Why do mixed people seem to hate whites more than anyone?
Why do mixed people seem to hate whites more than anyone?
inferiority complex
Because they can never be us, and they know it.
As usual, The Guardian is gibbering.
The existance of "Western Civilization" does not mean that all other cultures lack the values of liberty, tolerance or "rational inquiry".
In fact, the Indian culture has something that almost approaches western culture's logic.
Western Culture is great because if its achievements. China had a great and stable culture for 3000 years, but it never made scientific advancements, for example.
They're like Forrest Gump when he had the leg braces. All they wanna do is run user.
>Green eyes
Even Kebab and Poos have those.
Because they're tweeners - never truly white, never truly black.
And since its easier to identify as black than white for a halfie they usually just double-down on the black identity and talk endlessly about how black they are to compensate
True, and in colored people's societies/communities, the lightest skinned ones are always on top because even the densest, ugliest orc can see that White (or lighter) is more beautiful.
green eye master race
hazel eyed mongrel faggots stay frustrated
We dont 'hate' whites.
Its just so much easier to see how utterly retarded identity politics is when you dont have a dog in the race.
Its like asking why non sports fans hate conflicts based around loyalty to sports teams so much.
Why the fuck are you destroying a city just because of a fucking ball game. And why are you trying to build a nation for only Yankees fans. Its fucking asinine.
Its especially clear how completly subjective it is. People will categorize you as one race or another based on their own personal arbitrary system. The whole race based system falls apart if you start counting 1/2, 1/4, all the way out to 1/28th cherokee retards.
Its just a remenant of our evolutionarily instilled tribalism. It was really useful before. Now its just kind of stupid. Like not trusing someone who doesnt speak the same language as you.
It probably helped back in the jungle, but its foolish in a city with 16 different spoken languages.
>We don't 'hate' whites
we haaaaaaate whites
there's a difference, you white folk wouldn't understand....
you should hate the vast majority of black fathers who are abusive and leave their children in fatherless homes
some nice digits in this thread
well think about it. take your average mulatto. the mulatto will never be accepted as white because he isn't white. his mother will most likely be shunned by white men for her coal burning. this will make her bitter and she will pass that bitterness on to her child. so never being white and having a bitter mother will make the child hate whites.
niggers will never fully accept the child either. being a high yellow house nigga will make the mulatto better than them in the eyes of whites but still a nigger. the negro is more accepting but not much. so in order to prove himself to the negro the mulatto will act in a way that he thinks will please the nigger by hating whitey. this is easy because of the rejection.
the mulatto is esentially a creature without mind, race and pride. a destroyer, who hates the civilization and culture. subhuman, who has nothing but animal fear and fury
OK dude, makes sense. Let's all turn into a short, dark and semi-retarded race with none of the graces of Europeans or Northeast Asians. Great fucking idea. No, identity politics are bound to flare up when very obvious and very different racial groups emerge in societies where once there was homogeneity. The left wants to deny identity to whites, especially to the white man. The idea being to force most people to intermarry with other races by promoting the sexuality and license of white women (for the moment) while fucking over white men. Thing is, this isn't an equilibrium state.
>you should hate deadbeat dads
Are you telling me there is a group of people out there defending abusive husbads who skip out on their kids?
I dont think there is.
But niether I nor any other mixed person I have spoken too hate "whites". We just tend to find it foolish to draw boundaries where none exist.
Lack of identity.
Don't go to a fast food joint and be white. They'll smear you food in the floor and piss on it
>it's foolish to draw boundaries where none exist
stfu (you) lying shitskin, you hate whites and wish to disrespect our boundaries while broadening yours while calling us foolish, the fucking arrogance of you niggers
or just freak out in a coffee shop
the realization of inferiority is present in all life forms. now add that to 3000 years of recorded history, tradition and development vs 5000 years of playing in the mud, and the distinct possibility that you may locate yourself in the epicenter of this game.
that is some truly nigger tier excuse he pulled
>not worthy
sounds like he just made that up on the spot
It's those tribal instincts Henny
if that isn't a freudian slip I don't know what is, fucking niggers amirite? \o/
>We just tend to find it foolish to draw boundaries where none exist.
which is why blacks in america have no problem with cop killings, it aligns perfectly with their future. utter degeneracy.
Before I came to Sup Forums I saw "chimpout" mentioned and thought that was crass and cruel until I saw pic related
>Sup Forums is always right
>the lightest skinned ones are always on top
Trump doesn't even want to be light to the point of using some ridiculous orange spray on tan
After so many years I've come to understand that people will identify you according to however they see you, and you'll especially notice this if you're biracial.
I've dealt with it my entire life with all races and how they see me, it really depends on how people interpret your skin color and facial features, im in the opinion all races are often racist simple idiots. This doesnt mean i hate western society or people, i just simply rather cut off ignorance all together with whats likely going to be an incorrect interpretation of who i am
Because they can't be white, but if they identify as Black they will be considered primo desirable due to their lighter skin and higher IQ.
>But niether I nor any other mixed person I have spoken too hate "whites". We just tend to find it foolish to draw boundaries where none exist.
Why would they tell you honestly? I don't get this reply commoners often make,
>"I know an x, and he's cool!"
>"I know plently of x who are not like that, every race has y types of people!"
>"Thats just the minority not the majority!"
People are not that honest as they seem. I hate blacks to no bitter end and I yet to tell a black to their face because whats the point? I am racist in real life, but I'd never go out of my way or when I talk to my friends and tell them how much I hate blacks. They know I dislike them but don't know about the utter hatred I have for them. To me you just met some casual acquaintances and they will never tell you how they really feel unless they are comfortable with you, which is very unlikely because deep down we are all comfortable with our own race.