Student in Liberal College

So I've transferred to a larger university, and holy FUCK is it liberal (think UC Berkeley), especially with the anti-white bullshit.

Any advice for an alt-right student's survival here? Should I talk about my beliefs and try to change the university? Or stay quiet?

Other urls found in this thread:

stay quiet and get a stem degree
only if you have enough shekels can you run your mouth

Yeah right now I'm doing Information Technology, wouldn't dream of getting a liberal arts degree here lmao

Stop being a whiney pussy for starters. Work hard and if someone gives you shit tell them to fuck off.

Wear a shirt that says Race War Now, Gas the Kikes, Hang the Niggers, Deport the Spics and basically just go on with your life as normal.



Just keep quiet, mind your business, get good grades, and tune out all the political BS. If you meet any friends who are conservative, stick with them.

drop out and teach yourself good knowledge by reading books.

learn a practical skill that can make you an honest living, like carpentry, welding, cooking, etc

you can become a professional man later. education is about diligence. develop your diligence first before you waste money on the college meme.

(i mean able to study and read all day every day kind of diligence. if you cant do this, you shouldnt be in college.)


You should move to Alaska and read Dick Perenoki books.

has the right idea


p.s. idk how to spell his name

You're not a position to change anything via talking, you're an enemy of the state(essentially).

The only redpills you can drop are ones accepted by mainstream conservatives(ex: support trump).

Dont bother getting into anything else.

watcha doing, rabbi?

hi there :D

Be as loud and boisterous as possible about your beliefs. Post right-wing propaganda on their faggy bulletin boards. Don't let the pinkos intimidate you.

Also, get a concealed-carry license, and a Glock 21.

Just trimming my shekel tree.

It's coming along nicely.

Why is Dickie's complexion so bad?

Don't believe any of the white power/Nazi LARPERS on this board.

Sup Forums meetups (as cringey as that sounds) have a high minority turn-out

Some people just like to watch the world burn

Start killing. Be the next Cho. Go for the high score. Do it or we will kill you.

why do you have to dissuade people from free assembly?

>develop your diligence first before you waste money on the college meme
It's a lesson everybody comes to learn, even if it means learning it at their deathbed
If you can't dedicate yourself to doing things that aren't optimally enjoyable, you bottleneck your ability to improve

Hide your power level as much as possible. Don't let the Spencerfags convince you that LARPing is a good idea.

My philosophy has been to keep myself out of trouble and focus my efforts online.
I hide my power level every day. I've come close to getting drunk and revealing it but thankfully have not yet. You could try to find conservative friends by joining a republican club but they might all be cucks/"socially liberal but economically conservative."

depends really on a certain of things

can say whatever you want:
>good looking and get lots of pussy

can't say anything
>you're ugly

basically if you are a chad, you can say all the racist shit you want and girls will just think of you as a bad boy.

I'm a college professor. I'm not even joking.

Almost all of the time I (and my colleagues) do not care what your opinion is. We're all overworked and have to deal with too many shitty student papers. Mostly we just want papers that have a decently formed thesis, that have an argument that develops well, and that use evidence to support the argument -- all done in correctly formed sentences and paragraphs with no major stylistic errors. If you do this, you get an A because you're doing better than most of your classmates. I don't have time to decide whether student x's opinions conform to some other idea I have about how world politics might be able to be improved. If your paper is well written, we can grade it quickly and move on to the next one. We'll be grateful to you.

One of the most pervasive memes on Sup Forums is that students think professors care enormously about what opinions they spout. You're not that special or interesting. We've read all your opinions before in other immature papers produced by feeble minds. In fact, we just want you to submit papers on time, not send bullshit emails about how the cat ate your paper, and generally not make our classes difficult or annoying. We have other stuff we'd prefer to be doing.

