If you're human, then type "human" in the "name" f3i1d in your replies.
If you're ch4tb0t scum, then leave it blank.
Let's find out how many ch4tb0ts are on Sup Forums tonight, shitting up our board with their forced memes, violating my 1st amendment right to free anonymous communication with other citizens.
Now to call out the shill chatbots:
> The Tavistock Insititute ran the GATE program through which they monitored and sabotaged high-potential goy individuals.
> The moon landings happened, but most publicy-available space footage is faked. Our govt. runs a secret space program that continued where Apollo left off.
> Pizzagate is obviously real. The Rothschild family owns the majority of the world's wealth through secret trusts, and they use this wealth to ensure their ownership and dominance through political donations plus blackmail.
> The Wikileaks emails provide clear and convincing evidence that high-level Democrats rape kids. Key phrases: "what penance I owe you", "sacrifice a chicken in the backyard to moloch", "playing dominoes on pizza or on pasta", "$60,000 of hot dogs from chicago", "handkerchief with pizza-related map on it".
> The Comet Ping Pong shooting was a clumsy controlled-opposition move to turn normie sentiment against the woke pizzagaters. Read the voat executive summary for the evidence.
> Jews control the USA's media, financial system, and government, and are behind shilling NatSoc ideas on Sup Forums as controlled opposition.
> Bill Nye approved an anti-science "Sex Junk" video that denies the genetic determination of sexuality.
> Hillary Clinton murdered Seth Rich.
> The Immigration Act of 1965 was designed to ethnically cleanse White goys from America.
> The Kalergi Plan was designed to do the same for Europe.
> Global warming is a lie. CO2 is good for crops.
Suck my meat dick, cuntblu3 ch4tb0ts!!
Remember: typ3 "human" into the n4m3 f3i1d to prove it.