Member when we had a scandal-free POTUS?

I member.

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Yes, I still find it funny how many of my fellow Americans fell for the fake news (a la Breitbart) that he was apparently doing a bad job considering he was probably the best President since JFK

Gaddafi agrees with you, not!
As they thump his land for oil!

Remember when someone drones strikes another nobel peace receiver?
I member

Yeah, he was great. He bombed Muslim countries, destabilized the Middle East, led to the greatest human migration in almost a century, the destruction of millions of lives, and people still love him.

member when he recovered our economy after the worst economic crisis since the great depression?

I member.

Irs-tea party, Benghazi, fast and furious etc but yeah

Yes, I love my liberal presidents to join more wars than his conservative predecessor. If Obama were white everyone would shit on him, he was a total sellout for the liberals

I just remember when anyone criticized him they were called a racist and disregarded.

Can't wait for him to go to prison.

Ah Harrison. Those were the days.

>His "wife" is a dude with a huge cock.

Scandal free my ass.

Obama gave us Trump, so in that respect I enjoy obama. The reality is he is a terrible president.

Lack of investigating scandals /=/ absence of scandals.

>Obama pardons people convicted under a broken criminal justice system.

Fast and furious ring any bells?

importing niggers and giving them slave jobs doesnt count sir isuckobungosblackcockforviewsalot

Remove your meme flag Obamaleaf.

What's with the file name? Also
If anyone ever starts a thread about being a citizen of a specific country (in this case, America), and they have a nuflag on, it's a shill thread and the OP is some faggot from Mexico or something.

>being gay is a scandal.

The people are no longer fooled.

>didnt release birth certificate till the second election
>turns out to be an obvious fake the media ignores


Probably going to be underrated.

Every POTUS has had a scandal.


>implying the assassination of an American citizen by President Drone strike wasnt a scandal

Just because the media chose to shine a light on the amount of ice cream Trump has while ignoring blatantly un-constitutional shit Onigger did doesnt mean he was spotless.

>b-b-but his dad was a muzzie terrorist

Still guaranteed a trial by his peers

>wire fraud, embezzlement, identity theft
>broken criminal justice system
nah get fucked m8

Best KING evar!!1


that fucking faggot gave away icann to the international community, like repubs bash him for his health care which atleast he tried something but do they even mention him giving away the internet to the international community nope not even a whisper....... there all fucking corrupt we should either go full direct democracy or back to being ruled by kings as crazy as that sounds this middle ground shit hasent been working

The last president without scandals was Carter. It's been a raging shitshow ever since. Notice the timing with the creation of cable news television.
>implying obama was scandal free

Operation Fast and Furious.
Perjury on Fast and Furious
IRS being used to politically target Tea Partiers
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius soliciting donations from companies HHS might regulate.
The Pigford scandal
The GSA holding an $823,000 get together in Vegas, complete with a hired clown and psychic
The VA wasting $6million on two conferences in Orlando
Sebelius violating the Hatch Act
Justice Department failing to investigate the New Black Panthers over voter intimidation
Unconstitutional, and unethical waging of war in Libya
Attempting to do the same in Syria
AP Phone Records Scandal
$1Trillon of "Stimulus" that went on to line Wall St. pockets
Everything related to Obamacare, from the "If you like your plan, you can keep it" lie to the calculator on the freaking website not working to the fact that it was programmed in freaking COBOL
Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap
Iran nuclear deal
EPA polluting the Colorado River
Secret Service buying prostitutes in Columbia
Lying by saying he found out about Hillary's server when the Public did... even though emails from him were found on that server
DOJ spying on AP reporters
Illegal-alien amnesty by executive order
Blaming Benghazi on a youtube video and arresting the video creator
‘Recess‘ appointments – when Senate was in session
Appointment of ‘czars’ without Senate approval
Suing Arizona for enforcing federal law
Miriam Carey's death
Cap & Trade
Assassinated a US citizen by drone without due process (Anwar al-Awlaki)
Assassinating said citizen's 16 year old son, who was also a citizen, by drone two weeks later without due process

You are either stupid or a liar. Either way, you do not belong here.

>scandal free

This is bait.

>Iran hostage crisis
>Billy Carter

the media choses not cover this one potus, and you swallow it like a damm hooker.
also there are many scandals trought.

RIP to the SIX MILLION brave white nationalists killed at Charlottesville.

>scandal free
>IRS targeting conservatives
>Fast and Furious
>13,000 drone strikes

I member

>The Obama administration made ransom payments to the Iranian government and lied about having done so.
>The Obama administration oversaw the illegal sale of arms to Mexican traffickers for purposes that to this date have not been adequately explained, and those guns have been used to murder American law-enforcement officers.
>Under the Obama administration’s watch, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies from the BATF to the NLRB were illegally used to target and harass the president’s political enemies. The IRS targeting scandal was the most high-profile of these, but others are just as worrisome. Federal investigations and congressional oversight were obstructed, and investigators were lied to outright — a serious crime. The administration protected the wrongdoers and saw to it that they retired with generous federal pensions rather than serving federal sentences for their crimes.
>President Obama’s secretary of state was involved in a high-profile case in which she improperly set up a private e-mail system to evade ordinary governmental oversight; she and her associates routinely misled investigators, obstructed investigations, and hid or destroyed evidence. These are all serious crimes.
>Under the Obama administration, the Secret Service has been a one-agency scandal factory, from drunk agents driving their cars into White House barriers to getting mixed up with hookers in Cartagena.
>Under the guise of developing “green” energy projects, the Obama administration shunted money to politically connected cronies at Solyndra and elsewhere.
>Obama’s men at the Veterans Administration oversaw a system in which our servicemen lost their lives to bureaucratic incompetence and medical neglect, and then falsified records to cover it up.
>Under the flimsiest of national-security pretexts, the Obama administration used the Department of Justice to spy on Fox News reporter James Rosen. It also spied on the Associated Press.

Member when I said We killed Osama? We actually found him dead by sexual asphyxiation in a Hotel room in Vegas.

It's easy to look good when the entire Media machine is making you look good, hiding all the scandals and facts. He had plenty of terrible shit, but the news barely ever covered it

And can you imagine if the MSM wasn't sucking his cock what kind of stuff would have bubbled up?

>Obama started the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
Leafniggers should kill themselves

BTFO by a leaf. Obama was shit tier. Could feel the whole country going to shit when he took office.

remember when he bailed out the auto-kikes.

remember when he literally caused the syrian war by funding his muslim "rebel" friends.

remember when him and his faggot friends in congress tried to pass gun control after sandy hook.

Libya and Syria.

Dumbasses like you should too.

>cocaine dealers
fuck off

>defending literal traitors plotting the destruction of America

The fact that you need explain all but one of those says its all.

Fire and Fury
Many Sides



He's been fucking dead. And the US military didn't kill him.

> "scandal free"

Obama let me down. His greatest scandal was to allow the Russians to allow Trump to win. He not only fucked Hillry, but the average citizen in the process.

>what was the invasion of Libya
>what were the lies about Obamacare
>what were the pardoning of violent criminals
>what were the drone strikes against civilians in the Middle East

Yes, he was very good at hiding the pizza and hot dogs.

Member when South Park wasn't unfunny shit?

I member!

Easy to be scandal free when the media never reports on all the shady bullshit you do.


Higher res photo pls

No, you're just gullible.

Fast and Furious scandal.

legit scandal can confirm.