Just be yourself, OP. Work hard and try to be an impressive, organized student who writes extremely well. This will make you better than almost all your classmates. Also, don't meme out in class because it comes off as massively stupid.

drop out
drink and drive
move to the heartland
go fuck yourself


Troll them while acting like you are a leftist. Make it to where they despise your beliefs despite you LARPing as a leftist. Also get a get a concealed-carry license and a handgun like the user above suggest. A single stack 9mm works fine, you don't really need a .45 unless you want one. 380s are also OK since they are so much smaller and easier to conceal. I'd personally look for a double stack 380 though.

Post on twitter about destroying America and based Dugin - it is all about truly alt-right and libercucks will love it.

you could try not being an easily impressionable faggot

Pussy, what are you afraid of? No GF or chad friends? Getting expelled?
Fucking twat. I went to a super liberal school, didn't give a fuck. Battled every day and acted a cunt

What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have a mental retardation or something?

trips of truth

Hi, Fischer.

fuck off tripfag


Get that degree. Make that money. And have a good life. That's how you beat them & bring prosperity to yourself.

Please refrain from mean spirited comments.
This is a board of peace.

Look for opportunities to sabotage, go undercover to their meetings and groups, be one of them volunteer for leadership, get herpes from moldy locks,

>Hi, Fischer.

>What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have a mental retardation or something?
Communism is a pretty good idea as it appears in the writings of early utopian and social reformers.

Richard Spencer is a conefed

This this this & another poster said the same. Go undercover. Get their names. Doxx they ass but make sure to leave no tracks

Have you heard of the high elves?


How do I avoid getting caught tho? I also don't want to get anyone killed or anything

>seriously considering voicing any right-wing opinion at all

Kek. My friend, I feel bad for you.

I just graduated from business school. It was absolute fucking hell. I hate college so fucking much, I hate 80% of the teachers and 90% of my peers.

It is a leftist den of shit. I would have just done it online again if I could. The leftist stronghold is absolutely depressing. You cannot voice your right-wing opinions, or prepare to suffer for it.

My feminist teacher literally gave me a C+ despite getting straight A's the entire semester, because she found out I was a Trump supporter.

Don't even bother trying to talk to people. Just keep your head down, finish your work, and then try to take a position of power in society and then oppress women and niggers.

I start music school in a week

Should I just keep my mouth shut?

No it isn't. It's a shit idea that claims that people are greedy so the solution is to put a group of people in charge of every aspect of the economy. It's retarded and doesn't work. The only reason you like it because you feel like it'll lead to heaven on earth. The one problem is that we are on earth and humans are animals who have become amazingly effective at competing against other animals and themselves using the very powerful drive that their natural greed gives them. Communism will never work if it includes a species that evolved using competition because communism only works if people aren't competitive.

good job standing up for what you believe in, faggots.

>business school
lol nevermind, this guy is the biggest faggot of all

Don't know anything about you, so this advice will be pretty generic.

1) Get a STEM degree of some sort. If you aren't doing that, you could probably come out better financially by skipping college and going into a trade. Also, you should be able to avoid most of the liberal lunacy in STEM classes. If they are trying to shove politics down your throat in math and engineering classes, you need to switch schools, because the degree will be worthless in the "real world".

2) Remember that you are in enemy territory. You won't be able to change the university as just one student. I won't tell you how much or how little to hide your power level, but ultimately, you are there to learn things, get a degree, and get out. Whatever you do, don't give them an opening to jeopardize your future in any way.

If you want to fight them, then graduate, get a good career, build a good life, don't let them see a single penny of alumni donations from you, and stand up for your beliefs from a position of strength and relative security. Don't poke the lion while you are still in the cage with it.


Yep, this is what you actually have to do unfortunitly. At the very best you can call yourself a "libertarian" or "centrist" and criticize everyone without too much bullshit. You just can't criticize any sacred cows (you find out really quickly what these are).

You actually replied to me twice. You are a faggot.

"Standing up for what you believe in" is fairy-tale-tier optics. I am convinced that Jewish story tellers came up with that one.

