hi guys
Isn't it unfair that Poland doesn't take in any muslim immigrant?
Redpill me on Poland
I want Japanese girl friend
agreed. Poland should take in more immigrants. It is their responsibility as a polish nation.
haha, no, muslims are trash :^)
If you are average-looking by Polish standards it doesn't take more than 10 minutes to get a 8/10 jap gf in a bar here
They're alright in my book.
>Isn't it unfair that Poland doesn't take in any muslim immigrant?
go away we don't have any nukes to feed you
Korwin is based as hell, too bad no one treats him seriously here, and today he used Hetalia image for his fb post, absolute madman
forgot pic
No we need at least one country to weather the storm if we are to fulfill the 14 words over the long term.
shut up English teacher. Everyone knows that rapefugees suck and destroy your country, so pls leave and let the Japanese live their culture.
O ja pierdole, tego jeszcze nie widzialem...
Eh, no. Why don't you take in something, Tojo.
Yeah, you're so eager. Go kiss your boyfriend in Kabul, see where that gets you.
It's unfair that another country made decisions that have their effects, and we get forced to share them with that country even though we didn't get allowed to give our opinion about said decision.
No one gives a fuck about Poland, fuck their country and the people
Try again, this time be a little more convincing and again don't show your real flag or people will point and laugh.
>restart the ovens
Poles are subhumans who are fucking everywhere, despite not having a recent war or famine.
how can you not love these guys....
Poland Stronk
>using EU flag signifies polish cuck supported by Soros
>logic flawed - I bought 1 ton of horse shit you have to eat it with me ...
>This is so fake and blue pill that I can't stop laughing. Majority of polish voters WOULD, in fact, accept REFUGGES if we would have a saying in WHO we accept. The real problem is that Germany as always looking after their own interest want to filter out the best (so educated and not radicalized) and dump the shitty imbecile ones on the rest of EU.
Don't take blue pill Sup Forums - you are better than Soros sponsored cucks.
>Redpill me on Polan
Dude, look at the name. It's called Sup Forumsand.
What do you need to know?
Japanese chicks seem insecure as fuck
another Korwin
he is not a nationalist, unfortunately
Thanks for sharing your opinion, Hans
Maybe it shall be called pole-and
Pole here, with rather strong grasp of whats going on in this shithole of country.
I'll tell you what happening, i'll try to streamline it.
European union wants us to take more immigrants, we've taken some, now its about literally 7 000 of them in 2017. (but there will be more, but the number now is laughable.)
We also want EU monies.
But EU dont want to give us more monies.
So we're protesting, due to poles being stupid and easily manipualted by media controleld by governed party, to raise hell and say no.
The moment EU gives us more bags of money, we'll accept those immigrants.
Current coverment won because of welfare promises, they're giving 500 PLN for every child these fucking jobless pathological inbreeds have, and i know fmailies with 8+ of them. 500PLN is like 1/4 of average monthly income of common folk here.
And it drained the country yearly budget in 3 months. So now there is problem of getting more money for these rabbit-fucking-like retards.
So proletariat is set up to vote for this party, only middle-class pays for everything, thats why in poland we have mass emigration to other countries - to not pay for taxes.
So to keep this charade going for at least 2 more years, Poland desperately need more money.