Is this America's best kept secret?
Is this America's best kept secret?
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I've been looking for somewhere to move to. Is this it?
I bet all 12 radio stations are all country all the time.
>dog named blue
>GF took the pickup truck
>3 on the tree 4 on the floor.
St. Louis here. Lovely city, had a great vacation there and I can't wait to visit again.
Is that Portland? If Portland than no. It's a hipster shit hole. It's for the faggots who couldn't make it to Seattle.
28% black?
nah, austin tx is better. not much in nastyville.
Yes, very good quality of life.
for a big city, thats not terrible...
Fuck no. Everyone knows about it. Even my old faggot ass school would have the music people travel there every year.
It's only 28% black?
Packing my bags now boys
Niggers everywhere
not really. it's becoming the new hip place for liberal hipsters to move to
Yeah it is.
>nah, austin tx is better. not much in nastyville.
Austin is the Live Music Capital of the World but has no buskers. High-larious. Pass.
>town full of niggers
It's a great city. Even Based Rusev moved from Bulgaria to live there. He now listens to country exclusively.
You can see my office in that pic ;)
I'm mean, i'm in houston, so pretty much everywhere is up from here
>Is this America's best kept secret?
No, at least half of it is pure niggerfied ghetto crack dealers.
t. east TN user
Also the Twin Cities.
We can easily take over this area, Minneapolis is a warzone atm, but can easily be retaken.
you picked the worst part of texas retard
Buildings? No, I think the cat's out of the bag on that one.
Not this
But this.
The racial makeup of the city was 89.0% White, 1.5% African American, 0.7% Native American, 3.2% Asian, 0.2% Pacific Islander, 2.5% from other races, and 3.0% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 7.1% of the population.
I could get used to this.
Far more niggers in knoxville and Chattanooga user.
fuck portland
Maybe it's because I don't visit it often, but the Twins don't seem particularly bad right now.
>literally the worst, most liberal city in Texas where they love niggers and faggots
East Nasty?
Brentwood here, pleb.
Nashville was great pre 2000. Not as much anymore. Still better than many metros though.
Ive been to Dallas-FTW, Huston, Galveston. Austin is better.
Too fucking cold
rich white fucks and jews.
>t Californiafag
literally the worst place in the state
Then you aren't white. :^)
He said east TN but I live in east Nash.
No, east TN, as in GSM
lol nope.
population of Nashville - 650k
population of Knoxville - 180k
do the math.
PSA to any foreginers wanting to visit the US.
find a small town, no cities.
and come to the midwes.
I was a firefighter in Nashville for 8 years before I moved to the east coast, it's completely filled with shitskins and niggers.
The city used to be rad but it's downhill and an absolute lost cause.
San Diego is americas best kept secret.
Catch is you have to have a good job and be self sufficient to live in a nice place here. Plus side is zero niggers
Why are you making this thread again? Do you make it every few months?
At any rate, no. Like any major American city it's a liberal shithole. Some are just worse than others.
More like successful white men and their qt asians.
This. Nashville is fun for visiting but living there is shit and it's only going to get worse, especially since our stupid cuckservative state government is trying to appeal to the new influx of liberal hipsters.
I just don't like pasty fat women.
No one wants to visit drug invested dens of depression and racism not even other depressed racists
That depresses me as a denizen of Memphis for many years in my youth who used to look to places like Nashville as a small nice city to move to.
Niggers are like a festering disease. Nashville wasn't just to close to us and got ruined.
living a million miles away from any beach or mountains. horrid winters.
Kentucky actually.
They surprisingly aren't. I drive through every year on my way to the gulf. On of the widest ranges of genres of stations in a city all the way down.
As a southern transplant my only complaint is you faggots calling all sodas/pops/fizzy drinks/soft drinks, coke. Other than that 10/10 will remain.
It's in a transitional phase.
Minneapolis is trying very hard to be a Chicago 2.0, having played second fiddle to both Detroit and Chicago for many years.
St. Paul is still a gorgeous city with a beautiful downtown, but also vulnerable.
Niggers are bad but they rarely vote. I'm far more concerned with the influx of liberal yanks and Californians. They actually do vote and they're already aiming to try to force Tennessee to turn blue.
Hey guys, we had a flood too.
Of course, we weren't faggots about it.
you sound like a typical millennial liberal
Yeah that's true but blacks have moved out of the city due to gentrification. When I lived in knoxville 10 years ago niggers were everywhere. Same thing with Chattanooga. Nothing but fags in Johnson city.
Have you never smelled Alabama?
Completely degenerate.
>Obama hates white people.
Must be warm down there and friendly people
>tfw upstate NY and its basically detroit here in the cities
>tfw could literally drive through ontario and be in detroit
i live in oklahoma, these numbers are skewed because of native americans (aka white people). it's great here.
