>have to pay over $100 for a case of water
>"This is good, this is how it's supposed to be. God bless the free market."
why do americans love cucking themselves so much?
>have to pay over $100 for a case of water
>"This is good, this is how it's supposed to be. God bless the free market."
why do americans love cucking themselves so much?
Supply and demand
Price gouging is a rational response to a scarcity of a resource.
A large price on a resource forces people to ration usage, and avoid waste.
During medieval castle sieges food vendors were forced to charge much larger prices. This was due to the perception that they would not have access to supplies. This resulted in rationing, people only using what they needed.
Another thing to note, is that there are additional risks associated with transporting goods to a disaster area. This risk results in higher costs to the consumer. Would you prefer truck drivers not take those risks and important supplies not arrive to the disaster area?
High prices brings in more sellers. People will bring water in and sell it for $50. During peak hours and snow storms, Uber jacks up prices, the drivers stay out on the road for more money.
We voted for Trump; your country voted for Islam.
We know what we are doing.
Since when do Americans drink water?
cucking yourself in this situation would be not preparing beforehand. enjoy living and dying at the whims of bureaucrats, retard.
When we microwave it.
>I was too stupid to prepare for a hurricane now I want free stuff
fucking commies fuck off
It also cuts down on hoarding. If water is $.50, a bunch of jerks will buy it all.
>prices during a civil emergency are a good example of how we live 99.999% of the time
>cherry-picking fallacy
Your princess is a roastie whoer, toothpaste.
Free market with price gouging
>live near, but not in, disaster zone
>can sell a case of water for $100 in disaster zone
>load up truck with cases of water and go to disaster zone
>people who can afford it buy it, those who can't find water elsewhere
>less demand on free water
'Free Market' with price fixing
>live near, but not in, disaster zone
>5 year prison sentence for trying to sell a case of water for $100 in disaster zone
>stay the fuck home and masturbate to blacked porn
>everyone has to find water elsewhere
>increased demand for free water
high prices bring more water to the area that needs it most
high prices prevent a few people from buying all of it and leaving nothing for everyone else
kill yourself, commie
Why didn't you buy the filters?
wait, are you trying to tell me... jews like price gouging?
>I didn't prepare for a hurricane so now I should get free shit
There's probably no water coming from the taps in some places.
Yes, very beautifully right wing of you, but just letting people dehydrate to death isn't going to fly.
Apparently Sup Forums is a lot more Jewish than I thought.
>but goys, price fixing will hurt my profit margins!
Your right there going to have to fork over 100 bucks.
and here you all are. The jews have driven up the price of one of the essentials to life itself to unreaonsable levels. And how do you respond?
>"Thank you mr. Jew sir, for showing us just how little our white lives are worth. If our fellow white man can't pay the jew then he just deserves to die."
Your country is absolutely beyond saving.
>Gibs me free water!
>Gibs me free shelter and food whitey
Most of the people without shit are niggers and spics, let them suffer
Only on Sup Forums will i find morons actually defending this shit
Not everything is muh communism, and you dont have to sell the cases for 50 fucking cents. For fuck sake you retards, theres always a happy medium
not an argument
The is how the free market works:
>some jerkoff tries selling water for $100 to desperate people devestared by a hurricane
>some "morally upstanding" person (you perhaps?) says "that's not right, I'll sell you water for a normal price
>nobody buys $100 water because someone else made it available much cheaper
Or you could just be a commiecuck
>There's probably no water coming from the taps in some places
It's all over the fucking ground tho.... That's the fucking problem, it's flooding! Just distill or boil the goddamn water all over the city!!
>I can't make an argument so I'll just post Jew memes as I calculate that will cow right wingers into agreeing with whatever I assert
No, but businesses shouldn't jack up prices when a demand suddenly becomes extremely inelastic purely for profit. The goods don't cost more to produce because there's a hurricane coming, 100% of the increased cost is going from people who didn't have the ability to prepare beforehand into the pockets of kikes.
AnCap my nigger.
Anyone could have prepared for this. Water was selling for normal prices the day it hit. If you'd been clever and bought up a few hundred bottles you'd be making bank right now.
Kikes aren't the only ones who can sell water, Ahmed.
Niggers are pretty much the only ones who can't plan or pay high prices, so who gives a fuck?
I mean if the lives of your fellow white americans are worth as much to you as the money that's in their pockets then we can never have a proper argument about this anyway due to fundamental ideological differences. You can't argue to someone why he should care about other people, they either do or they do not.
I buy all the water at a normal price and then resell it for $99. HAHAHAHA I WIN.
Take your commie ass back to redfag
Until someone else sells it at the standard market price, which they would have the freedom to do under a non-communist market system
Price gouging during an emergency is illegal and all business' that are engaging in that practice are subject to $20,000 fine PER TRANSACTION.
