General Mattis has defied the illegal orders of his Commander in Chief and ordered the continuing recruitment of transgender people in the military. More men like Mattis need to stand up to the piece human of shit you have running your country. Impeachment soon.
This is the face of a hero
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upvoted. i'd buy you Sup Forums gold if i could afford it
OP is a faggot repeating Slate fake news.
Sorry OP.
Bro, Mattis is libertarian as fuck.
fuck this old faggot
>life long bachelor
>no children
For Trannys. Hmmm.
Breitbart is the face of fake news you utter Fucking moron
Totally not a shill thread guys
You dumbass, he wants SCIENTIFIC PROOF that trannies are mentally ill, rather than "Trump is a meanie!" and that will BTFO liberals forever.
I know I thunk
I've got doubles and trips faggot.
wtf is going on?
Transgenders have a 40% suicide rate and you want to let them serve in a profession with the highest suicide rate, I don't think your doing them any favors. They also require surgeries and hormones, if you cant serve with asthma cause of your reliance on an inhaler then you should not server as a transitioning or transitioned transgender. oh and more than half regret cutting their dick off so yea defiantly not a mental illness.
> Trump doesnt even have control of the military.
What a faggot
based mad dog leading the buffalo bill soldiers into the 9th battle of kandahar
>continuing recruitment of transgender people in the military.
No he didn't, he just made it so that current ones aren't discharged.
Recruitment still isn't happening.
You can play these game in the military now but once theres all out war the cohesion lacking will be a hindrance.
8's are for strength 7's are greed, demoncrats are dumb
Looks like he needs to go also. And I say this as a 12 year veteran (8 Army, 4 Air Force)
You follow your superiors orders in the military. Toe the fucking line, or get replaced by somebody who will. As a 4 Star, Mattis should understand this.
OP is a fake news faggot
Recruitment has stopped. Trump gave him 6 months to assess effect on combat readiness and come up with a plan, so that's what he's doing.
He's straining against the order as far as he can to delay it, but he's obeying orders. Technically.
You seem sincere friend, so I'll give you some advice. Don't take fake news headlines at their word. Read the actual specific content. They don't tend to straight up factually lie about what's said, they just misrepresent it, and you have indeed become a passenger on the ruse cruise.
Mattis, like McMaster and Kelly, is a neocohen pro-Islamis cuck and thus anti-America. Like his buddies he needs to be hung for treason.
hes not continuing recruitment, hes just allowing the current transgender soldiers to continue serving.
also, does anyone recognize this view?
Combat readiness wont change so now you will have a ruling in favor of trans in the military. Its a common tactic to stall out an objective and then ignore the original mandate. I should know im the king procrastinator.
>continuing recruitment of transgender people in the military
lel. They were never allowing trannies to enlist to begin with.
They were supposed to decide on it back in July, but the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps all requested to extend the deadline.
The branches themselves didn't even want to have to deal with trannies.
You're right. He's fighting the order as hard as he can.
He is obeying it however. The headline's implying he's just said "Fuck you, fite me" to the President, and he'd be out by morning.
We request fake female American soldiers. They make excellent POW for rape and experiment. Thank you for support.
Northwest Illinois
How many cocks does he take in a week?
It's hilarious how many blue checkmarks are actually falling for this on Twitter.
The virgin Trump / the Chad Mattis
based mad dog if true
Unfortunately he is still a while male, so he will have to be fired. But future history will remember him as a strong BLACK KING who fought for justice against white supremacist transphobic neo-nazi Emperor drump.
It's pretty fucken stupid but it doesn't matter as long as they are fit enough. They just are a bit mentally unstable.
People are already clamoring for Trump to fire Mattis for his disloyalty. Mattis forgets who the boss is for sure.
He probably likes wearing womens underwear.
Sessions doesn't do shit, Mattis apparently is a basic bitch now too. Is there any one actually fucking left in the WH who has Trump's interest or that of America First?
I disagree. There are many health problems that out right disqualify you for the military and having a gaping wound between your legs should be one of them. Not to mention the mental instability.
That baby will suicide itself by its 12th birthday. Calling it now.
Isn't it time for your dilation sweetie
No the military knows well how suicidal these people are. They want them for corporate suicide missions in the middle east. Nobody is planning to go to war so trans will probably stay .
Also it was never a money problem. The military spends 100x more on little blue pills for erectile dysfunction.
Shut the fuck up noserve.
>serve and sacrifice for your country
>get severe PTSD
>unable to have sex or get hard because of it
>get recognized medical treatment so you can have a normal life
They can spend as much as they like on dick pills imo
Mattis was the most underrated person in the world!
War? He is a genius!
Actually he was the most centered guy about politics in america! Jesus yanks how can you go to the moon and still being extremely dumb!
I know all about how foolish the military complex is without serving a day. I have 2 brother in laws 1 ex and 1 still serving.
Im not arguing about it im just stating the facts that money was never an issues with trans, its a talking point to get people to agree to Trumps well wishes.
Shut the fuck up noserve.
You are inferior now go die for that operation and paycheck.
stfu neverserved
t. actual vet
Meanwhile the mayor of Berkeley just lied and tried to cover up antifas assault of a 16 year old child at the Anti-Marxist/Anti-Communism/Anti-Hate march by calling it a "white supremacist" march instead, despite there being people of all races there. DOTR can't come soon enough for these liberal scumbags.
Wrong, USMC 2012-2016.
Shut the fuck up noserve.
Trump: hey guys, I know how to get the left to reverse their stance on the military overnight!
"how you gonna do that, Don?"
>bans trannies
Recruitment has stopped, now they're working on justifying kicking all active duty out and to no longer pay for SRS thru thru the VA. Policies don't change overnight, they have to cover their bases.
Literally fake news
well I guess that settles that
> Mattis followed orders and executed them intelligently
Day of the OP got BTFO by superior digits1
Don't you realize this is the desperation before the pedo purge? Shit's crazy. None of it makes sense except to call it sheer panic from half the government and all the globalists. I think this is what we see when it's already fucking happening.
>ordered the continuing recruitment of transgender people in the military
but thats completely wrong, you fake news nigger
>You follow your superiors orders in the military
You sound like a fucking brainlet grunt.
The oath an officer takes to the country is different from an oath an enlisted member takes. Namely the enlisted member swears to obey the orders of the president and superior officers.
Officers only swear to defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic.