What do you think?

what do you think?

its like saying "dont stand up for your beliefs, just be a pussy"

Would fuck. Will fap.

The problem is that people on the right need arguments and reason.

translation: I want 3 black dicks in my ass

Why is she wearing that shirt when she can show us those nice titties?

Also, she looks like she has some kike blood

Nah, you see we have those alot of the time. They just refuse to allow any dissenting arguments any foothold in when they "debate" us.

This guy got the key

>shit arm tat
not surprising she would have that shirt

"Why stand against degeneracy when you can just shut up and let civilization fall apart?"

man face, fridge body. Shirt is a distraction

Silent majority.

>Why be a nigger or a sexual deviant when you could just be a CIS white heterosexual?
see it works both ways

ill be quiet when she sits on my face

Go get culturally enriched then left dead in a ditch.

Why cry about whites while living in a white nation when you could be in your home country?

"this is what I was wearing when I was raped by a nigger"

This is why women are cunts.

Because you wanna fuck em

Why be a Jewish person when you could just be soap?


why be a pussy?
stand up for your rights and what you believe in

I would defecate on her

I don't even... wtf

>Why be opinionated, judgemental, feminist or pro-gay rights when you could just be quiet?

I agree women should just be quiet.

She's a jew whore!

I say nothing.
*punch her*
*remove pants and proceed to impregnate*
(*kill if its a trap*)
*light a smoke once done*
Then i talk.
"Remove that shit. And go make me a sandwich."

i find it ironic that her shirt obscures the "s" in sexist, maiking the text say, "don't exist" to white men

Fuck off bitch

"Why exist when you could not exist?"

In other words: "your thinking is harmful". In other-OTHER words: gas her.

French man calm down. Jesus fucking christ. Just fucking shoot her while shes begging for mercy god.

makes me wanna ram a rusty knife into her brain.


Oy vey shegetz my father was shoahed 6 million times and turned into toilet seats

One can be all those things and also be quiet and just act on those preferences. But the liberals keep wanting to have "conversations" about them.

Bring back "Don't Ask Don't Tell" and such ideas. Before the Bushes we didn't even have to name those policies, they were just intuitive.

Nazis, nazis everywhere. This nazi obsession is retarded

>why use your brain when you can just cave to social pressure
This is a big brain nigga right here

>toilet seats


>CIS white heterosexual?

well thats all the proof i need

>why do you have to state opinions that differ from my own mentally retard belief
Fuck off faggot

"why voice your opinion when it can be oppressed"
this is starting to sound familiar

That's what liberalism depends on

>that shitty arm tattoo
>nose piercing
>trashy disgusting pop star whore
>western girl group member
>appears half kike

Kek. Predictable.
I hope she dies.

Why be a sodomite when you can be normal?

Would be a sloid 7 if she fixed her eyebrows.

I think I'd invite her to suck my dick.

delet this