The way to win is to act subversively. You blend in like a chameleon until the time is right and you can make a difference.

>Business school is bad

It's a great degree and it has gotten me all kinds of opportunities already. lolbertarians are delusional

You're guessing way too much, user. I like communism as it's outlined in Thomas More's Utopia, which is the very first text on any significant scale to describe something like Utopia. It does so as a satire on the existing state of affairs in England, particularly on the phenomenon of sheep eating people (which is used as a symbol for pastoral enclosures forcing crop-laboring peasants off the land and into poverty and death). The idea of a society of equality is presented as a satire, but as a necessarily satire to bring about change in the present by forcing people to see the present differently. That's my line of interest in the idea of communism.

Don't assume too much, young Jedi.

I'm getting my MBA right now. undergrad sucked. Honestly, get your good grades, play nice, make any connections you can with decent men and women who are on our side or apolitical, then move on. frankly, focus on making a difference in the real world. that's what matters.

>Sauce: Burger bro doing business in nipland

then we just have to find new ways of criticizing those we aren't supposed to criticize.
>inb4 whiteboi nazis and SJWs ruin everything for the rest of us

Dude don't bother with music school unless you are a virtuoso soloist and you are like 100% positive you will be winning a bunch of competitions.

I am a professional classical musician, but I got my degree in business. I just took private classical guitar lessons on the side, and now I make money off of it by performing and teaching. Get a useful degree but keep taking private lessons on the side.

What do her farts smell like, Sup Forums?

this is a commie board now

keep hiding from those terrible feminazis then, coward.
>orgasming this hard over corporate shekels
there are other ways of making money without being a corporate cuck you know. I wonder what exactly you think you can subvert lol
>triggered so hard

Grad school actually, I have an Econ degree. My parents were the ones to encourage me back into it because I am that talented

Observe and take notes.
It's not a good idea to do anything which all the hysterical mania, just report shit.

Sounds reasonable if it's just like reading a fantasy you like, like LOTRs or something; though in real life it's shit and doesn't work by any conceivable metric.

also, nice plebbit spacing
>t. faggot
you can go back to your whitewashed life now, mk?

nigger nigger nigger

shut the fuck up, phonefag. protip: your opinion doesnt matter.

>because I am that talented

Dude just enter into soloist competitions then. That's what I am doing. The way you get into the high-tier performing circuit is to win competitions and start composing anyways.

If you are a student under a college teacher, you pretty much have to just sit there and take it.

You think life is a movie where you're going to STAND UP to your teacher and then the class is going to start clapping? No, you're just going to get bad grades and you will have wasted money for no reason.

>muh corporate sheckels

Yeah you can make connections and get experience in the corporate world and then start your own business. That's kind of the idea.

>I wonder what you think you can subvert

Gain a position of influence and enforce right-wing ideology or something like that

>jerking off this hard to libertarian fantasies where people randomly start up their own businesses with no connections at the age of 22 because of muh free market blah blah blah

The only thing you will change is to cause trouble for yourself unnecessarily. There's only one correct worldview, theirs.

hi proxyfag. if you are japanese you wouldn't say these things, unless you are a cuck incel loser.. but that's too easy and too common. you are baka gajin poretendingu to be japanese. haha. die.

aweeeeeeeeee 'plebbit spacing'

HEY FAGGOT GET OFF THAT 13" 800 x 600 you loser nigger

no, just a conehead fed.

People who are libertarians before making a fortune usually end up to be losers because they believe in these principles that only work against them in today's world.

Rich people are libertarians because they get triggered over their taxes

this is just one man's opinion user, but you should definitely kys for the greater good.

This, unfortunitly. The best you can do is leave hints of red pills for the students that are more skeptical of things. Help them out but not overtly to where it brings bad attention. Remember, the most important that you make it far in life. The more right-wingers that make it far in life, the better off everyone will be.

believe whatever you want to believe, user.

nice flag.

