Why do pic related counties identify as slavs, When its clear that Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Montenegro are Turks (Heck they look even browner then Turks them self) and Croatia, Slovenia and Muslim Bosniaks are dinaric?
Balkans are not slav
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They speak a Slavic language. Russians are Finno-Ugric Balts larping as Slavs as well for the big part.
>When its clear that Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Montenegro are Turks
all the countries you mentioned have in majority dinarid and alpine phenotype those phenotype are european.
genetics ----> different from culture or language
Not only do they look like turks, when they come to white countries they live with the turks and hang out with the turks.
Prussians are also Finno-Ugric Balts, but larping as Germans.
Show your flag ignorant burger dog.
they were, then the Germanics came and cucked them
"now" "they" "are" a mix
When I watch czech porn I understand it like they're here, slavs are still slavs even when they have 30k gdp per capita
I also went to prague a bunch of times to party and they approach me and my friends thinking we are locals
If you think the balkans is brown and when you enter v4 everyone is magically blonde and nordic looking you'll be disappointed. They are just north balkans
I thought balkanites are nationalistic, serbs and croats don't even consider themselves the same people despite literally being genetically identical
I'm from slovakia, I've taken my vacation in Montenegro about month ago.
I could understand large portion of the language straight away with no training whatsoever.
Written language was more comprehensible then spoken because my ears were untrained to their pronunciation...
Local people didn't consider me or my wife and kids as foreign looking and they spoke their native languge to us, even asked for directions etc.
most commnon phenotype is a bit darker than slovaks, but overall we fit in with no issues.
Montenegrian people are our slav bros no matter what you think.
Yep, true. I am Bulgarian (~70% thracian blood) and not slav at all, fuck mongoloid slavs and ruskies
>implying south """slavs""" (besides serbs) want to sympathize with west/east
>meme flag
literally everything we want is the right to kill gypsies and for germany to feed us even more money
because commies
Slav is a language group and south slavs speak slavic languages
Where are you from, OP?
>and alboniggers
ftfy, kamen
I think that every Slav that visited another Slav country was surprised of how fucking identical our way of life and thinking is.
Maybe except of Czechs.
fuck that m8
even czechs are identical
maybe not prague cause of all the degeneracy but still
i've even talked to slovaks in serbian and could understand each other perfectly
quick question
do i look slavish Sup Forums?
you look like a gypsy m8
Hell Slovaks are based as fuck.
I swear to God, in most cases when they learn I'm a Serb, they throw three fingers into the air and start singing Serbian patriotic songs, later insisting to buy me drinks.
I fucking love Slovakia
no, but you still white. you can be russian if you want.
You havent even been here, you dont even have a flag.
You are the one who is a T*rk, you dispora.
Can you read my palms?
Asiatic alpine
gypsies look browner. he looks like tataric.
seriously guys,stop with the gyppo shit
my family is certified white and has been so for as many generations as we can remember
i should have changed my flag
OP is deluded faggot
there are degrees of blackness of a gypsy
some look like that one
did you foresee that though?
they are just jealous that the ex yu has one of the best fucking looking broads in the world. AND they don't like niggers.
i can guarantee that im fully white
Slovenes are almost Slavs, but they still have significant native admixture. The rest are mostly native Balkanites larping as Slavs.
>implying anyone ever wanted to be a """slav"""
we are all turks we dont look like this pls dont come we're full
>implying bulgarians arent slavs
why all the self hate?
gypsies are indians. thats why they like filth and look like poo poo.
thats guy clearlny not gypo
>thracians mixed with slavs
>definitely slavs, goy, write it in the history books
hes a turk or gypo.
That guy clearly looks like a guy who would ask you for spare change while on the bus and when you politely told him no he would try to steal your phone the moment you turn away.
>implying any of you are poor thracians anymore
>implying you arent 99% slavs
>„my great ancestors 2000 years ago were thracians,so i am too!„
literally the same thing as us calling ourselves latin when we are dacian-slav-turkish-hungarian-german mongoloids
meant to say pure
you have mongol eyes, don't worry dracula was in fact mongol too
what did he mean by this
>implying slavs overtook ever
lay off the soviet propaganda making us look like one of (((you)))
keep believing whatever you want boris,i wont stop you
Ok Kamen
They are quite slavic, but probably less then germolarpers. Still better to have balkans as friends than autistic mad germs.
You look like a gypsy, but it might be just the lightning.
His ancestors probably got MAGYARED
Jokes on you for taking their language, our ancestors didn't do that. So now most of our Slavic neighbours hate us. Though afaik the same is true about Bulgaria, so yeah, it wouldn't have changed too much.
Slavs are native especially in slovenia and also in most of balkans
Not checked but still keked
it is the lighting
i used the blitz
All those countries are pretty much the same. Most of them are strongly Dinaric. To say one is "browner" than the other is stupid.
Swedes do not see a difference between Serbs and Turks, Arabs
They are not Turks you retard. Turk doesn't even mean anything when it comes to race. The original Turkic tribes were Mongol. Southern Slavs don't look Mongol you moron, neither do 90% of modern Turks for that matter.
That being said, southern Slavs aren't really racially Slavic. Bulgarians, Macedonians, Montenegrins look more like Albanians and northern Greeks than they do Poles and Belarussians. Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats also have pretty diverse phenotypes so most don't really have that typical Slavic look that the original Slavs from north eastern Europe have.
Basically most 'southern Slavs' are a mixture of native people from southeastern Europe + 6th-7th century waves of Slavic invaders. They adopted the language and a lot of the culture of these Slavic tribes, but racially they are mostly native to the region.
