Charlottesville Crash Weirdness - Shills will not divide us Edition

how did this fat woman manage to get hit by her own van?

new video gets a clear shot of the woman who was driving the maroon van, which sat blocking the intersection for at least 5 minutes before the accident, despite there being no crowd preventing her from moving.

this video also shows the crowd that got hit being led to the intersection about a minute before the crash occurs. watch the guy in the tan pants and black shirt who is in the alley when the video begins head across the street to direct the march. skip ahead to 8mins if you want to skip the intro part.



Other urls found in this thread:

This totally happened. Greenberg shills GTFO

>Greenberg shills


We know about all the bergs

I'd be more worried about the Goldsteins, that's where the real power lies. When you see a Goldberg marry a Goldstein, watch out.

How did that wood block get there? Is that a normal thing that is done after an accident?

Of course. Dont you carry a wood block around with you everywhere you go in your car? Never know, user, may need to block a tire.
BUMP The truth must come out!

My Greenberg radar isnt picking up any bullshit, so I give it a pass.

Shills will come into the thread and say that the individuals in pic related aren't real because reasons... Wait for it... Don't believe your lying eyes anons

Say hello to Heather Heyers mom and whoever the hell else she decides to be

Herp a derp!! Im inconsolable y'all!! One tragedy after another! Imagine my luck!

Do you have pics of the wheelchair guy putting on his fake bloody leg??
eyes may lie but the noses dont!

>eyes may lie but the noses dont!
enough of this crap from the last thread, whites and jews have the same noses, there isn't any special "jew" nose, just drop it


Jews have large, and frequently hooked, noses

Look at all of the shit she has on her steering column.. That seem normal to you?

so do italians (whites)

nice source, kike

Brendan Gilmore was on NPR yesterday debunking this shit. The right needs to grow past these retarded conspiracy theories

Wooooh... Brendan Gilmore!! Doesnt he work for or something equally as awesome??

mfw all the Greenbergs have gone to bed and I'm left with this.... Goodnight sweeties, I will see you in the morning

(((CHANDLER))) is the key here. Those are deep state agents totally under MK ultra used for pizza and whatever else.

Whoever isnt following: Child Handler

Chandler is a recurring name in the pizza threads.

Italians who have big noses have the Roman Nose, which is not hooked.

Can someone give me a full rundown? From what I have gathered in last 5 min

>heathers mom is same as sotos mom
>crisis actor jumped out of van before crash???

Also what's the deal with the helicopter and shit, we need to keep this as organized as Sup Forums allows

really made me think


that car is totaled

that is the air bag

this was a setup

that image is proof

this is all I know from the other thread

Everybody knows.

>how did this fat woman manage to get hit by her own van?
i know it's outrageous idea, but maybe she got out and talked to the people? I'm just theorizing. I know the odds of that are of comically minuscule proportions.

OP might be onto something here. Keep digging.

What's the point of this? I own a car on a salvage title. Someone T-boned it in the door. Insurance called total loss, sold it at auction. Guy bought it, fixed the door and sold it to me.

she got out and talked to the people and then posed with another suspiciously fat woman on top of her own car grasping the roof in an action shot?

The car was positively identified as a junker so thank you for putting two and two together. It was such a junker that the airbags were already deployed...

user if you go throughout my user ID you will see me fighting these shill motherfukers with what I have... but I straight up didnt put 2 and 2 together with that so thank you..

