up at concerts, run over on bridges, stabbed at parliament.
Unarmed noguns BritCucks serve the purpose to remind us to never surrender our guns no matter what they try to get us to turn them in.
If they ever come for our guns, give it to them barrel first one round at a time.
Never surrender your rifles, handguns, shotguns or else you will suffer the fate of the British.
Thank you British for being the tombstone of cultural suicide.
in many ways the POV of modern brits as compared to modern americans is similar to that of Boomers vs Millenials/Gen Z
I like this post from TRS that delves into it a bit.
"In part, it is because the space [of boomers/brits] is dominated by people who held on to faith and folk, blood and soil, against the forces of tactical deconstruction. Our space is dominated by people who started from this nihilistic morras and deconstructed the deconstruction, piecing the value of these things together from the wreckage, in a sense rediscovering them, as opposed to holding onto them from the first. In large part due simply to when we were born, we are more familiar navigating postmodern, skeptical, deconstructivist mindsets, and this is not only a skill we have, but part of our inescapable outlook.
A connected reason is that pre-2000, you had to stand against every media influence you had to be a White Nationalist. Such a strong barrier to entry favors entrance by people of a very rigid, often socially abnormal disposition. As the availability of these understandings has spread, as a greater voice has been given to these concerns, a greater diversity of personality types are able to accept what we say. Obviously we still have our autists, edgelords, and bullheads, but we have a greater proportion of just normal people who want their birthright back."
Maybe it's comparable, possibly not. I just find that post fascinating.
Note: it was originally about stormfront users lol
I'm not overly familiar with his talk on 1984, at least not as familiar with it as his talks on Evola or TS Eliot. I'll gladly rewatch it. My favorites include his Nietzschean credo as well as his lectures on Evola (aforementioned) and HP Lovecraft. As lame as it is, I'm simply entertained by them. And yes, maybe I just identify as a bit of a Bohemian. I was a music major before I realized I had gotten certain ideas hopelessly wrong.
I can appreciate your bravado and posturing on an anonymous image board, but how do you account for states that are already subject to strict gun legislation, mostly due to minorities in metropolitan environments admittedly as are the problems in the UK, such as NY, IL and CA? Where was the resistance then? And what would the resistance look like, the Waco siege? Your government has already shown it's hand, I am envious of your freedoms you have over here in many ways and they should be defended to the up most extent but your Romanticisation of what you see as unalienable rights and lack of understanding/empathy/rationalising as to the situation in Britain, the racial and spiritual cradle of your nation, and backlash to their oppression is pathetic and laughable.
You saw the reaction to Waco...it was Oklahoma City.
From our beloved wikipedia:
'On the morning of McVeigh's execution a letter was released in which he had written "For those die-hard conspiracy theorists who will refuse to believe this, I turn the tables and say: Show me where I needed anyone else. Financing? Logistics? Specialized tech skills? Brainpower? Strategy? ... Show me where I needed a dark, mysterious 'Mr. X'!"'
Does any point in British history aside from the gunpowder plot exude this sort of patriotic martyrdom? I can't actually tell if you're British or american, but we in the colonies have the saying "we'll hang together or we'll hang separately" and I find that quite relevant today.
Interesting, but a bit of a naïve analogy. The deconstruction of the 60s, exported by America and fetishised by Britain, seemed to hit both nations hard. There is a similar idea in the UK of a rediscovering of cultural bedrock obscured by post modernism that has been catalysed by the internet and the resurgence of a rightist counter current perhaps comparable to the ethos generation identity, though regrettably they have yet to set up a chapter on the bonnie shores of Albion, though I have found people in my personal life to be very willing to be 'redpilled', often helped in by lifting. The internet, as outlined again in your Bowden video, has been a great catalyst in this on both sides of the pond and the recent election of yours had a great energising effect. Let us not forget the great linguistic, cultural and racial ties of our Anglo and American nations as personified in TS Eliot himself and as Bowden outlines in that lecture of his which is another favourite of mine. Have not seen the Nietzschen credo, I look forward to checking that out.
Yes, I sort of shoehorned that analogy in. I think, surely, the internet is responsible for a sort of rediscovery of our roots here in america. I was not familiar with my roots until I looked them up online. It was almost considered taboo to say "Wow, my Swedish immigrant ancestors probably had a tough time" because of course there's the African former slaves, and of course they had a tougher time than everybody else therefore everyone else had it easy...even though my grandparents built the biggest church in St Paul....and now when you look up their old house on google earth it's a hotel for displaced negroes. Little Sweden, everybody.
One day I hope to return to the motherland. My personal feeling is that the frontier has been lost since we brought slaves over. I'd like to come home and be a gardener for the Duke of Gothenburg like my ancestors.
Interesting, having looked that up I didn't realise the casualties were mostly federal employees, albeit likely white Americans. Yes, there are many counts of 'patriotic martyrdom' in UK history, I would hesitate to include Fawkes as that was more sectarian basing but as demonstrated in the recent troubles in Ireland the two are often intertwined. OK was a while ago and your government has infringed many rights since then, what I wonder is if the citizens of either nation still have the capacity to dedicate themselves so willingly and absolutely to a cause. Will you hang with the post 1965 non European citizens of the immigration act? Do they care so much about the things you do or do they just want a comfy life and less people to have guns and defend the old ways of life that they don't feel a part of?
I like Jordan B Peterson...
