Why do mixed people seem to hate whites more than anyone?

Why do mixed people seem to hate whites more than anyone?

inferiority complex

Because they can never be us, and they know it.

As usual, The Guardian is gibbering.

The existance of "Western Civilization" does not mean that all other cultures lack the values of liberty, tolerance or "rational inquiry".

In fact, the Indian culture has something that almost approaches western culture's logic.

Western Culture is great because if its achievements. China had a great and stable culture for 3000 years, but it never made scientific advancements, for example.

They're like Forrest Gump when he had the leg braces. All they wanna do is run user.

>Green eyes
Even Kebab and Poos have those.

Because they're tweeners - never truly white, never truly black.

And since its easier to identify as black than white for a halfie they usually just double-down on the black identity and talk endlessly about how black they are to compensate

True, and in colored people's societies/communities, the lightest skinned ones are always on top because even the densest, ugliest orc can see that White (or lighter) is more beautiful.

green eye master race
hazel eyed mongrel faggots stay frustrated
