Japanese minister Taro Aso praises Hitler, saying he had 'right motives'
Uh oh. Shut it down.
Das rayciss...oh he's Asian? Nevermind.
Lmao this guy is high up too. He's the VP.
Jews are disgusting subhuman filth just like Gypsies
Hitleru so kawaii desu
>Earlier this week, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre said it had called for an investigation into Katsuya Takasu, a well-known plastic surgeon and TV celebrity, who highlighted the Nazis’ contribution to science and medicine, and appeared to deny the Holocaust.
>After saying he had learned “how great Nazism was” while studying at Kiel University in Germany, Takasu wrote: “There is no doubt that the Jews were persecuted. But we only know it from hearsay and all of it is based on information from the Allies.”
>In June, Yutaka Harada, a member of the board of Japan’s central bank praised Hitler’s “wonderful” fiscal and monetary policies, but said they had enabled him to go on and do “horrible” things.
I wish I still lived in Japan
>tfw no SS loli gf
The Japanese are the only Asians that can bear the title of "people"
Best ally
What is with Japanese not giving a shit about Nazis? This Jap band made a music video where they dress as nazis and play in a mock Nuremberg Rally stage. Do they teach it differently or something?
Nazis are thousands of miles to the West
He is COMPLETELY right
He said the same thing years ago when he was still the Prime Minister of Japan.
He's not wrong. Still gotta see the original Japanese of that line.
>when a Jap is more redpilled about Germany than Germans are
I'm half jewish they actually do hate the japanese for ww2 but jews cant blend into japanese society and infiltrate government and media like thery can here.
Japanese people are the best in the world.
Japan you are beautiful
t. english teacher with yellow fever
>Says he doesnt like hitler even if his motives were right
My fucking god how low can they get!?
Almost like japs were axis of sumthin aye
I love Japan!
>expecting Americans to know history
>expecting Americans to use their brain
nice one, cunt.
its fucking happening guys
this is final confirmation for me
100% their is a internation banking mafia headed by fuck load of jews
ontop of Dawkins saying the holocaust happened because jews being jews
illuminati fucking confirmed
Japan was supposed to be the Asian 3rd Reich. yet when the US conquered Japan they let the emperor live and maintain his control over Japan. Even though Japan was accused of doing a holohoax on the manchurians. So by kike media logic, Japan has been ruled by a hitler dynasty for the last 70 years. Result : low crime, rich, xenophobic ethnostate that says hitler was right. Yet try find a leftard that's protesting or hate campaigning against Japan.
Japan's always smart and ahead of the curve.
Based Taro-san.
Japan yes!
>blond blue eyed people are masterrace
>oh this island gooks are okay, they same something nice about germany, and this gypsi romanians and this turks albanians and and and.
>anyway lets kill blond blue eyed polish, ukrainians and belorusian.
t: adolf hiler
>genocide of millions of Jews
Oy Vey!
Hi Hitler Daddy you look well today
Polish started it, cuckboi.
Jews fear the Samurai
Go away and lament more about your existence. Germans are pathetic.
it never was about race
im a german fag and know that
>it never was about race
Romanians, Turks and Albanians were never considered Aryan. I don't know where you're getting this information from.
>Blond eyed Polish, Ukrainian and Belorussian.
Oh I'm sure they are all blond haired and blue eyed.
>Also blond haired and blue eyed
>Unironically believing Hitler is going to kill you for not having blond hair and blue eyes.
Do you actually believe that because Hitler didn't invade countries like Turkey and Romania that must mean they are Aryan to him? And that the only reason Poland was invaded was because they weren't Aryan? Are you even German? Or a Pole living Germany is more likely I should think.
Hum,why do I suspect someone is going to shut this down?
>911 was donne by iraqies and saddm.
Turkey Romania and Albania, Hungary were all allies to Hitler and fought in his armies.
Poland was just the closed land he could take, it was all about money. If he didn't start a war Germany would go bankrupt in the 40s and obviously he knew that and blamed Jewish bankers instead of his retarded economic plans.
honorary aryans 110%
Because the Chinese don't control all of western media and higher education
be brebared to ged liberaded jabanes x-DDD
>If he didn't start a war Germany would go bankrupt in the 40s and obviously he knew that and blamed Jewish bankers instead of his retarded economic plans.
yes, germany is poor shithole. thats why it created EU to exchange worthless monoply money for resources and goods.
True. Japan has absolutely massive GDP, third highest in the world, and they are such a tiny island with no natural resources.
I'm not much of a racist but I sincerely believe the Japanese are the Master Race.
When I went there it was futuristic, utopian, and there was no garbage anywhere. I forgot my belongings a couple times in crowded places but when I came back HOURS later all my items would be there, even my cash (yen I guess). They were so modern yet somehow seemed stuck in the 50's in regards to the traditional family unit with a patriarch and kids who studied hard.
I know I'm ignoring the long fucking hours they worked, that is one part of their culture they need to work on: working less. I'm sure their industriousness got them where they are but they really do work themselves to death.
My papa-san (I was a foreign exchange student) didn't come home some nights and just stayed at the office. He just slept there (or in one of those tiny cuboid hotels) and woke up and started working again. Mama-san was more of a stay at home housewife, reminded me of the 50's housewife trope.
The kids too had quite a workload, and some kids just lived at the school if they lived too far away. These kids even cleaned the school; I didn't know whether to admire their hardwork or pity them for how much seems to be expected of them.
