Picture from New Mexico shooting looks weird

Does she look like a real doll or cardboard cut out to anyone else?

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Why would you carry a human like that?

id succ those feet desu

What's this "shooting" that you are talking about?

>New Mexico shooting

Please archive it unvis.it/washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/08/28/two-dead-four-injured-in-shooting-at-new-mexico-library/?utm_term=.ed22538a2171

AP photo source is "Tony Bullocks"
is that even a real person

They're handling her strangely because she is smoking hot and they all want to get in on it.

did /ourguy/ renew his subscription


New Mexico is a liberal shit hole. Fuck them. Little punk was doing a solid for the universe.

I lived in Clovis and never saw a white woman this good looking there....90% of the women there are hispanic

maybe he's real, he's on the home page of wellbrain.io/

and hes on myspace lel

Did she died?

this entire thing sounds like a freemason prank. why tony bollucks friends with jessica thron on facebook? what a small world

Best quality I could find

faceberg page for photo has some comments saying its her husband whos carrying her
nobody is saying its a picture of a sex doll... yet


this is the highest res version of the photo ive seen

apparently her name is jessica thron and she worke at the library, and here police sgt husband trevor thron is carrying her. she's wearing the same exact necklace as she is in the photo from this article: cnjonline.com.php56-17.ord1-1.websitetestlink.com/2015/11/27/ccc-graduate-servant-of-animals-people/

my bad

Leaf, why you come on here and bait us into autistic rants? You already know what is going to happen. Can't we skip this whole song and dance?

no makeup running? No tears? Id cry if i were shot. Ouch

They're just laughing at us.

Everything on the news is fake.

She's scared stiff from shock. Where do you think that phrase came from? Sage

this is alexis molina who was injured along with her 10 yo brother in the attack

she is a qt

her head looks shooped

God I fucking hate conspiracy theorist retards.

Yes, everything is fake. There's no possible explanation for that photo except she's not real. The government just wants to keep you deluded or something. Fucking pea brained faggot ass retard.