I have real world experience.

You have hours of skimming libertarian discussion boards and jerking each other off over useless "libertarian principles" that everybody laughs at

>stem degree
kys stemtard

People who are leftist before making a fortune usually end up to be losers because they believe in these principles that only work against them in today's world. Libertarians actually are fighting for things that have been shown to help poor people unlike retarded leftist who fight for regulation that kills small businesses and minimum wage that destroys the number of jobs for the lowest skilled workers.

Create a white identity movement, peacefully and as you begin to attain members ask to be treated like any other minority group, point out groups like the Chinese, Irish and Italians who were discriminated against in the US

>real world experience
on Sup Forums....
oh the LARPing is strong in this thread.

Carry around pepper spray and flash bombs and always dress to run

I did undergrad at UC Berkeley.

STEM undergrads are mostly okay. Everyone else is a leftist whackjob and should be avoided.

By everyone I mean all faculty, all grad students, and all non-stem undergrads.

To be honest I only ever talk with Asians though.

>Muh real world experience.
So does everyone in Hollywood, but do you think they understand economics and history because of this experience.

Leftists do fine in today's world because they tell their corporate managers and bosses what they want to hear, which is also leftist drivel.

>Libertarians actually are fighting for things that have been shown to help poor people

Top fucking kek m8. And what good has this done? Nothing.

Political activism is useless. The neo-cons and neo-libs control everything, libertarians are like a joke to them. They sign the bills through congress, not lolbertarians.

The best thing you can do is acknowledge the current situation and then find the best way to react to it. Libertarian principles are worthless.

I literally put in my post I'm a burger on a business trip. I'm a white man being productive and representing our people well. You have a Kek flag. that's all I have to say

>thinking you have liberty or that it;s even possible outside of your wild west fantasies.
It's time to grow up

People will tell you to fight back and speak up but that is a bad idea. Your main objective is to finish college as quickly as possible and with as little friction as possible. Stay under the radar and agree with everything around you. No matter how obsurd. Otherwise you will paint a target on your back and everyone will be out to get you. Professors will lower your grades and the administrators will fuck you on credits. Be very careful about making friends and just finish as quickly as possible. Take summer school extra classes whatever. Just get out of that cancer trap.

>Do you think they understand economics and history

No, but does it matter if they do? They understand how Hollywood works and they can tell you how to deal with Hollywood people and make money in Hollywood.

This is the problem with libertarians. They think the world cares about their gay little principles.

Stay quiet you retard.

I graduated 3 years ago but I almost got kicked out because I said one of the reasons unemployment rose under Thatcher was due to a large number of women entering the workforce.

That didn't go down well.

Dont fall for this faggoty "white nationalism" ( just the same socialism sold to libshits with a different label) and learn actual move the mountains skills. Fuck every shill on this board clamouring for a race war because its not about race. Its about a monetary system that is enslaving us all. A lot of niggers are fucking retarded but the war, fought over race, will only end with us all continuing to be slaves. Stormfags kys.

shut the fuck up

By your own admission your education was crap (I'm also a recent graduate and agree btw) so what makes you so arrogant? Your corporate connections? Wow user, you sure showed us how to subvert the system with your recent grad experience, when literally all you've done is piggyback off other, more experienced people.
good luck with that in the next few years.

>this triggers the libertarian

>not becoming a biologist to prove race realism or a businessman to prove Jewish influence

just dont talk to anyone about politics ya fucking idiot

Transfer, and write a letter stating why.

best to keep it to yourself until you have your degree

Which specific university are you going to? You won't expose yourself just by the name of the school, and it could help us give you advice.

For example, some schools have traditions such as Catholicism or Anglicanism that affect how they approach people who question the (((orthodoxy))). I went to a Jesuit university, for example, that heavily pushed the (((stuff))) but also had to tolerate anyone who criticized it from a religious perspective because of the university's origins.