>even browner then Turks
When I look in the mirror I do not see a gypsy, unlike you.
Show your flag cunt, I smell burgers in your education.
Slovenia is mostly Alpinid afaik. Croats also have quite a lot of Alpinids and some Med admixture, idk about Bosniaks but they look similar to Croats. And Serbs typically have different features than them, they more often have that typical brutish Balkan-look than Croats do.
Balkans and Central Europe was quite a melting pot though historically, and I'm not talking about the rapebaby meme. I was born in Western Hungary and I have South-German and Croat ancestors as well. Before the Nationalist craze in the XIXth century immigration was quite normal.
Pic related. These Serbs for example look way more like Greeks and Albanians than they do Polish people.
No, prussians are prussians you moron. Only fins and estonians are fino-urgic.
he is right, you cannot expect to have salvs in the end of the equation if we are byproduct of so many nationalities (thracians dinars slavs, bulgarians and 14 centuries of whatever motherfucker passing trough liked the view and decided to stay), it just do not work that way, and culture and genetics are not so tied together one cannot determine the other, that's like basic anthropology ... do not follow for the soviet panslavism meme
You look like a typical Mohammed from Afghanistan
i see, they don't see a difference between somalis and swedes too
sorry mate, u don't look white to me
I do not think that Swedes care so much who fucks their wives, as long they get to watch
albanians and south slavs are the niggers of europe
no history recording before 1000 ad
no alphabet
were just making guesses from where the fuck they came from what happened previous locals if they mixed or just killed them all
yet they think they were kings and shit
these were geographic states rome made they werent based on ethnicities that lived there you know
>Fucking Hungarians, all of you are gypsies
Posts this picture
top kek
Bulgarians are slavs like we are pechenegs
They have the same thracians haplogrops like us, the same neolithic farmers, the same huntergatherers
The only difference is that they prefered the language of cyril and methodius, since using a latin language would have helped the byzantine empire to stir troubles
As the bulgarian said, lay off the (((soviet))) version of history where we are surrounded by evil slavs and we must seek the protection of bigger (((powers)))
Is there even a one slavic country? From what I've seen in this thread we all larp as them.
I am still amazed that, you Hungarians condiser yourselves still as ancestors of Stefan I. and Turul.
Slovenia is prettymuch Slavic. Both linguistically and genetically. Our culture is central European (thanks Germans) and could be linked to the Czech rep and Slovakia
Before being slavs they were local romanized tribes, thracians and ilirians. They formed the moderns slavic nations in order to separate themselves from the more and more greek byzantine empire.
The language of the slavs was invented south of danube, and it`s purpose was to replace the greek bizantine language in church and diminish the greek influence.
Yeah, but Germans had still great impact on you. You are something like Czechs, but mor germanised
more like we had a great impact on Austrians,Carinthians are slavic.
t. Butthurt Albanian living in Swedenistan
Tha is also possible. I am laughing when Hungarians have some nationalistic event and then I remeber they have just shitton of Slavic words and their folk looks like Slovak.
Op you forgot Austrians. They are slavic too.
>tfw half of family comes from village wich was goral and basicly german (it even had German name in the past).
I hope that i'm not half german.
it's because those countries are indeed infested with tons of gyppos, turks etc
but the legit people are white
In fact when Germanic tribes came to Austria, there were already big Slavic kingdoms like Moravian empire or that Slovenian state.
>The only difference is that they prefered the language of cyril and methodius
are you legit autistic? they were speaking slavic they just didnt have an alphabet kyrilos and methodios were byzantine preachers of the orthodox church and made them the cyrilic alphabet so that they will accept orthodox instead of catholicism who wanted them to learn to take the latin alphabet
legit romanians are moldavians wallachians are
bulgarians came south raping vlachs greeks and whoever else lived there like every slav did
you understand that our country give them alphabet right?
Btw do you think you have something left in common with ancient Greece ? Genetically wise - no. Culturally wise - yes
This, good to know that some people actually think when they read history books
Wasn't Slovenia part of Austro-Hungarian empire for quite a long time?
I starting to hate these threads we are not pointing out opinions and facts. We are yelling at each other who is white and who is not thats American level of retardation on how to define descent...
Which one village? And propably not. Goral ( which were Walachs) were here just by small numbers and they gor assimilated. And German.. still better than Hungarian.
you are a geneticist?
Lendak. It's a goral village. But everyone from my family wich lived there is dead or moved somewhere else now. I'm in Poprad now.
Other half of my family is full slavic.
Yeah, it was. But as I said before, Austria was before Germanic settlement already habited by Slavs
Yes Karantanija was a Slavic kingdom.
Later Slavs that lived in what we call now Austria breeded with Bavarians and they became what we now know as Austrians.
So, Hitler was a half - slav?
fuck off, croatia and slovenia best balkan slavs
You look like a mongol rape baby.
> kyrilos and methodios were byzantine preachers
Really, really motherfucker? You are legitimately grease washing history...
>bulgarians came south raping vlachs greeks and whoever else lived there like every slav did
Old Bulgarians - slavs. Oh you are retarded
Stephan I. already had mostly European ancestry. Even the Hungarians conquering the Carpathian basin had relatively low Asian admixture.
And we still have more continuity than you and Greater-Moravians. Nationality is not just an ethnic thing, it also includes language, culture and history so why wouldn't we consider the Magyars as our ancestors?
Depends. He lived in Austria but dunno where his ancestors come from tho.