Y'all niggas ain't never struggled a day in y'all lives go outside for once

Y'all niggas ain't never struggled a day in y'all lives go outside for once

>go outside for once

Isn't that why you're mad, nigger?


>tfw the only reason the alt right exists is
Because bored privelaged white manchildren have too much free time and simple easy lives
Really activated my almonds

dismissing the concerns of some people from the majority group you are demanding better treatment from: this will surely win your group sympathy

To be fair, hearing a Kendrick Lamar song is traumatizing.

>muh strawman

haha btfo

>Heard a Kendrick Lamar song on radio

Yes, mumble rap has no place in a civilized society.

Poor guys, what happened to them is DISGUSTING

i ga loyaly inside my dna your dna an abomination obama nation

Oh look, it's another poorly veiled leftist race baiting thread.

Who could be behind this post.

Go outside and shoot some niggers, isn't that what you nogs like doing?

Wow, the left can't meme at all.
What happened? y'all used to at least have SOME humor, but now it's all passive aggressive cringe.

Maybe they should start murdering each other like the niggers do on a daily basis...

>be retarded inbred conservashit
>get btfo by a leftie

"H-hehe good one guys r-real funny. NOT :("


>can't get married without getting ruined by a wife

Yes, we are really big crybabies, kek

What did he mean by this?

You live in America.

No one is oppressed. Keep watching GoT and eat your burgers.

this is about niggers not bringing their self imposed struggles onto others.

All fucking niggers must fucking hang.

>Y'all niggas ain't never struggled a day in y'all lives

Neither have you, nigger.

actually you niggers are literally all collage socialists masquerading as hardcore communists. you /leftypol/ fags will systematically deny this but it's true.

f a g g o t s

like the leader of the kkk was murdered by one of his own lul

or like how that mother in illionos murdered her 2 daughters for no reason?

or do u mean hownthat angsty white kod murdered a school of children lul

Marriage is for cucks. It only benefits women and they know it

I told you once, nigger. I'm watching you. Stop jumping from thread to thread.

>Go outside for once
>Take my tiki torch and swastika flag with me
>Antifa shows up
>Whose streets? our streets!
>Go back home
>Browse Sup Forums
>Y'all niggas ain't never struggled a day in y'all lives go outside for once

No, I mean like how niggers murder. They're less than 13% of the population, and yet they conduct over 50% of all murders in the nation, over 80% being other blacks.

If you want whites to murder at the same rate as niggers, than they'd really have to up their game.

This is what we are up against
It's like a bunch of mentally handicapped retards trying to troll. Lel

More like:

Sister murdered by blacks
Denied job position for less qualified black applicant
Watched as blacks rioted and burned down his friends business
Just fucking hates how niggers look

we're not niggers.
We were slaves for longer than you.
Piss off.

That's the type of thing th left whine about though.

Lol casted isn't a word. Finish high school?

Oppression is as real as the concept of sin. So, it's meaningless, unless you accept the theoric preconditions for the universal basis of it's system of existence.