... and handing them their asses , come by drop some salt on leftard wounds or snatch more of their website, as due.
We have set up shop in /leftypol/
Other urls found in this thread:
Usually leftypol does manage to argue quite well, but that's mostly because in my experience they mainly argue what is and isn't real communism.
yeah well don't seem to do so well with irony
Whenever NatSoc is brought up there they are more concerned with explaining how NatSoc isn't really socialism and I can't help but end up agreeing with them on that.
Of course NatSoc is socialism... you can wish whatever you like and no doubt if you were a commie youd be saying that wasnt real socialism... socialism is a fucking prison. fuck off both of you...
They never seem to detail the practical method with which they's create true communism.
ffs these /leftypol/ bitches are thin skinned check out this
should we start ban antifas entering here in response
>what is and isn't real communism.
why bother arguing about something that does not even matter since communism always organizes itself the same way when implemented on a society?
>t. narcissistic arrogant fuck who thinks that if HE was in control of a communistic country it would run right
>implying he wouldn't be shot in a week
>t. old guard
How can you argue with someone when if you make a right wing thread the mods will ban you?
The mods are fags on Sup Forums and they don't give a shit if people harass their users on here.
>das Fuhrer
Fucking LARPers I hate you so much.
Because their entire argument rests on them being able to prove that all attempts at communism have only failed so far because it wasn't "proper" communism, without understanding that inevitably they all end up this way.
You need to understand the leftist brain. They think communism works if the people are decent. First mistake: People are fucking assholes who would throw each other under the bus for a small gain. Their argument is that these other communistic systems only failed because some people abused the system, which is ironic because that's precisely WHY communism doesn't work.
So when someone does the communism works because of yadda yadda spiel, next time just tell them "I'm a backstabbing egocentric cunt and _I_ am the reason why communism doesn't work, I will make sure of it".
Maybe then they'll get it.
Or not, maybe they'll go full blown Stalin in response to "cleanse" the state of all undesirables or something. In any case. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out.
This does amuse me also. It would be interesting to have them debate in a way similar ancaps.
I think I spotted a quite active facist thread.
we need de-fag mods or ask we get proper /po/mods
I don't know shit about German, but would it be 'der' ?
Whatever damage could Sup Forums do to /leftypol/ it'll be hard to harm this shitty board more than retarded SJW BO does
Leftism is literally mental illness
They're all a bunch of delusional pricks, waiting for some sort of political system to give them gibs whilst they wank themselves to death.
>Of course NatSoc is socialism
I like that, you just blurt out "OF COUUUUURSE it's socialism" like cenk uygur without doing any real research.
Leftypol retards can't argue for shit. All they do is list a bunch of books and writers, then when you have no idea what they're even talking about they go ''huh guess I win haha''
These morons can't argue ideas and defend principles. They simply rely on their opponents not having read obscure literature and not being interested in the distinction between how different writers interpreted capitalism.
Not necessarily, no. Most of them are just hopelessly idealistic, thinking that "if only there was no bad people ruining communism, then it would surely work". They deny human nature. And that's why they think communism will work and also why in reality it won't.
Our western capitalism is far from perfect, but it caters to our nature, so it works.
>lol read my book
God leftypol is the worst with this shit. Yeah bud i'm not going to take the time to read 1000 pages of communist diatribe for the sake of an anonymous imageboard argument.
just pretending their board doesn't exist is better, they have no momentum anyway
You must also think there's buffalo in buffalo wings.
One reply and you're banned over there. Mods are reddit-tier cucks who want to preserve their safespace. Hope ours mods won't do the same.
Our mods let the whole board be overrun with nigger dick and cuckpasta while banning me for varg threads and nigger hate.
take it easy chumbro, we dont all german here
>mfw accepted as a moderator on leftypol
haha these guys are idiots.
Leftypol is legitimately one of the most asshurt safespaces I've ever seen in my life. Truly more despicable human beings than even full blown gay parade balloon floating faggots. Truly love triggering these fragile little snowflakes.
fuck it let the shills post their slide threads. i love 'trump is x because of y' or 'we are communists and we are winning' threads. go in blast redpills at them, they get confused because they don't have any conviction in their belief systems. commie threads are the best, you can see their faith in communism eroding away in real time.
banned twice since yesterday,one for and once before for saying antifa no hit skinheads only trump supporters they demonise as fascists .
Redd*t, why do you want to encourage them to come here and shit up the board even more than it is now?
Just let them be.
Everyone of them I've argued with dissmeses every statistic or every person, such as Yuri or solenzsthin as CIA operatives and therefore invalid
hue excellent. Reminder: there's no going back after lefty/pol/. Once your eyes are opened you're there forever.
>Everyone of them I've argued with dissmeses every statistic or every person, such as Yuri or solenzsthin as CIA operatives and therefore invalid
lol sounds like Sup Forums
Why are leftists to unoriginal? You guys suck at making memes and always steal right wing memes.
How so?
At least OP isnt a newfag and got the URL right
>look at me im copying!
yes faggot we see you, neck yourself
you mean Sup Forums, leftypol is for faggots, even they admitted it into me ITT :
>"The people on Sup Forums with ANTIFA flags are just larping as ANTIFA to piss retards off at Sup Forums. "
>"Actually most basement dweller communists hate ANTIFA. The communists on leftypol never leave the basement let alone physically participate in a ANTIFA demonstration."
Projecting much? I can smell your fear.
shut up and better read here scrawny tiffy faggots
read here :
Our mods are good, we are nazi, so we enjoy freedom.
>Larping as hitler.
Absolute state.
I wonder, if the faggot is american.
>argues quite well
They are puppets of the Jews. If they can't provide an answer for the fact their entire ideology is a Jewish creation to destroy the West then they can't argue for shit
thenwhy you dont love poetry ? you deserve a bullet through your head indeed
Consider being an early childhood educator.
>das Fuhrer
>Der Führer
Omfg amerishits larping as germans with broken german and intersplicing german into english is as cringy as weebs going
"wow, that's totally kawaii, Göthe-chan uguuu"
Agreed, it's almost as if they enjoy nigger dick. If I remember correctly the blacked-posting aussie got banned several times, would love to see people like the lgbt/trap shills or the wh*Te-spamming roach gone.
go say hi at here /leftypol/res/2031617.html on this server here
Why the fuck are you dignifying these fucking retards with responses and discussion.
>Oh let's go and fuck with some insignificant little safespace that delusionally thinks they're winning over Sup Forums to further increase their delusions of grandeur
>Meanwhile on /leftypol/: They must really be scared! We're getting to these nazi fucks keep posting interracial porn and DRUMPF threads, double the sliding! We will win comrades!
they are like 20 people posting boring memes and discussing what is the correct branch of the communism, that is about all /leftypol/ has to offer
That place sucks. It's full of doomed idiots and slow dead threads.