Here's dicord invite,

her own car that was totaled prior to the accident and which had ITS WHEELS PROPPED WITH WOODEN PLANK CHUCKS I might add

Sorry, what was this van involved in? Quick rundown please.

there's video proof that the fat woman driving the van parked, chucked the car, and got out prior to the accident. After the accident she immediately flung herself onto her own car as if it had hit her while her passengers posed dramatically on the other cars

after this happened the police helicopter filming the event crashed inexplicably

oh yeah also the police helicopter filming the event was not recording anything and had no cameras or voice recorders onboard

THe van was a junker for two years and the images of said van showed because the images showed already deployed airbags.. Ctrl+F my tag to see all important info concerning this shit

i'm sure the planks were added after the accident by authorities to prevent further collisions, dumb ass. i'm all on board with this false flag shit but don't be stupid and give out misinfo

car is chucked


In the bottom pic, they're TRYING to make it look they're being rundown, but, THERE IS NO ONE DRIVING?!

user please come in the discord we need people like you, here:

I'm the Clanton and #OperationGooGone OP and here's your proofs:
We will get you to repost under your same ID .... and yes, this is how we recruit

police are investigating. Probably chucked it to prevent rolling. there are police in the larger photo.

The word is chocked, people. Get it right. And it was placed there by Fire dept on scene after. It is normal procedure.



I can't bro they are watching me for real I'm not even shitting you

∆ for life

Check out Revolutionary_Z footage also
you can see the women with black t shirt looking like they are getting into position at 7.28 before the car hits

what do we even do with this info? send to fox? entire media is usually against us

Come in the discord you dumb nigger, you think I would post it publicly on here if I didnt have protection. Nobody will touch you, you need to be among your own

Let's leave all the people and worry about the chuck. Rightoooooo

I will teach you the truth about God, come in the Discord.... It doesn't matter if you're being watched they cant hurt you I promise.

If you don't want to come in the DIscord then just follow me on twitter and send me a message. I swear to fuck they cant hurt you. Go look at my profile it's been there since 2009 or whatever

fuck you frank

discord is just a giant botnet

Join the discord or add me on twitter and see what happens you moron. I already showed you that I was the Clanton OP, and GooGone OP

If you don't come in the Discord now I'm going to be pissed actually

yep, the front air bags should have deployed, but they already were

Green burgs = honey pot for dumb asses 80% real 20 % to find people for the (((you))) van.

Oohhh hyuck hyuckk thanks for the insight there pal! Your commentary was totally necessary and appreciated! Wow!!! hyuck


She obviously got out of her car and wanted to do a yoga pose real quick

What the fuck? Was this Challenger towed there or what?

The green burgs manipulation is real to a extent but they use out side counters to discredit them self s I have suspected gold bug guy to be such. he shows 80% truth and than 20% lies to make you sound like a fool if you try to talk to any one.

Pretty sure it's being towed away from the accident. Private truck with what appears to be no police escort towing away a vehicle used in an attack. Weird.


wait. where the fuck was this?

The police use a rotating system for tow calls. Tommy Shulls wrecker service is on their list undoubtedly.

pretty sure a helicopter crashed bcuz nazis

They coordinate with the use of local Sharif departments and local jewish actors I met a recruiter once locally. Its like a travailing happening show and you don't wont to be around when the show starts. They do this to cover up real happenings that would cause damage to there narrative or to make a happening fit theirs.

The van was just sitting there for a long time and the city said the street was open even though it was supposed to be closed. It's weird but there might be some rational explanation.

>there isn't any special "jew" nose, just drop it
I'll just drop this here

Any thing that comes from the media is faked to some extent. we never get the full pick just what they wont use to see.

Salvage titles are pretty common. Note refuting the rest, except just saying - junkyards/mechanics often obtain a salvage title for a wrecked/written off vehicle from insurance and fix the body damage and sell it through car auction or to used car dealerships.

Anyone who isn't a shill is invited to join the Discord:


Don't you worry, any shill that tries to get in will be vetted out, quite easily

That's common tactics of leftists. They add ridiculous details to the story, to discredit it as a whole. Alex Jones often talks about it.

what was Ryan Reynolds trying to tell us?

That's called the person you just responded to is a FUCKING SHILL . 1 post by his ID


CGI niggers made by CIA niggers.

This girl was on the way ground for a good while afterwards and being attended to by "medics"

She used her car as a road block. Everything else is conjecture.

I doubt they sell them with the airbag hanging out of the steering column.

watch the video. the car does get pushed from behind.