If you're going to complain about how Texas does business, maybe you should actually read up on the laws and not make assumptions.
too bad tons of water are coming in from across the nation already bought for practically nothing
>Price gouging is a rational response to a scarcity of a resource.
There is no scarcity of water yet. Water can be moved there and distributed. The vehicles and fuel and personnel to do this are available.
Whats missing is the abstract "money" thing.
You know, money? The made up thing we use to aid us distributing resources properly? Well its getting in the way of distributing resources right now. Many such cases.
>house gets flooded
>better buy water
Take a basic economics class?
You're not going to change the laws of economics, just because you gather a bunch of old senile lawyers in a room and write some words on a piece of paper. It's like trying to change the laws of physics.
They do actually cost more, dumb fuck. How are you getting more water in during a goddamn flood?
>businesses shouldn't be able to have control over the goods they sell
nope, fuck off
>You don't care about other people if you don't agree with my ideas.
t. commie fag
People should stock up on food and water before a disaster.
How didn't they have time to prepare? its not the cost of production that is going up its the fucking supply going down because your not going to be getting more fucking trucks coming in during a damn hurricane.
Did you ever read the biblical story of Joseph?
Maybe I will, but there's only few Canadians I'd give money to for pissing me off.
Yes, the irony isn't inescapable.
To make that water clean they'd have to filter it through layers of special sand and pebbles, then sterilise or at least boil it. Don't shitpost, of course the flood water has shit in it, thats why you make as few people wet at possible. The water isn't even safe to touch for some people.
ok niels enjoy begging abdul al-maroki for rations next time you face calamity, cuck
>Until someone else sells
then I buy that up with all the profits I made from selling the 1st batch. rinse and repeat. I WIN AGAIN HAHAHAHAHA!
>you have to be a Jew to stock up some water
How subhuman do you have to be to not have a week's worth of bottled water?
white people know how to plan ahead and bought up enough bottled water and filled up their SUVs before the price gouging.
Are whites responsible for the lesser races being too dumb to use the ample warnings to stock up for their dozen chilluns or dozen wetbacks?
Pick up an economics book.
If you were smart enough to be the seller, you wouldn't be here bitching about it
Not an arugment. None of the americans in this thread have made any remarks to suggest that they care in any way about the people who can't afford the jacked up prices for water. It's all comments like "they deserve it" and "they're probably not white anyway".
Like a typical leftie you're unable to see second-order effects and are laser-focused on first-order events.
Obviously it would be ideal if there was enough water for everyone, and it could be sold for a pittance, and everyone took exactly the amount they needed.
Life isn't like that, though, and people will buy way more than they need, and others will go without water. The price increases are an incentive to only buy the amount you think you actually need. Price increases also serve the function of enticing people to get more water (or whatever product) to the area as quickly as possible to take advantage, which has the effect of lowering prices again due to increased supply.
I know that, as a leftist, you're mentally incapable of considering tradeoffs, but ask yourself: is it better that everyone gets water, even if they pay more for it, or that only a few people get water and pay very little for it?
Or perhaps you'll just insinuate that I'm a Jew and dodge the question?
Why be so Jewish? Let the people have their water.
Option 1:
>people selling water
>people buying water
>those who can't afford find water
>plenty of water to go around
>people drink clean water
>everyone lives
Option 2:
>people not selling water
>people not buying water
>everyone looking for water
>less water to be shared
>people drink the shit laced water in their basements
>people die
Anyway the ultimate answer is to just embrace the chaos and sow it where you can. Chaos is, in fact, the natural Order of the Universe. Embrace it and you will see who really pulls the marionettes strings.
Who cares the people who need it aren't white probably.
Daniel Tosh on Hurricane Katrina: "you want help? Don't invest in property below sea level"
I don't care about niggers. No reason to.
Option 3:
People realize water is a basic necessity and out of necessity start looting and robbing the water they need to survive. Damned be this Jewish capitalist system to makes more money from natural disaster victims. If the water doesn't run out well you just took advantage of the disaster victims and I only hope someone will backstab you for a dollar in your time of need. Or the water does run out at which case people have even less money to spend on other necessities and rebuilding their destroyed homes.
Well said, and to add to that:
If it not priced accordingly, some will be inclined to hoard it so may cause more people to go without unnecessarily.
Also, contributing to the higher cost is the added risk and inconvenience of entering a flood zone.
And what would be the long term consequences of rewarding those who don't plan ahead and punishing those that do. Will there be water at the next catastrophe?
