What the fuck... I don't even know how to process this movie. I just watched it and it's easily the most terrifying, horrible, fucked p and effective political/social statement I've seen in my entire life. I've never been actually scared by a movie until now. Who would know that some Serbian was the most brilliantly evil film maker in history.
This movie stands as a light shined on the darkest depths of evil humanity is able to conceive of. It is extremely relevant to the human sex trafficking discussion, and the PC society discussion which the creator says it mocks. "Fascism of political correctness" He says. Fascism is designed to protect the family, this world he depicts - no - this world, is the opposite of Fascism, all the extremes taken to the worst imaginable ends.
I no longer hate this rotten world that is brewing. I'm just scared of it. Really, really scared.
I think that this movie had some of the best sex scenes in modern film.
Eli Perez
Welcome to MK Ultra, I hope you enjoy your programming experience.
Bentley Ross
>this guy gets it
Ian Morales
I would literally kill you if I knee you weren't LARPing
Eli Ortiz
Camden Bailey
it did. i can’t even count the times i sent white pearly cumglops across my keyboard watching him fuck the ass of his preteen son. wew
Julian Rivera
I feel like this movie is the exact opposite of MK Ultra. It's trying to show people the truth not disillusion them.
Benjamin Cook
>Hey you guys, I just voluntarily gave money and attention to people who hate me and want me to die, and was shocked to find them depicting goyim as evil savages! How could anyone have foreseen such a result?
Zachary Jenkins
1) I didn't pay anything for it
2) It depicts Goyim as used by an evil Turk lol
Pretty good metaphor for the assault on happy family life by media
Thomas Gutierrez
The sad thing is why it makes so much sense. We have been mercilessly fucked by our government so many times over and over and we just sit back and disillusion ourselves. Yes goyim, keep quiet while we stomp all over your freedoms. The tragedy of the film isn't the story of it, it's how accurate it is.
Hunter Bailey
>What the fuck... I don't even know how to process this movie.
it's Sup Forums in movie form, meant to attract younger fags who are looking for something edgy. otherwise total shit and probably government subsidized.
Joshua Nelson
Brandon Richardson
t. immigrant
Asher Howard
>being this new To with you
Liam Smith
The truth is that this is what happens in MK Ultra. Knowing the truth about it doesn't change shit except lower your morale and subconsciously keep you away from future dissent. The trauma of watching the movie is the trauma of MK Ultra. It's powerful stuff.
I wouldn't recommend anyone watch this movie.
Ryan Rodriguez
kek its a shit movie.
Benjamin Butler
Have you seen the fucking movie? Have you actually paid attention to it or is your IQ just that low? I honestly can't tell if you're trying to be edgy and write it off, or if you're literally just braindead and willing to buy anything the government sells you.
Ian Rivera
Hands down most fucked film ever
belongs on Sup Forums
Jonathan Butler
>belongs on Sup Forums >I have looked into this movie exactly 0 and I'm so retarded I can't even make out why it was made
Spot the difference.
Parker Collins
lots of movies have these themes, they are just hidden within a thai fish market store within chinatown.
> Spasojević and Radivojević, have stated that the film is a parody of modern politically correct films made in Serbia, which are financially supported by foreign funds.
Nicholas Sanders
Together we will save the world from degeneracy. Hail Victory.
Luke Morales
That movie looks gay as fuck..but what else can you expect from Servian dogs?
Owen Cooper
>Too edgy 5 me: the movie
Michael Morgan
This movie contains literally nothing terrifying. All they do is speaking about some pervertions, every sex scene isn' shown nearly detailed. This is just some arthouse bullshit.
Camden Hughes
How dare you denounce our Slavic brothers, they have been removing kebab at least since the early 90's.
Asher Murphy
this. From what I remember of it about three years ago it was a giant letdown from the hype it was getting which I bought all of.
Christian Foster
can you elaborate any further?
Jonathan Morris
The only terrifying movie is Solaris.