We do if we can get organized. I saw a thread on here earlier that said America had around 30,000,000 white identitarians. I'd gladly die alongside any one of them if they'd do the same for me.
Also, if you think people are ripe for red pilling in the UK, just try mentioning anything (actually) right wing in america. You'll be met with applause. People respect cojones in America. Sadly we're all terrifeid of being called racist, but as you can probably see, that is changing quickly.
Well, there we go, though I can't help but feel that number a little generous. I wish you the best of luck and I will be rooting for you guys should such a thing transpire from my own land that has not given up yet despite what the d + c memes would have you believe and are still capable of producing men and minds such as the great Bowden. But now I must sleep, it was a pleasure talking to you and I am glad you made this thread. May strength and wisdom guide your path.
haha I think the number is a bit generous too, but I took it from a mainstream source so if the jews think there's 30,000,000 there might just be. Nice talking to you. I'm gonna make more Bowden threads, you should do the same. I think we both agree he's important for our movement. Goodnight!
interesting. how does he make a living?
It was free back in those days.
Tuition fees were only introduced by Tony Blair's Labour government, ironically enough.
>I purposefully forget them on the table at my local hipster coffee house.
Lol, if that's true, please keep up the good work.
He a did under a year at Cambridge but dropped out for unknown reasons. He is largely self-taught. Which is quite an impressive feat considering the depth of his knowledge of all sorts of theory, art, literature and philosophy from both the Right and the Left.
m8 you are up writing schizotypal rants at 5am i dont think you are in a position to admonish any of us
fuck i was looking for this last week, i thought YT had deleted it.
>muh guns
and what have you go to show for it? nothing. you are impotent, a flogged horse like the rest of us. enjoy decline
The Bowden and Richard Spencer discussions on American Vanguard were far better. Spencer does a pretty good effort of carrying on the spirit and legacy of Bowden today. Bowden also loved to talk about superhero tropes that Spencer has expanded on recent years with his Nolan Batman discussions.
Glad I got to saw him speak before he died. Although I think his death was a great loss to the movement he was never a populariser or someone who would bring significant quantities of people to the cause, although you could argue he was useful in bringing more intelligent elements in. I think he was wasted in today's world really. He would have been a great policy advisor or think tank leader in the ethnostate
Forgot pic
>He would have been a great policy advisor or think tank leader in the ethnostate
I don't think so, he wasn't a very policy driven or focused man. But I think he would have been an amazing art curator, philosopher and historian for the ethnostate. He has such a profound knowledge of art, culture and the interplay they have with society and the method in which in can enrich us.
He might've left because he couldn't afford it.
I shared this on my Facebook wall last year. It received no responses, however my liberal friends images about malala yousuhehkjxhdf and hijabs never went without love.
It was a big part of why I permanently left that site.
Fair point, a cultural position would probably better suit him
Bowden on Elgar: youtube.com
A must watch for all Englishmen (and other nationalities too if you're interested).
>National Action
>D A F T I E S
the Sup Forums books mega has his book pulp fascism iirc, gonna check it out soon
thread still up, nice work.
somewhere in those folders there's some good material, most(?) of his recorded speeches and some literature
Link pls?
Bowden was a great example of how to be totally uncompromising and unapologetic without falling into hollow self-indulgent shock value. It's a quality the right desperately needs nowadays but sadly it's in short supply.
why is this hidden? more adl/leftypol mass flagging?
>I was with National Action back in 2014
I was a LARPing faggot, listen to meeeeeeeee
Even a spiritual position would have been great for him. He was channeled into the sort of European paganistic spiritual energy and occultism that Adolf Hitler and nazism also channeled. A spiritualism that was influenced by Evolan ideas and attitudes and provided an actual solution to the Neitzchean idea of God being dead, instead of just bemoaning it or beating the spiritually dead horse of Christianity.
>this thread dies
>50 threads about e celebs and donald trump tweeting will be on fire
the state of nu/pol/
Has everyone made sure to save all his videos from youtube?
This man is godly, been binging Bowden all day since he got a mention in another thread.
who the fuck is he?
The British Wiliam Pierce. Shut up and listen to his speeches
Being a Bong, I can't be expected to remember every US political pundit that comes along, but this guy seems familiar:
Is he the based conservative with a giant collection of frog related items in his house?
No one wants to spend any time with genuinely right-wing thinkers.
Also, Bowden is top tier rhetoric.
he always reminds me of mark steyn for some silly reason
He was not a 'based conservative' as I imagine you might think. You could call him a radical ideological rightist, with a Nietzschean philosophy that hierarchy and inequality are fundamentally good. He wasn't even purely a White Nationalist although he of course stood for the restoration of the indigenous British people as dominant race in the British Isles, but he saw that being white British wasn't enough to give you a free pass, all true right wing philosophers understand that you must arise to higher ideals beyond simply your material biology.
He was a member of the BNP but eventually got forced out by Nick Griffin and his camp of the party for challenging his capacity to lead, and also likely being that Bowden's views were too dangerous for a party that was desperately wanting to become more image conscious and electable.
Listened to Bowden's excellent 1984 speech last night which I thoroughly recommend, as he relates the themes of the books to the history of communism and mentality of the authoritarian left as well as full of Bowden's typically entertaining tangents off the topic.
You left out the bit where Griffin accused him of being a paedophile.
This is the problem, whole generations brought up in the cesspit.
Didn't know that part, what the hell was his problem?
Too much of a politician.
This. Bowden was never really out for politics, but was more of a thought-leader.