Roll Tide!
Yep. It smells like the seat of a motorized shopping cart.
It's not the browns or blacks or muslims, it's the white liberals that are the challenge.
That being said, it is a nice place.
What's the best small to mid size town in TN? I'm thinking of moving to either Tennessee or New Hampshire
I'm a Vols fan but I'll let you have this one.
As much as people post those pictures I honestly rarely see anyone besides an extremely elderly person use them. I maybe see a fattie use one like once a year.
How is it?
Anywhere in Williamson County.
true dat
There are really only a few choices for "mostly white" cities or metro areas and they are all in the North East kingdom. Portland Maine is still 85% White, Rutland Vermont is still 95% White. Burlington Vermont is 88% White. Concord New Hampshire is 91% White. Thats pretty consistent across all of the North East. I may end up moving to Maine myself in the future to escape all of the human garbage. The rural areas up there are still fairly conservative, especially New Hampshire. You just have to be able to deal with the winters. I spent 8 years in Northern Vermont so Im good.
If you're serious about TN stick with Middle or East TN. More whites and that's where all of the industry is going right now. I live in West TN and while I do pride myself in knowing my ancestors were pioneers to this area and one ancestor even rode with Andrew Jackson it's drying up in every regard. Little to no jobs and blacks are moving into every traditional white neighborhood as the older generations die off and younger ones don't care about letting them move in.
No shit?!?! All I see is fucking fat ass Type 2s that get out of breath when they have to climb off the damn thing to grab their jumbo box of high fructose corn flakes from the top shelf.
It's amazing. Mostly white folks. Higher cost of living keeps out the garbage.
Lots of beautiful parks. Not much bullshit. Close to Nashville but not too close.
Moved here from Dallas a little under a year ago to take over a director position. It's ok lots of fat rednecks, not as rich or built up as Dallas. Shit tier country clubs, and private clubs. Nashville City Club is shit compared to mine in Dallas. Only plus about living here is every weekend downtown is full of fat low self esteem brides maids celebrating a bachelorette party. If your into that kind of shit. Food is pretty decent. Music is ok, lots of live bands. I enjoy living in Franklin, a little more upscale and quiet. With the occasional nig blasting music down Main Street racing off as several hundred white people prepare to lynch him. Plus it took me a week to count 5 black people. Since I've lived here I've only seen 20 black people max.
>major cities
>liberal and drug infested sex trafficking hellholes filled with lunatics.
someones projecting
Ehhh. That's my answer.
When are you goys getting rid of all those hateful statues?
Nashville is overrun with spics now. And Syrians. Davidson county is also a liberal stronghold. Literally the only part of the state along with Memphis to consistantly vote blue.
>t. GTFO and moved to Knoxville
I've lived here close to a year. Even though I live in an upscale part of a Franklin 20 min south. I've seen like 20 black people the whole year.
I guarantee it will never happen here.
Franklin is very much one of the last slices of USA here in "usa."
Portland and Seatle are pretty cucked
Are there any other West Coast cities/towns worth living in?
I want to move out somewhere cozy when i get my degree
Maybe you should've just moved out of Hispanioch.
Kek, I love it.
Where they are matters as well. Pic related is Milwaukee. 40% as of 2010, but they're almost entirely contained in the north, and I see few downtown. The ones I do are "homeless" and don't cause trouble.
Digital high-five, fellow successful white man!
Memphis has quite a few Arabs and Pakis but they're pretty quiet and hold jobs. Not ideal but at least they're not riding down the street emptying clips into everything that moves like niggers.
Not anymore, a bunch of fucking hipsters moved in and the traffic is disgusting now
The ubiquitous niggers don't help either
So true. Just moved back from Murfreesboro to Memphis and I can't find shit for jobs. Bout to move back, and that's saying something. At least I could find jobs in the boro.
Boise is being flooded with rapefugees and the university is churning out literal Marxists.
Christ, the North End had a gay riot last year.
This is blowing my mind right now.
Boro on 4chins? You must be giving MTSU all your dough for a ballerina degree or something.
I heard that new super mosque is hiring someone to change out the water of the foot baths.
No way me too
Do I know you irl user?
>a gay riot
I lived in Memphis for a couple years to go to school. I had a good time but what few jobs were around were either unpaid jobs or paid almost nothing but wanted ridiculous amount of hours out of you. Wasn't worth it so I headed back to the farm.
I have no idea because I definitely don't go around telling people I go to this place.
I've got a respectable business life to uphold.
Explain yourself
If you consider a Greek / Spaniard white. Then sure I'm
I unironically believe West Virginia is the best kept secret.
The only problem is no jobs. If I could convince my boss to let me work remotely 100% of the time, I'd probably move there.