Brandon Cooper
> You need to see the violence in detail for the concept to not be absolutely revolting to you
Canada needs to be annexed and all of its citizens executed.
Ryder Murphy
looks gay as fuck, sounds gay as fuck, sounds like edgy stupid shit
0/10 wouldn't watch if paid to
Jordan Gonzalez
I liked the bj with the girl watching
Wyatt Kelly
I lost a lot of faith in the Serbian people over this movie. How could they let be made?
Julian Price
Because freedom of expression should be a right to all people?
This movie didn't hurt anyone, this movie didn't condone child molestation, this movie didn't defend murder, this movie didn't defend sexual degeneracy (which is honestly better than what you can say about most media these days.
Bottom line is art (or whatever you think this movie is) shouldn't be censored unless it is directly contributing to violence or the stripping of a people's rights. This movie does neither.
James Perry
If that movie scared you then you live in some sort of bubble.
Lincoln Clark
Any sane society must have obscenity guidelines in place regulating the entertainment industry. The USA had this at one point to protect the morals of the people, but a series of Jewish lawyers destroyed this protection system.
Smut and filth is not protected speech. Free speech protections exist to maintain a diversity of political opinion, not to tolerate pornography and psychological warfare.
Isaiah Flores
Disagree, all this "art" achieves is a deliberate flaunting of all morality. I don't think you should be free to monetize and promote this garbage
David Ramirez
In fairness I went in expecting Slav 'Boogie Nights' not this. I've always known this kind of shit exists IRL but I've never desired to see it depicted nor have I really considered the absolute vileness of it all.
Ian Butler
If it's of any solace, the director hot beaten up by some nationalists Serbs for making this movie. But I don't condone answering edgy shit with physical violence. Reinforces their will and makes you seem emotionally unstable.
Cooper Taylor
you cant destroy freedom of speech kikes just because you don't like something that doesn't mean it should be banned you must be 18 to use this site
Noah Cooper
What the fuck life do you live?
Alexander Campbell
And why exactly do you think that it's okay for the government to decide what you consume or don't consume? Next thing you know violence is banned in movies, then goes the use or concept of any type of drug in movies, then it seeps into more art, next thing you know is the only "art" left for people is government sponsored garbage. When has giving government the power to decide what is and isn't good for people ever been a good idea? Give them any type of power like this and they'll abuse the fuck out of it.
Ayden Peterson
This film is a complete try hard joke,it trys so hard it ends up being funny as fuck and not even remotely disturbing. The execution and atmosphere just isn't there at all and feels like a comical parody.
Try irreversible or i stand alone, gaspar noe is a far superior director when it comes to disturbing film.
Nolan Lopez
The lawyers who made the court system in the USA recognise pornography and obscenity as protected 1st amendment speech were quite literally exclusively Jewish attorneys representing Jewish pornographers. And the lawyers who were fighting these kikes were all Irish Catholics.
Obscenity and pornography has no place in a Christian society. It is a moral violence against the people.
Brandon Green
I have and it's garbage for plebs. The scenes have no impact at all just comedy edgelord nonsense executed in a way that leaves you laughing.
David Thompson
What was this movie "promoting"? Sexual deviancy? Well, no, the husband was a loving man who didn't want to go back into the porn industry because he loved his wife. Child pornography? Hmmm, no, not that either, as the only way they were able to make him even ok with the concept of it was to give him drugs that make him want to fuck anything that moves. Pornography depicting violence? No, the main character is vehemently against it. This movie does not promote smut, it simply knows it exists.
Christopher Mitchell
The government does not decide. It is all dictated by the moral law, and governments vary in terms of how closely the laws they implement correspond to the moral law. We are currently very far away from the moral law now because of the domination of Jewish interests in government and business.
Benjamin Hughes
Watched it , Didn't shock me at all Pretty lame because its all acted Years of seeing mexicans skinned alive and beheaded on the ync and other gore stuff completly desensitized me
Connor Jackson
Hi underage.
Blake Smith
'Boogie Nights' was a watershed moment in Jewish Hollywood's implementation of sexual anarchy to oppress the people.
