So did venezula collapse because of socialism or them being dumbass only having oil as a main source of capital?

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One implies the other

It's a mystery. We won't be able to tell for hundreds of years. Marx was a pretty smart guy.

Fuck them.

How so?

Cia ruined them

Corrupt Government.

But, that goes hand-in-hand with socialism so I guess that's the cause.


Many nations in the middle east spent decades with oil as main source of capital, but didn't pursue socialist economics and social policy. They thrive, Venezuela did not.

the cia infiltrated because they are scared of true communism

It's socialism. At this point, the problem isn't the low oil price, it's because production has been so badly managed output is collapsing.

When oil has made a handful of nations incredibly rich and powerful but gommies couldnt figure that one out

Oil revenue possibilitates all the welfare, subsidies and bloated state. The state controls the economy, and has no reason to develop it if it can sustain itself through oil exports alone.

communism wasnt tried again. many such cases.

Socialism. They could have used all that oil money to diversify their industry and ensure they don't get fucked over if the price dips.

Instead they spent it all on gibs which has 0 return.

This photo is misleading. It's actually a Venezuelan supermarket demonstrating against nationalism by showing how few goods would be left if they removed all foreign brands.

America boycotting the country and stopping trade, essentially cutting it off from the rest of the world. Another example of crony American capitalism.

turn on the auto translation, it is fairly accurate.

After all, why hasn't Qatar gone down if being dependant on oil alone is bad?

But it wasn't real socialism

even the dumbest populations have smart individuals.
Socialism prevents meritocracy to take place, therefore prevents smart individuals to thrive and change society for the better.

The dumbest a population is the more likely they are to implement full blown socialism and also the more dramatic the consequences are.
Socialism is a trap with double dipping mechanics: the dumber you are the worse it's going to be if you use it but also you are more attracted to it.

The problem is that gibs are running costs you cannot just slash when you have a bad year. For stuff like the repairs of infrastructure it's not that much of a problem, you can slow it down a bit and keep them in an "acceptable" condition rather than a good one and they'll still do their job.
But you cannot tell your leeches that they won't get any food anymore.

It's the same shit that kills companies, and why their first action for lowering expenses is always downsizing the workforce.

Its not free to extract and process oil, socialism or no socialism, they can't extract and process their oil at these prices. Saudi arabia got cleaner oil with less impurities so it kinda works for them.

Fracking and oil sand is a joke and where not even profitable before the oil glut. It was made possible by cheap credit (low interest rates) and people speculating for a quick buck.

>So did venezula collapse because of socialism or them being dumbass only having oil as a main source of capital?

I think commies will call it "State Capitalism", or some shit.
Literally, real " Communism" is: stateless, classless and money...
AKA: impossible, until a 100 years from now after the singularity

>After all, why hasn't Qatar gone down if being dependant on oil alone is bad?
Because their oil can be extracted and processed with a profit at these prices. The arabs are sitting on the best oil in the world.

>96% roman catholic
>100% marxist
There's only so much cancer one group of people can stand.

venezuela is having problems because of diversity...the mestizos recently--in the last decade or so--became a majority when combined with the indios...and so now the whites are no longer in control...whites no longer being in control is the problem...not socialism or anything else...

Yes they're not democracies which can lead to unsustainable socialist policies. However there is more at play here, Venezuela has had a very large amount of poor immigrants in the last century, from other south-american countries, and furthermore Latin-America is a corrupt hell-hole.

Low iq

Lol, the fuck kind of broken analogy is that. It'd make a lot more sense if they replaced all the products with giant donation jars that go to those countries for nothing in return. They should've at least done it right if they're going to make the stock bois do all that needless work

worked for saudi arabia

How about an absolute dumbass as a president who believes socialist bullshit in spite of the hard economic facts and who implements unsustainable economic policies like subsidized stuff and guaranteed wages for people that aren't nearly productive enough to make up for what they earn?

Any bets on whether he gets out of this alive, or is shot by an assassin / a military junta who takes ove?

Picture of one empty shelf. I'm utterly convinced now that everyone in Venezula is utterly poor.

Oh wait, I recall a picture like this supposedly from Crimea after it voted to rejoin Russia.

>Socialism prevents meritocracy to take place


Socialist organizations are all about cutting down the tall poppies. They don't want anyone making them look stupid and lazy so they push them out.

>unsustainable socialist policies.
Funny thing is oil arabs have more socialist policies than any commie country can dream off.

>Many nations in the middle east spent decades with oil as main source of capital, but didn't pursue socialist economics and social policy.
Can't tell if trolling or paki

>they thrive
Yeah, for those who own the oil deposits.

I would rather live in current Venezuela than any of those countries.

They pursued socialist welfare but not socialist economics. One is spending wealth and the another is meddling with how wealth is made.

