>average american children circa 2100
Average american children circa 2100
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whereas in britain the typical human will be a severly inbred paki.
Americans are gonna get whiter?
average canadians circa 2017
Don't you have to go jack off? Your mom's in the shower.
Albino Niggers
still whiter than me
polish armenian here
This right here is the problem. The nigger nose is literally a gorilla nose and there's nothing that's going to make it look okay. It was made for air intake nozzles for running from other niggers on the seregeti.
So what? They're pretty cute.
some people have a problem with it
some people don't
so we discuss, we argue
that's life senpai
what matters is that we don't hurt each other over opinions
ples hurt me
same as asian nose
>what matters is that we don't hurt each other over opinions
or skin color, or place of origin
whats the Sup Forums approved nose?
Highland/ sharp nose, lowland/flat nose.
One in the middle is a boy.
Wtf i love miscegenation now
pic related average bong circa 2100
I love how these ridicolously perfect "humans by 2050" all have blue eyes even though thats a fucking recesive gene
tfw have nigger nose
Thanks "Greatest Generation"
>london look
im ok with this
would be a massive upgrade over this
gib hapa gf
>dirtblood never leaves
How mad are mongrels going to he at purebloods?
>that we dont hurt eachother over opinions
Got lost on your way to reddit?
Kek that is a Korean boy band member
so what?@! 2/3 of the futre is girls!? Fuck that! I am a man and i like men and the future should be made of men.
Cuckchan is paranoid as fuck about CP. OP is probably banned for just posting pictures of kids.
We're only here because it's more popular than Infinity chan
Upgrade for niggers, downgrade for crackers
>OP is probably banned for just posting pictures of kids.
>degenerate chink immediately thinks of CP when seeing pics of kids
pic related average alberto circa 1400 AD
They are friggin beautiful. Your image whilst intended to make everyone into a racist nutjob, actually just shows us how beautiful mixed race individuals are. Having majored in biology I can also confirm that mixed race children are healthier as a result of having diverse genetics, just as mixed breed dogs are healthier and live longer than pedigree dogs. Sorry but the science is with diversity, tribes mixing genetics with one another is what allowed stronger to people to be born and the human race to survive.
lol we kicked the moors out in 1249,youre off about 150 years meme flagger
yeah good luck with changing fundamental human psychology and instinct.
pre WW2 US eugenics was commited to this topic, can't find the image I'm looking for. long story short the population will gradually niggerfy itself from this point until there is no whiteness left.
t. alberto barbosa
I wonder what would happen if the altruism genes were bred out of white people.
Say that to the mods.
Now why would you call a gook a chink?
>implying blue eyes will exist
Australia will be the only white nation left and it will dominate the world by that time. Australia is what to America, what America was to Europe.
There is nothing as cruel as having a mixed child.
I think white people's gene are very special, whatever race mix with them always look better than original
Half spic half nig, half asian half nig, half asian half spic, they never look as nice as half-white
Cool. When they grow up they will look like this!
If there wasn't a flag you'd still know it wasn't a bunch of burgers because of the lack of obesity.
Negro genes make everything worse.
sometimes the nig gene overwrite the white gene and you have kid with nig face
princess 911
>implying the dropbears don't evolve
You Dingos are fucked.
Don't try to look clever you zip
>better then the original
An ugly little low iq mong? Maybe its a plus for every other race. But white man is just ruining his blood. To have a child that will never belong.
it needs to be more niggerish,and have a hooked nose
Usually mulatto, quadroon, octoroon, etc... looks like arab/brazilian
Jenna Frumes aka 'Queen of Makeup'
Mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons etc... use to look like arabs/brazilians most of the time and they also carry the sickle-cell trait
This can't be hidden by lighting, makeup and photoshop tricks on pictures
and Brits carry cystic fibrosis, gene therapy or just screening embryo's gets rid of both
>sickle-cell disease
>cystic fibrosis
Poor mulattooes who will have both diseases
" Researchers in Adelaide say they are a step closer to finally finding a cure for cystic fibrosis."
Well... there's hope to find a cure for the cystic fibrosis at least but for the sickle-cell disease and Cutis Verticis Gyrata that's not so sure