Robert Flores
alright, why doesn't the director portray this in a normal way which doesn't involve raping newborn babies and sexual murder? It's a garbage movie made with the contention of "fuck you", achieved through depictions of obnoxiously excessive moral breaches by a talentless hack of a director. It's the equivalent of vomit
Chase Parker
I assume you're talking about the Kantian idea of moral absolutes. Give me an example of any law that applies in all situations with absolutely no exceptions.
Ryder Turner
then don't watch it people are going to make things for which there is a market also if watching a movie somehow destroys your morality then you were shit to begin with >watching a murder in a movie will make me in to a murderer your using the same argument that people use to censor cartoons and vidya for example >lets not have tom hit jerry with the frying pan if your kid bashes in someones head with a frying pan then your kid is just retarded its not the cartoons fault so the market will determine the success of something plus you arent forced to watch it plus it doesn't morally decay you
James Morris
yeah nah, OP remains a faggot
Isaiah Smith
Because extremism is the only thing people listen to nowadays. Don't believe me? Look at Antifa. Look at the Alt-Right. If this did it in a "normal way" then absolutely nobody would watch it, or listen to it's message.
Jack Jenkins
The film depicts a father raping his conscious son in his asshole. Watching this sort of material is a great act of violence against your soul. We have become so desensitised to vulgarity and human suffering. We need to safeguard our innocence.
Xavier Reyes
I am inclined to agree but it took this level of shit to truly open my eyes.
I think this movie has a place in this current shit society because it serves a purpose and is relevant right now. In a truly healthy society this movie has no place because it has no basis in reality, but right now I think it is best described as a vaccine. I mean, it made me think reactionary thoughts. Violent, reactionary thoughts.
Carter Gray
The moral law is not relative, it is absolute. One of the variables which goes into our determination of the morality of an act is the circumstances. Circumstances can be relative, but this does not mean that the moral law is relative.
Ethan Morales
No, this film depicts a monster driven to rape his very obviously unconscious son because he was manipulated into taking drugs that made him borderline unable to do anything else. Nobody being raped or raping was lucid at that point, they were all heavily drugged. And considering the fact that OP literally said this is the most disturbing thing he can even imagine, your desensitization point has no truth whatsoever. The people saying this shit has no effect on them are literal plebbit tier edgelords.
Ayden Morris
Moral law means that one thing, such as lying, is wrong in all cases, no matter the circumstances. Kant didn't care about the circumstances, he looked at the laws and said "This is always true, no exceptions." As I said, give me an example of such a law.
Chase Bailey
I meant to write "unconscious". That was a typo.
Chase Kelly
No-one cares about it's message. They care because it's so edgy and violent. If you are to make a film with some kind of political effect then you do it with technical skill and professional writing, look at the post-war Japanese directors.
Andrew White
>Next thing you know violence is banned in movies, then goes the use or concept of any type of drug in movies, There is literally nothing wrong with that.
David Walker
this movie's too silly to have any emotional impact
it seemed more like a joke than anything else
Christopher Thomas
No, whether lying is immoral depends on three things: the class of act (lying), the intention of the person committing the act, and the circumstances in which the act is posited. The latter can be relative, but they do not mean that morality itself is relative.
Lying could be a moral act if you are lying to protect somebody's safety, or to protect your own privacy against someone who is not entitled to this information. The act of lying is in general immoral, but this can be changed depending on the circumstances and intentions.
This is really basic stuff you can learn from reading any manual on classical moral theology.
Connor Morales
I think you'd have to consider the level of awareness/consideration different people are capable of. I agree most people who see this will dwell on the gore, but some people will be able to decipher the message and for them it can have a profound effect which is kind of what I feel it did to me. I mean, I feel like it has convinced me to /nofap/ for quite a while because the entire concept of sex seems so wrong to me right now.
Cameron Adams
Wow, its just like I'm really on Sup Forums a decade ago!