>Be random communist shithole. Lets call it Venezuela
>Somehow be lucky you got lots and lots of oil
>Don't have tech because see above
>Buy tech from capitalistic pics
>Drill 4 oil
>Murica discovers a new method to get oil from fracking
>Hmmm k
>Saudi and other OPEC counties tank the price to push them out of business
>Prices for your product go down. Prices for tech stay the same.
>Loose lots of money.
>Can't do shit against it
>People get angry at you
>Have civil unrest
>Go down the shitter like every other communist shithole before you.
>Blame capitalists
>Say real communism has never been tried
>repeat for lulz

The Mexicans don't have a sealed southern border for no reason at all. That's saying something, considering themselves. Central & Southern America are straight garbage, no discussion.

>>Prices for your product go down. Prices for tech stay the same.

Venezuela being a socialist shithole in a part of the world that is notorious for socialist takeover and nationalization of foreign capital is not really making it easy for foreign oil companies to expand their business in that country or finding investors that are willing to invest there.

Socialism > higher risk > fewer investors and/or investors that want more in return for investing > stranglehold on industry. If they where like Chile its entirely possible that some big oil company would be willing to invest there and make it possible to extract oil at a profit again. Even Nigeria is better because there you can at least buy the local politicians by throwing expensive consumer goods at them or play them of against each other.

the money ran out. It happens in every socialist country.
The money will run out in the usa as well, if we keep this up.
One cannot loot and distribute ones way out of a problem. We must work and produce our way out of problems.


the ENTIRE reliance on oil was the issue

the government socialist or otherwise, did not invest in farming and then middle production of those goods.
Instead relying on oil exports to prop up the government, which inturn propped up their dollar.
Oil fell, dollar falls, stores cannot afford to buy imported food
Since they didn't concentrate on making food within the country.
Bingo bango. Venezula

top down management can't organize the individual needs of everyone

too much restriction on individual decision making and limiting or prohibiting resources

everyone people catch a break to find solutions, the government "cracks down" on it

>or them being dumbass only having
no, it's just "them being dumbass" in a broad, general way

Based Hugo Chavez got assassinated. That's how.

Overreliance on oil combined with wasteful spending on things like military. Also unchecked populism and corruption. These are by no means unique to socialism or left wing ideas, despite what PragerU and Steven Crowder want you to believe.

Cuba is communist but is at the middle of corruption rankings in Latin America last time I checked.

Venezuela doesn't have the political clout in OPEC that somewhere like Saudi Arabia does.

people that owned the oil companies decided they dont give af about its citizens


Why did the Soviet Union have so many scientists, researchers, and innovation? Why is Cuba, a poor island country, known for making new medical innovations and sending physicians to work all over the world?

didn't the media practically hailed Hugo Chávez to be some second coming of Jesus Christ? He did criticize Bush and was the punching bag of the left then.
I seem to remember people in Venezula crying tears of utter joy over him a decade ago. I even remember Sup Forums or /news/ sucking the guy's cock for taking hold of oil production and making Venezuela Great Again.

I don't know, but remember, communism has never been tried, so it wasn't that...

>So did venezula collapse because of socialism or them being dumbass only having oil as a main source of capital?

Wow,Venezuela is so socialist that 70% of it's economy is privately owned!But muuuh socialism.
The Venezuela argument is stupid for two reasons. The reason the economy collapsed is because of the US and Saudi Arabia's joint action to flood the market with cheap oil.

Brocialist Party of America
Endowment for demoacy is a CIA controlled organization and as you can see it has given millions to opposition in Venezuela
230,000$ for 'independent media' except that media only relies on American money LMFAO
2) Venezuela's economic troubles have very little to do with socialism. It's roots can be traced to the Venezuelan banking crisis of 1994 under then president Rafael Caldera, when 17 out of Venezuela's 49 commercial banks failed and had to be taken over by the government (sound familiar?). The crisis happened because oil (which Venezuela kinda lives & dies by) prices fell. Up to 31% of Venezuela's GDP was spent on the bailout, & the economy got completely fucked because of it. Venezuela's socialist policies came later under president Hugo Chavez to help combat this, but by then there was only so much that could be done. Here's a contemporary article:

Archived that for you

>nytimes com/1994/05/16/us/failure-of-high-flying-banks-shakes-venezuelan-economy.html?pagewanted=all

thank you based dane.

Many nations like Libya, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen ... that were all socialist baathist countries ?

90% of those countries thrived under socialism and only collapsed when U.S started pushing democracy bullshit

Educate your self European burger


retarded socialism + corruption + shit oil + saudis selling their oil cheap

>Why did the Soviet Union have so many scientists, researchers, and innovation?
Lolwut? Don't buy into commie propaganda.

Dutch Disease?

business owning class purposefully sabotaging the country and not producing so they can blame it on the government. Oil company jews helping spread the propaganda and create artificial opposition as well

>South American socialist one commodity state
>that one commodity was of relatively bad quality

It was a recipe for disaster from the get go desu.