Poles are pretty based at present. They're telling the EU to eat shit on refugees and stocking up their army
no one cares /leftypol/
>>When I went there it was futuristic, utopian, and there was no garbage anywhere
I guess you didn't go far outside the 23 wards. Head into the tokyo metro area and shit's dilapidated as fuck.
t. lived there for two years
the white man's greatest ally is the nip
Handschar division made from Bosnian Muslims. Are Bosnians not European? And why should that make them Aryan? And what would it matter if they weren't. Hitler had no plans to exterminate every black person on Earth and they sure as hell aren't Aryan.
Turkey Romania and Albania, Hungary were all allies to Hitler and fought in his armies.
Turkey wasn't Hitler ally. In fact both the the allies and the axis were constantly trying to win Turkey's favor because of its strategic position. In the end Turkey joined the allies along with Saudi Arabia two weeks before Germany's fall. Poland was not just the closest land Hitler could take and I really require some proof that Germany was going bankrupt if not for way because all indications show otherwise of a rising German GDP, higher than most others in fact, including the allied countries. Only America's was higher in 1939 I believe.
That game is shit but why did you post it?
>show otherwise of a rising German GDP, higher than most others in fact,
stealing jew gold and money surly does raise the GDP, but not for to long, then you have to robb others to feed the population.
>The kids too had quite a workload, These kids even cleaned the school; I didn't know whether to admire their hardwork or pity them for how much seems to be expected of them.
Hard work breeds strength. If we had half of their work ethic in the west every high school kid wouldn't spend all weekend partying and doing drugs, spending all free time on social media 24/7, playing video games and partaking in other degenerate behaviour.
kek no one ever remembers the fucking Italians.
>Hard work breeds strength. If we had half of their work ethic in the west every high school kid wouldn't spend all weekend partying and doing drugs, spending all free time on social media 24/7, playing video games and partaking in other degenerate behaviour.
you like to work ? but you could do all those things and still work hard, why only work ?
They've already survived one communist shit-hole.
>Romanian not aryan
>But pakis/poo's and gyspies are aryan
>They even speak indo-aryan language
The germans knew very well who were the "aryans" they are indo-europeans faggot
The place where the whole aryan comes from is from hidu literature since it's very similar to ancient IRANIAN (Ir(aryan) or persian but also German, as Nords were too barbaric to actually build civilizations and they only had runes and shit.
Only when they came in contact with "civilised" socities that they actually started to move foward like everybody else, and don't hur hur about "huts" crap because for the human race and most if not all the animals on the planet "conservative" and "not changing" is the status que.
>Hilter hated slavs so he wanted to kill russia and poland
>But half of central europe including areas germany annexed where central european slavs I dont see any cmaps for those centrul european slavs
>Poland was supposed to be ally and maybe later annexed diplomaticly
>Hitler only wanted to invade russia due to ego, as he compared himself to people like Napoleon and from an early age wanted to conqure Russia.
Most of German high command weren't even "Aryan" defined as blue eyes, blond hair
The whole "master race" was a theory TO PRODUCE via EUGENICS "aryan master race" over time by promoting breeding for those blue eyes and blonde hair.
What was the point of NATIONAL SOCLIASM
Not to kill and murder "inferior-races"
germany for germans
romanian for romanians
france for french
poland for poles (gib back Danzig german clay)
italy for italians
The german people hated the jews as they were influcing german politics againts GERMAN INTREST
Look at France filled with niggers from tunisia and algeria
Look at germany filled with Turks, syrians, Iraqis
Look at sweden ...
`such ideologies wont last, they are born to fail.
first you claim to be anti-globalist and nationalist, then you ally with over 23 nations
you say blond blue eyed should rule europe and all of the sudden accept, all kinds of shitskin and gooks people.
you constantly contradict your own beliefs just for profit, you eather keep your ideology or you wanna make money.
My ancestors didn't party every weekend, spend all their free time after work playing video games, etc. It rots your brain and makes you degenerate.
Tbh it has been over a decade since I have been there. Mostly spent it in Yokohama and excursions around Greater Tokyo Area and a few places further outside the city. The grittiest place we went to was probably the GI bar.
I'm more /centypol/ if anything.
name/code of jav ?
Based Nippon
>Not to kill and murder "inferior-races"
>posts on Sup Forums
what do you know what your parents did ? maby they had kinky parties, you think they would tell you ? LOL
>retards yes
>austistic people yes
No, send them to nigger africa
No, send them to chink land
No, send them to turkey
No, send them to slav countries (like central european ones)
It's NATIONAL SOCIALISM (as in nation)
Not (purge inferior races socialism)
The jews had their place, you have Havaar agreement and Madagacas plan
Why feed "inferior-races" for 6 fucking years in camps
Why allow them to keep their gold?
Why allow them to do ANYTHING when you can just shoot them on sight
Uneducated shitlord.
Hitlers Germany were very well off economically prior to the war and would have stayed that way because they took back all controll over banks and big corps from their jewish owners. Banks make hell of a difference. And the reason he went into poland is because you idiots decided to slaughter 30000 civilian Germans who happened to live in the lands you were assigned after WWI
t. Historically Inept Pole
Look up Nippon Kaigi.
Nippon's Prime Minister and half their parliament are members of a group that wants to restore the Japanese Empire pre-WWII.
Most of them are probably fine with Adolf.
>Stealing Jew Gold
Do you actually believe that Germany's entire economy was stabilized via looting from Jews? How much gold do you think these Jews had on them. Furthermore, how many Jews do you actually think there were in Germany in the 1930's?
>jews didn't hoard all the wealth and impoverish the country
>gdp skyrocketed because of the jew gold
pick one
>The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Centre, which monitors anti-semitic activities, voiced “distress and disappointment” at the comments.
>The Jew cries out in pain when he strikes
why is pol always right
The Jew fears the samurai
Love that pic nipper