Charles Hall
Serbia is pure scum
Brandon Rodriguez
Dominic Reyes
let's be straigh, fuck off outta here newfag, this movie sucks and there is nothing we can learn from this, also sex is not bad, you virgin.
Asher Clark
serbian film is funny. it tries so hard to shock it just comes off as lauaghable
Sebastian Foster
I jerked it to completion at the machete scene but overall found the film pretty forgettable.
Colton Garcia
What about our freedoms then. If we ban censorship in art, then why not ban it in all forms of expression. Why not support government controlled speech? Why not just let the government run our lives. After all, Big Brother knows best, right?
Ethan Sanders
just watched it ... pretty accurate documentary about serbian mating behavior
Justin Morales
Wooooah sorry I didn't hear about the film when I was in high school. Also > brazil nigger one of the rare literate ones I see, albeit barely.
Angel Thomas
Christopher Martinez
I was specifically referring to Kantian logic, which uses moral absolutism to define right and wrong. There are no exceptions.
Hunter Harris
Not being edgy. I just have fucked violent/morbid fetishes.
That's not even the worst kind of shit I jerk it to regularly.
Bentley Cox
pretty much in the same boat here
Kevin Hughes
Robert Perez
Actually it enriches the soul. And you literally cant prove me wrong.
Morals are hot horseshit, ethics is the only thing that matters.
Nicholas Evans
Nobody cares about your gore porn. The whole reason the faggot OP even wanted to be here was for political discussion about the fact that we have all been desensitized to this type of shit, of which you are a prime example. The gist of the movie was that society as a whole has become a craphole for shit like this to flourish, look at fucking Pizzagate as an example. The reason that this movie resorted to such measures was to show the average normie with a low-level IQ what type of shit is begotten from higher-ups in this day and age.
Alexander Richardson
Oh like the no joke actual rape russian videos that float around motherless?
Brayden Bennett
Is there harm in being desensitized to fake violence?
Isaiah Garcia
There is no substantive difference between the meaning of ethics and morality. They simply have different philological roots, the former being Greek and the latter Latin.
Noah Williams
You just posted about a fucking website used by 12 year olds to look at gore porn.
Ryder Rivera
>motherless >not immediately Bestgore
Jonathan Richardson
motherless has some good material rare scandals is another favorite a lot of stuff you can find on onion sites or via torrents on fetish forums.
Owen Diaz
It's not the violence that got to me. I've seen worse violence on the internet. It's the concept of the story - the way that family was so completely used and the idea of people fetishizing true pain and the destruction of the most innocent thing humanity has to offer.
I'm not talking about the physical acts I'm talking about the concept as a whole and what the movie represents, not what is depicts per say.
Xavier Mitchell
And you equate knowledge of something to its tolerance? I'm not jaded nor naive.
Nolan Ross
Welcome to the world of Drugosrbijanština
It's made to make us look like savages or something, all part of the great Antiserb scheme
Jeremiah Martinez
I think you should stop using words that you're not really sure the meaning of
Henry Adams
let's jut hope the day of the rope comes brother, so we can hang all of dem traitors by balls on terazije
Austin Hill
Oh well then you aren't desensitized. The fact that conceptually the fiction touched you shows it didnt. Im sure youd have a different emotion, if suppose the film was a dramatization of real events.
Gabriel Young
If you knowingly disagree with something, yet still know it exists, then you are tolerating it. I don't think that fake violence does anything to the average adult's mind, but to a child, looking at fake violence can definitely fuck their development up. Also, anecdotal evidence is shit and does not mean anything.
Levi Ramirez
Actually, it was made to draw attention to the fact that the Serbian government essentially funds art or movies that it sees fit and they are able to flourish and any other form is basically ignored. He went to such an extreme so people would listen.
Hudson Green
I'm running out of vocabulary options here to get these turbofags to get what I'm saying, leaf.
Gavin Nelson
I blew many , many loads to that film
Luke Adams
The meaning of LARPing has expanded over the last year. Basically its a specific frame of mind when trolling noe.