What will the younger generation think of Millennials?


They'll be too busy calling each other short and saying anti Semitic things to think about it.

same thing i think about hippies & 2nd wave feminists, fucking retarded.

Stupid opioid-addicted soft faggots. That's how I will present this generation to them.

Gen X reporting in, this is what is already happening it's great

Self obsessed pseuds who put Trump in power for the lulz

Feminized weak globalists who whine about everything

>mfw necklets near me

Would it be concidered a "lost generation" given the sustained recession and things like that?

You dillholes are the ones that raised us millennials.

Great fucking job on that shit.

Decadent, pathetic losers that couldnt handle the pressures of life, were dealt a shit deck of cards and decided to mimic the generation they complained about instead of fixing anything.

I on the other hand am going to gather as many Z's as possible and lead them to a glorious revolution.

fucking idiots
(with exeptions of course)

wow that's a classic tf2 meme, thank you for the throwback

Gen Z lives life by the sword and the swastika, they will look down on millenials as lazy degenerates and possibly will legislate anti-millenial and anti-boomer discrimination laws to punish these to disgraceful generations

A bunch of whiny losers that harped on about rights when everyone has almost all of the rights already

Also they're losers both socially and financially. They'll be the final generation to have to deal with Boomers in the workforce, what comes next will benefit off of all the high-level positions in work being finally freed up.

Worse than boomers.


Should be consider that since we didn't have a future in the first place while Gen x babies get a reset. Idk idc if they bitch about me it's well deserved with all the bullshit protests going on right now.

gen z here btw

Probably blame them for the shit state of the west when Millennial were just born into it.

This you?

Can we fix what qualifies a generation? No way is someone born in 1980 let alone 1990 have anything in common with the retards born '95 on.

Wrong flag bro. A revolution of the mind.

But it was/is funny, what's even funnier is that there is still a sizeable group of people who think is "the best", "very smart" and has "big hands and no problems elsewhere"
Trump is funny as fuck, only thing funnier than Trump supporters are opponents of Trump REEEEEEing hard over everything he does, it's obvious the man is mentally challenged give him a break, I mean these people don't REEEE when a dog sniffs it's butthole, why do they apply double standards against the president of the US?

im so fucking embaressed of my generation at the moment but there is stil hope for redemption.
At the very LEAST we should save he internet..... this censorship shit going on must be stopped. If they take the internet from us we will lose ALL power and humanity will go back to the plantation for a lonnnnnnnngggg time. We have a real chance with this time. I can say that the internet is our generations home, we grew up with it and we are responsible for it. If we let them take it from us and by extension the future generations then we deserve no glory in this life.

i will hold you in position with my pincer.

bunch of pole smoking fucks. i would know... *wipes mouth*

bunch of cucks

half of the millennial's will be remembered as traitors who were the first up against the wall.
the other half will be remembered as useful idiots who were next to be stood against the wall.

Most people on Sup Forums are millennials.

I would have said the place was over run with Gen Zers during the summer. I guess that's a silver lining when it comes to a


not us, we will be card carrying party members

How can anyone look at Millenials and not think we are gigantic faggots, on the whole?

What you think now about baby boomers

>useful idiots

Bunch of whiny faggots who couldn't capitalise on the golden opportunity presented by a massive property crash because they'd already got themselves into massive debt on dogshit college/university education, consoles, mobile phones, overpriced gig tickets, shit clothes, Beats headphones and fucking overpriced coffee.

If those kids had just worked shit tier jobs and saved their money while living at their parents houses they'd have been made. But they're largely obsessed with their oh so unique selves and expressing their mundane unoriginality all over the internet. More committed to saving the world from the horrors of words like HIStory or MANkind and the prospect of Ed Skrein playing a fucking comic book character.

Unpopular truth...
Most working class boomers had less opportunity, worse working conditions and faced more hardship than following generations apart from those entering the workplace during the 80's.

Baby boomers spent a higher proportion of their income on basic overheads such as accomodation, food and power than current generations.

They managed to finance this by going out less, working harder, saying no to their kids when they couldn't afford it, not travelling the world and saving money.

Gen Z will be herding us into gas chambers. Looking forward to it.

Made me realise. Shouldn't we call all who criticise trump ableist and shame them?

So...you ARE a republican...

the call that saved Zimmerman

They will hate us for not rising up, making their revolution all the harder.

We are worse than Gen X. They would have risen up, but had no cause to. We have cause to but won't. Gen Z will have nothing, except to rise up.

We haven't had anything except lost generations since JFK was shot.