Only dumbasses would think a socialist economy that is a one trick pony would end in anything but famine.


I know that living standards were poor but didn't the USSR have a lot of inventions, especially those related to space?

Socialism in combination with wasting all the oil money on short-term bullshit. Compare with Greece where retirement age is 55 thanks to EU money.
They could have thrived with socialism if they just had decided to spend money on long-term investments. Education and infrastructure, build a solid country for our children and their children, and what if the oil runs out?
The one sane thing the socialists did in Sweden was to upgrade the telecommunications infrastructure in the early 1990s. Thousands of miles of optic fibers were laid not only between the big cities but to bumfucking nowhere. As a consequence I have a halfdozen ISPs to choose from, all dirt cheap, while americans only get to pick one retardedly expensive.

they were quite literally stolen from the Nazis.

Many are getting wrecked. The level of wreck depends on how much foresight they had. Venezuela had none, they assumed oil at all time highs would never go down and spent all the money they had. Saudi Arabia knew oil would come down and built massive reserves.

Socialism. The main problems they ran into was that they had a degree of wealth through one singular avenue, oil, and used it to mollify the people with so many social programs that a good number no longer bothered working or innovating. Then when the revenue stream from oil inevitably depleted as they put all of their eggs in that dumb basket they were fucked.

It collapsed because it was not real socialism

Saudi Arabian population is really just kept pacified with crown handouts since basically nobody works, knows how to work or well anything related to work. Saudi Arabians are house Saud's pets.

>USSR have a lot of inventions, especially those related to space?
Like google maps or GPS?

>sending physicians to work all over the world

They are no9t real doctors you retard, they are subversive agents. We had HUGE problems with cuba doig this shit here with the Mais Medicos (More Doctors) program. Almost none of them had any medical experience, and the ones that did have any were angola tier vodoo medicine. Once they arrived, they immediately enrolled in government programs and start creating agitator cells and leading communist protests and shit like that.

Go fuck yourself stupid american commie, you have one of the best places in the world and are throwing it all away because of leftist indoctrination. NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE BELIEVE INTERNATIONAL LEFTIST PROPAGANDA.

>Steal all nazi technology after raping and murdering the population

Thank you based user.

To be fair they gave asylum and good jobs to the nazis.

And say much cause Mengele died in Brazil of old age.

Thank you. Please never stop revealing truth.

Corrupt politicians and CIA meddling.

I like when americans think everything it's about their own goverment.


I won't deny that, top-tier nazi scientists were usualy given good conditions to work.

They paid for their socialist policies with oil money.

The US and saudis tanked oil to fuck over russia, and it tanked Venezuela. Because their economy isn't diversified, their was a sudden, massive gap between what the country made and what it had to pay. Oil is literally 90% of the country's exports and a major driver of the economy there.

Instead of figuring out what to do, the various parts of the government decided to simultaneously try to back-stab eachother. Their version of congress(which is anti-marduro) frequently ignored rulings from their supreme court. The supreme court moved to abolish the assembly, and that triggered riots because well, you're trying to get rid of elected officials lol.

tl;dr oil dropped by 90% and different sides decided to air old grievances instead of trying to fix shit.

Not strange at all, after maduro was given extra faculties from congress we stoped hearing about the situation in Venezuela, he's officially a banana dictator now.

Good for him.

>Many nations in the middle east spent decades with oil as main source of capital, but didn't pursue socialist economics and social policy.
They've also been having a string of really violent civil wars and revolutions due to the drop in oil and water scarcity.

Oh wai-

So were our rocket scientists senpai. Russians still got to space first.

Also Saudis aren't part of a democracy like Venezuela is.

Forgot to post evidence, but here it is, the sources are in portuguese however. The entire cuban medical probgram is a scam to spread gommie agitators in target countries. These frauds killed innumerable people by pretending to be doctors and administering medicine wrongly.

Ja ja, you got all the shitty cuban doctors.

Russia, Nigeria, and Saudi Arabia all ran into the exact same problem in 2015 and none of them collapsed

they collapsed because their communism wasn't the REAL communism

This should be shown in schools to 12-14 y/o
Simple but effective, could be use to discourage Marxist ideologies

Obviously before that lol. They had the first satellite, a lot of the first equipment for space exploration, the first animal in space, and the first person in space.


Are you calling the UN communist, since it has recognized Cuba's achievements?
Put your tinfoil hat away.

too bad its in some stupid language no one knows

Russia can bully money out of others.

Nigeria, it's a similar case than venezuela but Yoruba people carry that country even with Igbos being being igbos.

Saudi arabia has legalized slaves.

CIA plot just like they did with Chile except this time they bit a big dog.
The other SA countries will come together to block the invasion like they always have.

and Venezuela has an entire population of legalized slaves.

>100% failure rate everywhere
It must have been evil American influence! That is the only explanation!