>Price increases also serve the function of enticing people to get more water (or whatever product) to the area as quickly as possible to take advantage
There is enough water for everyone, the only problem is getting it to the correct areas. Since they know people will buy the water the supply chains will work on getting it there. The current price doesn't matter in the slightest for that, because the moment the supply chain is working again the supply will be down to normal and therefore the price will drop to normal. Also what is the difference between water not being available to everyone because it was hoarded and water not being available to everyone because only a select few can afford it? In both situations only a small group of people end up with the water.
I will never be in need because I have friends. Anyone who deserves to live already left the town before it happened or was sufficiently prepared that they do not need to purchase water. Anyone else is paying for their ignorance.
>I only hope someone will backstab you for a dollar in your time of need.
Anyone would. Especially the crackheads getting flooded.
>Or the water does run out at which case people have even less money to spend on other necessities and rebuilding their destroyed homes.
At which point people die of dehydration or resort to drinking unclean water and poison themselves you mean. Of course shortages like that are more common under systems that try to guarantee resources at a constant price.
>Since they know people will buy the water the supply chains will work on getting it there. The current price doesn't matter in the slightest for that
The price does matter though. If there's more profit to be had then entrepreneurs will work faster to get it to those in need in a timely manner, which is important when people's lives are on the line.
there won't be more profit because once the stores are full of water no one will spend $100 on them and the stores will be competing with each other again, bringing the price down to reasonable levels. It's not like one store can have the supply chain up and running while the other store is still without water, once the supply chain is working there will be immediate competition again.
>Also what is the difference between water not being available to everyone because it was hoarded and water not being available to everyone because only a select few can afford it?
Literally everyone can afford $25 for a 24-pack of water. Using your reasoning, why charge anything for any product if there's some homeless dude out there who can't afford it?
>Since they know people will buy the water the supply chains will work on getting it there.
So you're going to rely on a magical "supply chain"? Why would they risk their trucking fleet getting fucked up driving into a flood if they're only going to be selling the water for cost anyway? Higher prices mean individuals start thinking "maybe I should buy a few cases of water and drive down there" because the risk-return tradeoff is worth it.
It's not an absolute dichotomy between having an extreme shortage of water and having enough water for everyone. Transportation and storage methods have been fucked up by the flood so in the immediate future it's necessarily more expensive than usual to get drinking water to the area.
buttiful fugg gommunist watah bottles
Except it is. Let the market work by itself. If the consumers feel they got used by the shop then they won't buy there again.
This pleb isn't loading up a uhaul with bottled water and driving it into the disaster area. Stay poor.
Dirty commies...
>How are you getting more water in during a goddamn flood
read again your comment you fucking retard
There's no profit in it? Entrepreneurs on the ground obviously think otherwise, and that's why they're taking the risk. And the added risk is contributing to the higher cost.
Nigger the water is full of shit, fuel and who knows what else boiling wont do anything
>american education
Underrated post.
If you boil, collect vapor, and drink that, you are 99% clean.
It's certainly doable, but those who lack the common sense to stock up on water when a storm is approaching, probably don't have the wherewithal to clean their water effectively, either.
I've been looking for this fucking image for so damn long. Best wallpaper.
You can do that with 2 cans, one being able to fit inside the other, and broken furniture for fuel.
>fixate prices
>suddenly a black market appears with prices 10x the official ones
>shortage of products on the official market
Yeah, that sure worked in Japan, Germany, Venezuela, Brazil, USSR...
Yeah, that's already way too complicated for some.
>a frenchie explaining the market
good man, never thought i'd see the day.
Niggers just complaining because they might have to trade in some of their looted TVs and Nikes for water. Let them rot.
if price gouging is so bad, why don't people who believe its bad start a charity where they buy neighboring town's water in bulk and deliver it to those in need?
i think this subconscious effort to always conspire to increase government regulatory power is driven by a lack of creativity, parental abandonment filler syndrome and leftist public school indoctrination in general.
>the supply is low, water isn't readily available
>some jerk buys up all the water in the store for $50
>they can't get any more for days
>people start to drink the crappy water outside and get dysentery
yeah, just make the water cost $4 like normal, what could go wrong?
Yeah, how dare they try to survive and rebuild their lives in the face of a natural disaster
Are you volunteering to move water into a flooded city without pay?
>looks at weather channel
>See huge fucking hurricane coming your direction
>Decide not to leave and rider it out
>Also decide that the time to gather supplies for it is after the fucking things hits.
>stores sell water for $4
>a small handful of people buy all of it
>none left for anybody else
>the one guy that bought 20 cases from every store is now selling them for $200 a case because you have no choice but to buy from him if you need water
a voice of reason. thank you and to add it jumps to $250,000 if caught price gouging the elderly. the AG has come out and encouraged people to call in if you see it occurring.
Imagine being such a fucking jew that you will go to a disaster zone and SELL water to your fellow countrymen. land of the free
>free markek
pick one
but how do you know how to change regular time to microwave time ?